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1、Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder for Eclipse and WebSpherehttp:/ Jigloo is free for non-commercial use, but purchase of a Professional License is required for commercial use (after successfully evaluating Jigloo).CloudGardens Jigloo GUI Builder is a plugin for the Eclipse Java IDE and WebSphere Studio,

2、which allows you to build and manage both Swing and SWT GUI classes. Jigloo creates and manages code for all the parts of Swing or SWT GUIs as well as code to handle events, and shows you the GUIs as they are being built. Jigloo parses java class files to construct the form that you use when designi

3、ng your GUI (round-tripping), so it can work on classes that were generated by other GUI builders or IDEs, or hand-coded classes. It can also convert from a Swing GUI to a SWT GUI and vice-versa.Jigloo is straightforward, fast, powerful, easy to use and fully integrated with Eclipse. It can lead to

4、substantial time-savings for GUI development and maintainance tasks. Jigloo is highly-customizable: the parts of your code which Jigloo will parse can be restricted, and the classes which are instantiated when Jigloo parses your code and constructs the Form editor can be specified using patterns. Th

5、e code generated by Jigloo can also be customized, and existing code can be re-arranged to follow the preferred style (eg, using getters for GUI elements, or separating elements by blank lines, braces or tagged comments).Custom classes can be added to forms, and JavaBeans with Customizers and custom

6、 properties are supported. In addition, Jigloo supports visual inheritance - it can design classes which extend other custom classes, which may be public, abstract or non-public. Navigation between code and form editors is very easy - with Jigloo highlighting the relevant section of code when the fo

7、rm editor has focus, or the relevant form element when the code editor has focus.Components are added, layouts changed etc, by selecting from a palette, or by options in the right-click context menus. They can be resized and dragged about in the form editor and in the outline view, and their propert

8、ies, layout constraints and event handlers can be changed easily in a properties editor. Multi-selection of components makes widespread changes easy to perform. Class-changing (eg, from a Composite to a Group, a combo-box to a text field, or to any custom class) can also save design time. The GUI ca

9、n be “previewed“ or run using editor actions.A basic knowledge of the Swing and SWT components is useful, but not essential - and the javadoc can be easily accessed (by a right-click option) directly from the GUI editor.swing/swt 可视化开发工具 windowbuilder 免费了windowbuilder,也就是原来的 SWT Designer。Google 收购了I

10、nstantiations,把它的工具也重新免费发布了。用过 swt designer 的人都知它是非常好用的 swing/swt 可视化开发工具,有了它,swing/swt 也可以像 visual studio 一样拖拉控件写程序(虽然 netbean 也可以,不过没怎用) ,可惜是个收费产品,后来把改名为 windowbuilder。不过 Google 把这个工具的开发公司Instantiations 收购了,并把这个产品免费发布。Google 收购Instantiations 是为了给它的 GWT 设计开发工具,据说也是为了它的Anroid 搞开发工具(.) 。安装地址:http:/ w

11、indowbuilder 很方便,不过通过 Eclipse 的 Update 方式安装这个插件,eclipse 的 windowbuilder 更新地址:Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)http:/ 3.5 (Galileo)http:/ 3.4 (Ganymede)http:/ 中可视化开发 Swing 桌面程序 visualswing4eclipse由于在 Swing 的可视化方面一直都是 Netbeans 的天下,有位热心人写了个开源 Eclipse插件,用过后发现不错。代码位置:http:/ EPL v1.0 授权方式。照顾商业利用和开源改进而采用此授权。目前支持的Eclips

12、e 平台是 3.4,JDK 请使用 1.6目前最新版本 0.9.12。期待 1.0 的到来,O(_)O。打开后页面右边有个 Links: Download the Latest Build下载下来后解压缩,将 plugin 中的 jar 文件复制到 Eclipse 的 plugin 文件夹后就可以了。然后重启 Eclipse,在新建项目里面会多了个 Visual Swing Class 文件夹。现在可以选择Applet,Dialog,Frame,InternalFrame,Panel 等等类型的类。然后你就可以任意拖放控件了。作者将它发布在 google code 上是想得到各位热心人的帮助。

13、他说:希望对于 Swing 和SWT 以及 Eclipse RCP 开发功底比较深的人能够加入进来,帮助完善。尽管自己没能力帮忙,但希望这个项目越做越好。_Eclipse 安装 visual edit 支持 swing说明:visual edit 用 eclipse 本省自带的 help install new software 方法安装很难安上,见这里:http:/ 真好 -_-!,终于解决.昨天晚上折腾了许久才把 Eclipse 下的插件 Visual Editor 安装上去。电脑上已有的 Eclipse 是 Eclipse 3.5 / Galileo ,于是上网找安装方法,下载了需要安装

14、的 EMF、GEF 、VE 等等文件,可总是装不上,于是乎在java 官网上找到了它提供的两种方法:http:/wiki.eclipse.org/VE/Update,我按它第一个方法也就是安装向导中的在线安装,结果发现在线安装的网址已经过期,于是只能用第二个方法离线安装。于是我去找 ve,发现官网上不见了,页面直接跳转到:http:/www.eclipse.org/archived/ 我去,上面说什么项目被封存,只能下载归档的文件:http:/archive.eclipse.org/tools/archives/ve.tgz 。好吧,一个插件嘛,肯定不算大,结果打开一看,我了个擦!480M,坑

15、爹啊,就这网速,这得下到什么时候。好吧,只有继续在百度、谷歌中寻找了,找了许久,终于找到了 3.5 所需要的离线安装包 VE-Update-1.4.0.zip,好了,这次应该可以了吧,极其忐忑的去安装这个文件,一开始选择需要安装的选项,主要有,EMF 和 VE两种。我想:既然是这个版本的安装包,两个功能应该都有用吧,于是把两个都选了。结果再次让我蛋疼不已,他娘的还是报错。郁闷啊郁闷就要放弃的时候,就要关掉浏览器,看到了刚开始打开的 java 官网上关于安装 ve 的页面,我愣了我擦,这么明显我都没看到,原来,emf 原来已经安装了,我勒个去去去去去去去去好吧,今天看来真是不爽啊,浪费了这么久才

16、搞定,看来人品还是不够坚挺,得继续攒顺便附上几个版本的安装文件:一、在 Eclipse 3.6 / Helios 中安装 Visual Editor 1.5 1,下载最新的 zip 格式安装包,传送门 2,打开 eclipse,然后打开安装管理器 Help Install New Software Add Archive ,然后在文件浏览器里找到下载好的 VE-Update-1.5.0.zip 文件。 3,文件加载好了以后,选择你要安装的功能即可,然后点击下一步。 4,安装完之后要重启 eclipse,然后你就可以使用 visual eidtor 了二,在 Eclipse 3.5 / Galileo 中安装 Visual Editor 1.4 下载离线安装包 VE-Update-1.4.0.zip,传送门。 接下来一切同上三,在 Eclipse 3.4 / Ganymede 中安装 Visual Editor 1.4 在 eclipse 里仅提供一个在线安装方法,所以还是换 Eclipse 其它版本吧


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