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1、一框架In this argument, the author concludes that To support the conclusion, the author points out that In addition, the author reasons/cites that At first glance, the authors reasoning seems to be appealing, while clearly examine the authors reasoning, we may find that it is unconvincing. The argument

2、 contains several facets that are questionable.First of all, In addition, Finally,To sum up, this argument is not so convincing as it stands.In order to make it more persuasive, the arguer would better Also, to better evaluate the argument, we would need more information regarding Additionally, the

3、author must provide evidence to 二论证驳斥部分 the author commits (+错误名称)By concluding that , the author commits The argument suffers from 四问题总结*假设的可信度*The arguer simply assumes that , but does not provide any evidence to substantiate this is the case. It is true that(让步), but the arguer must show that . O

4、therwise, based on this slim information, we can never evaluate the validity of the assumption.*攻击自相矛盾*The editorial seems to make two irreconcilable claims. One is that ; the other is that However, the editorial fails to consider that Thus,as it stands the argument is self-contradictory, and the au

5、thor must either modify it by or somehow reconcile these two objectives.*概念差异 *Another problem is that some important/chief/vital/key terminologies are too vague to be meaningful. do not necessarily indicate that Perhaps , or .In short, without ruling out other possible reasons for , the authors cla

6、im is unconvincing.*攻击词汇定义*A threshold problem involves the definition of A; the author fails to define this critical term.If A is defined as , then is irrelevant to whether In short, without a clear definition of , it is impossible to conclude with any confidence that .*错误类比:The Fallacy of Faulty A

7、nalogy*the author commits “The Fallacy of Faulty Analogy”, meaning that the argument is based on a false analogy between and . It is certainly possible that A , while B .Therefore, the author cant safely get any solid conclusion based on this faulty analogy.*草率推广*Even if , it is entirely possible th

8、at the success of would not suffice to similar elsewhere.Perhaps , or perhaps .In either case, the fact that would amount to scant support for the argument.*因果关系错:The “After This, Therefore, Because of This” Fallacy*The arguer implies the correlation between and is a causal relationship, but the fac

9、t itself does not suffice to prove such a relationship. It is entirely/highly possible that other factors might also bring about these same results.For instance, Consequently, this is a fallacious analysis unless the author is able to provide persuasive evidences to rule out any other possibilities.

10、*整体与部分*1. 整体规律不一定适用于个人The argument assumes that apply specifically to .In other words, the characteristics of a group apply to every member of that group.Yet, the author does not provide any evidence to substantiate this crucial assumption.It is entirely/highly/quite possible that For that matter, m

11、ight be just the opposite.Thus, the that the author cites amount to scant evidence that .2. 部分不能说明整体Even assuming that , the authors claim that the success can be repeated elsewhere might nevertheless be unwarranted. might not be representative of most For instance, perhaps Without additional sample

12、s from diverse geographic locations, the authors sweeping generalization about .*认为要取得理想的结果就必须这样做:The recommendation overlooks the possibility that one or more factors other than were responsible for , such as . For instance, perhaps .Without weighing the proposal against alternatives, the articles

13、claim that is the “best” means of achieving is wholly unconvincing.*还有其他原因 The Either-or Thinking*The author commits the fallacy of “The Either-Or Thinking”. By assuming that A and B are the only available solutions to the problem, the author simply choose A as the final conclusion. However, it is h

14、ighly possible that means other than this would better solve the problem. Perhaps, for instance, Without considering and ruling out these and other alternative means of , the author cant confidently conclude that .*认为这样做就足以取得理想的结果:The recommendation depends on the unsupported assumption that by mean

15、s of following the advice provided by , it is certain that will be achieved. However, without further information provided, it is equally possible that would not suffice by itself. mustOtherwise, the will not be such helpful. *攻击利润问题 *A(地/ 公司)will not possibly earn a substantial profit by (措施). Prof

16、itability is a function of both revenue and expense.Thus, it is entirely possible that the costs of might render it unprofitable despite its popularity.In short, without weighing revenue against expenses, the authors perception is premature at best.*攻击承诺*The author appreciates As strong commitment t

17、o B to some extent. However, to make a commitment is quite trouble-free; to keep it is far more difficult. There is no indication provided in this argument that they might fulfill their promise. As a consequence, the author could not make any prophecy.*Survey 基于不准确的调查结果*The arguer provides no assura

18、nces that the survey on which the argument depends is statistically reliable. 1. 样本的量 the Insufficient Sample FallacyThe number of , 100, might constitute an insufficiency small sample to draw any reliable conclusion aboutTherefore, the conclusion that , which is drawn from such survey, would be hig

19、hly suspected. 2. 样本的比例The argument provides no information about what percentage of . The lower the percentages are, the less reliable the results of the surveys.Although the number appears to be large, it is possible that 此数字 is only a small percent of the total population, which of course cant re

20、present the overall population of . Therefore, the conclusion that , which is drawn from such survey, would be highly suspected.3可能提供不真实的结果 The Biased-Sample FallacyIt is highly possible that the answers provided by the respondents are not accurate or credible, which, of course, is not representativ

21、e enough to reflect the general attitude of as a whole.In either event, the survey results would be unreliable for the purpose of drawing any solid conclusions.*比例与总量混淆*Although a 30% increase seems significant, the actual level of might nevertheless be very low. This scenario is quite possible, esp

22、ecially considering that . Lacking evidence that , the arguments conclusion that is unjustified.*认为一切事情都是永恒不变的:The “All Things are Equal” FallacyThe author unfairly infers from in the past that this year must also .Also, it is assumed without justification that background conditions have remained th

23、e same at different times/conditions.Yet, absent evidence to support this inference, it is just as likely that , or that .For that matter, perhaps Any of these scenarios, if true, would undermine the authors claim that .句型:*让步Even if has been improved as a result of , which is, of course, an unwarra

24、nted assumption, it does not follow that Even if the arguer can substantiate the foregoing assumptions, Even assuming *信息不够The mere fact that is insufficient evidence to conclude that .Lacking more specific information about , it is impossible to access the reliability of or to make an informed reco

25、mmendation.There is no scientific evidence to confirm that The evidence/facts cannot lend support to the claim/assumption/assertion thatHowever, no evidence is offered to support this assumption.However, no evidence is provided to support that this is the case.In fact, in face of such limited eviden

26、ce, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion at all.One example is rarely sufficient to establish a general conclusion.*没有保证假设There is no guarantee that this is the case, nor does the author cite any evidence to support this assumption.*考虑不周,未排除其他可能The editorial fails to take into account for the str

27、ong possibility thatThe author fails to consider and rule out other factors that might account for .*其他可能It is +highly +possible +that other factors may have +caused +Bentirely likely contribute toquite determinebring aboutaccount forbe responsible forlead toresult ingive rise toIt is just as likely

28、 thatAnother possibility cannot be excluded thatThe author overlooks the possibility thatPerhaps*有说服力的Cogent/sound/valid/persuasive/telling/reliable/firmCompelling/convincing/supporting*没有说服力的Unsound/unreliable/ unreasonable/unjustified/unsubstantiated/unwarranted/Invalid/ insufficient/Groundless/ba

29、seless/dubious/premature/questionable/ramshackle 经济5. Perhaps hundreds of businesses were plunged in economic vicious circle for the seriously violent competition among them, which invited the local depression. 6. Perhaps M is famous for its impressive natural landscape, as a seaside city, which ent

30、ices a multitude of travelers all over the world to go vacationing there.12. Perhaps M already contains several hotels that are utilized to their capacity. If so, building yet another hotel might amount to misallocation of the towns resourcesand actually harm the towns overall economy. 商业2. Perhaps

31、Ms competitive opponent firms and companies move to other cities. (go bankrupt)3. Perhaps there are a couple of comparatively formidable competitors in this area.6. Perhaps the market has become exceedingly saturated(饱和) since many companies were involved in this field several years ago, and additio

32、nalwill not be as successful as current ones.8. Perhaps the decline was blamed on such factors as imprudent pricing and distribution strategies or poor management and these problems have not been adequately remedied.9. Perhaps the sales inare highly seasonal and M will need to wait longer than two m

33、onths to see the conspicuous increase it expects.10. Perhaps other prices have risen commensurably, or perhaps even more on a percentage basis, during the same time period. 11. Perhaps consumer (oyster) tastes and habits have become so well entrenched that consumers will continue to favor12. Perhaps

34、 the improvement in sales was the result of increasing product demand, new pricing policies, decreased competition or any one of a myriad of other possible developments.14. Perhaps due to local economic depression consumers might have less disposable income for purchasing items, such as, especially

35、if consumers income has not kept pace with escalating prices. 工作1. Perhaps large exotic population flooded into M a few years ago, thus inviting relatively high unemployment.2. Perhaps many unemployed residents are unwilling to go to work if offered the chance, for their handsome welfare can support

36、 their families.4. Perhaps the current prosperity might attribute to Ms predecessor, since common sense informs me that there exists a time-lag when it comes to achievements in someones official career.5. It is entirely possible that A differs in many ways from B, such as the overall economy, the sc

37、ale of labor pool, and the unemployment rate. For instance, perhaps A is in depression by virtue of the recent suffering from a terrible cyclone, and the whole city residents are involved in the reconstruction work. For that matter, it is impossible to attract any firm or company, in spite of financ

38、ial inducement.7. Perhaps the comparatively large staff is the result of organizational inefficiency.9. Perhaps a young, inexperienced worker is less likely to be forthright about responding to the surveyfor fear of retaliation by the supervisor. 生活4. Perhaps more people intend to live there lured b

39、y the superior local welfare system.6. Perhaps despite the decline Ms housing costs might still be high compared to those in other cities. 犯罪1. Perhaps the city adopted a new city-wide “tough-on-crime” policy.2. Perhaps the city improved police training and enhanced police enforcement notably.4. Per

40、haps around the same time the city added police units or more after-school youth programs. 学校1. Perhaps the school hired more effective teachers whose outstanding teaching methods contributed to the improvement of4. Perhaps Ms students are outstanding academically due to comparatively high admission

41、 standards and high quality instruction or facilities.5. Perhaps As curriculum does not prepare students for the job market as effectively as Bs.7. Perhaps Ms students are exceptionally bright or resourceful to begin with.8. Perhaps the school received substantial funding to enhance its after-school

42、 tutoring program.(学生成绩升高的原因) 投诉1. Perhaps this group of women is less prone to make complaints about pain than this group of men for their remarkable stoical nature or their experience with painful medical procedures.2. Perhaps many customers are indeed disgruntled about, but too busy to take time

43、and effort to formally complain.4. Perhaps As staff might openly encourage customer feedback while Bs does not.5. Perhaps many customs express their displeasure simply by not returning to the company. The greater the percentage of such customers, the weaker the arguments evidence as a sign of custom

44、er satisfaction with 交通 (有待补充)1. Perhaps some other factors, such as unseasonably poor weather, diminished law enforcement measures, or even an influx of teenage drivers to the area, have served to increase the accident rate to a greater extent. 降低的原因:stricter law enforcement measures, improved driv

45、er education 其它1. Perhaps last year was an aberration, and in most other yearsinflation(通货膨胀), devaluation(货币贬值)the flourish of economythe regional/national/international economic cycle/climatepurchasing power(购买力 )sale items(促销商品 )a rise in the overall standard of living and quality of lifeweather patterns, climate typeunusually pleasant weatherthe culture of the areadisparity(不一致) in average age


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