1、Business CSR 代写案例展示新闻摘要:顶尖团队,一流质量,优质服务,公道价格,绝佳口碑,良好信誉 The Business Case for CSR at WaitroseIntroductionNowadays, more and more organizations think that they should reward to the society and they began to support the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Adam, et al, 2009). By the end of
2、1990s, the idea of CSR has become almost universally accepted (Lee, 2008) and nearly 90% of Fortune 500 firms such as IBM, Wal-Mart and Hewlett-Packard have embraced CSR as an critical element in their corporation objective, and take actively to promoted CSR activities in their annual reports (Boli
3、& Hartsuiker, 2001). The McKinsey & Company survey of corporate executives (2006) indicated that organizations devotes in CSR to a large extent, because they believe that CSR activities will result in company-favoring outcomes from stakeholders. Although there is an increasingly evidence showing a p
4、ositive relationship between CSR and performance, the return on CSR investments is not guaranteed (Bhattacharya, et al, 2009) and the idea that an organizations investment in CSR programs can result in returns to the organization is regarded as the business case for CSR. Waitrose, part of John Lewis
5、, each month donates a 1,000 to three good causes in proportion to the tokens received which are nominated by customers and Waitrose employees in each store. Then is there a business case for this “Community Giving” activity of Waitrose? To answer this question, after discussing what CSR is, the ess
6、ay makes analysis about whether CSR acts as a driver to continue expanding and prospering of the business and as a driver to get the best out of partners (because the company is entirely employee owned, employees are partners in this firm). Finally, conclusions and suggestions are made to Waitrose.
7、What is CSR?CSR is defined as an organizations commitment to minimizing or removing any negative impact and maximizing its long-term positive effectshttp:/ on society (Mohr, et al. 2001). World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2004) regarded CSR as “the commitment of business to contrib
8、ute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, the local community and society at large to improve their quality of life”. The definition indicates that socially responsible organizations pay attention to the impacts of their actions on everyone (Abagail, et al, 200
9、6). CIPD (2009) argues that CSR relates to all aspects of company management and it includes how companies carry out their business ethically, considering their effects on economy, society, environments and in light of human rights. That is CSR do more to address a wider variety of social and enviro
10、nmental issues (Adam,2009).CSR activities therefore, may include environmental protecting initiatives such as留学生英语论文代写站,版权所有,部分删减In the consistently changing world, the success of organizations is more and more dependent on the strategic management of their internal and external stakeholders and clo
11、ser attention to various aspects of organization performance (Porter and Kramer, 2002). CSR has been conceived as a form of strategic management, contributing to improve an organizations bottom line performance (Lee, 2008). With the growing realization ofhttp:/ the integration between CSR and organi
12、zation performance, managers at all levels began to pay more attention to the concept of CSR, and CSR is diffused among corporate actors (Vogel, 2005).We can see that, in this case at Waitrose, donating to local good causes nominated by customers and Waitrose employees is one of corporate social res
13、ponsibilities activities the firm adopted. Then the CSR activity has acted as driver to the expansion and prospering of the firm and as a driver to get the best out of employees? The answers will be explored in the following sections. 留学生英语论文代写站,版权所有,部分删减Conclusions With the development of globaliza
14、tion and the more and more intense competitive market, companies faces a significantly increasing pressure to commit with socially responsive behavior from various stakeholder groups such as shareholders, investors, consumers, managers, and employees (Kapstein, 2001). From the above review and analy
15、sis, it can be concluded that CSR may have positive impacts on留学生英语论文代写站,版权所有,部分删减ReferenceAbagail M., Donald S. S. and Patrick M. W. (2006) Guest Editors Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility. Strategic Implications* Journal of Management Studies 43:1.Adam L., Valerie S., Wesley J. J. (2009)
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