
,Second language Reading Comprehension,,,,Contents,,,,,,,1,2,3,The importance of L2 reading,Paper analysis,Conclusion,,v,,,,,,,The importance of L2 reading,●critical for L2 academic learning ●primary L2 language input source ●the multi-lingual and multi-cultural world situation ●the new global economy,,,,,,,,,,,Paper source:,An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics,Journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/system,Paper information:,Title: Input modality and working memory: Effects on second language text comprehension in a multimedia learning environment Author: Kadir Kozan, Gülcan Erçetin, Jennifer C. Richardson Data: Received : 21/1/2014 Accepted: 4/9/2015,,,,,Background,Introduction,Method,Results,,Discussion,Outline,,Paper analysis,,,,,,,Background: Theories,Background,Working memory,Congnitive load theory,The modality effect,,Working memory: ●WM simultaneously stores and munipulates information for a short term prior to information becoming stored in long-term memory (Baddeley, 1992). ●Three domain-specific short-term storage subcomponents phonological loop (语音回路) visuospatial sketchpad (空间视觉模板) the central executive episodic buffer (情节缓冲器) (中央执行系统) ●The role of WM in L1 and L2 reading and listening has been already demonstrated. e.g. Harrington Walter, 2004, etc.,,,Cognitive load theory: ●CLT assumes that learning occurs through a limited WM that temporarily manipulates and stroes information as well as an unlimited long-term memory that functions as storage foe what is learned (Sweller et al., 2011). ●CL refers to the load imposed on WM resources when a specific task is performed. intrinsic load (内在认知负荷)——prior knowledge, existing schemas ●CL germane load (相关认知负荷)——amount of WM resources used extraneous load (外在认知负荷)——unnecessary information processing ●CLT is relevant with the WM resources can be allocated for the learning task.,,,The modality effect: ●The modality effect encourages presenting instructional materials in an audiovisual that includes listening while viewing corresponding visuals. An audiovisual presentation employs both of the limited channels (auditory and visual) of WM. ●Advantages of audiovisual presentation: less time investedd in problem solving quicker reaction times on a visual secondary task lower CL rating better performance an a multiple-choice test ●The modality effects can comparatively improve the efficiency of reading.,,,Method: Experimental design,,,,,,,,,,,,Results,Results of four tests are analyzed with ANOVA,Two mixed-design ANOVAs: ●WM high low ●input modality audiovisual visual-only ●time: immediate/delayed ●The effect of input modality depends on the learners' WM capacity. Specially, those vs high WM capacity benefit more feom audiovisual presentation over time.,Discussion,,,,,,,,Findings reveal that in a multimedia environment: ●high-WM capacity can lead to more capable of processing and storing information from audiovisual and visual-only information; ●modality effect may disapper in a short-term, but it can recover in a long term in terms of less forgetting of retained information.,Conclusion,Individual differences such as WM capacity may have effects on L2 multimedia comprehension in interaction with input modality, time of testing, and type of comprehension. According to the findings of this paper, input modality has a more impirtant effect than WM in L2 reading comprehension.,,Thanks !,

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