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1、HOPEWAY CABIN CREW1新加坡航空面试流程分析(更新至 2017 年 9 月)一、初试环节新航考官主考,面试形式为 10 人一组,依次做自我介绍或者按照考官要求依次介绍自己的信息(such as pls tell us your name,age,nativeplace and work experience),之后可能被要求依次回答考官一个问题。部分初选环节高频考题参考:1.Whats your favorite book?2.Whats your favorite movie?3.Whats your favorite fruit?4.Whats your favorite

2、color?5.Whats your favorite city/country?6.Whats your favorite transportation?7.Whats your favorite season? and why?8.Who is your favorite family member ?9.Do you like rainy day or sunny day?10.Do you like your Mum or Dad?11.Do you like dogs or cats?12.Do you like coffee or tea?13.What do you eat fo

3、r todays breakfast?14.If you have a superability, which kind of abilities do you want to have?And why?15.What will you do after this interview?16.How did you come here today?17.Could you tell me a joke?18.Could you tell me a piece of news?HOPEWAY CABIN CREW219.Could you tell me a historical story?20

4、.Whats your job now?21.What do you plan to eat for dinner?22.What do you think of Taobao?23.If you want to do a plastic surgery, which part will you change?24.Can you accept a freeplastic surgery?25.Can you tell me your nick name? 26.What do you think who is the best emperor?27.Please introduce one

5、of your favorite shanghai food.28.Whats your hobby? 29.Please recommend dishes in your hometown.30.Please introduce a mountain.HOPEWAY TIPS:1.新航摸高要求赤足双手踮足摸高 207cm,并且最低身高要求为 158cm,面试现场会有 2根测量线(207cm 和 158cm),先摸高,很轻松者就不用量身高了。如果摸高很差,工作人员会要求你量身高,必须同时达标才会获得提交简历的资格。2. 关于面试的服装,适合的自己的就是最好的,但是穿的尽量正式和简约一些,妆容要

6、精致,发型不一定要法式盘发,只要干净无碎发即可。 往期招聘特殊变化北京外航服务公司( FASCO)曾在 2014 年 12 月的新航北京站面试前提前储备候选人直接参加新航复试及终选。面试形式:分 2014 年 9 月 /10 月 /11 月分三次时间初选,最后通过的候选人直接参加新航复试。但该形式使用一次后取消,之后还是恢复成新航考官全天直接面试的形式。新航基本面试的流程只有一天,当天就能知道结果,下午 5 点 30 分左右开会讲解注意事项。HOPEWAY CABIN CREW3考官:由北京外航服务公司( FASCO)考官主考。初选形式: 6 个候选人一组,每组会根据拿到的 A4 纸的题目来回

7、答问题,考官会指定你回答 A4 纸上的哪道题。部分高频考题参考:1.What do you hope to achieve from Singapore Airlines?2.Why do you want to work for Singapore Airlines?3.In what ways will Singapore Airlines benefit from hiring you?4.What will you look forward to most in this job?5.What do you think are the advantages of the positio

8、n?6.What do you think are the disadvantages of the position?7. Why do you want to be a cabin crew member?8.What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being aflight attendant?9.What is the best part of being a flight attendant?.二、复试环节新航考官负责主考,考察形式一般为笔试+小组环节+ 面试问答。1.笔试环节:笔试内容包含选词填空、阅读等,有时笔试环节会

9、在小组环节之后,即 Final 终选环节之前进行,具体先后顺序由考官决定。(部分场站招聘笔试可能选考)2.小组环节:HOPEWAY CABIN CREW4 介绍 partner(或读广播词):一组 6 个人,两人一组,介绍你的 partner,约 30 秒的准备时间。 一组 6 个人,考察形式有话题回答、小组辩论或小组讨论(此环节一般会根据实际到场面试人数决定哪种形式) 话题回答:考官给出话题,每人给出自己的观点。 小组讨论:每 3 人一组,小组讨论,然后给出各小组讨论观点。 小组辩论:每 3 人一组,给出正方辩题与反方辩题,然后两组进行辩论。部分小组环节高频考题参考:1.Do you thi

10、nk getting along with your boss is more important, or get on well with subordinates?2.Do you think rich is good or bad?3.Sending the old man to the nursing home is good or bad?4.After getting married, do you prefer live with your parents or live yourselves?5.Do you think plastic surgery is good or b

11、ad?6.Do you think beautiful people will earn more money?7.Do you think money can buy happiness?8.Opportunity or struggle which do you think is more important?9.Do you think organic vegetables is good or bad?10.Do you think getting married so young is good or bad?11.Do you think husband should be in

12、charge of earning money to support the family or wife?12.Which transportation do you prefer,taxi or bus?13. What is advantage and disadvantage of WeChat?14.What is advantage and disadvantage of nursing home?15.What is advantage and disadvantage of social media? HOPEWAY CABIN CREW516.If you get marri

13、ed would you prefer to live with yourparents or by yourself?17. Do you think having minimum wage is good or not? 18. Which gender do you think is more complicated, female or male?.3.面试问答:考官有时会在小组环节之后用英语提问小组环节相关问题,也有可能中文随机提问问题或考察客舱情景问题处理。部分提问环节高频考题参考:1.你今天怎么来的?2.有家人陪同吗?3.你的家乡是哪里?能介绍下你的家乡吗?4.你觉得哪个国家的人

14、最难搞?5.在新航有认识的朋友吗?6.有没有交男朋友?7.如果你是一名 Cabin Crew,现在有一位 65 岁的老人和一个抱着婴儿的妈妈都急着用洗手间,他们都争着要去,你会如何处理?8.现在飞机上只有三个人,一位 65 岁以上的老人,一个 12 岁的小孩,还有你,飞机即将要爆炸了,但是只有一个降落伞,你会让谁先逃生?9.你的专业是什么,有什么相关的经历?10.如果你有服务经历的,接触那么多人,最难服务的是哪一国的?11.你会不会做家务,怎么洗碗才是最干净的?12.谈谈你的好朋友。.HOPEWAY CABIN CREW6HOPEWAY TIPS:1.新加坡航空的笔试环节的笔试难易程度不会太难

15、,所以建议 MM 们在面试前做一些大学英语四级难度左右的试卷练练手,笔试的时候注意一下卷面的整洁。2.在小组辩论时切勿与对方辩友过度争论,没有绝对的对与错,多注意辩论过程中的沟通,做个很好的倾听者,同时注意自己的发言是否其他小伙伴是否可以听明白。三、终选环节由新航考官负责主考,部分中文部分英文的考察形式,问题依旧是围绕 CV 的问题为主,随后会让候选人读英文客舱广播词或英文短文,以测试候选人的普通话流利程度及是否有口音。如考英文短文,考官会要求候选人在读完后根据短文中出现的问题给出自己的解决方案。1.英文提问部分:一般会根据简历提问,例:你在学校的课程、兼职或全职工作经验、为什么想做空姐、为什

16、么会选择新航、对新航的了解、对新航航线的了解等。终选部分英文高频考题:1.Could you introduce yourself first?2.Which kind of subjects did you learn at school?3.Do you have any work experience before? And what do you learn from these jobs?4.Why do you want to be a member of cabin crew?5.Why do you want to work for Singapore airlines?6.W

17、hat do you know about Singapore airlines?HOPEWAY CABIN CREW77.Do you know the routes of Singapore airlines?8.What do you like to do inyour free time?9.Do your parents agree with you to do this job?10.Do your boyfriend agree with you to do this job?11.Whats the reason do you think you failed last tim

18、e?12.Do you ask for sick leave in the past one year?13.If you get five millions,how will you use it?14.Could you tell something about your family?15.How do you learn English?16.Can you tell me about your biggest success?17.How do you come here ,and how long it takes you here ?18.Which impress you mo

19、st inyour past work experience?19.Did you meet any difficult foreign customers, and what was it about?20.Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it? 21.Do you ever freeze in social situations? 22.How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?.2.中文提问部分:会问一些客舱问

20、题处理或与新航相关的观点题等,也会问围绕 CV 的问题,或者考官随机问题各类问题。终选部分中文提问高频考题:例 1:飞机上一排有 A B C 三个座位,A 靠窗,C 靠走道,这时你来发餐点,你从最里面的靠窗位置 A 开始发,结果坐在最外面走道位置的 C 生气地质问你为什么不先发给他?因为HOPEWAY CABIN CREW8他是离你最近的?你会如何处理?例 2:飞机上一对新婚旅行的夫妇在登机前安排位置时没有被安排到一起,在登机后他们想坐在一起,让你去协调,你会如何处理?例 3:飞机上有位客人预订了素食餐,但是因为你的失误,你把这份素食餐发给了其他乘客,客人很生气,你会如何处理?例 4:如果飞机

21、上有中餐和西餐,发餐到最后几排时没有中餐只有西餐了,但是后几排都是中国人,你怎么去推荐西餐给乘客?例 5:如果新航去其他城市招聘,你建议去哪儿?例 6:如果要你给新航开辟一个新的航点你会选哪里?为什么?例 7:飞机上发生紧急状况的时候你会如何处理?例 8:你认为什么样的客户服务是好的服务?例 9:如果你被录用,你将会在新航呆多久?例 10:你觉得新加坡有什么不好的地方吗?例 11:你有男朋友吗?怎么看待男朋友和工作?例 14:从上次面试到现在,你有做什么去 Update 你自己?例 15:你是怎么知道新航的,对新加坡航空了解多少?例 16:看到你的简历上的薪水是*,已经很高了,为何要从*来到新

22、航?例 17:你在原公司获得过怎样的英文培训?例 18:你原公司的的英文培训人员是中方还是外方?例 19:你在原来公司的工作中完全使用英文吗?例 20:你在原公司从事什么职位?例 21:你在原公司是从事国际航线飞行吗?例 22:听说 *公司的机上广播非常糟糕,你怎样看待?例 23:你在原公司在机上广播方面做过怎样的训练?最后,请来一段机上的广播,就选则一段欢迎词吧。HOPEWAY CABIN CREW9四、试制服环节试装环节会检查候选人的皮肤、检查脖颈手臂等裸露部位是否有疤痕胎记等和穿好 kebaya后的整体仪态,走直线,量身高,量体重,查小臂,甚至小到是否有高低肩的问题。请候选人注意手足护理,手部要保持湿润度,指甲要干净;因新航的鞋子是拖鞋,尤其要注意脚部护理,包括脚指甲。版 权 说 明HOPEWAY 空乘面试攻略系原创内容如需转载或商务合作洽谈请联系公众号:HOPEWAY 外航文字及图片未经同意,请勿擅自使用侵权必究!


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