1、空乘面试常见问题集Problem Solving Can you work under pressure What is your greatest strength What is your greatest weakness What have you done to correct your weaknesses Have you ever failed What is your biggest failure How do you handle failure How do you handle change When you are in charge how do you moti
2、vate people Describe a time when you resolved a conflict How do you handle conflict Previous Employment What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job Why have you held so many jobs Do you consider yourself a loyal employee What did you like about your last job What did you dislike about
3、 your last job What was your favorite job What was your least favorite job What have you learned from previous jobs How long will you stay with our airline What would your coworkers say about you What would your previous supervisors say about you What were the people like at your last company What d
4、id you dislike about your last employer If you could change one thing about your last employer what would it be Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance Have you ever been fired If so why were you fired Have you ever been as
5、ked to resign from another job What will your references say Can we check your references How many sick days did you take last year Is this typical Personality and Motivation Do you consider yourself a success Were you ever under a great deal of pressure What kinds of decisions are most difficult fo
6、r you Why has it taken you so long to find a job Why do you want to be a flight attendant What part of being a flight attendant interests you most What kind of contributions will you make to our airline Where else are you interviewing Have you applied to other airlines When are you available to star
7、t What are your outstanding qualities What interests you most about being a flight attendant What can you do for us that others cant Describe a difficult problem youve dealt with. How important is appearance What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant What is the best
8、 part of being a flight attendant Do you have any natural talent or skill something that comes easy to you What do you like to do in your spare time How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded By whom Do you ever freeze in social situat
9、ions Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much How did you handle it Are you skilled at sizing people up Have you ever been part of a problem Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management even when you disagreed with it Have you ever lied Have you ever broken a law Hav
10、e you ever stolen something Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful How did you handle it Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy What did you do Why do you want to work for our airline What kind of experience do you have Are you willing to be based wherever the
11、 company sends you What would you like to be doing ten years from now Why should we hire you What are your qualifications What is your biggest accomplishment What are your career goals How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals What personal characteristic best describes you. Do you
12、prefer to work alone or with others Do you consider yourself a team player Describe your team style. Are you self motivated What motivates you Describe your relationship with peers. What kind of people do you prefer to work with Describe your personality How do you handle criticism Were you ever unf
13、airly criticized Skills Do you read write and/or speak a foreign language Are you willing to learn a foreign language Are you a leader or a follower What have you learned from your previous jobs What kind of employee are you What was your favorite subject in school What was your least favorite subje
14、ct in school Tell us about your leadership skills. What was your major success as a leader What was your major failure as a leader What do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy Whose leadership qualities have you most respected Have you incorporated his/her
15、 leadership qualities Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role How did it work out What are your assets Whom do you most admire Other Questions What bases does our airline have What type of aircraft Who is the president of our company How long has our airline been in existence How do you feel
16、 about the airline industry How do you feel about being away from home frequently How do you feel about relocating How do you feel about unions What do you feel is the role of unions Why do you want to leave your previous employer Will we find anything on our background search that youd like to disc
17、uss now Is there anything you would like to discuss Do you have any questions 回答故事性問題的技巧 每一家航空公司在顧用空服員是都有他們自己的標則,可是大致上都是大同小異,如果你能在面試前做好準備,那麼在面試時,就不會因為緊張過度而表現失常。 一般航空公司所需要空服員的特質有下列幾點: 值得信賴及誠實 熱忱及信心 姿態及自信 聆聽與溝通的技巧 自動自發及活力在面試時,有時主考官有會出一先問題,並要求你做一個完整故事性回答。在家裡準備時,首先可以擬定幾個問題,寫下可能的回答,並有條理的從過去闡述到現在。答案的內容要包括
18、: 起頭 - 要明確說出時間、地點等。 中間 - 開始敘述整個故事,但注意要保持簡短,並與主題有關不要離題。 結束 - 告訴他們你從過去的經驗中學到什麼?以及一些你個人的感想。接下來把寫下來的東西重新看一遍,調整所寫的內容。然後用攝影機錄下自己回答的情形。重覆的觀看並不斷的改進。也可以請朋友們給你一些誠實的意見。最後,很重要的一點就是團隊精神與組織能力,其實在面試時,主考官就能看出你是否具備這樣的條件。因為從你的回答中可以看出你是否用心準備過,並利用不同的資訊充實自己。 進入面試時 要放鬆精神、態度從容不迫,並且面帶微笑。 在回答前在心裡做一次快速的整理,但不要拖的太久,也不要太明顯。 回答時要口齒清晰,有條不紊的回答。 如果在回答中主考官突然打斷你的回答,並由你的回答中問你其他的問題,千萬不要漏出訝異及慌張的神情。同樣的重覆第一及第二個步驟,記住自己的重點,不要因為主考官混淆了題目,連自己的答案也亂了。