1、托福 TPO36 听力文本+题目+答案+MP3 音频下载上海新航道整理! 由于托福 TPO 听力 36 文本已经很长了,此文档不包含托福听力 TPO36 题目+答案,托福 TPO36MP3 题目+答案+音频下载,请移步:http:/ TPO 听力 1-48 文本查看及下载,请移步: http:/ TPO 查看,请点击: 托福 TPO 写作大全 托福 TPO 口语大全 托福 TPO 阅读大全Conversation 1Listen to a conversation between a student and an admission officer at City College.Studen
2、t: Hi, can I ask you a few questions about starting classes during your summer session? Q1Admission officer: Sure, ask away. It starts next week, you know.Student: Yeah, and I wanted to get some required courses out of the way, so I can, maybe I can graduate one term earlier and get out into the job
3、 market sooner. Q2Admission officer: That sounds like a good idea. Let me pull up the summer school database on my computer here.Student: Ok.Admission officer: OK, here it is. Whats your student ID number?Student: Oh, well, the thing is, Im not actually admitted here. I will be starting school upsta
4、te at Hooper University in the fall, but Im down here for the summer staying with my grandparents, cause I have a summer job near here.Admission officer: Oh, I see. Well.Student: So Im out of luck?Admission officer: Well, you would be if you were starting anywhere but Hooper, but City College has a
5、sort of special relationship with Hooper, a full exchange agreement. So our students can take classes at Hooper, and vice versa.Q5 So if you can show me proof, eh, your admissions letter from Hooper, then I can get you into our system here and give you an ID number.Student: Oh, cool. So, um, I wanna
6、 take a math course and a science course, preferably biology, and I was also hoping to get my English Composition Course out of the way, too.Admission officer: Well, all three of those courses are offered in the summer, but youve got to understand that summer courses are condensed. You need longer h
7、ours and the assignments are doubled up because its the same amount of information presented and tested in a regular term, but its only six weeks long. Two courses are considered full time in summer term. Q3 Even if you werent working, I couldnt let you register for more than that.Student: Yeah, I w
8、as half expecting that. What about the schedule? Are classes only offered during the day?Admission officer: Well, during the week, we have some classes in the daytime and some at night. And on the weekends, we have some classes all day Saturday or all day Sunday for the six weeks.Student: My job is
9、pretty flexible, so one on the weekday and one on the weekend shouldnt be any problem. Ok, so after I bring you my admissions letter, how do I sign up for the classes?Admission officer: Well, as soon as your student ID number is assigned and your information is in our admission system, you can regis
10、ter by phone almost immediately. Q4Student: Oh, what about financial aid? Is it possible to get it for the summer?Admission officer: Sorry, but thats something you would have to work out long before now, but the good news is that the tuition for our courses is about half of what youre gonna be payin
11、g at Hooper.Student: Oh, well, that helps. Thank you so much for answering all my questions. Ah, Ill be back tomorrow with my letter.Admission officer: I wont be here then, but do you see that lady sitting at that desk over there? Thats Ms Brinker. Ill leave her a note about what we discussed and sh
12、ell get you started. Q4Student: Cool.Lecture 1 World History ClassListen to part of a lecture in a world history class.Professor: In any introductory course, I think its always a good idea to step back and ask ourselves: What are we studying in this class? And why are we studying it? So, for example
13、, when you looked at the title of this course in the catalogue, Introduction to World History, what did you think you were getting into? What made you sign up for it, besides filling the social science requirement?Students: HahahahahProfessor: Anyone?Student: Well, just the history of everything, yo
14、u know like starting at the beginning with, I guess the Greeks and Romans, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, you know, that kind of stuff, like what we did in high school.Professor: Ok, now what you are describing is one approach to world history. In fact, there are several approaches, basic models
15、or conceptual frameworks of what we study when we do history. And what you studied in high school, what I call the western-heritage model, this used to be the most common approach in US high schools and colleges. In fact, its the model I learned with, when I was growing up back, oh, about a hundred
16、years ago.Students: HahahahahhaProfessor: Ah, at Middle Town High School up in Maine, I guess it made sense to my teachers back then, since, well, the history of Western Europe was the cultural-heritage of everyone in my class, and this remained the dominant approach in most US schools till, oh, may
17、be 30, 40 years ago. But it doesnt take more than a quick look around campus, even just this classroom today, to see that the student body in the US is much more diverse than my little class in Middle Town High. And this western-heritage model was eventually replaced by or sometimes combined with on
18、e or more of the newer approaches. And I want to take a minute to describe these to you today. So you can see where this course fits in. Ok, so up until the mid-20th century, the basic purpose of most world history courses was to learn about a set of values, institutions, ideas, which were considere
19、d the heritage of the people of Europe. Things like democracy, legal systems, types of social organization, artistic achievements. Now, as I said, this model gives us a rather limited view of history. So in the 1960s and 70s, it was combined with or replaced by what I call the different-cultures mod
20、el. The 60s were a period in which people were demanding more relevance in the curriculum, and there was criticism of the European focus that youre likely to find in all the academic disciplines. For the most part, the different-cultures model didnt challenge the basic assumptions of the western-her
21、itage model. What it did was insist on representing other civilizations and cultural categories, in addition to those of Western Europe. In other words, the heritage of all people, not just what goes back to the Greeks and Romans, but also the origins of African, Asian, Native American civilizations
22、. Though more inclusive, its still basically a heritage model, which brings us to a third approach. What I call the patterns-of-change model. Like the different-cultures model, this model presents a wide cultural perspective. But with this model, were no longer limited by notions of fixed cultural o
23、r geographical boundaries. So then, studying world history is not so much a question of how a particular nation or ethnic group developed, but rather its a look at common themes, conflicts, trends that cut across modern-day borders of nations or ethnic groups. In my opinion, this is the best way of
24、studying history, to better understand current-day trends and conflicts. For example, lets take the study of the Islamic world. Well, when I first learned about Islamic Civilization, it was from the perspective of Europeans. Now, with the patterns-of-change model, were looking at the past through a
25、wider length. So we would be more interested, say, in how interactions with Islamic civilization, the religion, art, literature, affected cultures in Africa, India, Spain, and so on. Or lets take another example, instead of looking at each cultural group as having a separate, linear development from
26、 some ancient origin, in this course, well be looking for the common themes that go beyond cultural or regional distinctions, so instead of studying a particular succession of British Kings or a dynasty of Chinese emperors. In this course, well be looking at the broader concepts of monarchy, imperia
27、lism and political transformation.Lecture 2 Environmental Science ClassListen to part of a lecture in an environmental science class.Professor: OK, now lets talk about another environmental concern, soil erosion. Its a major problem all around the world. Sometimes erosion damages soil so severely th
28、at the land can no longer be cultivated, and its just abandoned. That happened in a big way right here in the United States. Some of you have probably read the novel “the Grapes of Wrath”, and maybe you remember that the story took place in the 1930s during the time of what was called the Dust Bowl.
29、 Dust Bowl is a term we use to describe an ecological and human disaster that took place in the Southern Great Plains region. For nearly eight years, dust and sand blew across the area and covered everything. It was so bad, it even made breathing and eating difficult, and farmers could only look on
30、helplessly if their crops were destroyed, and the land and their lives were ruined.Now, thereve always been droughts and strong winds in that region, but that was ok because the native grasses had deep roots in the ground that were able to hold the soil in place. So the wind wasnt able to, you know,
31、 erode the soil too badly. This changed though between the 1900 and 1930. Agriculture was expanding rapidly then, and lots of farmers in the Southern Great Plains wanted to grow wheat and other crops they could sell for cash, uh, crops that would be profitable. So they ripped up much of the grasslan
32、d to plant these crops like wheat which dont hold the soil down nearly as well. At the same time, livestock, cattle, too many of them were feeding on grasses in the area, and damaging a lot of the grassland. So these animals caused even more erosion of the soil. It didnt help that many of the actual
33、 owners of the land were not living anywhere near the area. A lot of the landowners lived way back east and rented out the land to local people who lived on the land and worked on it, but didnt have much reason to take really good care of it. I mean, it wasnt their land, right? The tenant farmers we
34、rent really interested in conserving someone elses soil, not for the long term anyway. Also, some thought the land couldnt be really damaged. You know that the soil was so rich and deep that it didnt matter if the topsoil, the soil on the surface, blew away. They thought they could just plow more, b
35、ut they were wrong. Good topsoil takes a long time to form. It can literally take thousands of years to create good topsoil that will grow vegetation, and a very short time to ruin it. So after only a few years of excessive plowing, the land pretty much couldnt be farmed any more. And people moved o
36、n to other places, and let the old areas just sit there, and when they didnt plant anything on that land, that made it vulnerable to even more erosion. So it was kind of vicious cycle you could say. Another problem, ironically, was that advances in technology were actually destroying the land, inste
37、ad of improving it. A lot of farmers were using huge new tractors that dug deep into the ground, and tore up a lot of the soil. And then of course there was the weather. You know, when people look back on the Dust Bowl era, they tend to blame the drought, the lack of rain between 1934 and 1937. We c
38、ant ignore the drought. I mean, it was the worst on record at the time, and did help bring on this disaster. But without the soil destruction, the drought alone wouldnt have resulted in the devastation we call the Dust Bowl. It was poor farming techniques that made that happen. Since then, though, w
39、eve paid more attention to trying to prevent a future Dust Bowl. One thing congress did was an act of massive government effort to improve soil conservation called the “Soil Erosion Act”. Under this law, large stretches of land in the Southern Great Plains were identified as being at risk for erosio
40、n, and were taking active production and turn it into permanent grassland. What that did, by protecting the land from excessive farming, was to stabilize the soil. Also the “Soil Erosion Act” helped educate farmers to practice better soil conservation techniques, like reducing how often they plowed
41、and using better equipment that would, you know, minimize damage to the soil structure.Conversation 2Listen to a conversation between a student and his academic advisor.Student: Excuse me, Ms Chambers. Um, I dont have an appointment, but I was kind of wondering if you had a minute to help me with so
42、mething.Academic advisor: Oh, sure, have a seat. Whats on your mind?Student: Well, uh, I guess I really dont know where to start. Its not just one class. Its.Im not doing all that great. Like on my homework assignments, and in class, and I dont know why. I mean I just dont get it. I read the assignm
43、ents and I do the homework, and Im still not doing too well.Academic advisor: Um, which classes? You mean like Spanish orYoure taking Spanish, right?Student: Oh, no, not Spanish. If it werent for Spanish, Id be really in trouble. No, but its really all the others, psychology and sociology especially
44、.Academic advisor: Is it the material? What you read in the textbooks? You dont understand it?Student: No, thats just it. I think I understand stuff when I read it.Academic advisor: You dont read.Student: Remember, well, I remember names and definitions, but like in the class when the professor asks
45、 about the theories, what theyre all about, I never have the answer.Academic advisor: Sounds like youre trying to learn by memorizing details instead of picking out the main points of reading. So tell me, how do you study?Student: Well, I, I, I mean I read the assigned chapters and I try to underlin
46、e everything, like all of the words I dont know and I always memorize the definitions but I dont know. When I get back in class, it always seems like the other students have got a better handle on whats in the reading. So maybe its just me.Academic advisor: Oh, its not. Believe me. Lots of students,
47、 you know, my first year as a college student, I really had a hard time. I spent hours reading in the library, but I was just wasting time, cause I wasnt really studying the right things. I did the same sort of thing that sounds like youre doing. Not focusing on whats really important in the reading
48、, but on the smaller details.Student: Yeah, maybe. But I spent so much time studying. It seems like I should be doing better.Academic advisor: The first year of college can be a little overwhelming, I know. Point is, lots of students have trouble adjusting at first. You know, figuring out how to stu
49、dy, how to use their time, you know, to your best advantage. Its good that you do the assigned readings, but you, well, I think youre unnecessarily underlining and memorizing. That takes a lot of time. And, well, its not the best use of your time. Heres something you can do. When you read, just read the assigned sections, and then and without looking back of the text, write a summary of the key points, the main ideas in the chapter. An