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1、The Intelligent Home智能家居Sren stergaard JensenEnergy and Climate能源和气候Danish Technological Institute丹麦科技部soren.o.jensenteknologisk,Status 简介,An independent, not-for-profit institution.Approved as a technological service institute bythe Danish Ministry of Science, Technologyand Innovation由丹麦科技部批准的一所提供技

2、术服务的学院。是一个独立的非赢利性组织。,Locations 地理位置,机构设置,混凝土 建筑材料 建筑资质和建筑过程 石材建筑 管网 游泳池技术 木材建筑,化学材料和水材料技术 材料试验 微量技术和表面分析 塑料材料技术 摩擦学,自动化技术 安装和校准 制冷和抽水技术 测量和品质控制 产品开发 可更新性能源和运输 通风技术,包装和运输 最佳统一处理方案 质量和环境管理 功能性 生产过程创新 生产 生产率,软件开发 会议组织 培训,人力资源发展 哥本哈根郊区的商务服务中心 欧元中心区 政策和商务分析 创造和发明 技术合作,国际中心 联邦应急管理 理秘书处 员工功能,Building techn

3、ology: Concrete +Building ComponentsCertification and Building ProcessesMasonry + Pipe Centre + Swimming Pool Technology + Timber,Industry and Energy:Automobile Technology + Installation and Calibration + Refrigeration and Heat PumpTechnology + Metrology and Quality Assurance + Product Development R

4、enewable Energy and TransportVentilation and Process,Training and informatics: Software Development, Conferences, Training,Materials: Chemicals and Water Technology,+ Materials Testing + Microtechnology and Surface Analysis Plastics Technology +Tribology,Productivity + Logistics: Packaging and Trans

5、port + Integrated Process Optimisation +Quality and Environmental Management Perception and FunctionalityProcess Innovation + ProductionProductivity,Industrial development: Human Resource Development Business Service Centre for Copenhagen CountyEuroCentre + Policy and Business AnalysesInventions and

6、 Creativity +Technology Partnership,Staff units: International Centre + FEM-secretariatStaff functions,二零零五年重要数据Key figures from 2005,商务活动 Commercial activities 75.9 百万 欧元 million EURO咨询和发展 Consultancy and development 28.8资质审核和测试 Certification and testing 19.7教育 Education 24.3其他 Other 3.1考察和开发活动 R&D

7、 activities 15.4 考察和开发丹麦王国科技部的联系R&D contract with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation 11.3 营业额 Total turnover 102.9 百万 欧元 million EURO净利润 Net profit 3.0 百万 欧元 million EURO国际营业额 International turnover 19.0 百万 欧元 million EURO雇员数量 Number of employees 724,Why intelligent homes 为什么是智能家居,En

8、tertainment 环境Convenience 便利Health care 健康Security 安全Good indoor climate 良好的室内气候Energy: 能源 - reduction of the energy demand by 2050 the energy system in Denmark should only be based on renewable energy 在2050年前,丹麦能源系统减少对能源的需求应该基于可再生能源 - demand site management of electricity 电力的管理需求 - already 20% of w

9、ind power in the grid 已经有20%的网内风能 - aim 50% 目标是50%,My definition of the intelligent home我对智能家居的定义,A home which automatically fulfil our demands with a small energy demand能够通过小的能源需求来自动完成需求的家 The user should be allowed to overrule the system使用者可以推翻系统,Why should the energy demand be controlled intellig

10、ently为什么能源需求应该智能控制,Only few know how to optimize the energy demand of a home/building很少人知道如何使家居/建筑的能源需求最优化The setting by the factory is often not adjusted to the actual purpose工厂的设置通常不能调整到实际目的Even if one is an expert one isnt present at all time即使是专家也不能一直出现Laziness 懒惰Large saving potential 1 billion

11、 Euro per year in Denmark很大的节约潜质-在丹麦,10亿欧元每年,Energy demands to be controlled能源需求控制,Standby demand 备用需求Lightning 闪电Solar shading 太阳遮蔽Heating 加热Cooling 冷却Ventilation 通风设备,Example: demand controlled ventilation例子:需求控制的通风设备,Demand controlled ventilation will often lead to a better indoor climate and - i

12、n Denmark - to a reduction in the energy demand for ventilation of about 25%需求控制的通风设备常常使室内的气候变好,在丹麦,还使通风设备对能源的需求降低约25%。This however demands for measuring of the indoor climate: temperature, humidity and CO2 and intelligent control to maintain a good indoor climate 然而,这需要测量室内的气候包括温度、湿度和二氧化碳。智能控制可以维持良

13、好的室内气候。,Another example另外一个例子,turn off of the radiator 关掉散热器,measuring of room temperature 测量室内温度,on/off of the circulation pump or 流通泵的开关measuring of when the circulation pump is on当流通泵打开时测量,Wireless components 无线元件,Measurements - energy signatures测量 能源标签,Bases on time series of the energy demand i

14、n combination with time series of weather conditions and indoor climate it is possible to generate energy signatures which characterize the energy demand of a home/building. 通过能源需求时间系列和天气状态和室内气候时间系列的连接,有可能使建筑能源需求的能源标签产生。 This will typically lead to energy savings but may also be utilized to improve

15、control strategies这将导致节能但是也可能被用来提高控制战略,What is needed 需要什么,Good and cheap sensors and actuators性能良好又便宜的传感器Installations with communication利用通讯工具安装Systems which covers several demands覆盖多个需求的系统Intelligent control systems integrated control智能控制系统-一体化控制Plug and play即插即用,EnergyFlexHouse 能源花线房,EnergyFlexH

16、ouses 能源花线房,In principle everything can be changes in EnergyFlexHouse 原则上,任何事物都能在能源花线房里被改变EnergyFlexLab: systems and combinations of systems can be tested in a controlled way but still under real weather conditions能源花线实验室:系统和串联系统能在被控制的状态下被测试但是仍然在实际天气状况下EnergyFlexFamily: systems can be tested in combination with real users over longer periods能源花线家庭:当系统被长时间和实际使用者结合时能被测试EnergyFlexOffice: test of working environment, climate control, IT and office equipment能源花线办公室:测试工作环境、气候控制、IT、办公室设备,Thank you for your attention谢谢观赏,


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