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1、videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the “five water treatment“ “357“ timetables “for three years to resolve outstanding issues, obviously worked,“ victory of the year. The Countys departments at all levels must firmly establish the “guanghui i

2、s gold and silver“ green development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well “five water treatment of“ winning the war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was

3、built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will “river water quality improved at the county level, up to five“ this basic objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, “clear rivers“ reaching the County created. Organization “look back“ speci

4、al inspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is “Dragnet“ investigation, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the “one-stop strategy“, improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this

5、year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of “clear rivers“ standards. Second, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis

6、of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve “effluent from sewage treatment rate, running accuracy, compliance“ requirement, speed up the towns support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home

7、“last meters“ question. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach import

8、ance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the “Sun“ problem. Third, pay special attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution contr

9、ol of water go to “dig up mud“, as the deepening water of this years “plays“. Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the “one river one policy“ requires detailed cleaning, dredging plan, pl

10、anning ahead of time cleaning out mud “way out“, according to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward prod

11、uction capacity, increase the intensity oftreatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation “three years action plans“, requirements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminate

12、d of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park

13、 production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emissio

14、n intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project “Trinity“ environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer

15、the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-

16、term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up

17、cross Yang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation “strong library“ “solid di“ “spread row“ engineering,

18、 increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problem. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources pro

19、tection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various

20、 elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play “three to split“ battle. Xia Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the “three to split“ operation time is over three years, but “three to split“ must continue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be cha

21、nged. All localities and departments to the village and “no unauthorised“ created浙江省农业用水现状调查报告1 概述1.1 浙江省的自然地理状况浙江省位于我国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,在北纬 27123130,东经118123之间,东临东海,南接福建,西与江西、安徽相连,北与上海、江苏为邻。境内最大的河流钱塘江,全长约 605 公里,因江流曲折,又称“浙江” 。省以江名,简称为“浙” 。省会杭州市。浙江省东西和南北的直线距离均为 450 公里。全省陆域面积 10.18 万平方公里。为全国面积的 1.06%,是中国面积

22、最小的省份之一。全省面积中,山地和丘陵占 70.4%,平原和盆地占 23.2%,河流和湖泊占 6.4%,故有“七山一水二分田”之说。浙江海域广阔,岛屿星罗棋布。海岸线总长 6400 余公里,居全国首位。2000 年底全省耕地总面积为公顷(2411.34 万亩) ,人均只有 0.516 亩。浙江地形复杂,整个地势由西南向东北倾斜。西南山地的主要山峰海拔多在千米以上。中部以丘陵为主,大小盆地错落分布于丘陵山地之间。东北部是低平的冲积平原全省大致可分为浙北平原、浙西中山丘陵、浙东丘陵、中部金衢盆地、浙南山地、东南沿海平原及滨海岛屿等六个地形区。省内河流众多,主要有钱塘江、瓯江、灵江、苕溪、甬江、飞云

23、江、鳌江、曹娥江等八大水系。浙江位于亚热带季风气候区,冬季受蒙古冷高压控制,盛行西北风,以晴冷、干燥天气为主,是全年低温、少雨季节。夏季受太平洋副热带高压控制,以东南风为主,海洋带来充沛的水汽,空气湿润,是我省高温、强光照季节。春秋两季为东夏季风过度时期,气旋活动频繁,锋面降水甚多,冷暖变化亦较大。本省平均气温在 1518.0C 之间,年均降水量在 10002000 毫米之间,3月7 月初的春雨和梅雨降水量最丰富,78 月盛夏,干旱少雨,唯沿海有台风雨补充,入秋后,9 月份有一短暂秋雨期,10 月至翌年 2 月降水量最少,多晴冷天气。videoconference, Secretary of

24、the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the “five water treatment“ “357“ timetables “for three years to resolve outstanding issues, obviously worked,“ victory of the year. The Countys departments at all levels must firmly establish the “guanghui is gold and silver“ green devel

25、opment concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well “five water treatment of“ winning the war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphi

26、ll battle. This year we will “river water quality improved at the county level, up to five“ this basic objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, “clear rivers“ reaching the County created. Organization “look back“ special inspection, the County garb

27、age River, black and odorous River is “Dragnet“ investigation, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the “one-stop strategy“, improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination

28、 of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of “clear rivers“ standards. Second, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source e

29、ngineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve “effluent from sewage treatment rate, running accuracy, compliance“ requirement, speed up the towns support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home “last meters“ question. Domest

30、ic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domesti

31、c wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the “Sun“ problem. Third, pay special attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to “dig up mud“

32、, as the deepening water of this years “plays“. Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the “one river one policy“ requires detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning

33、out mud “way out“, according to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the

34、intensity oftreatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation “three years action plans“, requirements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopp

35、ed eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relo

36、cation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added p

37、roducts of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project “Trinity“ environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project.

38、Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, in

39、crease the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross Yang support river dike

40、reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation “strong library“ “solid di“ “spread row“ engineering, increased geological disaster

41、 hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problem. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural d

42、rinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, m

43、anage to tighten control, to play “three to split“ battle. Xia Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the “three to split“ operation time is over three years, but “three to split“ must continue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and depar

44、tments to the village and “no unauthorised“ created21.2 浙江省社会经济条件浙江省行政区划分设为杭州、宁波、温州等 11 个地级市,下辖 39 个县、25个县级市和 24 个市辖区。据 2000 年人口普查,全省常住人口(含外来人口)总数为 4676.96 万人,其中全省农业人口 3506.19 万人,占总人口的 74.97%,全省人口密度为 459 人/平方公里。2000 年底我省耕地 2411.34 万亩,其 中 水 田 1858.4万 亩 , 人 均 占 有 耕 地 0.516亩 ; 国 内 生 产 总 值 6030亿 元 , 人 均

45、 13400元 。浙江紧紧抓住改革开放的历史机遇,较早突破计划经济体制的束缚,经济市场化程度显著提高,经济实力迅速上升,到 2000 年,国 内 生 产 总 值 6030亿 元 , 名列全国前茅。初步形成了以公有制经济为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的格局,乡镇企业发达、农村工业生机勃勃,是浙江在全国实现工业赶超的主要因素。专业市场、工业经济和小城镇建设组合成区域特色经济,很好发挥区域比较优势。1.3 浙江省的水资源状况浙江省多年平均水资源总量为 937.24 亿立方米,按单位面积计算的水资源量仅次于台湾、广东、福建,居全国第四位。但由于人口密度高,人均水资源拥有量仅 2004 立方米,低于全国

46、人均水平。十年一遇的枯水年份,全省水资源总量约为 579 亿立方米,人均占有量 1238 立方米。浙江省水资源具有以下一些特点:1、降水和河川径流的地区分布不均,水土资源组合很不平衡,80%的水资源分布在山区,而经济发达、人口集中的平原和滨海地区不到 20%;2、降水及河川径流的年内分配集中,年际变化大;3、河川源短流急,丰枯相差悬殊;4、水污染日趋严重,全省八大水系、运河和主要湖(库)主体水域中,符合地面水环境质量标准一、二、三类水标准的占74.3%;符号四类标准的占 22.6%;其余为五类或劣于五类水质,大部分平原河网地区的江河污染仍在发展,城市饮用水普遍受到威胁。2000 年全省地表水资

47、源量为 949.00 亿立方米,折回径流深 920.3 毫米,占水资源总量的 98.5%,地下水资源量为 211.65 亿立方米,扣除重复计算量(196.98 亿立方米)为 14.67 亿立方米,水资源总量为 963.67 亿立方米,人均占有水资源量 2060 立方米。videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the “five water treatment“ “357“ timetables “for three years to resolve

48、outstanding issues, obviously worked,“ victory of the year. The Countys departments at all levels must firmly establish the “guanghui is gold and silver“ green development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the envi

49、ronment, consistently playing well “five water treatment of“ winning the war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will “river water quality improved at the county level, up to five“ this basic objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, “clear rivers“ reaching the County created. Organization “look back“ special inspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is “Dragnet“ investigation, time


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