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1、SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 1-11SWOT分析模型出自 MBA 智库百科(http:/ Analysis) SWOT分析法(也称 TOWS分析法)即态势分析法,20 世纪 80年代初由美国旧金山大学的管理学教授韦里克提出,经常被用于企业战略制定、竞争对手分析等场合。 目录隐藏 1 SWOT分析模型简介 2 SWOT模型含义介绍 3 SWOT分析步骤 4 成功应用 SWOT分析法的简单规则 5 SWOT分析法案例分析 o 5.1 案例 1:沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)SWOT 分析 o 5.2 案例 2:星巴克 SWOT分析 o 5.3 案例 3:耐克 SWOT分析 o 5.4 案例 4:某炼

2、油厂 SWOT分析 6 SWOT模型的局限性 7 相关条目 SWOT分析模型简介 在现在的战略规划报告里,SWOT 分析算是一个众所周知的工具了,同样 SWOT也是来自 Mckinsey咨询公司的。SWOT 分析代表分析企业优势(strength)、劣势(weakness)、机会(opportunity)和威胁(threats)。因此,SWOT 分析实际上是将对企业内外部条件各方面内容进行综合和概括,进而分析组织的优劣势、面临的机会和威胁的一种方法。 Why SWOT?可以通过分析帮助企业把资源和行动 Focus在自己的强项和有最多机会的地方。 SWOT模型含义介绍 优劣势分析主要是着眼于企业

3、自身的实力及其与竞争对手的比较,而机会和威胁分析将注意力放在外部环境的变化及对企业的可能影响上 。在分析时,应把所有的内部因素(即优劣势)集中在一起,然后用外部的力量来对这些因素进行评估。 (1) 机会与威胁分析(OT) SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 2-11随着经济、社会、科技等诸多方面的迅速发展,特别是世界经济全球化、一体化过程的加快,全球信息网络的建立和消费需求的多样化,企业所处的环境更为开放和动荡。这种变化几乎对所有企业都产生了深刻的影响。正因为如此,环境分析成为一种日益重要的企业职能。 环境发展趋势分为两大类:一类表示环境威胁,另一类表示环境机会。环境威胁指的是环境中一种不利的发展趋

4、势所形成的挑战,如果不采取果断的战略行为,这种不利趋势将导致公司的竞争地位受到削弱。环境机会就是对公司行为富有吸引力的领域,在这一领域中,该公司将拥有竞争优势。 对环境的分析也可以有不同的角度。比如,一种简明扼要的方法就是 PEST分析,另外一种比较常见的方法就是波特的五力分析。 (2) 优势与劣势分析(SW) 识别环境中有吸引力的机会是一回事,拥有在机会中成功所必需的竞争能力是另一回事。每个企业都要定期检查自己的优势与劣势,这可通过“企业经营管理检核表”的方式进行。企业或企业外的咨询机构都可利用这一格式检查企业的营销、财务、制造和组织能力。每一要素都要按照特强、稍强、中等、稍弱或特弱划分等级

5、。 当两个企业处在同一市场或者说它们都有能力向同一顾客群体提供产品和服务时,如果其中一个企业有更高的赢利率或赢利潜力,那么,我们就认为这个企业比另外一个企业更具有竞争优势。换句话说,所谓竞争优势是指一个企业超越其竞争对手的能力,这种能力有助于实现企业的主要目标赢利。但值得注意的是:竞争优势并不一定完全体现在较高的赢利率上,因为有时企业更希望增加市场份额,或者多奖励管理人员或雇员。 竞争优势可以指消费者眼中一个企业或它的产品有别于其竞争对手的任何优越的东西,它可以是产品线的宽度、产品的大小、质量、可靠性、适用性、风格和形象以及服务的及时、态度的热情等。虽然竞争优势实际上指的是一个企业比其竞争对手

6、有较强的综合优势,但是明确企业究竟在哪一个方面具有优势更有意义,因为只有这样,才可以扬长避短,或者以实击虚。 由于企业是一个整体,并且由于竞争优势来源的广泛性,所以,在做优劣势分析时必须从整个价值链的每个环节上,将企业与竞争对手做详细的对比。如产品是否新颖,制造工艺是否复杂,销售渠道是否畅通,以及价格是否具有竞争性等。如果一个企业在某一方面或几个方面的优势正是该行业企业应具备的关键成功要素,那么,该企业的综合竞争优势也许就强一些。需要指出的是,衡量一个企业及其产品是否具有竞争优势,只能站在现有潜在用户角度上,而不是站在企业的角度上。 企业在维持竞争优势过程中,必须深刻认识自身的资源和能力,采取

7、适当的措施。因为一个企业一旦在某一方面具有了竞争优势,势必会吸引到竞争对手的注意。一般地说,企业经过一段时期的努力,建立起某种竞争优势;然后就处于维持这种竞争优势的态势,竞争对手开始逐渐做出反应;而后,如果竞争对手直接进攻企业的优势所在,或采取其它更为有力的策略,就会使这种优势受到削弱。 而影响企业竞争优势的持续时间,主要的是三个关键因素: SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 3-11 (1)建立这种优势要多长时间? (2)能够获得的优势有多大? (3)竞争对手做出有力反应需要多长时间? 如果企业分析清楚了这三个因素,就会明确自己在建立和维持竞争优势中的地位了。 显然,公司不应去纠正它的所有劣势,也

8、不是对其优势不加利用。主要的问题是公司应研究,它究竟是应只局限在已拥有优势的机会中,还是去获取和发展一些优势以找到更好的机会。有时,企业发展慢并非因为其各部门缺乏优势,而是因为它们不能很好地协调配合。例如有一家大电子公司,工程师们轻视销售员,视其为“不懂技术的工程师”;而推销人员则瞧不起服务部门的人员,视其为“不会做生意的推销员”。因此,评估内部各部门的工作关系作为一项内部审计工作是非常重要的。 波士顿咨询公司提出,能获胜的公司是取得公司内部优势的企业,而不仅仅是只抓住公司核心能力。每一公司必须管好某些基本程序,如新产品开发、原材料采购、对订单的销售引导、对客户订单的现金实现、顾客问题的解决时

9、间等等。每一程序都创造价值和需要内部部门协同工作。虽然每一部门都可以拥有一个核心能力,但如何管理这些优势能力开发仍是一个挑战。 SWOT分析步骤 (1) 确认当前的战略是什么? (2) 确认企业外部环境的变化(波特五力或者 PEST) (3) 根据企业资源组合情况,确认企业的关键能力和关键限制 SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 4-11(4) 按照通用矩阵或类似的方式打分评价 把识别出的所有优势分成两组,分的时候以两个原则为基础:它们是与行业中潜在的机会有关,还是与潜在的威胁有关。用同样的办法把所有的劣势分成两组,一组与机会有关,另一组与威胁有关。 (5)将结果在 SWOT分析图上定位 或者用 S

10、WOT分析表,将刚才的优势和劣势按机会和威胁分别填入表格。 (6) 战略分析 举一个科尔尼 SWOT分析得出战略的例子。 SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 5-11成功应用 SWOT分析法的简单规则 进行 SWOT分析的时候必须对公司的优势与劣势有客观的认识。 进行 SWOT分析的时候必须区分公司的现状与前景。 进行 SWOT分析的时候必须考虑全面。 进行 SWOT分析的时候必须与竞争对手进行比较,比如优于或是劣于你的竞争对手。 保持 SWOT分析法的简洁化,避免复杂化与过度分析。 SWOT分析法因人而异。 一旦使用 SWOT分析法决定了关键问题,也就确定是市场营销的目标。SWOT 分析法可与 P

11、EST analysis和 Porters Five-Forces analysis等工具一起使用。市场营销课程的学生之所以热衷于 SWOT分析法是因为它的易学性与易用性。运用 SWOT分析法的时候,要将不用的要素列入相关的表格当中去,很容易操作。 SWOT分析法案例分析下面是 SWOT分析法的案例简述: 案例 1:沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)SWOT 分析 优势沃尔玛是著名的零售业品牌,它以物美价廉、货物繁多和一占式购物而闻名。 劣势虽然沃尔玛拥有领先的 IT技术,但是由于它的店铺布满全球,这种跨度会导致某些方面的控制力不够强。 机会采取收购、合并或者战略联盟的方式与其他国际零售商合作,专注于

12、欧洲或者大中华区等特定市场。 威胁所有竞争对手的赶超目标。 SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 6-11Wal-Mart SWOT原文 1 Strengths. Wal-Mart is a powerful retail brand. It has a reputation for value for money, convenience and a wide range of products all in one store. Wal-Mart has grown substantially over recent years, and has experienced global expans

13、ion (for example its purchase of the United Kingdom based retailer ASDA). The company has a core competence involving its use of information technology to support its international logistics system. For example, it can see how individual products are performing country-wide, store-by-store at a glan

14、ce. IT also supports Wal-Marts efficient procurement. A focused strategy is in place for human resource management and development. People are key to Wal-Marts business and it invests time and money in training people, and retaining a developing them. Weaknesses. Wal-Mart is the Worlds largest groce

15、ry retailer and control of its empire, despite its IT advantages, could leave it weak in some areas due to the huge span of control. Since Wal-Mart sell products across many sectors (such as clothing, food, or stationary), it may not have the flexibility of some of its more focused competitors. The

16、company is global, but has has a presence in relatively few countries Worldwide. Opportunities. To take over, merge with, or form strategic alliances with other global retailers, focusing on specific markets such as Europe or the Greater China Region. The stores are currently only trade in a relativ

17、ely small number of countries. Therefore there are tremendous opportunities for future business in expanding consumer markets, such as China and India. New locations and store types offer Wal-Mart opportunities to exploit market development. They diversified from large super centres, to local and ma

18、ll-based sites. Opportunities exist for Wal-Mart to continue with its current strategy of large, super centres. Threats. Being number one means that you are the target of competition, locally and globally. Being a global retailer means that you are exposed to political problems in the countries that

19、 you operate in. SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 7-11 The cost of producing many consumer products tends to have fallen because of lower manufacturing costs. Manufacturing cost have fallen due to outsourcing to low-cost regions of the World. This has lead to price competition, resulting in price deflation in some ra

20、nges. Intense price competition is a threat. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is the worlds largest retailer, with $256.3 billion in sales in the fiscal year ending Jan. 31, 2004. The company employs 1.6 million associates worldwide through more than 3,600 facilities in the United States and more than 1,570 un

21、its . . .more? Go to Wal-Mart Facts Disclaimer: This case study has been compiled from information freely available from public sources. It is merely intended to be used for educational purposes only. 案例 2:星巴克 SWOT分析 优势星巴克集团的盈利能力很强,2004 年的收入超过 6亿美元。 劣势星巴克以产品的不断改良与创新而闻名。(译者注:可以理解为产品线的不稳定) 机会新产品与服务的推出

22、,例如在展会销售咖啡。 威胁咖啡和奶制品成本的上升。 Starbucks SWOT原文 2 Strengths. Starbucks Corporation is a very profitable organization, earning in excess of $600 million in 2004.The company generated revenue of more than $5000 million in the same year. It is a global coffee brand built upon a reputation for fine products

23、 and services. It has almost 9000 cafes in almost 40 countries. Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For in 2005. The company is a respected employer that values its workforce. The organization has strong ethical values and an ethical mission statement as follows, Starbucks is

24、committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of our business. Weaknesses. Starbucks has a reputation for new product development and creativity. However, they remain vulnerable to the possibility that their innovation may falter over time. The organization has a strong presence in t

25、he United States of America with more than three quarters of their cafes located in the home market. SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 8-11It is often argued that they need to look for a portfolio of countries, in order to spread business risk. The organization is dependant on a main competitive advantage, the retail

26、of coffee. This could make them slow to diversify into other sectors should the need arise. Opportunities. Starbucks are very good at taking advantage of opportunties. In 2004 the company created a CD-burning service in their Santa Monica (California USA) cafe with Hewlett Packard, where customers c

27、reate their own music CD. New products and services that can be retailed in their cafes, such as Fair Trade products. The company has the opportunity to expand its global operations. New markets for coffee such as India and the Pacific Rim nations are beginning to emerge. Co-branding with other manu

28、facturers of food and drink, and brand franchising to manufacturers of other goods and services both have potential. Threats. Who knows if the market for coffee will grow and stay in favour with customers, or whether another type of beverage or leisure activity will replace coffee in the future? Sta

29、rbucks are exposed to rises in the cost of coffee and dairy products. Since its conception in Pike Place Market, Seattle in 1971, Starbucks success has lead to the market entry of many competitors and copy cat brands that pose potential threats. Starbucks mission statement is Establish Starbucks as

30、the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow. The following six guiding principles will help us measure the appropriateness of our decisions more? Then go to Starbucks. Disclaimer: This case study has been compiled from informat

31、ion freely available from public sources. It is merely intended to be used for educational purposes only. 案例 3:耐克 SWOT分析 优势耐克是一家极具竞争力的公司,公司创立者与 CEO菲尔 奈特(Phil Knight)最常提及的一句话便是“商场如战场”(Business is war without bullets)。 SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 9-11 劣势耐克拥有全系列的运动产品。(译者注:可以理解为没有重点产品) 机会产品的不断研发。 威胁受困于国际贸易。 Nike SWO

32、T原文 3 Strengths. Nike is a very competitive organization. Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is often quoted as saying that Business is war without bullets. Nike has a healthy dislike of is competitors. At the Atlanta Olympics, Reebok went to the expense of sponsoring the games. Nike did not. However Nik

33、e sponsored the top athletes and gained valuable coverage. Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. This makes a very lean organization. Nike is strong at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. They then m

34、anufacture wherever they can produce high quality product at the lowest possible price. If prices rise, and products can be made more cheaply elsewhere (to the same or better specification), Nike will move production. Nike is a global brand. It is the number one sports brand in the World. Its famous

35、 Swoosh is instantly recognisable, and Phil Knight even has it tattooed on his ankle. Weaknesses. The organization does have a diversified range of sports products. However, the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market. This may leave it vulnerable if f

36、or any reason its market share erodes. The retail sector is very price sensitive. Nike does have its own retailer in Nike Town. However, most of its income is derived from selling into retailers. Retailers tend to offer a very similar experience to the consumer. Can you tell one sports retailer from

37、 another? So margins tend to get squeezed as retailers try to pass some of the low price competition pressure onto Nike. Opportunities. Product development offers Nike many opportunities. The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that Nike is not a fashion brand. However, like

38、it or not, consumers that wear Nike product do not always buy it to participate in sport. Some would argue that in youth culture especially, Nike is a fashion brand. This creates its own opportunities, since product could become unfashionable before it wears out i.e. consumers need to replace shoes.

39、 SWOT 分析模型 PAGE 10-11 There is also the opportunity to develop products such as sport wear, sunglasses and jewellery. Such high value items do tend to have associated with them, high profits. The business could also be developed internationally, building upon its strong global brand recognition. The

40、re are many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods. For example, emerging markets such as China and India have a new richer generation of consumers. There are also global marketing events that can be utilised to support the brand such as the World Cup (soccer) an

41、d The Olympics. Threats. Nike is exposed to the international nature of trade. It buys and sells in different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time. Such an exposure could mean that Nike may be manufacturing and/or selling at a loss. This is an issue that faces

42、 all global brands. The market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive. The model developed by Phil Knight in his Stamford Business School days (high value branded product manufactured at a low cost) is now commonly used and to an extent is no longer a basis for sustainable competitive adv

43、antage. Competitors are developing alternative brands to take away Nikes market share. As discussed above in weaknesses, the retail sector is becoming price competitive. This ultimately means that consumers are shopping around for a better deal. So if one store charges a price for a pair of sports s

44、hoes, the consumer could go to the store along the street to compare prices for the exactly the same item, and buy the cheaper of the two. Such consumer price sensitivity is a potential external threat to Nike. If you have a body, you are an athlete - Bill Bowerman said this a couple of decades ago.

45、 The guy was right. It defines how he viewed the world, and it defines how Nike pursues its destiny. Ours is a language of sports, a universally understood lexicon of passion and competition. A lot has happened at Nike in the 30 years More . . . Disclaimer: This case study has been compiled from inf

46、ormation freely available from public sources. It is merely intended to be used for educational purposes only. 案例 4:某炼油厂 SWOT分析某炼油厂是我国最大的炼油厂之一,至今已有 50多年的历史,目前已成为具有730万吨/年原油加工能力,能生产 120多种石油化工产品的燃料-润滑油-化工原料型的综合性炼油厂。该厂有 6种产品获国家金质奖,6 种产品获国家银质将,48 种产品获 114项优质产品证书,1989 年获国家质量管理奖,1995 年 8月通过国际GB/T19002-ISO9002质量体系认证,成为我国炼油行业首家获此殊荣的企业。


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