未来 - 健身健康行业不断的机遇.pptx

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1、“The Future - Progressive Opportunities In The Health & Fitness Industry” 未来 - 健身健康行业不断的机遇,1,by Bill McBride,Summary,2,The Future - Progressive Opportunities In The Health & Fitness Industry”As the world around us evolves and changes, we must not only adapt, but be looking for opportunities to thriv

2、e with our business approach and business models. Not only being relevant, but being an integral part our members lives will determine the winners from the losers. We will have a discussion about the macro trends occurring world-wide and the opportunities facing our industry in the near term and an

3、exploration of how our near term actionscan play a significant role in our success not only today, but tomorrow. 与时俱进,积极参与行业的改变,了解行业趋势,着眼未来This session willstimulate ideas of what you can do in the face of changes that are occurring with technologies, businessmodels and consumer behavior. 我会告诉你,面对科技

4、,商业模式和消费者行为的发展,如何应对Review of Industry Trending 了解行业趋势Overview of World Trends (Technologies, Medicine, Service, Member Analytics and changing Consumer Behavior) 全球健康,科技,服务行业的趋势和对消费者的分析Discussion about the proliferation ofnewer industry business models 讨论新的商业模式Observations on the“missingpieces” withi

5、n traditional club offerings 发觉传统模式的不足Sharing on how we increase traditional club relevance and significance 讨论如何让传统的健身房参与的更多,变得更重要Summary of potential new paradigms, strategies and tactics to act on 总结新的范例和战略策略,Bill McBride,Bill McBride is a health club industry veteran who started his full time ca

6、reer in 1986. He is currently President & CEO of Active Sports Clubs and BMC3, his consulting company. McBride is internationally recognized for his expertise on the industry, leadership, management, sales, sales management, marketing, excellence in operations and designing the customer experience.

7、He recently completed 5 years of service on the IHRSA Board of Directors as Chairman & Ex-Officio. Bill1986年就开始了自己在健身行业的旅程。现在是Active Sports Club和BMC3的CEO,参与行业内的咨询业务。他在行业内的管理,销售,市场和客服方面都非常有经验。过去五年是IHRSA的主席。,Active Sports Clubs Based in San Francisco CA 公司总部在旧金山,4,Throughout the US: 在全美拥有10 Commercial

8、 Health Clubs 10间商业健身房1 New Functional Training Studio “The Zone”1间多功能训练工作室2 Hospitals 2间医院2 Community Centers 2间社区中心1 University 1间大学40 Corporate Fitness Centers 40间企业健身中心,China Opportunities.中国国内的机会,5,Current Circumstance: 目前的状况$5B in Revenue with 2145 clubs 2145家健身中心,50亿美金收入15.6% growth over the

9、last 5 years 过去五年,超过百分之十五点六的增长Pressure to get cash and compete on price 价格和现金流的压力Customers becoming more demanding as choices increase 客户的需求增加With some club operators leaving the market, the Hong Kong yoga closures and the use of overly aggressive sales tactics the industry could be hurting itself (

10、or slowing growth) in the long term by focusing on the gains of the short term 如果只追求短期的收入,长期的利益将会受损Quality is critical in delivery and business practices 服务和业务的质量至关重要Health & Fashion Trending up = good sign for growth 健康和时尚行业的发展有助健身行业的成长Low penetration rates = good sign for growth 渗透力低,有助于健身行业成长Incr

11、eased middle class = good sign for growth 中产阶级的成长有助于健身行业的发展,Sales Best Practices 最好的销售理念,6/25/2019,BMC,6,Have integrity and the best interest of the member at the forefront always 守诚信,把会员的利益放在首位 Dont set the member up for failure with unrealistic expectations and over promises 不给会员灌输不现实的期望,以及承诺实现不了的

12、诺言 Always say YES if at all possible 尽量满足客户需求 Be reliable and dependable 可以信赖和依靠,7,Shifting dynamics & Trending不断改变的趋势 Changing technologies不断更新的科技 Member knowledge会员的相关知识 Consumer behavior消费理念和特征 Information / Decision Making 决策,Overview: 5 Parts 五个因素,Part 1: Shifting Dynamics 改变的趋势,8,The Only Cons

13、tant is ChangeHow are we going to deal with it? 唯一不变的是改变,我们如何面对改变呢?“There is nothing permanent except change.” - Heraclitus (ancient Greek philosopher who lived about 100 years before Plato),Part 1: US Trending 美国的趋势,9,Women are becoming a larger buying force for all brand products. 女性消费者角色的增加This w

14、ill represent a dominant majority with regard to consumer brand patronage and advocacy. 女性消费成为主流85% of all brand purchases are made by women yet only 3% of advertising agency creative directors are women. 女性购买市场上百分之85的品牌,却不能主导品牌背后的广告推广 Women make up 64% of Facebook users, 58% of Twitter users and 82

15、% of Pinterest users.女性是社交网络的主体,Part 1: US Trending - More Women in Health Clubs 健身房里女性的增多,10,Sources: 2011 IHRSA Profiles of Success, She-C & Digital Flash NY,Women are becoming the dominant user of health clubs in the US, as well as the majority of the population and the driving force in consumer

16、spending.女性将成为健身房和健身消费的主体 The current club make up is 51% female to 49% male.现在健身房的比例是男性百分之51,女性百分之49 In 2011 nearly 3 out of 5 NEW members (57%) were women (to 43% men).2011年,每五个新会员里有三个就是女性 This shift may change the way we operate, program and design our facilities. There are profound implications.

17、 改变了健身房运营的方式,意义深远,Part 1: US Trending 美国的趋势,11,Q: What does this means to us?A: Theres a unique opportunity to capture market share and enhance the service offerings in the industry by providing these “boutique” level Pilates, Yoga and Barre classes in a larger, luxury fitness center.,US Fitness Ind

18、ustry produces annual revenues of $21 billion健身房的总收入210 亿美元 US expenditure of yoga & Pilates classes is $5.7 billion and is increasing瑜伽和普拉提课程的收入是57亿美金 Pilates training alone has grown 456% in 9 years普拉提在过去九年成长了4.5倍 New movement toward mind/body, lower-impact exercise classes like Pilates & Yoga to

19、draw women together for motivation瑜伽和普拉提与身心健康结合,更加吸引女性,All organizations are perfectly aligned to get the results they are getting 付出和得到成正比,12,Value Proposition 价值定位,13,Usable,Useful,Usable,Desirable,Useful有用的,Usable可用的,Desirable 想要的,Sweet Spot 最佳位置,Stages of Experiences 经验的分层,14,Random Experience偶然

20、的事件,Predictable Experience可推断的经历,Branded Customer Experience打造品牌的客服,Inconsistent 不连贯一致 Unintentional 没有目的,Consistent 连贯一致 Intentional 有目的的 Not Differentiated 没有区别 Not Valuable 没有价值,Consistent 连贯一致 Intentional 有目的的 Differentiated 有区别的 Valuable 有价值的 Emotional 感性的,Source: Managing the Customer Experien

21、ce: Shawn Smith & Joe Wheeler,Engaging Programming 参与项目,We are forward-thinking thought leaders with a focus on engaging programming trends that bring our clients and their members results. 通过超前的思想和众多的参与,带给客户更多。,Small Group + Personal Training 小班教学和私人教练,Increased training participation = higher reve

22、nue per member & improved member retention 会员参与越多,收入越高,留住的会员越多,Group Fitness 团体课,Drive consistent, standardized programs to retain and attract new members 用连贯一致,标准的课程吸引,留住新会员,,Define & collect metrics to measure ROI 通过收集数据来测量回报率 Optimize scheduling with dynamic naming conventions 更有针对性的课程制定 Promotio

23、n, merchandising and marketing support 有效的市场宣传支持,Acquisition Marketing Tactics 获取营销策略数字营销-社交网络-邮件营销-直接营销-草根营销,Marketing Strategy Outcomes 市场营销的效果,Whats Different in the Fitness Industry? 健身行业的特点,20,MORE IMPORTANT: 更重要的Segmentation 分层Mass customization 用户化Individual member knowledge 会员的知识Human connec

24、tion 相互交流 Operating with integrity and transparency诚信和透明3rd party validation 第三方认可Sales, marketing, operations & technology are “blurring” 销售市场运营科技概念的融合Specialized, small group “efficient” training will become even more important to consumers 小班教学的重要性增加 Functional training spaces and passive areas a

25、re more popular 功能训练的重要性Cardio equipment usage is stable有氧器械使用的稳定,LESS IMPORTANT: 相对不重要的Selectorized strength equipment usage appears to be on a decline in the U.S. 特选器械使用减少,BMC,BMC,23,“Welcome”,BMC,24,Obesity Epidemic & Inactivity Crisis 肥胖的增加和不运动的危机,26,Governments are looking for new sources of re

26、venue and politicians want to “do something”政府更加重视 Healthcare costs are skyrocketing医保成本增高 The US Government is focused on outcomes: congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), and pneumonia政府看中结果,对疾病的影响 Information delivery and consumption are going through a major revolut

27、ion信息获取和传播正在经历革命性的变化,27,“Prediction is very difficult,especially if its about the future.”未来难以预测Niels Bohr,The Global Economy全球经济,28,Fiscal cliff 财政危机 Federal deficit赤字 Foreign debt 外债,The last time the economy was beset by influences like these the industry took a huge hit受到大环境影响,整个行业受挫 It has take

28、n years for us to begin to see positive membership growth again复苏的速度非常缓慢,Accountable Care Organizations (ACO),29,Currently 75% of healthcare costs go to treating diseases that are largely preventable 百分之七十五的保费用于治疗本来可以预防的疾病The advent of ACOs are creating a paradigm shift in medical care from disease

29、treatment to disease prevention ACO将经历从疾病治疗变成疾病预防This will create significant opportunities for health management 给健康管理带来机遇,Whats that? 什么是ACOA healthcare organization characterized by a payment and care delivery model that seeks to tie provider reimbursements to quality metrics.一个将保险赔付和医保质量与服务捆绑在一起

30、的卫生保健组织,Economic Incentives / Penalties 经济上的动机和处罚,30,Mandating economic incentives 强制经济动机,May reach a new segment of the market (those motivated by extrinsic rewards) 开辟新的市场,In theory this could create an expanded market for the industry为整个行业拓宽市场,Part 2: Changing Technologies 科技的改变,31,Quantified Sel

31、f - Digital Sensors Are: 可穿戴设备Quickly becoming the number one source of data (mobile GPS data) 收集数据的最好选择 Part of the way our environment interacts with us (NFC) 和周围环境更好互动 Incorporated into our clothing and apparel (Sensors, Google Glasses) 和服饰用品及其他设备结合Concussion patches 测量脑震荡仪器Smart Phone capability

32、 photo of equipment screen info logged in the correct data field智能手机多功能,Accuracy is increasing at exponential rates!精确度提高得很快 In the next decade advances in facial recognition will probably replace the need for manual club check-ins and access 在不久的未来,脸部识别功能可以取代每天会员健身时的刷卡登记,3rd Party Devices 第三方设备,6/2

33、5/2019,BMC,32,+ Fit Bit + Bit Gym + Jaw Bone + WiThings + My Zone + Zephyr + Body Bugg + Fit Bug,Mobile 移动,33,It is being predicted that mobile Web usage will overcome desktop Web usage by 2015 移动互联网的使用将会在2015年取代桌面互联网 Google now develops and tests all their new applications on mobile first 谷歌所有的新产品都

34、会首先在手机上测试,38% of smart phone users have made some type of commerce transaction using their phone 百分之三十八的智能手机用户会通过手机进行商业活动 Mobile user usability and utility demands will continue to increase as this modality eclipses desktop Internet usage. 这个数字还会增加,Current Functionality 功能Mobile access to class sche

35、dules 通过手机查询团操课表Ability to download classes to personal calendars 将课程表下载到手机日历Class change notification 课程改变通知Promotions 促销活动Instant access to contact us 方便联系Membership card 取代会员卡Social check-ins on Facebook & FoursquareYouTube integration 社交功能iPhone & Android Platform,Fitness Mobile App: 健身相关的手机软件Ke

36、ep Members Connected from Mobile Devices,34,More App Functionality 更多软件功能,35,Online Booking & Scheduling 网上预订课程 Member mobile social network 会员社交 Check-ins & wall posts 发送信息 Offer & review sharing 评级Geo-social Challenge 互动对比竞争 Check-in at various outdoor workout spots for points积分 Challenge friends

37、to a competition 挑战朋友们 Bio-metric tool tracking & calculators 数据记载 Provide a mobile tracking resource 移动跟踪 Reward healthy behavior outside the club 健身房之外的鼓励,Some Thoughts From the Leisure Handbook 2014Leisure Management Magazine UK 从媒体中获取的资讯,36,Foresight 2014 今年的预测1 Interactive Technology having fun

38、 immersed in an experience (smell, site, sound, temperature) The importance of “stars” in social media. According to the University of CA, Berkely:“A variance of just half a star rating can determine whether a business thrives or goes bust according to economists at the University”Google Glass - Wha

39、t will you do when your customers show up wearing Google Glass?End of Life Care - An industry around a good death may cause some disruption. (Family, comfort, care, spiritual)Retail & Leisure Xercise 4Less teaming up with Tesco with 100 health clubs in grocery stores. Retailers are looking for ways

40、to monetize the redundant space created by e-commerce and leisure is providing a creative solutionIkea ($) & Marriott (Ops) teaming up with a new brand Moxy hotels with IKEA furnishings and design,37,Cellular Health 细胞健康Living organisms are made up of balance 体内需要平衡Fungi / Bacteria (immune system) 真

41、菌/细菌Sodium / Potassium 钠/化钾Exercise / Rest 运动/休息Acid / Alkali 酸/碱Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide 氧气/二氧化碳Good cellular health is the foundation of wellbeing. More research and awareness on this are on the way 细胞的健康会影响整体健康。未来会有更多的相关研究,The Limitations of Technology: A Club Perspective 从健身房的角度看科技限制,38,Companies

42、 are devoting time and money to technologies & social media presences, but few are seeing high ROI 新科技投入却很难看到收入上的回报Health & Wellness apps now number a lot more than 15,000, but theres been no significant change in the consumer reach of the industry APP种类多,但改变力有限Club One completed a pilot of biometri

43、c trackers, but found no significant change in brand affinity or users achieving health goals (possible random nature of device assignment) 对品牌影响小 Technology alone hasnt shown an ability to create or keep a new market as of yet 市场影响力有限 I have a resounding belief that technology with human touch is t

44、he key to optimization 科技要和人力结合,Tip for operators:Before getting too caught up in the hype of the cloud, open APIs or social networks; remember good operations is the core and human interaction with technology seems to have the best opportunity在社交平台上,通过科技与会员互动,效果会更好,39,The Group Exercise market is g

45、rowing and driven by: 女性影响团操课程的成长 Women: 女性推动成长In 2011, nearly 3 out of 5 new members (57%) were women to 43% men (compared to 51% women in 2010) 在2011年每五个新会员里有三位是女性68% of group fitness participants are women 百分之六十八的参与者为女性 Age: 年龄Baby Boomers are attracted to “soft fitness” Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, h

46、ands-on flexibility, etc, these are all delivered in group fitness classesThey are 35 and over but technologically savvy 35岁以上的人群热衷团体课程 Growing demand for social component and sense of community:社交元素的需求 Strong perceived value proposition 更看重性价比All forms of personal training available in group exerci

47、se (TRX) 更全面的私教训练,Part 3: Member Knowledge 会员知识,Member Knowledge会员知识,40,Group exercisers have higher lifetime customer value than non-group fitness members because:They come more often 团操课程的价值更高,因为会员参与的频率高Average days of physical activity for typical club member is 3. Average in group fitness (Les M

48、ills) = 3.9 in USA - 25% greaterThey stay longer as a member. 更好留住会员Attrition rates are inversely correlated to usage and length of membership. Higher usage, lower attrition. Group exercisers have longer average membership livesThey spend more. 更舍得花钱Reflection of greater commitmentThey are knowledgeable. 更有知识Want a diversity of offerings and this creates stickinessThey develop relationships with instructors. 和教练互动 Drives attendance and additional points of contactThey have higher net promoter scores 更高的净推荐值,Member Knowledge 会员知识,41,


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