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1、大家论坛 大家网 大家论坛欢迎您的光临!http:/ 更多资料请访问高中英语版 http:/ of Book 6高二英语选修 6 重要知识点复习I. Lets review the phrases of book6.从方框里选择短语并用正确的形式填空,每个短语只能够用一次(其中有多余的选项)burn to the ground, put up with, on the whole, result in , so long as, come about, in the distance, build up, focus on , scores of, a great deal of, manag

2、e to , be made up o f, translate into, take it easy, in spite of, in sorrow, take possession of, due to, decide on , be addicted to, get into, in the flesh, run out of, stand for, feel like, be accustomed to, convince of, pay attention to, in the darkness, take a risk1 the restaurants success was_ i

3、ts new manage.2 Could you tell me how many departments this university _?3 The man often returns from work very late and gets through the woods _ by himself.4 The king tried to_ his men _ his power by leading the great army.5 At the discussion, the farmers argument_ whether their farmlands should be

4、 covered by the factory.6 Once you _ surfing on the Internet, you will find it rather hard to give it up.7 Though humans have discovered_ oil and coal, they mustnt waste energy like that.8 You can not legally_ the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.9 In mathematics, the letter “

5、X” usually _ an unknown figure.10 Hearing the sad news that the famous actor died of cancer, all his fans were deeply _.11 “_, young man” , the doctor said to Bill. “Let me examine you carefully.12 _ so many difficulties , well do whatever we can to finish the task.13 It was so dry and hot in the de

6、sert and the travelers _ the water they had.14 Without any guide leading them in the forest, the explorers 大家论坛 大家网 soon_ trouble.15 Im very hungry now and I _ eating some food or fruit as soon as possible.16 Those young people would like to _ so that they could find out whether there is a huge snak

7、e in the cave.17 Last week, we saw the man_ who was said to have died in an accident and we know the news was not true.18 After a long heated discussion, the manager finally_ taking the measures to encourage their stuff.19 A large number of young people who_ the comfortable life in the city would ra

8、ther not return to the countryside.20 The popularity of private cars will_ more serious air pollution and more traffic accidents.21 However, _, I think I have been fortunate.22 With the Internet bridging people all over the world, great changes have_.23 A balanced diet and enough exercise can certai

9、nly_ your health.24 The pay you get is so low in the company while your work is so hard-how can you _it?25 One can achieve his goal sooner or later_ he is able to face the future with confidence and work hard at it.II. Words spelling.单词拼写 A:1. They had to c_ tomorrows football match because of the b

10、ad weather.2. He studied the German market to find the _( 可能性 ) there for investment.3. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. _( 不幸地 ),neither of themcould swim.4. The car club couldnt _(保证)to meet the demands of all its members.5. Miss Lin made a very _(印象深刻的) speech at the meeting.6. Ameri

11、can culture is u_ because it was formed and developed under special conditions.7. The lecture was so long and dull that most audiences got b_ with it. 8._(发抖 ) with fear, I made my way to the edge of the 大家论坛 大家网 crater.单词拼写 B1.The word “ honesty” is an a_ (抽象)noun.2.There are many art g_ (画廊)in New

12、 York. 3.Im afraid Ive never been much of a s_ (学者)4.They are to put on an _ (展览) of French paintings next week.5.The prisoners a_ (尝试) to escape, but failed.单词拼写 C:1 Some_ (青少年) have got into the habit of taking drugs.2 She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and _(最后)work the Times.3 The doo

13、rs opened _(自动地)as we approached.4 He played the piano for a bit of _ (放松) 5 Its _(不合法的)to park your car here.6 He put forward a plan for improving the rate of_(生产) 。7 So I did wrong thing! Well, nobodys_(完美的) 。8 A woman is _(怀孕的)for nine months before a child is born.9 In fact,_(压力)isnt so bad a th

14、ing as it is often supposed to be.10. The man made a_(陈述) to the police.单词填空 D1 The _(平均数)of 3,6 and 9 is 62 Gas and coal are _(燃料)。3 We had very little d_(资料)on that subject.4 The c_(气候)in north of China is different from that in south.5 The population had _(减少)from about 8300 000 in 1845 to less t

15、han 6600000 in 1851.6 A _(广泛传播的)epidemic affected eighteen western states.7 The food was enough in q_, but not very good in quality.8 The tsunamis (海啸 )smashing into Indian Ocean coastlines, which killed 125 000 people in 12 different countries was a terrible c_.9 In c_ of a terrible earthquake the

16、whole city was destroyed.大家论坛 大家网 10 There has been serious_(分歧)between the 2 political western States.III Multiple choice.A1.There are many _ of the problem, but you have only considered one of them.A.respect B. aspects C.sides D.points2. I was so excited at the news that I could hardly _ my feelin

17、gs in words.A.carry B.convey C.transmit D.communicate 3. My hometown has taken on a new _.A.looks B.appearance C.aspect D.way 4. -Im nervous about the Drivers LicenseExamination tomorrow.-_. You are sure to succeed.5. -Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now.-OK. _.A.See you. B.Go slowly.C.

18、Take it easy. D. Cheer up6.Dont believe him. He_ a story.A.makes up B.is making up C.makes up of7. -I feel terrible. Am I dying?-_. Youve just caught a cold. Take The medicine and youll be better soon.A.It doest matter B. nonsenseC. You are kidding. D. Take it easy 8.-Excuse me, will you change this

19、 one-thousand-dollar note for me?-Sorry, but we _ change ourselves.A.are running of B. are running out of C. are lacking in D. break down9._, the new teacher is very popular _ the pupils.A.To our joy; with B. with our joy; byC. To our sorrow; withD. With our sorrow; by10.Ten years of hard work _ Mat

20、hildecompletely _ an ordinary housewife. A.Translated ; into B.translated; forC. Transformed; into D. transformed; to大家论坛 大家网 11.The boy _ his way _ the crowd.A.winds;between B.threads;thoughC.pushes; across D.makes;by12.Toms life _ a thread, and wed better go to his rescue.A.is hung on B.hangs byD.

21、 Is hung with D.makes;by13.Its a law-breaking act to_ public money to private purpose.A.move B.appropriate C.use D.waste14.We must choose texts that are appropriate_our teaching.A.to B.for C.of D.A or B15. The city _ the money for the new park.A.spent B.cost C.appropriated D.took16. The book was wri

22、tten in a style _ to the age of children.A.suitable B.fit C.appropriate D.proper17.Would you like a play having a happy orsad _?A.ends B.ending C.end D.endness18. People loving peace all hope wars betweencountries will _ to an end as soon aspossible.A.put B.come C. make D.bring12.Shes examining a lo

23、t of dress _ to choosea most fashionable one.A.patterns B.kinds C.models D.types20. The illness is hard to cure only because it doesnt follow its usual _.A.way B.road C.pattern D.method21. Will you drop in at my house this afternoon if ?A. it is convenient for you B. you are convenientC. it is conve

24、nient of you D. you will be convenient22. - The English exam is not difficult, is it?-_ Even Tom _ to the top students failed in it.A. Yes; belonged B. No; belonged C. Yes; belonging D. No; belonging23. When I landed I fell forward. Someone was standing too me and I knocked into him.A. close to B. c

25、losely to C. close from D. closely from24. I wouldnt feel happy in a block of apartments Id rather in a traditional house.A. living; to live B. living live C. to live; to live D. to live; living25. She gives dinner parties , with the best food and wine.大家论坛 大家网 A .in style B. in the style C. in a st

26、yle D. at style26. He has never liked meat, and has always had a(n) _for vegetables and fruit.A. inspiration B. feeling C. idea D. preference27. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory. A. to B. over C. by D. on28. what I think, wha

27、t would you like to do?A. Setting aside B. Setting out C. Setting aboutD. Setting off29. They used to take their holidays in their own country foreign countries.A. in favour of. B. in preference to C. in honour of D. in spite of30. We saw the houses in the street in order to mane room for a large sq

28、uare.A. pulled off B. pulled up C. pulled down D. pulled in31. A nest is to a bird a house is to a man.A. where B. how C. what D. when32. its short history, there is a lot of good English poetry around. A. Except B. Besides C. But D. Despite33. Modern plastics can _very high and very low temperature

29、s. A. stand B. hold C. carry D. support34. We went to Canada to travel and my cousin _ as our guide. A. played B. showed C. acted D. performed 35. Tom has his own way of thinking. Mostly he thinks his classmates.A. different in B. different from C. differently from D. differently in单项填空 B:1.Arent yo

30、u satisfied with the result?-Oh, _.A.completely B. absolutely C. fully D. wholly2.You have passed your test ._!A. Fantastically B. Fantastic C. Wonderfully D. Greatly3.The girl impressed us all _ her liveliness and sense of humour. A. of B. on C. with D. about 4. What s your impressions _Shanghai?A.

31、 of B. on C. with D. upon5. There is no doubt that this area_growing rice. A. is not suitable for B. doesnt fit for C. is not fit to 大家论坛 大家网 D. doesnt suit for 6.More efforts should be _to make our country stronger. A.done B. made C. attempted D. tried7.You dont know _great effort I have made _him

32、to stop smoking .A.what ; to persuade B. what a ; to persuade C. what ;of persuading D. what a ; of persuading8.I just didnt want to put you to _trouble _before class. A.the; of speaking B. a; making a speech C. /; of making speech D. the; to speak 9.Thank you for the great trouble you have _me.A.to

33、 help me B. taken to help C. taken helping D. taken trouble to help 10._other good students, the teacher thinks Hank is _student. A. Comparing with; a most satisfied B.Compared to ; the most satisfied C. Comparing to; the most satisfying D. Compared with, a more satisfying 11.My works cant compare _

34、yours. A.with B. to C. as D. like 12._shanghai, I went to Beijing for holiday. Which is wrong?A.Besides B. As well C. As well as D. In addition to 13.That s a risk I m prepared _.A. to make B. to do C. to take D. to get14.I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. -_.It was her fault. A.No

35、 way B.Not possible C. No chance D. Not at all 15.Shall we go and help them with their work? -Wed better not . They said wed just be _if we tried to help. A.on the way B. in the way C. by the way D. off the way 16. Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _ a record US $ 57.6

36、5 a barrel on April 4.A.have reached B. reaching C. to reach D. to be reaching 大家论坛 大家网 17. He glanced over at her, _that though she was tiny , she seemed very well put together. A. having noted B. noted C. to note D. noting18._the programme , they have to stay there for another two weeks. A.Not com

37、pleting B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed19 Having been attacked by terrorists, _.A.doctors came to their rescue B. the tall building collapsed C. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists20 His mum got lost in the war, never _again. A. to be he

38、ard of B. being heard C. having been heard of D. to hear of Multiple choice C1.Everything _ doing is worthy of _ well. A. worthy; being done B. worthy; doing C. worth; being done D. worth; doing2. When a pencil is party in a glass of water, it looks as if it _. A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken

39、 D. had been broken3. In the countryside there are many dropouts. I think the difficulty _ the poor economic conditions. A. lies in B. results in C. leads to D. suffers from4.Will you please write the words _? I mean you write them on the first line and then on the third line. A. Every third line B.

40、 every second lines C. every other lines D. every other line5.My goodness, how lucky we are! If there had been places for us on the aeroplane, we _ dead now. A. will be B. would be C. would have been D. had been大家论坛 大家网 6._, this place was quiet. A. At a time B. At one time C. At no time D. In time7

41、.So difficult _ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English.A. I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel8.- Would you rather _ there tomorrow?- No, Id rather he _ there instead of me. A. to go; to go B. going; going C. go; went D. go; shall go9. As far a

42、s I know, he spends as much time watching TV as he _. A. does writing B. writing C. did writing D. writes10. Apparently the prisoners just sat there and didnt attempt _ at once . A. to leave B. leaving C. to be leaving D. to have left11. It is important that we _ politely. AA. should speak B. would speak C. were to speak D. have to speak12. - Have you ever been to Beijing?- No, but I _. A.


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