
解读软件工程知识体系 V3,沈备军 2014年,汇报大纲,SWEBOK的背景和演化历史 SWEBOK V3的新特性 SWEBOK的作用 基于SWEBOK的软件工程教育,汇报大纲,SWEBOK的背景和演化历史 SWEBOK V3的新特性 SWEBOK的作用 基于SWEBOK的软件工程教育,Why Define Software Engineering as a Profession?,Because it impacts every aspect of our lives!,A Key Step in Defining Software Engineering,SWEBOK Guide is The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Defines generally accepted knowledge about software engineering Provides a basis for curriculum, training, and certifications ISO/IEC Technical Report 19759 Recognized as the comparative body of knowledge as referenced in ISO/IEC 24773, Software engineering - Certification of software engineering professionals - Comparison framework,The 335-page summary of what every software engineer should know about software engineering,SWBEBOK Objectives,Characterize the contents of the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Provide a topical access to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Promote a consistent view of software engineering worldwide Clarify the place of, and set the boundary of, software engineering with respect to other disciplines (computer science, project management, computer engineering, mathematics, etc.) Provide a foundation for curriculum development and individual certification and licensing material,Categories of Knowledge in the SWEBOK,Target of the SWEBOK Guide,«Applicable to most projects, most of the time, and widespread consensus about their value and usefulness» Project Management Institute - PMI,A Three-Phase Approach for Developing the Guide,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Straw Man,Phase,,,Stone Man Phase,,,,Iron Man Phase,(Sub- phase 2),,,,,2004 Version,Trial Version,Deliverables:,Consensus on a list of Knowledge Areas Consensus on a list of topics and relevant reference materials for each Knowledge Area Consensus on a list of Related Disciplines,SWEBOK V2,Software Requirements Software Design Software Construction Software Testing Software Maintenance Software Configuration Management Software Eng. Management Software Eng. Tools & Methods Software Engineering Process Software Quality,Computer Engineering Computer Science Mathematics Project Management Management Quality Management Software Ergonomics Systems Engineering,Related Disciplines,汇报大纲,SWEBOK的背景和演化历史 SWEBOK V3的新特性 SWEBOK的作用 基于SWEBOK的软件工程教育,SWEBOK V3,目的 增加近年的软件工程研究与实践的新成果; 将SWEBOK和CSDA、CSDP、SE2004(软件工程本科课程大纲)、GSwE2009(软件工程硕士课程大纲)、SEVOCAB(软件工程术语)等标准进行统一; 合并和更新以上各标准的参考文献,遴选最重要的文献,减少文献数量,以利于读者的学习。 建立每三年版本更新的模型和计划 计划周期:2008~2010 实际:2014年2月发布,SWEBOK Editorial Team,5位主编 加拿大魁北克大学高等技术学院Pierre Bourque副教授 加拿大魁北克大学高等技术学院Alain Abran教授 西班牙马德里理工大学Juan Garbajosa教授 印度Tata咨询公司副总裁Garki Keeni女士 中国上海交通大学Beijun Shen副教授 25位知识域编辑 上海交通大学邹恒明教授负责计算基础和软件工程职业实践 北京大学孙艳春副教授负责软件设计 复旦大学彭鑫副教授负责软件构造 自33个国家的约150名专家参与了评审。,SWEBOK V3的15个知识域,软件工程实践知识域(11个),软件需求 软件设计 软件构造 软件测试 软件维护 软件配置管理 软件工程管理 软件工程过程 软件工程模型和方法 软件质量 软件工程职业实践,软件工程教育基础知识域(4个),软件工程经济学 计算基础 数学基础 工程基础,Related Disciplines (7个),计算机工程 计算机科学 管理 数学 项目管理 质量管理 系统工程,现有知识域的主要修改,在软件设计和软件测试中新增了人机界面的内容 把软件工具的内容从原先的“软件工程工具和方法”中移到其他各知识域中,并将该知识域重命名为“软件工程模型和方法”,使其更关注方法 更突出了架构设计和详细设计的不同 在软件设计中增加了硬件问题的新主题 在软件设计中增加了面向方面(aspect-oriented )设计的讨论,现有知识域的主要修改(续),新增了软件重构、迁移和退役的新主题 更多地讨论了建模和敏捷方法 在多个知识域中增加了对保密安全性(security)的考虑 合并了多个标准中的参考文献,并进行更新和遴选,极大减少了文献数量。,下阶段工作,SWEBOK V3将被提交ISO/IEC(国际标准化组织/国际电工委员会),作为其技术报告发表。 翻译成多国语言出版或发布。,汇报大纲,SWEBOK的背景和演化历史 SWEBOK V3的新特性 SWEBOK的作用 基于SWEBOK的软件工程教育,Model of a Profession,Body of Knowledge,,Initial professional education,Skills Development,One or both,Full Professional Status,Certification,Licensing,Accreditation criteria,Professional development programs,Code of ethics,,,,,,,Competency definition,Ten years ago, most of this did not exist for software engineering. It all exists now.,Curriculum Entry-level certification,,Standards of practice,Adapted from “After the Gold Rush,” Steve McConnell.,Applications of SWEBOK,,,Cited by Software Engineering 2004 curriculum guide (SE2004) Graduate Software Engineering Reference Curriculum (GSwERC),Applications of SWEBOK,,,,In the US, ABET and the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board (CSAB) cooperate on software engineering accreditation SWEBOK supports the ABET outcomes demanded of a software engineering curriculum,Applications of SWEBOK,,,A large defense contractor has experimented with the Guide to calibrate skills descriptions in proposals An FFRDC (Federally Funded R&D Center) has rewritten its “Software Systems Engineer” job description in terms of the SWEBOK knowledge areas,Body of Knowledge,Accreditation criteria,Professional development programs,Competency definition,Curriculum Entry-level certification,Standards of practice,Applications of SWEBOK,,,IEEE certification exams and courses use the SWEBOK Guide as an outline and foundation SWEBOK provides the taxonomical basis for ViSEK, the Distributed Center of Competency in Software-Engineering, a German national initiative to encourage learning in the software industry,Applications of SWEBOK,,,SWEBOK Guide was adopted as ISO/IEC TR 19759 SWEBOK contributed to “SW Development” portion of a BOK developed by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers.,汇报大纲,SWEBOK的背景和演化历史 SWEBOK V3的新特性 SWEBOK的作用 基于SWEBOK的软件工程教育,基于SWEBOK的软件工程教学,基于SWEBOK设计软件工程课程系列 基于SWEBOK设计课程内容 基于SWEBOK出课程考试和研究生入学考试的试卷,挑战,挑战:SWEBOK15个知识域内容太多了,如何教学? 解决方法: 抓住软件工程本质 迭代教学 必修课 + 选修课 + 课外自学,Concluding Remarks,Consensus on the core body of knowledge is key in all disciplines and pivotal for the evolution toward a professional status,www.swebok.org,

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