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1、古典文学的翻译,古典文学翻译中的归化与异化,翻译界直译(literal translation)与意译(liberal translation)之争,可谓由来已久。而归化(domesticating translation)与异化(foreignizing translation)之争, 则是直译与意译之争的延伸。随着文化日益成为翻译的重心, 归化异化孰优孰劣的争论声也越来越大。,1997年英国出版的翻译研究词典(Dictionary of Translation Studies)认为归化和异化的说法直接来源于德国早期思想家斯莱尔马赫(Schleiermacher)1813年6月24日在柏林皇

2、家科学院所作的题为论翻译的方法(On Different Methods of Translation)的演讲. 斯莱尔马赫说: “翻译只有两种方法,不是译者不打扰读者,尽可能让读者靠拢作者,就是译者尽量不打扰作者,让作者靠拢读者。”,美籍意大利翻译理论家文努蒂便是在此基础上结合社会文化、政治、意识形态、历史等因素,于 1995年在译者的隐身(The Translators Invisibility)一书中将归化和异化作为翻译术语提出。,Translation strategies: domestication and foreignization (adaptation and aliena

3、tion),Domestication: the method or practice of adapting the translation to the norms and values of the Target Language and culture is called domesticating or domestication.Domestication: A term used by Venuti (1995) to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted

4、 in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 2004:43-44).,归 化根据文努蒂的理论,翻译研究词典将归化定义为:在翻译中采用透明、流畅(transparent, fluent style)的风格,最大限度淡化原文陌生感(strangeness)的翻译策略。,奈达是归化论的代表人物。他提出的“最贴近的自然对等”理论把译文读者置于首位。他认为译文读者从译文中所获得的感受应该尽可能接近于原文读者从原文中获得的感受。因此,译者有责任帮译文读者将一些

5、有可能难于理解的信息“改头换面”,从而使译文的阅读与理解轻松自如。,At home, the representative of the strategy of domestication in translation is Qian Zhongshu who puts forward the famous norm in evaluating translation, that is, hua jing, or perfection, in his Lin Shus Translation.,Foreignization: If the translators preference is p

6、laced on preserving the language and cultural differences of the Source Text, we call this kind of approaches or its translation foreignizing or foreignization.,Foreignization (foreignizing translation): A term used by Venuti (1995) to designate the type of translation in which a TT is produced whic

7、h deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 2004:59).,The disagreement between domestication and foreignization at homeAt home , Lu Xun(鲁迅,1881-1936), the great modernist innovator in Chinese fiction and well-known propone

8、nt of foreignizing translation. He promoted literal translation and foreignization at that time and tried to retain the foreignness of foreign works, in order to introduce new thoughts and ideas into China. Though sometimes his translation was difficult to read and understand.,In the 1990s, the dial

9、ogues about domestication and foreignization had reached the climax in Chinas translation arena. In the year 2002, domestication and foreignization were still the focus of discussion. Professor Yang Zijian (2002) and his coauthor make a research on the origins and definitions of the two terms in Chi

10、nese and English; Professor Wang Dongfengs advocacy of foreignization in handling cultural differences fits into the tendency of global cultural blending;,Professor Sun Zhili (2002) predicts the tendency of the theoretical development of the two strategies, pointing out that foreignization tends to

11、be dominant in Chinas literary translation in the 21st century; Professor Guo Jianzhong (2003) makes a detailed analysis of the concepts of adaptation and alienation in his academic paper A Cultural Approach to Translation, drawing a conclusion that adaptation and alienation will coexist forever.,Do

12、mestication is target culture oriented. The translator helps the TL community understand and receive the source texts information with TL readers thinking pattern, recognition sphere and background knowledge. On the contrary, foreignization is source culture oriented. The translator endeavors to con

13、vey the original authors emotions and culture by putting himself in the original authors position.,Foreignization provides an opportunity for the TL readers to know the source culture. At the same time, it enriches the target culture and ways of expression. When translating English works into Chines

14、e, we can use foreignization proportionately. The Chinese culture is adept at and willing to absorb foreign cultures. However, it cannot be overused when we translate Chinese works into English as the foreigners are not so familiar with Chinese culture as Chinese are with theirs. It is not wise to i

15、mpose Chinese culture on foreigners regardless of their reception ability and the conventional expression of the target language.,奈达将翻译中的文化因素分为五类,一:生态文化;二:语言文化;三:宗教文化;四:物质文化;五:社会文化。下面我们从中国古典名著红楼梦的英译中选取一些宗教文化、物质文化以及社会文化的例子作一分析。,1)宗教文化谋事在人,成事在天。 (曹雪芹)Man proposes, Heaven disposes, (Yang Xianyi)Man pro

16、poses, God disposes, (Hawkes)“天”在中国古代哲学中占据着至高无上的地位。而“天”与“人”的关系则是异常敏感的。皇帝自称“天子”,要稳固统治必须“顺天应民”;揭竿而起的造反者号称要“替天行道”。“天”似乎是一切规律、法则的总称。,仅仅把它理解成佛教的影响似乎有些太过笼统。对于这样一个虚无飘渺不可捉摸的概念,外国读者如何才能理解并接受呢?好在西方也有类似的哲学思想,因此杨宪益和霍克斯分别使用“上天”和“上帝”这两个概念替换了“天”。原则上说,杨译是异化,霍译属于归化。,2)物质文化一部红楼梦就如同一部中国古代文化的百科全书,其间物质文化之丰富令人叹为观止。无疑,中国文

17、化中独特的物质文化给古籍英译带来很大的障碍。红楼梦中服饰、医药、礼仪、建筑、文学、饮食、民俗等等无一不包,翻译时一旦处理不好就会蕴意尽失。,曹氏在描写贾家无尽风光之后的败落时写道:陋室空堂,当年笏满床。(曹雪芹)“陋室” “空堂”哪个文化中都有,不足以构成理解障碍,难就难在什么叫“当年笏满床”,这个“笏”有什么特殊的寓意呢?中国古代礼仪规定,官员百姓不得直视君王,因此官员上朝面君时往往带上一块用竹、玉或象牙做成的细长的板子,可以在上面记事。,杨宪益翻译如下:Mean huts and empty halls, where emblems of nobility once hung. (Yang

18、) 在杨的笔下,笏不是笏,而是显示高官厚禄的“徽章”。读者便不必去无谓地猜测自己文化中没有的物质,而抓住这一特定的物质所揭示的寓意,这不是事半功倍吗?,霍克斯对本句的处理同样也可圈可点:Mean hovels and abandoned halls, where courtiers once paid daily calls. (Hawkes)为了显示贾家的位高权重,霍克斯既没有把“笏板”直译,也没有象杨一样转成“族徽”,而是从其他官员日日拜访贾家来间接告诉读者,贾家非同一般。真是神来之笔。,异 化毫无疑问,异化决不是简单的直译。因为异化的概念已经远远超出了语言的层面,而上升到了文化、诗学、以

19、及政治的层次。文努蒂对异化的定义是:偏离本土主流价值观,保留原文的语言和文化差异。(Venuti),根据他的定义,翻译研究词典把异化定义为:在一定程度上保留原文的异域性,故意打破目标语言常规的翻译。同样,我们从红楼梦中选出一些例子予以说明。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。(曹:)She looked more sensitive than Pikan, more delicate than His Shih.两个注解.紧随其后:1. A prince noted for his great intelligence at the end of the Shang Dynasty.2. A fa

20、mous beauty of the ancient kingdom of Yueh. (Yang),再看下一种:She had more chambers in heart than the martyred Bi Gan;And suffered a tithe more pain in it than the beautiful Xi Shi. (Hawkes)林黛玉的聪明和美貌在比干和西施的映衬下呼之欲出。两位大师均采用了异化翻译,前者还附加了两个注解来确保英语读者准确理解原作者的意图。,又如:“你不认得他,他是我们这里有名的一个泼皮破落户,南省俗谓作辣子,你只叫他凤辣子就是了。”(曹

21、)“You dont know her yet.” The Lady Dowager chuckled. “Shes the terror of this house. In the south theyd call her Hot Pepper. Just call her Fiery Phoenix.”(Yang ),“You dont know her, ” said Grandmother Jia merrily. “Shes a holy terror this one. What we used to call in Nanking a peppercorn. You just c

22、all her Peppercorn Feng. Shell know what you mean!” (Hawkes)王熙凤泼辣能干,精于算计,她在贾府的地位无人能及。贾母给她的外号虽说不雅,但却是她的殊荣。杨霍二人对“凤辣子”的翻译也都采用的是异化手法,十分传神的再现了王熙凤的性格。,争 论归化异化各占半壁江山,各领风骚。究竟孰优孰劣?持归化论者认为归化翻译的长处在于:一,不会将源语文化的体系强加给目的语读者;二,不会因为文化冲突带来误解;三,不会对读者的智力水平提出过高的要求,而是尽量将原语文化接近目的语读者的世界。,而持异化论者认为异化的优点在于:一,有必要让译文读者了解异国文化,而且

23、这也往往是读者的初衷,同时也是翻译的目的。二,在目的语文化中移植进原语文化会丰富后者的表达方式。三,译者应该相信读者的智力和想象力足以理解异国文化的独特之处。,在中国古籍的翻译中归化异化又应如何把握呢?请再看例子: 真是“天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福”。(曹:156)“Truly, Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.”(Yang:155)“I knowthe weather and human life are both unpredictable.”(Hawkes:231)杨宪

24、益采用的是异化的方法,保留了原语中的“风云”、“祸福”等形象,而霍克斯采用归化译法,两者的意义都没有太多缺失,唯一不同的是前者似乎从形象上更胜一筹,而后者则照顾了译文读者的接受能力,可谓各有短长。,又如:至于才子佳人等书(曹:5)As for books of the beauty-and-talented type(Yang:4)And the “boudoir romance”(Hawkes:49)两位翻译大家在处理“才子佳人”这一中国味道十足的形象时,杨先生使用了异化译法,尽可能保留原文文化特色;而霍克斯则使用归化译法,读者一眼看去便像西方罗曼史中的英雄美人,定会有似曾相识的感觉,能不接

25、受吗?,domesticating methodLove me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 a lion in the way 拦路虎 lick ones boots 拍马屁 Diamond cuts diamond 棋逢对手 A flash in a pan 昙花一现 Have one foot in the grave 风烛残年 To grow like mushrooms 雨后春笋 One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys nobody 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。,foreignizing metho

26、d ballet “芭蕾舞”cigar “雪茄”laser “镭射”“crocodile tears” “鳄鱼的眼泪”“an olive branch” “橄榄枝”“sour grapes” “酸葡萄”“the cold war” “冷战”,Examples,Man proposes, Heaven disposes. (Yang: P90)Man proposes, God disposes. (Hawkes: P152),谋事在人,成事在天。(曹:P95),He made you for a high way to my bed; but I, a maid, die maiden -wi

27、dowed. (W. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, 3, 3, 134-135)译文1:他要借着你做牵引相思的桥梁,可是我却要做一个独守空阁的怨女而死去。(朱生豪译)译文2:他要借你作捷径,登上我的床;可怜我这处女,守活寡,到死是处女。(方平译)Unless youve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished.误译:除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。改译:除非你手中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。,Among wolves one must howl.入乡随俗。在狼群中你就得嗥。Go to law for a sheep, you

28、 lose a cow.捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜。为一只羊打官司,却损失了一头牛。,Examples,In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is the king.译文 : 盲人国里,独眼为王。 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 蜀中无大将,廖华为先锋。,归化?异化?你来选择竭泽而渔To drain a pond to catch all the fishKill the goose that lays the golden eggs打草惊蛇To stir up the grass and alert the snakeWake a sleeping d

29、og易如反掌As easy as turning over ones handAs easy as falling off a log,掌上明珠A pearl in the palmThe apple of ones eye守口如瓶To keep ones mouth closed like a bottleTo keep a still tongue in ones head雪中送炭To send charcoal in snowy weatherTo help a lame dog over stile画蛇添足To draw a snake and add feet to itTo pai

30、nt the lily,Combination of the two strategies,To carry coals to Newcastle. 多此一举 运煤到纽卡索,运煤到纽卡索,多此一举。,结 语,不难看出,归化异化各有所长,也各有所短。在古籍英译的过程中译者必须把握的还有以下几个变数:翻译目的、目标读者群、交际功能等等。,归化异化两者之间的关系应该是矛盾的统一,而非绝对的对立。它们所映射的“不仅仅是语言或语言中所含文化的单纯转化问题”。(葛校琴:2003,5)因此,非此即彼的争论显得多少有些乏味。而与此同时,古籍的魅力绝非仅仅限于语言。其丰富的哲学、社会学内涵更是弥足珍贵。无论对一

31、种的接受还是对另一种的排斥,都必须将它置于特定的背景下,综合考虑各种因素,谨慎而为之。,练习:请用“归化”的翻译方法,翻译下面几句话: Lead a dogs life Jack of all trades A drowned rat Let the cat out of the bag. Every dog has his day. Dont shed crocodile tears to me; you know you are really glad that theyre met with misfortune. Your honor, I confess the corn. I wa

32、s royally drunk. Dont play your ace in the hole until the critical moment. The gravy train is just not for me. George Washington adopted a Fabian policy during the war of Independence,练习:请用“异化”的翻译方法翻译下面十个句子。 Armed to teeth Meet ones Waterloo Dark horse Crocodile tears Ivory tower He looked cool in h

33、is new clothes. This is the last supper in our college life. The cold war between the husband and wife ended when the husband found a better job. The fear that the Black Monday might return soon alarmed these Wall Streeters. The wealth he had boasted for years turned out to be the emperors new clothes,Thank you! Good Bye!,


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