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1、Blank-filling ExercisesDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.1. Peter is always afraid of doing something wrong. He needs to feel more_(confidence)in himself.2. Tony studied very hard every day.

2、_(gradual), he kept up with his classmates.3. Some people like_( take risks). They always want to try something new andexciting.4. Mary has trouble _(swim) because she is afraid of water.5. We must practice _( speak ) English as much as we can.6. I gave him a present but he refused _( accept ) it.7.

3、 Jane used to live in the countryside, but now she has been used to _( live ) in the city .8. She _( disturb ) to hear about her mothers illness.9. The students cannot leave the classroom without _( permit ).10. The teacher who _( in charge of ) our class in the middle school is Mr. Zhao.11. “You al

4、ways forget to turn off the lights before leaving.” “Thats not true, Mum. I remember_(turn off) them this afternoon.”12. Walt Disney made many Mickey Mouse cartoons, which _(make) him famous.13. The artist began _( learn ) to play the piano when he was only five.14. The fat little man _( name ) Hans

5、 was a very funny man.15. A group of students are coming out of the school, _( talk and laugh ) happily.16. Dont hesitate _( help ) people in trouble if you can.17. Amelia Earhart had almost succeeded in _( complete ) her trip around the world.18. The girl student worked hard _( study ) English. At

6、last she became a famous English broadcaster.19. Many things _ ( consider ) impossible are common today.20. The last time I saw Jane, she _ ( pick ) cotton in the fields.21. She had no trouble _(translate) that book into English.22. It is not much use _( learn by heart) long lists of words and their

7、 meanings.23. When I was at college, I used to _( listen to ) the radio every day.24. People are not allowed _( smoke ) on the bus.25. He never refuses _( help ) his fellow classmates.26. The girl often _ ( dream of ) being a film star.27. After several hours climbing, they succeeded in _( reach ) t

8、he top of Taishan.28. When the teacher asked if they would like to go for an outing the next day, everyone answered“Yes.” Without _( hesitate ).29. What do you consider _( be ) the most important thing in the world?30. Youd better _( think about ) the problem more carefully.31. What do you plan_(do)

9、 during the holidays?32. “Ive got it, Mr. Smith. Thank you for your _( explain).”33. The famous film star faced an _( excite) audience.34. Computers can be _(use) to do most of the things people can do.35. Its no use _(cry) over the spilt milk.36. We havent decided whether _(stay) there for another

10、week.37. We are interested in the weather because it _(affect) us so directly -what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.38. The first computer system _( introduce) for use in business in the mid-1950s.39. He _( go through) all the letters in his room for nearly two hours.40. The watch I wear _

11、(make) in Shenzhen.41. July 1st _(celebrate) as the birthday of the Communist Party.42. Richards wife Marilyn works as a fashion _(design) in New York.43. It _(say) that a terrible disease is spreading quickly among animals.44. The custom of celebrating Fathers Day _(grow up) in China.45. She had a

12、frightening dream and _(wake up) early in the morning.46. A large ship _(load) with grains and clothes are sailing from China to Africa.47. Every morning the single mother has to send her five-year-old son to his kindergarten by bike,then hurries _( go) to work.48. Peter _(break down) and wept when

13、his mother died.49. The classroom_(fill with) young students before the famous professor came.50. Since early morning, the tourists _(look at) the sights of the big city- theparks, the museums, the art galleries, and the tall buildings.51. He is a lovely boy _( fill with) imaginations.52. This morni

14、ng I _(wake up) by a loud noise outside the window, which made me a bit annoyed.53. Let us sing some songs _(celebrate) this joyful occasion.54. Philadelphia was the _(origin) capital of the United States.55. The day when the Second World War came to an end is _(associate with)the victory of all the

15、 peace-loving people all over the world.56. Mobile phones _(use) more and more widely in China.57. At last he decided _(tell) his teacher all about it.58. He _(go through) all the magazines in one hour.59. His _(explain) on why he was late sounded reasonable.60. Go to the airport, take the next _(fl

16、y) to Shanghai where your mother is waiting for you.61. If you practice English every day, you will get used to _(express) your ideasin English.62. The language lab in our school _( equip with) the most up-to-date equipment.63. After graduating from the local normal university, her dream of _(become

17、) a teacher has come true.64. What do you think the most _(value) thing in the world?65. The teacher suggested that the mother _(take) her son outside in the open air in spring, which was good for his health.66. Nowadays the computer has _(use) in many fields.67. Some relatives and friends are havin

18、g a birthday _(celebrate) for my 10-year-oldson. 68. Though already midnight, its still so busy in the streets. Some people are leaving the movies or plays. Some_(wait for) buses or taxis.69. The hall _(decorate with) flags, pictures and flowers for the opening ceremony.70. Shenzhen was _(origin) a

19、small fishing village, but now it has become a modern city.71. The letters PRC _(代表)the Peoples Republic of China.72. The Olympic Games is held _(每四年一次 ).73. What a respectable man! He never _(炫耀)his knowledge thought he isa learned man.74. In order to attract more customers, the department store tr

20、ies to _(满足需求)in many respects.75. How do you _(对付)people who are dishonest?76. Dont be so _(沮丧)! Youll still have another chance.77. The fat woman who is _(超重)by 10 kilograms is having trouble inlosing weight.78. You must _(向道歉)Miss Li for your rudeness.79. Guilin _(以著名) its beautiful scenery.80. M

21、ary refused Toms invitation to his party_(毫不犹豫).Keys For Reference1. confidence 2. Gradually 3. taking risks / to take risks 4. swimming 5. speaking 6. to accept 7. living 8. was disturbed 9. permission 10. is in charge of 11. turning off 12. made 13. to learn 14. named 15. talking and laughing 16.

22、to help 17. completing 18. studying 19. considered 20. was picking21. translating 22. learning by heart 23. listen to 24. to smoke 25. to help 16. dreams of 27. reaching 28. hesitation 29. to be 30. think about31. to do 32. explanation 33. excited 34. used 35. crying 36. to stay 37. affects 38. was

23、introduced 39. has been going through 40. was made 41. is celebrated 42. designer 43. is said 44. has grown up 45. woke up 46. loaded 47. to go 48. was broken down 49. was filled with 50. have been looking at 51. filled with 52. was woken up 53. to celebrate 54. original 55. associated with 56. are

24、being used 57. to tell 58. has gone through 59. explanation 60. flight61. expressing 62. are equipped with 63. becoming 64. valuable 65. (should) take 66. been used 67. celebration 68. are waiting for 69. is/was decorated with 70. originally71. stand for 72. once every four years 73. shows off 74. meet their needs 75. deal with 76. depressed 77. overweight 78. make an apology to 79. is famous for 80. without hesitation


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