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1、WCDMA 常见缩略语缩略语 英文全称 中文解释2G 2nd Generation Mobile Communications System 第二代移动通信系统3G,3GMS 3rd Generation Mobile Communications System 第三代移动通信系统3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project 第三代合作组织A AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting 鉴权、授权、计费AAL1 ATM Adaptation Layer type 1 ATM 适配层类型 1AAL2 ATM Ada

2、ptation Layer type 2 ATM 适配层类型 2AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 ATM 适配层类型 5ABR Available Bit Rate 可用比特率ACL Access Control List 访问控制列表ACS Add, Compare, Select 加,比,选ADMF Administration Function at the LIAN LIAN 中的管理功能实体ADT Adaptive Dynamic Threshold 自适应动态阀值AG Access Gateway 接入网关AI Acquisition Indicat

3、ior 捕获指示AICH Acquisition Indication Channel 捕获指示信道ALIM ATM Line Interface Module subrack ATM 线路接口插框AM Account Management 计费管理AM Acknowledged Mode 确认模式AMR Adaptive MultiRate 自适应多速率ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准组织AoCC Advice of Charge Charging 计费费用通知AoCI Advice of Charge Information

4、计费信息通知AP Access Point 接入点AP Access Preamble 接入前导APN Access Point Name 接入点名称ARP Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议APP Application 应用层ARQ Automatic Repeat Request 自动重发请求AS Application Server 应用服务器AS Access Stratum 接入层ASC Access Service Class 接入服务类ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchang

5、e 美国信息交换标准码ASF Application Server Function 应用服务器功能ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One 抽象语法编码 1ASP Application Server Process 应用服务器进程ASP Access Service Provider 接入服务提供商ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式AuC Authentication Center 鉴权中心B BAIC Barring o

6、f All Incoming Calls 限制所有入呼叫BAIC-Roam Barring of All Incoming Calls when Roaming outside the home PLMN country 当漫游出归属 PLMN 国家后,限制入呼叫BAM Back Administration Module 后管理模块BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls 限制所有出局呼叫BAS Broadband Access Server 宽带接入服务器BC Billing Center 计费中心BCCH Broadcast Control Channel 广

7、播控制信道BCH Broadcast Channel 广播信道BCFE Broadcast Control Functional Entity 广播控制功能实体BER Bit Error Rate 误比特率BGP Border Gateway Protocol 边界网关协议BHCA Busy Hour Calling Attempt 忙时试呼次数BICC Bearer Independent Call Control 承载无关呼叫控制BIOS Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply Sys

8、tem 通信楼综合定时供给系统BLER Block Error Rate 误块率BMC Broadcast/Multicast Control 广播/组播控制BNET Broadband NETwork subrack 宽带交换网插框BOIC Barring of Outgoing International Calls supplementary service 禁止国际出局呼叫补充业务BOIC-exHC Barring of Outgoing International Calls except those directed to the Home PLMN Country 限制所有除归属

9、国外的国际出局呼叫BOM Bill of Material 物料清单BS Billing System 计费系统BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器BSP Board Support Packet 板级支持软件包BSS Base Station Subsystem 基站子系统BSSAP Base Station Subsystem Application Part 基站子系统应用部分BTS Base Transceiver Station 基站收发信台C CA Capacity Allocation 容量分配CAA Capacity Allocation Ackn

10、owledgement 容量分配确认CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic移动网络增强逻辑的客户化应用CAP CAMEL Application Part CAMEL 应用部分CAR Committed Access Rate 约定访问速度CBR Constant Bit Rate 恒定比特率CC Call Control 呼叫控制CCCH Common Control Channel 公共控制信道CCF Conditional Call Forwarding 条件呼叫前转CCF Call Control

11、Function 呼叫控制功能CCH Control Channel 控制信道CCPCH Common Control Physical Channel 公共控制物理信道CCTrCH Coded Composite Transport Channel 编码合成传输信道CD Collision Detection 碰撞检测CD Capacity Deallocation 容量释放CDA Capacity Deallocation Acknowledgement 容量释放确认CDF Cumulative Distribution FunctionCDMA Code Division Multipl

12、e Access 码分多址接入CDR Call Detail Record 呼叫详细记录CDV Cell Delay Variation 信元时延抖动CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 信元时延抖动容限CE Channel Element 信道资源CFB Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Busy 遇忙前转CFNRc Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable 不可及前转CFNRy Call Forwarding on No Reply 无应答呼叫前转CFU C

13、all Forwarding Unconditional 无条件呼叫前转CG Charging Gateway 计费网关CGF Charging Gateway Functionality 计费网关实体CGI Cell Global Igentification 全球小区识别码CI Cell Identity 小区标示CIO Cell Individual Offset 小区独立偏量CLR Cell Loss Rate 信元丢失率CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation supplementary service 主叫识别提供补充业务CLIR

14、Calling Line Identification Restriction supplementary service 主叫识别限制补充业务CM Configuration Management 配置管理CM Connection Management 连接管理CMM Capability Mature Model 能力成熟度模型CN Core Network 核心网络CoLI Connected Line Identity 被叫识别CoLP COnnected Line identification Presentation supplementary service 被叫识别提供补充业

15、务CoLR COnnected Line identification Restriction supplementary service 被叫识别限制补充业务CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 公用对象请求代理程序体系结构CPCH Common Packet Channel 公共分组信道CPICH Common Pilot Channel 公共导频信道CPLD Complex Programmable Logical Device 可编程逻辑器件CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CQI Channel

16、 Quality Indicator 信道质量指示CRC Cyclic Redundancy Code 循环冗余码CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验CS Circuit Switch 电路交换域CSE Camel Service Environment CAMEL 服务环境CSI CAMEL Subscription Information CAMEL 用户签约信息CTCH Common Traffic Channel 公共业务信道CTDMA Code Time Division Multiple Access 码分-时分多址CUG Closed User G

17、roup 闭合用户群CW Call Waiting 呼叫等待(补充业务)D DC Dedicated Control (SAP) 专用控制(SAP)DCA Dynamic Channel Allocation 动态信道分配DCFE Dedicated Control Functional Entity 专用控制功能实体DCCH Dedicated Control Channel 专用控制信道DCH Dedicated Channel 专用信道DDN Defense Data Service 防卫数据网DF2P Delivery Function at the LIAN handling IRI

18、 data LIAN 中的 IRI 数据传输实体DF3P Delivery Function at the LIAN handling IDP data LIAN 中的 IDP 数据传输实体DL Downlink (Forward link) 下行链路(前向链路)DNS Domain Name Server 域名服务器DPC Destination Point Code 目的地信令点编码DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel 专用物理控制信道DPCH Dedicated Physical Channel 专用物理信道DPDCH Dedicated Ph

19、ysical Data Channel 专用物理数据信道DoS Denial of Service 拒绝服务DRAC Dynamic Resource Allocation Control 动态资源分配控制DRNC Drift Radio Network Controller 漂移无线网络控制器DRNS Drift RNS 漂移 RNSDRX Discontinuous Reception 非连续接收DSCH Downlink Shared Channel 下行共享信道DS-CDMA Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access 直接序列码分多址D

20、SP Data Signal Processor 数字信号处理器DSS1 Digital Subscriber Signaling No.1 1 号数字用户信令(协议)DTCH Dedicated Traffic Channel 专用业务信道DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency 双音多频DTX Discontinuous Transmission 非连续发送E EACL Expand ACL 扩展 ACLEC Echo Cancellation 回声消除Ec/No Received energy per chip divided by the power dens

21、ity in the band 每码片接收能量 / 功率密度EDGE Enhanecd Data Rates For GSM Evolution GSM 演进增强数据速率EIR Equipment Identity Register 设备识别寄存器EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容性EMS Element Management System 网元管理系统ESN Electronic Serial Number 电子串号ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准组织F FA F

22、oreign Agent 外部代理FACH Forward Access Channel 前向接入信道FAUSCH Fast Uplink Signaling Channel 快速上行信令信道FBI Feedback Information 反馈信息FCS Fame Check Sequence 帧检测序列FDD Frequency Division Duplex 频分双工FDDI Fiber Distributed Digital Interface 光纤分布式数字接口FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址FE Fast Ethernet 快

23、速以太网FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错FER Frame Error Rate 误帧率FFS For Further Study 有待下一步研究FM Fault Management 故障管理FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telephone System 未来陆地移动电话系统FR Frame Relay 帧中继FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management 文件传输、存取(访问)与管理FTAM File

24、 Transfer Access and Management 文件传输接入与管理FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议G GC General Control (SAP) 通用控制(SAP)G-CDR GGSN-CDR GGSN 产生的有关 PDP context 的计费数据记录GE Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网GF Galois Field 伽罗华域GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node 网关 GPRS 支持节点GMLC Gateway Mobile Location Center 网关移动位置中心GMM GPRS Mobi

25、lity Management GPRS 移动性管理GMSC Gateway Mobile-services Switching Center 网关移动业务交换中心GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治标准时间GP Guard Period 保护周期GPRS General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation 通用路由封装GSM, GSM900,GSM1800Global System for Mobile communi

26、cations全球移动通信系统,900MHz 的 GSM 系统,1800MHz 的 GSM 系统GSN GPRS Support Node GPRS 支持节点GSPU GGSN Signaling Process Unit GGSN 信令处理单元GT Global Title 全球寻址码GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol GPRS 隧道协议GTP-C GPRS Tunneling Protocol for control plane GPRS 隧道协议控制面GTP-U User plane of GPRS Tunneling Protocol GPRS 隧道协议用户面GUI

27、 Graphic User Interface 图形用户界面GW GateWay 网关H H.248 H.248/Megaco protocol H.248 媒体网关控制协议HCS Hierarchical Cell Structure 层次蜂窝结构HDLC High Data Link Control 高速数据链路规程HLR Home Location Register 归属位置寄存器HHO Hard Handover 硬切换HO Handover 切换HOLD Call Hold 呼叫保持HPLMN Home PLMN 归属 PLMNHSC Hot Swap Controller 热倒换控

28、制板HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议HW High Way 高速信号线I ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol 因特网控制报文协议 (Internet 控制消息协议)ICP Internet Content Provider 互联网内容提供商IDE Integrated Device Electronics 集成设备电路IDP Intercept Data Product 监听数据包IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工委员会IETF Inte

29、rnet Engineering Task Force Internet 工程任务组iGWB iGateway Bill 计费网关IMA Inverse Multiplexing on ATM ATM 反向复用iManager M2000 integrated Manager Mobile 2000集中移动网管系统M2000(华为公司网管产品)IMEI International Mobile station Equipment Identity 国际移动终端设备标识IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity 国际移动用户标识IMT-2000 I

30、nternational Mobile Telecommunication 2000 国际移动通信系统 2000IN Intelligent Network 智能网IP Internet Protocol 互联网协议IPBCP IP Bearer Control Protocol IP 承载控制协议IPCP IP Control Plane IP 控制面IPOA IP Over ATM ATM 承载 IPIRI Intercept Related Information 监听相关信息ISCP Interference on Signal Code Power 信号码功率干扰ISCP Inter

31、ference Signal Code Power 干扰信号码功率ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字网IS-IS Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System 中间系统到中间系统路由协议ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网业务提供商ISUP ISDN User Part (of signalling system No.7) (七号信令之)ISDN 用户部分ITU International Telecommunications Union 国际电信联盟(国际电联)

32、ITU-T ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU 电信标准化组(部)J JD Joint Detection 联合检测JTAG Joint Test Action Group 联合测试行动小组K kbps kilo-bits per second 千比特/秒KPI Key Performance Indicator 关键性能指标L L1 Layer 1 (physical layer) 第一层(物理层)L2 Layer 2 (data link layer) 第二层(数据链路层)L3 Layer 3 (network layer) 第

33、三层(网络层)LAC Link Access Control 链路接入控制LAI Location Area Identity 位置区域识别LAN Local Area Network 局域网LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LCS Location Services 位置业务LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol轻量级目录访问协议。LDAP 是一种轻量的目录存取协议,提供客户从各个角落连接到目录服务器中。LEA Law Enforcement Agency 执法代理LED Light Emitting Diode 发

34、光二极管LI Lawful Intercept 合法监听LIAN Lawful Intercept Administration Node 合法监听管理节点LLC Logic Link Control 逻辑链路控制LMS Local OMC Subsystem 本地 OMC 子系统LMT Local Maintenance Terminal 本地维护终端LPU Line interface processing unit 线路接口处理单元M M2UA SS7 MTP2-User Adaptation Layer SS7 MTP2 用户适配层M3UA SS7 MTP3-User Adaptati

35、on Layer SS7 MTP3 用户适配层MA Multiple Access 多址接入MAC Media Access Control 媒体接入控制MAHO Mobile Assisted Handover 移动台辅助切换MAP Mobile Application Part 移动应用部分MBS Maximum Burst Size 最大突发尺寸Mcps Mega Chip Per Second 兆切普/秒MCR Minimum Cell Rate 最新信元速率M-CDR Mobility Management-CDR SGSN 产生的有关移动性管理的计费数据记录MGC Media Ga

36、teway Controller 媒体网关控制器MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol 媒体网关控制协议MGW Media Gate-Way 媒体网关MIP Mobile IP 移动 IPMM Mobility Management 移动性管理MML Man Machine Language 人机语言MNC Mobile Network Code 移动网络码MO Magneto-Optical 磁光盘MO Mobile Originated 移动台发起的MOHO Mobile Originated Handover 移动台发起的切换MOS Mean Opinio

37、n Score 平均主观值MPLS MultiProtocol Label Switching 多协议标签交换MPTY Multi Party Service 多方通话补充业务MPU Main Processing Unit 主控单元MRS Media Resource Server 媒体资源服务器MS Mobile Station 移动台(手机)MSC Mobile services Switching Center, Mobile 移动交换中心Switching CenterMSC Server Mobile Switch Center Server 移动交换中心服务器MSF Multis

38、ervice Switching Forum 多业务交换论坛MSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN Number 移动台国际 ISDN 号码MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number 移动用户漫游号码MT Mobile Terminal 移动终端MT Mobile Terminated 移动台终止的MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均故障间隔时间MTP Message Transfer Part 消息传输部分MTP3B Message transfer part (broadband) 消息传输

39、部分(宽带)MTTR Mean Time to Repair 平均故障修复时间MUI Mobile User Identifier 移动用户识别MVPN Mobile Virtual Private Network 移动虚拟专用网N NAS Non Access Stratum 非接入层NAT Net Address Translation 网络地址转换NBAP Node B Application Protocol 节点 B 应用协议NE Network Element 网元NFS Network File System 网络文件系统NI Network Interface 网络接口NLP

40、No-Linear Processor 非线性处理NM Network Management 网络管理NMC Network Management Center 网管中心NMS Network Management System 网管系统NNI Network Node Interface (Network-to-Network) 网络节点接口NP Network Processor 网络处理器NPC Network Parameter Control 网络参数控制NRT Non-Real Time 非实时NS Network Sublayer 网络子层NSAP Network Service

41、 Access Point 网络业务接入点NSAPI Network Service Access Point Identifier 网络业务接入点标识Nt Notification (SAP) 通知(服务接入点)NTP Network Time Protocol 网络时间协议NW Network 网络O O1GAB 1-Port Gigabit Ethernet Interface Unit ( Single-mode, medium distance) 单模 10km-SC 接口-1 路1000M 以太网光接口板ODB Operator Determined Barring 运营者决定的闭

42、锁OCCCH ODMA Common Control Channel ODMA 公共控制信道ODCCH ODMA Dedicated Control Channel ODMA 专用控制信道ODCH ODMA Dedicated Channel ODMA 专用信道ODCH ODMA Dedicated Transport Channel ODMA 专用传输信道ODMA Opportunity Driven Multiple Access 机会驱动多址接入ODTCH ODMA Dedicated Traffic Channel ODMA 专用业务信道OEM Original Equipment M

43、anufacturer 原设备制造商O&M, OM Operations & Maintenance 操作与维护OMC Operations & Maintenance Center 操作与维护中心OPC Originating Point Code 源信令点编码ORACH ODMA Random Access Channel ODMA 随机接入信道OSI Open System Interconnection 开放系统互连OSPF Open Shortest Path First 开放最短路径优先路由协议OVSF Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (c

44、odes) 正交可变扩频因子(码)P P4CAB 4-port STM-1 PoS Optical Interface Unit ( Single-mode, medium distance)单模 15Km-MTRJ 接口-4路 OC-3c/STM-1c POS 光接口板PBX Private Branch Exchange 小交换机PBCCH Packet Braodcast Control Channel 分组广播控制信道PC Personal Computer 个人计算机PC Power Control 功率控制PCCC Parallel Concatenated Convolution

45、al Code 并行级联卷积码P-CCPCH Primary Common Control Physical Channel 主公共控制物理信道PCCH Paging Control Channel 寻呼控制信道PCH Paging Channel 寻呼信道PCI Protocol Control Information 协议控制信息PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect 外部部件互连PCM Pulse Code Modulate 脉冲编码调制PCPCH Physical Common Packet Channel 物理公共包信道PCR Peak Cell

46、Rate 信元峰值速率PCS Personal Communications System 个人通信系统PCU Packet Control Unit 分组控制单元PDCP Packet Data Convergence Protocol 包数据集中协议PDH Plesiochronous Digital hierarchy 准同步数字序列PDN Packet Data Network 分组数据网PDP Packet Data Protocol 分组数据协议PDSCH Physical Dedicated Shared Channel 物理专用共享信道PDSCH Physical Downlink Shared Channel 物理下行共享信道PDU Protocol Data Unit 协议数据单元PhCH Physical Channel 物理信道PHS Persona Handyphone System 个人便携电话系统PhyCH Physical Channels 物理信道PHY Physical layer 物理层


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