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1、COMMON ROOT WORDS AND WORD ORIGINSROOTS MEANING WORDalter other alternate, alter egoami, amic- love amiable, amicableamphi both ends or all sidesamphibian ann, enni year anniversary, annual, biennial, perennialanthrop human, man anthropology, anthropomorphic, misanthropeaqua, aque water aquatic, aqu

2、arium, aqueductarch chief, leader, ruler archangel, monarch, archaic, archenemyarthro joint arthritisaud sound auditorium, audible, audiologist, audiotapebell war belligerent, bellicosebiblio book bibliography, bibliophilebio- life biography, autobiography, biology, antibioticbrev short brief, abbre

3、viatecap take, seize capture, captivate, capacitycarn meat carnivorous, chili con carneced yield, go recede, secede, proceed, intercede, concessionchrom- color chromatic, monochrome, polychromechron- time chronicle, chronology, chronometer, synchronizecogn know recognize, cognitive, incognitocord/ch

4、ord cord harpsichordcorp body corpus, corpse, corporalcrac, crat rule, ruler autocrat, democracy, bureaucrat, democracycred believe credible, credulous, credibility, credit, credocruc cross crucifix, crucialcrusta shell crustaceancrypt hidden cryptogram, cryptology, crypticculp guilt culpable, culpr

5、itdei god deity, deifydemo- people demography, democracy, epidemicdent tooth dentist, dentifrice, dentinderm- skin dermatology, epidermis, hypodermicdic speak, say dictate, predict, diction, indictdox belief, opinion orthodoxy, paradox, heterodoxyduc, duct lead induce, deduce, seduction, conduct, ab

6、ductduo two duodynam- power dynamo, hydrodynamicsego self egotist, egomaniaequ equal equal, equity, equanimity, equate, equidistantfac make, do manufacture, factory, benefactorfil threadlike filament frater brother fraternal, fraternizegam- marriage monogamy, polygamy, bigamygeo- earth geopolitical,

7、 geology, geography, geothermalglyph vertical groove HieroglyphicsEgyptian “sky writing”grad, gress step gradual, progression, transgressiongraph- writing, printing graphology, biography, telegraph, geographygym naked gymnasiumgyn- woman gynecologist, androgynoushemo, hema, hem blood hemophilia, hem

8、atology, hemoglobinholo whole, entire holographhydro, hydr water dehydrate, hydraulics, hydroelectric, hydroplaneiso equal, identical isolateject throw inject, reject, subject, projectionjud judge judicial, judge, adjudicateleg, lect read, choose legible, lectern, lecturer, electionliter letter lite

9、rature, illiterate, literalloc place local, locationlog word monologue, epilogueluc light lucid, elucidatemagn large magnify, magnate, magnificentman hand manufacture, manual, manuscriptmar sea marine, marinermater mother maternal, maternity, matriarchy, matricidemere part, segment meremeta, met beh

10、ind, between metacognitionbehind the thinkingmetri, meter- measure geometric, thermometer, odometermin small minority, minuscule, minutemit, miss send permit, submission, mission, emit,mob, mot, mov move mobile, automobile, motion, promote, moviemon warn premonition, admonitionmor, mort death mortal

11、, mortician, immortalitymorph form, structure metamorphosis, amorphous, morphologymut change mutant, mutability, mutateneuro nerve neurology, neurosis, neurobiologynomen /nomin name nominal, nominate, nomenclaturenov new novel, renovate, innovation, novellanym, onym word, name synonym, acronym, anon

12、ymous, pseudonymodonto tooth orthodontistone who straightens teethortho- straight, correct orthodox, orthodontist, orthopedicpac peace pacify, Pacific Ocean, pacifistpater father paternal, paternity, patricide, patrilineal, patrioticpath feeling, suffering sympathy, apathy, empathy, telepathy, patho

13、logyped, pod foot pedal, pedometer, centipede, gastropodpel, puls push pulsate, repulsive, impulse, compel, propelpend hang, weigh pendulum, pendant, suspend, pendingphon-, phono- sound, voice telephone, euphony, cacophony, phonographplan flat planar, plantation, planepneum lung pneumaticpod feet po

14、diatristport carry portable, transport, portage, report,pot power potent, omnipotent, potentatepsych- soul, spirit, mind psychology, psychic, psychobiographypugna fight pugnacious, pugilistquer, quis ask query, inquisition,scent, scend climb ascend, ascentschizo, schiz division, split schizophrenics

15、ci know scientificsciss cut scissorsscrib, script write manuscript, scribe, proscribe, scripturesec, sect cut dissect, sectionsed, sess sit sedentary, sessionsens, sent feel, be aware sensible, sentientsequ, secu follow sequence, sequel, consecutiveserv serve, protect servicesimil same similar, assi

16、milate, simile, facsimile (fax)siphon tube siphonsol sun solarson sound sonar, resonate, unisonsoph wisdom, knowledge philosophy, sophisticated, sophomore (wise fool)spec, spic look, see spectacles, spectator, inauspicious, prospect spir coil spiralspir breathe inspire, respiration, conspire, perspi

17、rationspond, spons promise, answer for respond, responsiblespont by ones own force spontaneousstat stay, position stationtang, tact touch tactile, tangibletemp time temporary, temporizeten, tent hold tentative, tenable, tenuousterr earth subterranean, terrain, terrestrial, disintertheo god, deity th

18、eology, polytheism, atheist, monotheismtherm- heat thermal, thermos, thermometertrophy nutrition, food atrophywithout nutritionuro urine urologist vac empty vacation, vacuum, vacuous, vacantven, vent come, go intervene, convene, contravenever truth veracity, verify, verityvert turn introvert, irreve

19、rsible, vertigovit life vital, revitalize, vitaminvoc call revoke, invocation, vocal, evocative, convocationzoo animal zoo, zoology, zoolatryPREFIXESPREFIX MEANING EXAMPLESa-, an- not, without amoral, anesthetic, apolitical, asocialab- away from abduction, abstain, abnormalad- to, toward adjoin, adj

20、acent (lying near to)ambi- both ambidextrous, ambivalentana- up, back, again analogy, anatomy, anagramanti- against antipathy, antiwar, antisocialapo- from, away from apology, apologizeauto- self autobiography, automobile, autocracy, automatonbene- good benediction benevolent benefactor cata-, cat-

21、down, against catastrophe-a turning downcentro, centri- around, center concentric, centrifugalcircum- around circumlocution circumference, circumventcom- with, together communal, communitycon- with, together connect, confide conspire contra- against contradict, contravenede- down, away descend, deje

22、ct (cast down)dia-, di- through, across diameter, divisiondis- apart, not disengage, discord, discomfortdys- ill, difficult, bad dysfunctional, dysenterye- out of, from elect (choose out of), eject (throw out)ecto- on the outside ectoderm-outer skinen-, em- in empathy-feeling inendo- within, inside

23、endoscope-instrument for observing insideepi- upon epitaph epidermis, epicentereso- inward, within esoteric-more inward, esophaguseu- well, good euthanasia-good deathex- out of, from exhume, exhale, exodushetero- other, different heterosexual, heterodoxy, heterodox heterogeneoushomo- same homosexual

24、, homogeneous, homogenizedhyper- over hypertension, hypersensitive, hyperactivityhypo- under hypotension, hypodermicil- not illegitimate, illicit, illegal, illegibleim- not imperfect, impolite, impossibleim- into imbibe (drink in, take in)in- not indiscreet, invisiblein- into incorporate (take into

25、the body)inter- between intervene (come between), interstateintra- within intrastate, intramuralir- not irregular, irrational, irredeemablemacro- large macrocosm, macroeconomicsmal, male- bad, evil malediction malevolent, malnutritionmeta- beyond metaphysicalmicro- small microscope, microcosm, micro

26、economicsmono- one, single monologue, monotheism, monarchy, monogamyneo- new, recent neologism, neo-liberal, neonatology. neolithicob- against object, obstruct (build against)palin-, pali- back, again palindromepan- all, every pantheism, Pan-Hellenic, panorama, pandemicpara- false paramilitary, para

27、legal, parachuteper- through percolate (flow through) perforate (punch through)peri- around perimeter, periscopephil-, philo- like, lover of philosophy, Francophile, bibliophile, philanthropypoly- many, several polygon, polygamy, polytechnic, polytheismpost- after postgraduate, posthumous postponepr

28、e- before precede, predict (tell before)pro- for, forward promote, project pros- toward, in front prospectview in front, something coming upproto- first prototype, protoplasm, protobiologypseudo false pseudonym, pseudosciencere- again, back repeat, recede, regress (step back)retro- back retrogressio

29、n, retroactivese- away from seduce (lead away), secedesub- under submarine, subject, subhuman subterranean sur-, super- over, above superhuman, superego, superintend, surpasssyn-, sym-, syl-, sys-with, together symphony, synonym, system, syllabletele- distant, far off telephone, telepathy, televisio

30、n, telegramtrans- across transient, Transatlantic, transport (carry across)SUFFIXESSUFFIX DEFINITION EXAMPLE-agog, -agogueleader demagogue, pedagogue-cide kill(ing) patricide, infanticide, herbicide. suicide-ectomy cutting appendectomy, splenectomy-ia, -y act, state amnesia, mania, democracy, anarch

31、y-ic, -tic, -ical, -achaving to do with anthropomorphic, dramatic, biblical, cardiac-ics things having to do with optics, physics-isk, -iscus small asterisk-a little star-ism the belief in pacifism, terrorism, socialism, communism-ist one who believes in pacifist, terrorist, socialist, communist-ite

32、 one connected with meteorite, polite, cosmopolite-logy study field of biology, geology, etymology, cardiology-oid resembling, like-shaped asteroid, spheroid-or, -er one who takes part in doctor, actor, teacher, driver-phobia exaggerated fear photophobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia-sis act, state, condition of analysis


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