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1、1生活大爆炸第一季第一集00:00.00so * with two slits in it and either slit is observed,00:03.00it will not go through both slits.00:05.51If its unobserved, it will.00:06.77However,if its observed after its left the plane but before it hits its target,00:10.20it will not have gone though both slits.00:12.00Agreed

2、. Whats your point?00:14.25Theres no point. I just think its a good idea for a t-shirt.00:22.96Excuse me.00:23.99Hang on.00:28.72Uh,one across is “aegean. “00:30.66Eight down is “nabokov. “ 26 across is “mcm. “00:34.8114 down is. move your finger.00:38.00“phylum“ which makes 14 across “port-au-princ

3、e“00:42.25see,“papa docs capitol idea,“ thats “port-au-prince. “00:47.00Haiti.00:49.51- Can I help you? - Yes.00:53.36Um. is this the high-iq sperm bank?00:58.80If you have to ask, maybe you shouldnt be here.201:02.74I think this is the place.01:05.44- Fill these out. - Thank you.01:07.31Well be rig

4、ht back.01:08.47Oh,take your time. Ill just finish my crossword puzzle.01:12.89Oh,wait.01:25.41Leonard,I dont think I can do this.01:27.47What,are you kidding? Youre a semi-pro.01:30.98No. We are committing genetic fraud.01:33.50Theres no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-iq offspri

5、ng. Think about that.01:37.81I have a sister with the same basic dna mix who hostesses at fuddruckers.01:42.69Sheldon,this was your idea.01:44.77A little extra money to get fractional t-1 bandwith in the apartment.01:48.03I know, and I do yearn for faster downloads.01:52.00But theres some poor woman

6、 whos gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.01:55.27What if she winds up with a toddler who doesnt know if he should use an integral or a differential01:58.89to solve the area under a curve?02:02.32Im sure shell still love him.302:03.99I wouldnT.02:07.05Well,what do you want to do?02:08.66- I want to leav

7、e. - Okay.02:11.54Whats the protocol for leaving?02:13.18I dont know- Ive never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.02:17.83Lets try just walking out.02:20.25Okay.02:31.61- Bye. - Bye. Nice meeting you.02:36.80Are you still made about the sperm bank?02:38.41No.02:40.99You want to hear an interestin

8、g thing about stairs?02:44.31Not really.02:45.93If the height of a single step02:49.97I dont care.02:53.18Two milli. that doesnt seem right.02:55.17No,its true. I did a series of experiments when I was 12.02:57.66My father broke his clavicle.03:00.53Is that why they sent you to boarding school?03:02

9、.59No. That was a result of my work with lasers.03:11.42- new neighbor? - Evidently.03:13.99Significant improvement over the old neighbor.403:17.56200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes,she is.03:23.36- Oh,hi. - Hi.03:24.76- Hi. - Hi.03:25.82- Hi. - Hi?03:30.24We dont mean to interrupt. W

10、e live across the hall.03:32.56Oh,thats nice.03:34.73Oh,no,uh,we dont live together.03:36.94I mean,we live together, but in separate,03:40.86heterosexual bedrooms.03:43.28Oh. Okay,well,guess Im your new neighbor. Penny.03:46.71Oh. Leonard. Sheldon.03:48.10- Hi. - Hi.03:49.13Hi. Hi. Hi.03:53.36Well,u

11、h. oh,uh,welcome to the building.03:56.69Oh,thank you. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.03:59.13- Oh,great. - Great.04:00.35- Great. - Great.04:04.08- Well,uh,bye. - Bye.04:05.85- Bye. - Bye.04:10.41Should we have invited her for lunch?04:12.05No. Were gonna start season two of battlestar galactica

12、.04:15.82We already watched the season two dvds.504:17.88Not with commentary.04:21.85I think we should be good neighbors and invite her over, make her feel welcome.04:26.23We never invited louie-slash-louise over.04:30.13Well. and that was wrong of us.04:31.82We need to widen our circle.04:33.64I ha

13、ve a very wide circle.04:36.57I have 212 friends on myspace.04:40.77Yes,and youve never met one of them.04:43.58Thats the beauty of it.04:47.48Im gonna invite her over.04:49.63Well have a nice meal and. chat.04:52.24Chat? We dont chat. At least not offline.04:57.44Well,its not difficult. You just li

14、sten to what she says05:00.56and then you say something appropriate in response.05:04.74To what end?05:07.68Hi. Again.05:09.49- Hi. - Hi.05:12.75Anyway,um. we brought home indian food.05:16.81And,um.05:18.19I know that moving can be stressful,05:20.66and,and,I find that when Im undergoing stress,605

15、:22.73that good food and company can have a comforting effect.05:27.22Also, curry is a natural laxative, and I dont have to tell you,05:30.42that,you know,a clean colon is just one less thing to worry about.05:36.96Leonard,Im no expert here, but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,05:3

16、9.97you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.05:42.76Oh,youre inviting me over to eat?05:45.15Uh. yes.05:47.18Oh,thats so nice. Id love to.05:49.27Great.05:50.46So,what do you guys do for fun around here?05:53.59Well,today we tried masturbating for money.05:59.91Our whole universe was

17、 in a hot,dense state06:03.40then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. wait!06:07.41The earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool,06:10.20neanderthals developed tools we built the wall06:12.59we built the pyramids math,science,history,06:14.74unraveling the mystery that all started

18、06:17.13with a big bang bang!06:18.25- =www. ydy. com/bbs=- proudly 7presents06:20.25 SNYC: cflily - =www. ydy. com/bbs=- 06:21.92THE BIG BANG THEOTY Season 01 Episode 01 06:25.36yourself at home.06:27.10Okay. Thank you.06:28.77Youre very welcome.06:34.26This looks like some serious stuff. Leonard,d

19、id you do this?06:37.16Actually,thats my work.06:40.18Wow.06:41.11Yeah. Well,its just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory doodling around the edges.06:45.98That part there, thats just a joke.06:47.62Its a spoof of the born-oppenheimer approximation.06:52.05So youre like one of those b

20、eautiful mind genius guys.06:56.54Yeah.06:59.11This is really impressive.07:00.53I have a board. If you like boards, this is my board.07:04.56Holy smokes.07:05.94If by “holy smokes“ you mean a derivative restatement of 8the kind of stuff07:09.55you can find scribbled on the wall of any mens room at

21、mit,sure.07:13.50- What? - Come on.07:14.83Who hasnt seen this differential below “here I sit, broken-hearted“?07:18.93At least I didnt have to invent 26 dimensions just to make the mathouome ct.07:22.92I didnt invent them. Theyre there.07:24.59In what universe?07:25.59In all of them- that is the po

22、int.07:28.32Uh. do you guys mind if I start?07:30.16Um. penny.07:32.47thats where i sit.07:35.95So,sit next to me.07:38.83No. I sit there.07:41.95- Whats the difference? - Whats the difference?07:43.82Here we go.07:46.01In the winter,that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm,07:48.99a

23、nd yet not so close as to cause perspiration in the summer,07:52.03its directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by 9opening windows there and there07:55.86it faces the television at an angle that is neither direct,07:58.70thus discouraging conversation,08:00.22nor so far wide as to create a pa

24、rallax distortion.08:02.67I could go on,but I think Ive made my point.08:09.17Do you want me to move?08:10.60- Well. - just sit somewhere else.08:14.88Fine.08:34.10Sheldon,sit!08:37.55Ah.08:40.82Well,this is nice.08:42.30We dont have a lot of company over.08:44.00Thats not true- koothrappali and wol

25、owitz come over all the time.08:46.77Yes,I know,but.08:47.83tuesday night we played klingon boggle till 1:00 in the morning.08:50.11Yeah,I remember.08:51.30I resent you saying we dont have company.08:52.79- Im sorry. - That has negative social implications.08:54.22I said Im sorry!08:57.40So. klingon

26、 boggle?1009:00.22Yeah. Its like regular boggle,but. in klingon.09:07.27Thats probably enough about us. So,tell us about you.09:10.21Um. me? Okay.09:12.76Im a sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.09:16.63Yes. It tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delus

27、ion09:20.13that the suns apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth09:24.23somehow affects your personality.09:29.04Participate in the what?09:30.86I think what sheldons trying to say is that sagittarius wouldnt have been our first guess.09:35.75Oh,yea

28、h. A lot of people think Im a water sign. Penny:09:39.21Okay,lets see, what else.09:41.08Oh,Im a vegetarian. Except for fish.09:43.20And the occasional steak. I love steak!09:47.98Well,thats interesting. Leonard cant process corn.09:55.40Well,uh,do you have some sort of a job?09:57.80Oh,yeah. Im a waitress at the cheesecake factory.10:00.62Oh. I love cheesecake.10:02.96Youre lactose-intolerant.


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