1、中科院遗传发育所研究生开题报告报告用中英文写作均可。长度 3000-4000 字。请按以下格式和内容要求写作:Title/标题(20 号字体;例如, The Molecular Mechanism of DNA Sequencing on the Moon)A Proposal of Ph.D. Dissertation/博士学位论文开题报告(16 号字体)By Student Name/学生姓名(16 号字体;签名)Supervised by Prof. San Zhang/导师:张三研究员(16 号字体;签名)July 15, 2003 (Date) (16 号字体)以下内容小标题用黑体,
2、正文用常规字体,均为 12 号字体。中文:一律用宋体;英文:一律用 Times New Roman。有关拉丁文、斜体等的用法参照本学科的标准用法。例如:突变体用小写斜体,基因用大写斜体,蛋白用大写正体; vs. b, vs. u. 参考文献引用一律参照 Cell 的格式。例如:(John et al., 1999; Smith and Wu, 2000; Wang, 1998a)。如果用英文写作,请参考后面的说明 (Appendix)。Abstract (100-200 words):Summarize your report.IntroductionIntroduce the basic c
3、oncepts and briefly summarize the progress and development in the field. Based on the above information, discuss the significance and rationales of your project.Proposed StudiesWhat scientific questions are you going to address? What is your working hypothesis/model?Based on previous studies, what a
4、pproaches are you going to use and what results you expect? Will these results add new insight into our current understanding on the scientific questions?What problems (including technical problems) do you expect during the course of your study? How do you plan to fix the problems?ReferencesYou shou
5、ld properly cite ALL major references (please follow the Cell style). AppendixMost commonly errors in your English writing (I will highlight a few examples):Space (errors are underlined): To clarify these questions ,we are going to construct a pga6/pga7 double mutant, and a detailed phenotypic analy
6、sis of the double mutant will be carried out in comparison with its two parents. To clarify these questions,we are going to construct a pga6/pga7 double mutant, and a detailed phenotypic analysis of the double mutant will be carried out in comparison with its two parents . You should properly cite A
7、LL major references(please follow the Cell style) You should properly cite ALL major references ( please follow the Cell style ) You should properly cite ALL major references( please follow the Cell style ) Numbers and units: 10 mM, 100 mg, 50 L (correct; space between numbers and units; no space be
8、tween “” and “L”)10mM, 100mg, 50 L (wrong)Citation in TextCorrect: Goldenberg et al., 2002 van Gundy et al., 2002 Li and Smith, 1999Wrong: John Smith et al., 2002 (full name) J. W. Smith et al., 2002 (First and middle initials with family name) J. Smith et al., 2002 (first initial with family name)
9、smith et al., 2002 (lower case of the first letter of the family name) John et al., 2002 (first name) van et al., 2002 (incomplete family name) Van Gundy et al., 2002 (upper case of first letter of the family name which should be in lower case) Li et al., 1999 (for two-author citations, both authors
10、 names should be given) Li and Collins et al., 2002 (similar mistake as the above) Smith et al, 2002 (“et al.” is a complete word, you can not omit the dot or “.” after “al”).If you use (cite) a figure or table from a reference (e.g., a diagram of a pathway), you should give people credits by proper
11、 citation (e.g., at the end of the Figure legend, you should say, “from Jones et al., 1998” or “modified from Jones et al., 1998”).The Use of articlesFor Chinese-speaking people, one of the most commonly mistakes is the misuse of articles (a, an, the). Particularly, when you refer to something as si
12、ngles, you must use an article in the front of the word. For example, you can say “a gene” or “the gene”, but NOT “gene” alone in the following sentence:“We cloned a gene related to PCD” or “we cloned the gene related to PCD” (correct)You can not say, “We clone gene related to PCD” (wrong).“We clone
13、d one gene related to PCD” is a weird expression (not allowed in most cases).Also, you should say,“We clone genes related to PCD” or “we clone the genes related to PCD” (correct)Styles: Strongly suggest you use Times THROUGHOUT your manuscript unless for symbols (e.g., M or ) Font: text should be at
14、 least 12 points; titles and subtitles should be increase accordingly (e.g., 16 and up) Please use 1 1/2 (one and half) for line space (no single space please) Align your text at the left side ONLY (avoid to align at both right and left sides as you always do for Chinese writing) Pay attentions to styles of Gene/mutant/mutation.Your writing is an important part to be evaluated by the Committee!