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1、1两个要求:PPPassion Inspiration Motivation1,全球化的影响2,职业趋向3,个人价值的实现Practice好好背单词课上所要解决的三件事情:I came,I fought,I conquered.I came,I learned,I forgot.1,句子的理解 2, 核心单词的突破 (46,单词相差 1300 个,核心词汇 500 左右)3,如何来学习词汇(背单词)如何来学习词汇(背单词)pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosispneum / ono / ultra / microscopic / silico

2、 / volcano / coniosispneum:表示肺的,肺部的,ono:表示这个词是一个医学词汇,ultra:表示 “过度的” ,microscopic: telescope 望远镜microscope 显微镜microscopic “小的,异常小的 ”,silico: silicon“硅的,硅酸盐的” ,volcano:“火山,火山灰,尘埃”coniosis:“表示沉着性疾病 ”整个单词: “肺部超微粒硅酸盐尘埃沉着性疾病” ,又叫“矽肺病”方法一:词根词缀法英语当中绝大多数词汇来源于拉丁语拉丁语构词规范:前缀,词根及后缀前缀:正反意或方向性词根:单词本身的含义后缀:词性2词根词缀法

3、记忆单词的优点及好处:1, 串成串来记忆:认识的单词和不认识的单词2, 透过词根词缀来猜单词例子:1, dict 词根:说predict pre- 前缀:在.之前,向前 predict:预言dictation -tion 典型的名词(n)后缀 dictation 听写dictator -or,er 表示 人 dictator 独裁者,统治者2, logu 词根:说dialogue dia- 相对的,对面的 diameter:(圆的)直径 dialogue:对话monologue mono- 单独的,独自的 monologue:独白3, loqu 词根:说 loquatious 多嘴的,能聊的

4、(东北话:唠嗑的)eloquent 有口才的,能言善辩的 (东北话:爱唠嗑的)4, sect 词根:切( cut)section -tion 名词后缀 section:部分transectiontrans- 前缀: 1,从一个地方.到另一个地方,e.g. transplant 2,横transection 横切面,横截面,横断面vivisection:vivi - vivid 生动的,活泼的 vivi 活的vivisection:活体解剖对学习词根词缀有帮助的 4 本书:1, 胡敏 讲故事背单词 (基础相对不好,高中之后没有背过单词的同学)2, 蒋争 英语词汇的奥秘3, 刘毅 一系列丛书 (含

5、有字根、字缀的)4, 俞敏洪 英语六级词根词缀联想记忆法中级英语词汇词根词缀是关键方法二:联想记忆法ComplementCompliment发音一致,外形相近,意思完全不同一个是“补充,补足” ,另外一个是“赞美,赞扬” ,相差一个字母,如何记忆如何区分呢?- 联想记忆法3Compliment:“i” ,联想成 “爱”“赞美,赞扬”的意思Complement:“心中无爱”“补充,补足”三种联想记忆词汇的方法:1, 词义联想(近义词,反义词)近义词三个“遵守”Comply with, conform to, adhere to四个“永远”Permanent, perpetual, eternal

6、, forever五个“激起,唤起,引起,引发”Evoke, elicit, provoke,arouse,trigger反义词Ascend descend2,词形和读音联想凹凸A : A两个单词:Fragrant 芳香的,富裕的Flagrant 恶臭的,臭名昭著的3, 通过汉语拼音来联想例子:Chaos 吵闹,喧闹Bungalow 平房Peccadillo 小缺点,小毛病方法三:阅读中记忆单词选择什么样的文章来读?文章有 100 个单词(5,6 个单词不认识)方法四:适当地做词汇题目,加强对词汇的理解和记忆难词辨义Descend 下降(仅仅表示从高处到低处简单的下降)Decline 下降(数

7、字、比率和指标的下降)方法五:通过 4,6 级词汇的相关性来学习词汇Overpass overpass overpass n. 过街天桥 v. 超越,跨越4Underline underline underline v. 突出,强调方法六:利用“人体规律法”背单词每天背多少单词最合适,每个单词背几遍最合适,什么时间背单词最合适,什么环境、什么温度背单词最合适,用什么姿势背单词最合适、最健康、记忆效果最好:站着背,坐着背,躺着背,趴着背,蹲着背,跑着背,跳着背.1, 每天背 50 个单词左右最佳:a) 如果是短期记忆:每个单词背 4 遍b) 如果要长期记忆:每个单词背 7 遍最好2, 背单词的最

8、佳时间:晚上睡前的半小时,和早上醒来后的 1 小时3, 背单词最适宜的温度: 10 摄氏度左右(个人体验)4, 背单词最佳姿势:“倒背如流”(可操作性不强)最佳的姿势:来回走着背。优点:a) 辅助记忆,便于思考,利于大脑的快速运转b) 预防疾病, Cervical spondylosis 颈椎软骨疾病方法七:生活当中随时随地背单词Robust 畅销的饮料“乐百事”:强壮的,健壮的Yoghurt:酸奶Reserved:预定,预留,v 原型是 reserve真题(98 年 6 月 67 题)67.when he tried to make a _ , he found that the hotel

9、 was completely filled because ofa convention.A) reservation B) claim C) mess D) revision真题(99 年 1 月 43 题)When he tried to make a _ , he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.A) complaint B) claim C) reservation D) decision5总结: 背单词眼耳口手齐到,才能真正记住单词六级常考词汇的分类

10、all else is _.A) luxury B) accommodation C) entertainment D) refreshment56. Some criminals were printing _ dollar bills until they were arrested.A) decent B) fake C) patent D) suspicious57. Mr. Bloom is not _ now, but he will be famous someday.A) significant B) dominant C) magnificent D) prominent58

11、. His body temperature has been _ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.A) uncommon B) disordered C) abnormal D) extraordinary59. He seems to be _ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour.A) radiant B) conscientious C) conspicuous D) energetic60. Although cats cannot se

12、e in complete darkness their eyes are much more _ to light than are human eyes.A) glowing B) brilliant C) sensitive D) gloomy单词记忆方法:gloom 1)oom room,glroom 92)loo look,gg look mm61. While nuclear weapons present grave _ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.A) inevitable

13、 B) constant C) overwhelming D) potential62. This is the _ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A) true B) original C) real D) genuine63. Comparison and contrast are often used _ in advertisements.A) intentionally B) pertinently C) incidentally D) tiresomely64. A complete i

14、nvestigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should _ new operating procedures.A) result is B) match with C) subject to D) proceed with65. _ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.A) Subject to

15、B) Contrary to C) Familiar to D) Similar to66. The bond of true affection had pulled us six very different men from six very different countriesacross Antarctica; we proved in the end that we werent very different _.A) for all B) as usual C) in particular D) after all1067. Though her parents _ her m

16、usical ability, Jerrilo us piano playing is really terrible.A) pour scorn on B) heap praise upon C) give vent to D) cast light upon68. Some children display an _ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.A) incredible B) infectious C) incompatible D) inaccessible69. Bruce Stephen gripped the _

17、wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.A) stirring B) driving C) steering D) revolving70. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged_how great their achievements are.A) in spite of B) in ways of C) in favor of D) in terms ofUnit 441.The directions were so _ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.A) ingenious B) ambitious C) notorious D) ambiguous42.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most _ areas in Japanese life.A) sophisticated B) competitive C) considerate D) superficial


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