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1、Unit 1 Introduction to Industrial EngineeringThe Roles of IEIndustrial engineering (IE) is emerging as one of the classic*and novel professions that will be counted for solving complex and systematic problems in the highly technological world of today1. In particular,with the rapid development of Ch

2、inas economy and its acting as a center of world manufacturing industries,the demand for IE will increase and widen continuously and urgently. 工业工程是新兴的经典和新颖的将计算解决复杂和系统性的问题,在今天的高度科技世界职业之一。 ,特别是在中国快速发展的经济和其作为世界制造业中心的演技,为 IE 的需求将增加,并不断扩大和迫切。A production system or service system includes inputs, transfo

3、rmation, and outputs. Through transformation, the added values are increased and the system efficiency and effectiveness are improved. Transformation processes rely on the technologies used and management sciences as well as their combination.生产系统或服务系统,包括输入, 转换和输出。通过 改造,增加值的增加,系统的效率和效益都有所提高。转化过程中所使用

4、的技术和管理科学以及它们的组合依靠。Managing a production system or service system is a challenging and complex taskone that requires the knowledge of fundamental sciences, engineering sciences, behavioral sciences, computer and information sciences, economics, and a great number of topics concerning the basic princi

5、ples and techniques of production and service systems.管理生 产系统的服务体系,是一个具有挑 战性和复杂的,行为科学,计算机和信息科学,经济,以及大量的主题有关的基本原则和技术,生产和服务系统的技术。The Demand for IE Graduates对于 IE 毕业生的需求Industrial engineering curricula are designed to prepare the students to meet the challenges of the future for the construction of Chi

6、nese economic and harmonious society. Many IE graduates (IEs) will, indeed, design and run modern manufacturing systems and facilities. Others will select to engage in service activities such as health-caredelivery, finance, logistics, transportation, education, public administration, or consulting

7、and so on.工业工程课程设计准备的学生,以满足未来中国的经济和和谐社会建设的挑战。许多即毕业生(IES ),事实上,设计和运行现代制造系统和设施。其他选择从事服务活动,如健康,care 交付,金融,物流,交通,教育,公共管理,或咨询等。The demand for IE graduates is strong and growing each year. In fact, the demand for IEs greatly exceeds the supply. This demand/supply imbalance is greater for IE than for any o

8、ther engineering or science disciplines and is projected to exist for many years in the future. Therefore, over 150 universities or colleges opened IE program in China in 2004为 IE 毕业生的需求比较旺盛,每年增长。事实上,对于非法入境者的需求大大超过供给。这种需求/供给不平衡是 为 IE 大于其他任何工程或科学学科,并预计在未来多年存在。因此, over150 大学或学院于 2004 年在中国开设了 IE 浏览 器程序

9、。 The Objectives of the Textbook 教科书的目标The main purpose of this textbook is to introduce systematical theories and advanced techniques and methodologies of the relevant subjects of industrial engineering as well as their English expression. The other aim of the textbook is to strengthen and improve

10、students the ability of reading and comprehension of specialized English literatures related to industrial engineering这本教科书的主要目的是引入系统化的理论和先进的技术和方法,工业工程,以及他们的英语表达有关科目。教科书的另一个目的是加强和改进学生,AOS 与工业工程专业英语文献的阅读和理解能力。Engineering and Science 工程与科学How did the two words “industrial” and “engineering” get combin

11、ed to form the term “industrial engineering”? What is the relationship between industrial engineering and other engineering disciplines, to business management, or the social sciences?To understand the role of industrial engineering in todays economic and knowledge-based era, it is beneficial to lea

12、rn the historical developments that were hopeful in the evolution of IE. There are many ways to write a historical development of engineering. The treatment in this unit is brief because our interest is in reviewing the significances of engineering development, particularly those leading to industri

13、al engineering as a specialty. More complete histories are available in the reference.怎么这两个词, ?industrial,?and,?engineering,?get 相结合,形成长期,?industrial 工程,非盟是什么?工 业工程和其他工程学科之 间的关系,企业管理,社会科学? 为了了解工业工程的作用,在今天, AOS 经济和知识为基础的的时代,它是有利于学习,希望在 IE 的演变历史的发展,有许多半途而废写历史发展的工程。治疗本单位是短暂的,因 为我们的利益,在 审查工程发展的意义,尤其是作为一

14、个专业工业工程的,更完整的 历史参考Engineering and science have developed in a parallel, complementary fashion, although they are not always at the same pace. Whereas science is concerned with the quest for basic knowledge, engineering is concerned with the application of scientific knowledge to the solution of prob

15、lems and to the quest for a “better life”. Obviously, knowledge cannot be applied until it is discovered, and once discovered, it will soon be put to use. In its efforts to solve problems, engineering provides feedback to science in areas where new knowledge is needed. Thus, science and engineering

16、work hand in hand1 工程与科学发展并行,相辅相成的方式,虽然他们是电机始终以同样的速度,而科学是有关基本知识的追求,工程与科学知识的应用关注问题的解决方案,并, ?better 生活的追求,?.Obviously,知识不能被应用,直到它被发现的,一经发现,将很快投入使用,在努力解决问题,工程在新知 识的地方,提供反馈,以科学因此,科学和工程工作在手的手。 Engineering ApplicationsTools 工程应用 - 工具Although “science” and “engineering” each have distinguishing features an

17、d are regarded as different disciplines, in some cases a “scientist” and an “engineer” might be the same person. This was especially true in earlier times when there were very few means of communicating basic knowledge. The person who discovered the knowledge also put it to use.虽然“ 科学”和“工程”各有特色, 为不同

18、学科,在某些情况下,?scientist,非盟和?engineer,非盟可能是同一个人。 这是在更早的时候,尤其是当有很少沟通的基本知识的手段。发现知识的人也把它用We naturally think of such outstanding accomplishments as the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Roman construction projects, and so on,when we recall early engineering accomplishments. Each of these invol

19、ved an impressive application of fundamental knowledge.当然,我们也想到如此出色的成绩,在埃及的金字塔,中国长城,罗马的建设项目,等等,当我们回顾早期的工程成就。这些都涉及一个令人印象深刻的应用程序的基本知识Just as fundamental, however, were accomplishments that are not as well known. The inclined plane, the bow, the wheel,the corkscrew,the waterwheel, the sail,the simple l

20、ever, and,many other developments were very hopeful in the engineers efforts to provide a better life.正如根本,但是,不作为众所周知的成就。斜面,弓,螺旋状,水车,帆,简单的杠杆,以及 许多其他方面的发展都非常希望在工程师,AO 努力提供更好的生活。 Engineering Basis 工程的基础Almost all engineering developments prior to 1800 had to do with physical phenomena: such as overcom

21、ing friction, lifting, storing, hauling, constructing, fastening. Later developments were concerned with chemical and molecular phenomena: such as electricity, properties of materials, thermal processes, combustion, and other chemical processes.几乎所有的工程发展到 1800 年之前与物理现象:如克服摩擦,起重,储存,搬运,构造,紧固后的发展,关注与化学

22、和分子现象:如电力,材料,热加工工艺性能,燃烧,和其他的化学 过程Fundamental to almost all engineering developments were the advances made in mathematics. Procedures for accurately measuring distances, angles, weights, and time were necessary for almost all early engineering accomplishments. As these procedures were refined, great

23、er accomplishments were realized.几乎所有的工程发展的基本原则是在数学方面取得的进展。,准确地测量距离,角度,重量和时间的程序进行了细化,实现了更大的成就Another very important contribution of mathematics was the ability to represent reality in abstract terms. A mathematical model of a complex system can be manipulated such that relationships between variable

24、s in the system can be understood. The simple relationship commonly called the pythagorean theorem is such an example. This theorem says that the hypothenuse of a right triangle is equaled as the square root of the sum of the squares of the adjacent sides. The use of abstract models representing com

25、plex physical systems is a fundamental tool of engineers另一个非常重要的 贡献,数学是一个复杂系统的数学模型的能力,代表抽象的现实。,可以操作,这样在系统变量之间的关系是可以理解的。简单的关系,通常被称为勾股定理是一个这样的例子该定理说,直角三角形 hypothenuse 等于邻边的平方之和的平方根。使用较复杂的物理系统的抽象模型是一个工程师的基本工具。As a final comment on early development, let us pay more attention to an early development tha

26、t did not occur. The missing early development is related to the behavioral sciences. The understanding of human behavior has lagged greatly behind developments in the mathematical, physical, and chemical sciences. This is important to industrial engineers because the systems designed by IEs involve

27、 people as one of the basic components. The lack of progress in behavioral science has impeded the industrial engineer in his efforts to design optimal systems involving people.作为一个早期发展的最终意见,让我们更加注重发展初期,没有发生。缺少早期发展有关的行为科学对人类行为的理解已经大大落后在数学,物理发展的背后,化学科学, 这是重要的工业工程师的,因为非法入境者所设计的系统,涉及到人的基本组成部分之一。的行为科学方面

28、的进展的缺乏阻碍了工业工程师在他的努力,设计最佳系统涉及人民。 The Modern Era of Engineering现代工程时代Based on reference , it defines the modem era of engineering as beginning in 1750,even though there were many important developments between 1400 and 1750. There are two reasons to choose 1750 as the beginning of modem engineering:(1

29、) Engineering schools appeared in France in the eighteenth century.(2) The term civil engineer was first used in 1750.基于参考,它定 义在 1750 年开始,enven 1400 1750.there 之 间虽然有许多重要的发展有两个原因选择 1750 作为现代工程开始工程的现代时代: (1)工程学校在 18 世纪出现在法国。 (2)长期的土木工程师在 1750 年首次使用。 Civil Engineering 土木工程Principles of early engineeri

30、ng were first learned in military colleges and were concerned primarily with road, bridge and fortifications construction. This kind of academic training was referred to as military engineering. When some of the same principles were applied to nonmilitary attempts, it was natural to call them as civ

31、ilian engineering, or simply civil engineering.早期工程的原则,首先在军事院校学习,主要关心道路,桥梁和防御工事建设。 这种学术训练,被称为军 事工程。当一些同样的原则被应用到非军事尝试,它是自然的,调用民用工程,或简单的土木工程Mechanical Engineering 机械工程With the development of civil engineering, the relevant disciplines had also developed. Interrelated advancements in the fields of phys

32、ics and mathematics set up the groundwork for practical applications of mechanical principles. A significant advancement was the development of a practical steam engine that could accomplish useful work. Once such an engine was available (approximately in 1700) , many mechanical devices were develop

33、ed that could be driven by the engine. These efforts culminated in the emergence of mechanical engineering as a distinct branch in the early nineteenth century. 土木工程的发展,还制定了相关学科的。在物理和数学等 领域的相互关联的进步建立了机械原理的实际应用奠定基础。一个显着的进步是一个实用的蒸汽机的发展,可以完成有用的工作。一旦这种引擎(约 1700 年)许多机械设备的开发,可以由发动机驱动。这些努力最终在机械工程作为一个独特的分支在

34、十九世纪初出现。 Electrical Engineering电气工程The discovery and applications of electricity and magnetism are another example of such advancement, which were the fundamental work done in the later part of the eighteenth century. Although early scientists had known about magnetism and static electricity, an und

35、erstanding of these phenomena did not start until Benjamin Franklins famous kite-flying experiment in 1752. In the next 50 years the foundation of electrical science was built up primarily by German and French scientists.电和磁的发现和应用,这样的进步,其中的基础性工作做在十八世纪后期的另一个例子。虽然早期的科学家们称为磁和静电,这些现象的理解没有开始直到本杰明富兰克林的著名风

36、筝放飞在 1752 年的实验。在未来 50 年内,电气科学的基础就建立起来了,主要是由德国和法国的科学家The first distinguishing application of electrical science was the development of the telegraph by Samuel Morse. Morse telegraph is a kind of telegraph that sends messages using dots and dashes or short and long sounds or flashes of light to repres

37、ent letters of the alphabet and numbers. Thomas Edisons invention of the carbon-filament lamp (which is still used today) led to widespread use of electricity for lighting purposes. This, in turn, spurred very rapid developments in the generation, transmission, and utilization of electrical energy f

38、or a variety of labor-saving purposes. Engineers who chose to specialize in this field were naturally called as electrical engineers第一电气科学的区分应用程序是由塞缪尔莫尔斯电报的发展,莫尔斯电报发送邮件使用点和破折号或短期和长期的声音或指示灯闪烁代表字母和数字字母的电报。托马斯爱迪生发明的碳丝灯泡(这是今天仍然使用),AOS的 LED 照明用途广泛使用的电力。这,反 过来又刺激了发电,输电,并利用电能节省劳力的目的非常迅速的发展。自然选择专注于这一领域的工程师们

39、被称为电气工程师Chemical EngineeringAlong with the developments in mechanical and electrical technologies were accompanying developments in the understanding of substances and their properties. The science of chemistry came up, which is concerned with understanding the nature of matter and in learning how t

40、o produce desirable changes in materials. Fuels were required for the new internal combustion engines being developed. Lubricants were needed for the rapidly growing array of mechanical devices. Protective coatings were required for houses, metal products, ships, and so forth. Dyes were needed in th

41、e manufacture of a wide variety of consumer products. Somewhat later, artificial materials were required to carry out certain functions that could not be performed as well or at all by natural materials. This field of engineering effort naturally became known as chemical engineering 随着机电技术在物质及其性质的理解

42、伴随的发展。化学科学诞生了,它涉及到理解物质的性质和学习如何在材料中产生理想的变化。新的内燃机正在研制中需要燃料。快速增长的机械装置需要润滑剂。房屋、金属制品、船舶等需要防护涂层。染料是制造各种消费品所必需的。稍晚。人工材料需要执行某些功能,而这些功能不能用天然材料进行。这一工程领域自然就被称为化学工程。Industry 工业After making clear of science and engineering, it is time to talk about the term “industry”. A clear indication of the way in which huma

43、n effort has been harnessed as a force for the commercial production o goods and services is the change in meaning of the word industry. Coming from the Latin word industria, meaning “diligent activity directed to some purpose” and its descendant, Old French industrie, with the senses “activity”,“ab

44、ility”,and “a trade or occupation”,our word (first recorded in 1475) originally meant “skill”,“a device”,and “diligence” as well as “a trade”. As more and more human effort over the course of the Industrial Revolution became involved in producing goods and services for sale, the last sense of indust

45、ry as well as the slightly newer sense “systematic work or habitual employment” grew in importance, to a large extent taking over the word. We can even speak now of the Shakespeare industry, rather like the garment industry. The sense “diligence,assiduity”,lives on, however, perhaps even to survive

46、industry itself. From the origin of this word, we can find that it means a variety of economic or social activities.弄清科学和工程之后,现在是谈论工业术语的时候了。一个明确的迹象表明,人类努力被用来作为商品和服务的商业生产的力量,这是词工业的含义的改变。来自拉丁语的产业,意思是“勤奋的活动指向某种目的,和其后裔。古老的法国公司,用感官”,能力,和一个行业或职业的人,我们的话(第一记录 1475)原本的技能,设备,和“”以及“贸易”。随着越来越多的人类在工业革命过程中的努力被卷入生

47、产商品和服务的销售中,最后一种工业意识,以及一种稍有意义的“系统工作或习惯性就业”变得越来越重要,在很大程度上接管了这个词。我们现在甚至可以谈论莎士比亚工业,而更像服装业。意为“勤奋、勤勉、生活甚至生存,但是,行业本身。从这个词的起源,我们发现它意味着电子和社会的不同Large Scale ProductionAs industrial organizations emerged to make use of the rapidly developing array of technological innovations, the size and complexity of manufac

48、turing units increased dramatically. Large scale production was made possible through three important concepts:(1) Interchangeability of parts.(2) Specialization of labor.(3) Standardization.Through large scale production the unit cost of consumer products was reduced dramatically 大规模生产作为产业组织应运而生,利用

49、迅速发展的一系列技术创新,制造单位的规模和复杂性急剧增加。大规模生产是通过三个重要的概念成为可能()零件的互换性(2)劳动分工(3 )通过标准化大规模生产的消费品的单位成本大大降低The Origination of IE IE 的基础的起源The base was now laid for a dramatic shift in the lifestyles and cultures of industrialized countries. Within nearly twenty years the Peoples Republic of China and other developing countries changed largely rural, agricultural economies and societies to urban, industrialized economies and societies. The suddenness of this change is probably the cause of many of todays urgent problems, for example,pollution, diseases, traffic crowding and a


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