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1、生物英语证书考试(PEC)-生物技术常用词汇A2D PAGETwo-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The most common technique for protein separation. Proteins are separated in one dimension according to their size, and in the second dimension, according to their charge (that is, their isolectric point). After separat

2、ion, the gel is stained so that protein spots can be seen.22q deletion syndromeA syndrome associated with a small deletion (missing section of DNA) on chromosome 22.ActA law made by Parliament or a provincial legislature. The process of making an Act of Parliament begins with the introduction of a p

3、roposed Act, or bill, in one of the two houses of Parliament (the Senate or the House of Commons). A bill becomes an Act if it is passed (approved) by both houses and receives royal assent.AlleleA form of a gene. We inherit one allele of a gene from our mother and the other allele from our father. T

4、hese two alleles can be the same (homozygous) or they can be different (heterozygous).Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridizationThe use of an oligonucleotide probe to determine which of the two alternative nucleotide sequences is contained in a DNA molecule.Amino acidThe building block of protein

5、s. The messenger RNA tells the cell what amino acids are needed and what order they must be arranged in to build a particular protein. There are 20 different amino acids used in the human body.AmniocentesisA procedure used in prenatal diagnosis to look at the chromosomes of the developing fetus. A f

6、lexible needle is inserted into the mothers uterus through the abdomen to remove a sample of the fluid surrounding the fetus (amniotic fluid). This sample can then be analysed by karyotype to look for changes in the chromosomes. The procedure can be done after 15 weeks of pregnancy. There is a 0.5%

7、risk of miscarriage associated with this procedure, which means one in 200 women will miscarry following this procedure.AneuploidA cell where the total number of chromosomes is not an exact multiple of 23. The haploid number of chromosomes is 23, which is found in the egg and sperm cells. The diploi

8、d number is 46, which results from the joining of the egg and sperm. The triploid state of 69 chromosomes rarely occurs and is not compatible with life. The most common aneuploid numbers are 45 (one chromosome is missing) and 47 (one chromosome is added).AntibioticA natural or synthetic chemical tha

9、t is used to kill bacteria in order to treat diseases in humans and animals.Antibiotic resistanceThe ability of bacteria to tolerate an antibiotic and survive being exposed to it. Bacteria may develop this resistance naturally after being exposed to it over many years.7AntibodyA protein made by the

10、immune system that is specific to an antigen. When an antibody detects this antigen in the body, it will start an immune response to rid the body of the antigen.AntigenA foreign substance that binds to an antibody and starts an immune response in the body.AssayA method for determining the presence o

11、r quantity of a component.Assisted human reproduction (AHR)Any activity undertaken for the purpose of facilitating human reproduction. Examples include in vitro fertilization, donor insemination and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).Autosomal dominantDescribes a type of inheritance where an i

12、ndividual with a mutation in only one copy of a gene will develop the associated trait or disorder.Autosomal recessiveDescribes a type of inheritance where an individual must inherit a mutation in both copies of a gene in order to develop the associated trait or disorder.AutosomeA chromosome that is

13、 not a sex chromosome (X or Y); chromosomes 1 through 22.BBacillus thuringensis (bt)A naturally occurring soil bacterium that makes an endotoxin that is toxic to larvae of the European corn borer (Lepidoptera). The gene for this endotoxin has been incorporated into corn to produce a genetically modi

14、fied corn plant that can defend itself against the European corn borer. The endotoxin is very specific in that it only affects the corn borer larvae. It is not toxic to people, domestic animals, fish or wildlife.BioassayA method of determining the effect of a compound by quantifying its effect on li

15、ving organisms or their component parts.BioenergyEnergy choices using a wide range of biomass sources (for example, agriculture, forestry, industry and municipal waste) and conversion technologies such as fermentation (alcohol production) and co-firing (co-combustion of biomass and coal). Also ident

16、ifies linkages to wider sustainable development outcomes, critical economic, environmental and security benefits (such as adding value to farm, forestry and other industries) and reducing fossil fuel use (product displacement), waste streams, emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants.Bioengi

17、neeringEngineering applied to biological and medical systems, such as biomechanics, biomaterials and biosensors. Bioengineering also includes biomedical engineering, as in the development of aids or replacements for defective or missing body organs.Bioethics (and biomedical ethics)A discipline that

18、studies the ethical implications of biological applications.BiohazardA biological agent, such as an infectious microorganism, or a condition that constitutes a threat to humans, especially in biological research or experimentation. The potential danger, risk, or harm from exposure to such an agent o

19、r condition.BioinformaticsThe generation/creation, collection, storage (in databases), and efficient use of data/information from genomics from biological research to accomplish an objective (for example, to discover a new pharmaceutical or a new herbicide).Biological products / Biologicals / Biolog

20、icsAny virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, or analogous product used in the prevention, treatment or cure of diseases or injuries in humans.BiomassAny organic matter, particularly available on a renewable or recurring basis such as trees and plants (residues and fibers containing cellulose o

21、r lingo-cellulose), but also poultry litter and animal residues and waste, and industrial and municipal solid waste (for example, sawdust, wood chips, paper, grass and leaf compost).Biomedical ethicsSee Bioethics.BiosensingTechnology for the detection of a wide range of chemical and biological agent

22、s, including bacteria, viruses and toxins, in the environment and humans.BiopesticidesA product made from natural sources such as bacteria, animals or plants that is used for pest control. They tend to have less of an impact on the environment and human health because they are less toxic than conven

23、tional pesticides and usually affect only one specific pest instead of being broad-range. They can also work in low amounts, they break down quickly and when used properly, they can reduce the use of conventional pesticides while maintaining crop yields.BiopharmaceuticalsThis term is sometimes used

24、for biologic drugs produced through rDNA technology, but essentially they also fall under the regulatory definition of a biologic.BioremediationThe use of organisms, usually microorganisms, to break down pollutants in soil, air or groundwater.BiosensorAn electronic device that uses biological molecu

25、les to detect low levels of substances like proteins in the body or pollutants in water.BiotechnologyA general term used to describe the use of biological processes to make products, in contrast to purely chemical processes. Biotechnology has been in practice for centuries and includes such traditio

26、nal applications as the use of yeast in making beer, as well as modern applications like recombinant DNA techniques to improve crops.Biotherapeutic strategyA plan or program to contribute to the cure of disease or to general, especially mental, well-being.BioterrorismThe use of bacteria, viruses or

27、toxins with the intent of causing harm to people, animals or food to achieve certain political, religious or ideological goals through intimidation.Blastocyst stageFour to five days after the union of the sperm and the egg, before the embryo implants in the uterus.BloodThe fluid that circulates in t

28、he heart, arteries, capillaries and veins of a vertebrate animal carrying nourishment and oxygen to and taking away waste products from all parts of the body.Blood componentsAt its subcomponent level, blood is comprised of such components as: blood cells, platelets, plasmaBlood productsProducts deri

29、ved from blood. These products are made from plasma like coagulation factors, plasma proteins and albumin.BRCA1/BRCA2Two genes that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer when they have mutations. Every human being has these two genes, which make proteins that are responsible for pre

30、venting cancer from forming. When mutations happen in these genes, the protective proteins do not work as well and the individual is then at increased risk of developing cancer. A mutation in the BRCA1/2 genes can be inherited or it can be acquired during our lifetime.CCancerA disease where cells gr

31、ow out of control, often developing a tumour. Cancer cells can spread to other areas of the body and interrupt normal processes.CarrierAn individual who has a gene mutation for a recessive disease on one allele while the other allele is normally functioning. This individual most often does not devel

32、op symptoms of the disease, but is at risk of having a child with the disease if their partner is also a carrier.CellThe smallest structural unit of living organisms that is able to grow and reproduce independently. The cell consists of a membrane that encloses the DNA-containing nucleus and the mit

33、ochondria, the cells energy source.CellomicsA study that combines information from genomics and proteomics with the complex chemical and molecular relationships of cell components. Research about what goes on within a cell can give us valuable information about drug targets and drug development. Mic

34、roarray technology is an important part of cellomics research.Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)A procedure used in prenatal diagnosis to look at the chromosomes of the developing fetus. A sample is removed from the chorion, which is part of the placenta and contains cells from the fetus. This sample c

35、an then be analyzed by karyotype to look for changes in the chromosomes. The procedure can be done at 10 to 12 weeks into the pregnancy. There is a 1% risk of miscarriage associated with this procedure, which means one in 100 women will miscarry following this procedure.ChromosomeA structure found i

36、n the cell nucleus that carries the genetic information in humans and animals. It is composed of a long strand of DNA that is greatly condensed for storage. Humans have 46 chromosomes in every cell of their body except the sperm and egg cells. We inherit 23 chromosomes from our mother and 23 from ou

37、r father.Clinical trialMedical research undertaken with informed and consenting human subjects in a controlled environment. The intent of a clinical trial is for the sponsoring company or research institution to gather information on the safety and effectiveness of new drugs or therapies before seek

38、ing approval of a procedure or product for use by the Canadian public.CloneA genetically identical copy of an organism or of a specific piece of DNA for use in research. See also Human clone.CloningThe process of creating a genetically identical copy (clone) of an animal or plant. Cloning is the pro

39、cess of making copies of a specific piece of DNA, usually a gene. There are two recognized forms of cloning related to humans - reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. When geneticists speak of cloning, they do not usually mean the process of making genetically identical copies of an entire or

40、ganism.Complementary DNA (cDNA)DNA synthesized from a messenger RNA rather than from a DNA template. This type of DNA is used for cloning or as a DNA probe for finding specific genes.Cystic fibrosisA hereditary disease whose symptoms usually appear shortly after birth. They include faulty digestion,

41、 breathing difficulties and respiratory infections due to mucus accumulation, and excessive loss of salt in sweat. In the past, cystic fibrosis was almost always fatal in childhood, but treatment is now so improved that patients commonly live into their 20s and beyond.CytogeneticsThe study of the st

42、ructure, function and abnormalities of human chromosomes.DDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)The molecule that carries the genetic information in most living organisms. It is a double-stranded helix held together by hydrogen bonds between pairs of nucleotides. The nucleotides in DNA (adenine, guanine, cytos

43、ine and thymine) are arranged in different combinations to represent each gene. The genes act like recipes in that they contain the information necessary for the cell to make the corresponding proteins.Diagnostics / Diagnostic productsA test, drug, medical device or kit used to diagnose a disease or

44、 medical condition.DiploidA cell with two full sets of chromosomes. In humans, the total number of chromosomes in a diploid cell is 46.Dominant inheritanceSee Autosomal dominant.Drug Identification Number (DIN)A number issued to a drug indicating that it is authorized for sale in Canada.EE. coli (Es

45、cherichia coli)A bacterium found in the intestinal tracts of most vertebrates. It is used extensively in recombinant DNA research because it has been genetically well characterized.ElectrophoresisA technique used to separate molecules such as DNA or proteins using an electric current. The mixture of

46、 molecules is added to one end of a gel-like medium. When a current is applied to it, the molecules will travel through the medium to the other end at different speeds depending on the charge and size of the molecule. Once the molecules are separated, the gel can be used in a blot (Southern, Norther

47、n and Western).EmbryoDefined in the Assisted Human Reproduction Act as a human organism during the first 56 days of its development following fertilization or creation, excluding any time during which its development has been suspended. It includes any cell derived from such an organism that is used

48、 for the purpose of creating a human being.Embryonic stem cellsCells that are removed from the early embryo and are able to become any of the 210 cell types found in the human body. Researchers are looking at the great potential stem cells have in developing new treatments for disease and injury.Enz

49、ymaticActivity of an enzyme which is a substance produced by a living organism and acting as a catalyst to promote a specific biochemical reaction.EnzymeA protein that facilitates a biochemical reaction. Many essential reactions in the body require the help of enzymes and would not proceed on their own.Enzyme-Linked Immuno Assays (EIA)Enzyme-Linked Immuno Assays (EIA) are use to measure the amount of a particular substance by virtue of its binding to a specific antibody. Examples of EIA include ELISA and Western blotting.Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayThe ELISA is a fundamental tool of cl


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