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1、,Professional English,专业性词 汇,口头表达,专业性文章的阅读能力,Lesson 1 Introduce Yourself,Personal Introduction,Good morning/Good afternoon. Its my great honor to introduce myself to you here. My name is Tom. I am twenty years old. I was born in * province/Tianjin. I am a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/

2、senior(大四学生) student at Tianjin-sino German Vocational Technical College. My major is Product design / Visual Communication Design/ Space and Interior Design /Animation Design / Audio & Video Technology/ Computer art design. I love my major and I want to be a designer in the future. I have lots of i

3、nterests, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.Ok, that is all,thank you.,sophomoresfmr,About interests:,music - 音乐singing - 歌唱dancing - 跳舞Karaoke singing - 唱卡拉OKBeijingopera- 京剧playing piano - 弹钢琴acting - 演戏travel - 旅行skating - 溜冰camping - 露营,野营climbing - 攀登riding - 马术,骑术shopping - 买东西,购物go

4、for walks - 散步fishing - 钓鱼,reading - 阅读painting - 绘画playing Majiang - 打麻将cooking - 烹饪watch TV - 看电视play games - 玩游戏fashion - 流行,风尚design - 设计collect things - 收集东西play cards - 玩牌cate -美食,佳肴Chinese food - 中餐coffee - 咖啡Coca-Cola - 可口可乐pizza - 比萨饼fast food - 快餐pet- 宠物 cat - 猫dog - 狗,Practice:,Please int

5、roduce yourself in English.,what is your major?My major is-Which college are you attending?I am attendingWhats your hobby?Why do you like it?,Question:,Lesson 2 Pixar Animation studios,Do you know Pixar? What does Pixar do?,1. Question,2. Conversation,Two students are talking about Pixar in dormitor

6、y.,A: Hey, Jack. Have you heard of Pixar?B: Of course. Thats a famous animation studio. It has created a lot of animated feature and short films for over 25 years. A: Thats right! It has created so many amazing animations.B: Which animation do you like best?A: It is hard to say which I like best. Th

7、ere are so many classic works, such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Cars. I like all of them. They are so interesting and imaginative. B: I agree with you. Do you know who founded Pixar?A: You got me on that one. B: Hes Steve Jobs. A: Really?The Apples founder- Steve Jobs?B: Yes, he purchased the Comput

8、er Graphics Division from George Lucas and established an independent company to be christened Pixar.A: Steve Jobs was a talent. He was a great people.Jack, I find I like animation very much and I want to be an animator after graduation. B: Me too. But to be an animator is not so easy, we have a lot

9、 to learn in school.A: Ill go along with you. I have a dream. One day I hope I can work in Pixar.B: You can apply for an internship at Pixar firstly. If you can join Pixar Animation Studios, youll be working side by side with some of the most brilliant minds in their fields.A: That sounds great! Let

10、s work together.B: Ok!,3. Words and Expressions,1.hear of :learn about; gain information about 听说How did you hear of our goods? Was it through our announcements?你是怎么知道我们产品的?是通过我们的广告吗?2.animationnimein 动画片;动画片制作3.animator nimeitr 漫画制作者4.Its hard to say 很难说A: Will John win the election? B: I dont thin

11、k so. His chances are slim.A: Its hard to say. He who laughs last laughs best. A: 约翰能在竞选中取胜吗? B: 我想不会。他的机会很小。A: 很难说。笑到最后的是笑得最好的。,5. imaginativemdntv adj.富于想象力的 Scott was an imaginative writer. 司格特是位富于想象力的作家。6.graduationrduen n.毕业;毕业典礼7. I agree with you.我同意你的观点8. You got me on that one.超出我的能力范围。当别人问

12、你一个十分有难度或是深奥的问题,你也不知道如何解决,就可以用这句话来表达你也无能为力。例如:A: Can you explain this word for me in French? 你能用法语帮我解释一下这个单词吗?B: You got me on that one.你那个问题难倒我了。,9. Computer Graphics Division 计算机图形部门10. go along with 同意,赞同 a.Ill go along with that, Ellen. Ellen,我同意你的说法。 b.Im afraid I cant go along with her on this

13、 question. 在这个问题上,我想我不能赞同她的观点。 c.Ill go along with you on this one. 在这一点上我同意你的看法。 此外go along with 还有“陪同前往”的意思。 d.Can you go along with me? 你能与我同行吗?11. internship n.实习生职位;实习期,4.Topic,What do you want to do after graduation?(talk with your partner),Lesson 3 Photography,Dialogue A: Two good friends Lil

14、y and Katty are taking pictures in the park.Lily: Hi,Katty. Im sorry, Im late. I was caught in atraffic jam.Katty: It doesnt matter. Lets go into the park.Lily: What a nice garden!Look at those beautiful flowers.Katty: That will be a good shot. Lily,Id like to have my picture taken here. Please take

15、 the flower-bed as the background.Lily: Ok, smile!Katty: Shall we have a picture taken together,Lily?Lily: Id love to. (To a man passing by)Excuse me,sir. Will you take a picture for us please?Men:Certainly. Are you ready?Say“Cheese”. OK.Lily: Thats terrific. Thank you,sir.,Dialogue B: Zhang is fixi

16、ng his camera in the shop.Clerk:May I help you,sir?Zhang:Yes. Something seems wrong with the light meter in my camera.Clerk:It could be the battery. Let me check it. Yes,the battery has run down.Zhang:Do you have this kind of battery?Clerk:Yes,we have.Zhang:Good. Get me one and install it for me ple

17、ase.Clerk:All right. (several minutes later)Now it works well.Zhang:Thank you. How much altogether?Clerk:That comes to15.Zhang:Here is the money. Thank you.Bye.Clerk:Bye.,2、Words and Expressions cheesen. 乳酪,干酪 terrific a. 非常的,极好的 cameran. 照相机 battery n. 电池 install v. 安装 light meter 曝光表,Lesson 4 Exhi

18、bition,A: Are you an art aficionado? B:Not really. I like going to an art exhibition once or twice a year. I hardly know anything about art or sculpture. You are a true art lover, arent you? A:I love going to art galleries, particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art. B: I never u

19、nderstand the meaning of those painting. They are too abstract for me. I didnt pay much attention in art class at school. A: Art isnt for everyone. Im going to see an exhibition tomorrow at the national gallery. Its an exhibition of Greek and Roman sculpture. B: I like sculpture, especially that for

20、m ancient Rome or Greece. What time are you thinking of going? Id love to go with you. A:I thought Id have an early lunch and go immediately afterwards. Does that sound ok to you? Bus 51 goes directly there. B:That sounds fine. What time shall we meet at the bus stop? A:Lets meet at 12:30. It will p

21、robably take us there for four hours to see all of the exhibits.,Vocabulary:(字汇) 1.Aficionado fnd n.迷,爱好者用作名词 (n.)例句:Are you a video gameaficionado?你是一个游戏迷? I am anaficionadoof science fiction.我是一个科幻小说迷2. exhibition eksbn n.展览;展示hold an exhibition 3.gallery lri n.美术馆;画廊;顶层楼座;走廊例句:Thegalleryhas a sho

22、w of French oil painting.这个美术馆在展出法国油画。She is a frequent visitor to thegallery.她经常参观这个美术馆。,4.abstract bstrktadj.抽象的;理论的;抽象派的n.摘要;抽象派艺术作品v.把抽象出;提取;抽取;转移(注意力等);做的摘要;偷5. exhibit zbtv.展览;陈列;展示;表现n.展品;展览例句:He was given a whole room toexhibithis paintings.整个房间用来展览他的画作。Theexhibitwill be open through Februar

23、y, 2004.展览将一直开放到2004年2月。,The art galleryAlice: This is a lovely painting. Paul: Isnt it? Lets find out about it. Excuse me! Guide: Ooh, hello there, can I help you? Alice: Could you tell us a little about this one please? Guide: Ooh, by all means.this beautiful picture is several hundred years old.

24、In this period, paintings would often be commissioned by the wealthy as a way of showing their status, and, they would be hung in the home to be admired by visitors, in much the same way that we might admire an expensive piece of jewellery or a car these days. Alice: Oh, its beautiful. How long woul

25、d it have taken to paint?Guide: Well, a painting like this would probably have taken up to a year to complete.Paul: Mmm, its a fine piece: one of my favourites.,Vocabulary:(字汇) by all means (idiom):(当然,乐意之至) of course, certainly commission: (委托) to give somebody the job of making a piece of art, suc

26、h as a painting, poem or sculpture the wealthy: (有钱人)rich people in general status:(地位)the social position of a person in relation to others Womens socialstatushas changed much over the years.这些年来妇女的社会地位有了很大改变。admire:(欣赏) to have or show great appreciation, respect or approval for something,Lesson 5

27、 Videography,1、conversationTwo students are talking about the course of videography in the canteen.Jerry: Hi, Grace. How you doing?Grace: Not bad. Do you have class in the afternoon?Jerry: Yes, we have a new course today.Grace: What is it?Jerry: Videography.Grace: Oh, I have learned it last week.Jer

28、ry: Is it interesting?Grace: Yes,we operated the camera outside the classroom and I videoed a film by myself.Jerry: Thats great! What type of camera did you use?Grace: Sony DSR-PD190P.Jerry: So cool. Is it hard to operate?Grace: A little. There are a lot of buttons on the machine and all of them are

29、 English. You have to understand the meaning of these words and remember the function of the buttons.Jerry: Well. Is the camera heavy?Grace: Of course, but we can use tripod.Jerry: Ok. Its nice talking with you. Its time to have class. See you again.Grace: See you.,2、New Wordsvideography vidigrfi电视录

30、像制作,录像片(或盘)摄制,摄像 camera kmr n.照相机;摄像机 tripod traip:d n.三脚架,2、New Wordsconceptual knseptul 概念的disposabledspzbl adj.可任意处理的;一次性的n.用完即可丢弃的东西detachabledttbl adj.可拆下的;可分开的tear vt.撕掉;扯下;扰乱vi.流泪;撕破n.眼泪;(撕破的)洞或裂缝;撕扯,Lesson 6 Globle Famous Awards,1. ConversationA:How are you doing ,Jack?B:Ok.Have you heard of

31、 a big news?A:What?B:Tom won the Reddot Award Product Design.A:Really? Thats incredible! He is the first one who win the Globle Famous Awards in our department, but he is so common.B:Yes,he is a shy guy.He won the part of the Conceptual design. You know the Reddot Award has three parts. Product desi

32、gn,communication design and design concept. Anyone with a good design concept can win the design concept,whether you are a studio,a company, a university, a professional or a student, only your idea counts.A: What did he design?B: Detachable disposable raincoat. When you catch an unexepcted rain, yo

33、u can tear from the roll.Then unfold it and wear it.A: That sounds great.Why didnt I think out it.B: Keep thinking.Maybe you are the next winner.A:Ok.Talk to you later.B:Bye.Take it easy.,Lesson 6 Interview,A position of Vedio Game Designer,(IInterviewer 主试人 AApplicant 应试人)A:May I come in?I:Come in

34、please.AGood moning, Ms.It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview.I:Good moning, Mr Li. Im Edward Snow, the manager of Human Resources DepartmentPlease have a seat.Can you sell yourself in two minutes?Go for it.A: Ok. I just graduated from school. Although I dont have much expe

35、rience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any things I undertake.Im sure your orgainization could benefit from me.I:Which college did you graduate from?A:Tianjin-sino German Vocational Technical CollegeI:Whats your major in college?A: My major is Computer art design.I:How were you

36、r scores at college?A:They were all excellentI: Good.Why are you interested in working for our company?A: Because I study Interactive games design in school. I think my major is suitable for this position. I:What are your great strengths?A: Im a good team player and a hard-working, persistent person

37、.I:In what specific ways will our company benefit form hiring you?A:Your company will benefit from gaining a young energetic, bright, person.I:What are your salary expectations?A:I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educational background.I: Thank you for coming,we will let you know the result as soon as possibleB:Thank you,Ill look forward to hearing from youGood-byeA:Bye.,Words and Expressionsopportunity ptjuntin.机会;时机 energetic endetik adj.精力旺盛的;有力的;能量的 responsible rispnsbl adj.有责任的;负责的;责任重大的;可靠的 diligent dilidnt adj.勤奋的;用功的,


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