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1、结构控制 结构控制: structural control 结构控制剂: constitution controller裂缝宽度容许值 裂缝宽度容许值: allowable value of crack width装配式预制 装配式预制: precast 装配式预制的: precast-segmental 装配式预制混凝土环: precast concrete segmental ring安装预应力 安装预应力: prestressed最优化 最优化: optimization使最优化: optimized 次最优化: suboptimization空心板梁 空心板梁: hollow slab

2、 beam主梁截面 主梁截面: girder section边、中跨径 边、中跨径: side span &middle spin主梁 主梁: girder|main beam|king post 桥主梁: bridge girder 主梁翼: main spar单墩 单墩: single pier 单墩尾水管: single-pier draught tube 单墩肘形尾水管: one-pier elbow draught tube结构优化设计 结构优化设计: optimal structure designing 扩 结构优化设计: Optimal Struc ture Designing

3、 液压机结构优化设计软件包: HYSOP连续多跨 多跨连续梁: continuous beam on many supports拼接板 splice bar splice plate 拼接板: splice bar|scab|splice plate 端头拼接板: end matched lumber 销钉拼接板: pin splice裂缝 crack crevice跨越 to step across step over 跨越: stride leap|across|spanning 跨越杆: cross-over pole|crossingpole 跨越点: crossing point|c

4、rossover point刚构桥 rigid frame bridge 刚构桥: rigid frame bridge 形刚构桥: T-shaped rigid frame bridge 连续刚构桥: continuous rigid frame bridge刚度比 stiffness ratio ratio of rigidity 刚度比: ratio of rigidity|stiffness ratio 动刚度比: dynamic stiffenss ratio 刚度比 劲度比: stiffnessratio等截面粱 uniform beam 等截面粱: uniform beam|un

5、iform cross-section beam桥梁工程 bridge construction bridgework 桥梁工程: bridgeworks|LUSAS FEA|Bridge Engineering 桥梁工程师: Bridge SE 铁路桥梁工程: railway bridge engineering悬索桥 suspension bridge 悬索桥: suspension bridge|su e io ridge 懸索橋: Suspension bridge|Puente colgante 加劲悬索桥: stiffenedsuspensionbridge预应力混凝土 prest

6、ressed concrete 预应力混凝土: prestressed concrete|prestre edconcrete 预应力混凝土梁: prestressed concrete beam 预应力混凝土管: prestressed concrete pipe预应力钢筋束 预应力钢筋束: pre-stressing tendon|pre-stre ingtendon 抛物线型钢丝束(预应力配钢筋结构用): parabolic cable最小配筋率 minimum steel ratio轴向拉力 轴向拉力: axial tension|axial te ion 轴向拉力, 轴向拉伸: ax

7、ial tension 轴向拉力 轴向张力: axialtensileforce承台 cushion cap 承台: bearing platform|cushioncap|pile caps 桩承台: pile cap|platformonpiles 低桩承台: low pile cap拱桥 arch bridge 拱桥: hump bridge|arch bridge|arched bridge 拱橋: Arch bridge|Puente en arco|Pont en arc 鸠拱桥: Khj强度 intensity strength 强度: intensity|Strength|De

8、nsity 刚强度: stiffness|stiffne|westbank stiffness 光强度: light intensity|intensity箍筋 hooping 箍筋: stirrup|reinforcement stirrup|hooping 箍筋柱: tied column|hooped column 形箍筋: u stirrup u预应力元件 预应力元件: prestressed element等效荷载 equivalent load 等效荷载: equivalent load 等效荷载原理: principle of equivalent loads 等效负载 等效荷载

9、 等值负载: equivalentload模型 matrix model mould pattern承载能力极限状态 承载能力极限状态: ultimate limit states正常使用极限状态 serviceability limit state 正常使用极限状态: serviceability limit state 正常使用极限状态验证: verification of serviceability limit states弹性 elasticity springiness spring give flexibility 弹性: elasticity|Flexibility|stret

10、ch 彈性: Elastic|Elasticidad|弾性 弹性体: elastomer|elastic body|SPUA平截面假定 plane cross-section assumption 平截面假定: plane cross-section assumption抗拉强度 intensity of tension tensile strength安全系数 safety factor标准值 standard value 标准值: standard value,|reference value 作用标准值: characteristic value of an action 重力标准值:

11、gravity standard设计值 value of calculation design value 设计值: design value|value|designed value 作用设计值: design value of an action 荷载设计值: design value of a load可靠度 confidence level reliability fiduciary level 可靠度: Reliability|degree of reliability 不可靠度: Unreliability 高可靠度: High Reliability几何特征 geometrica

12、l characteristic 几何特征: geometrical characteristic 配位几何特征: coordinated geometric feature 流域几何特征: basin geometric characteristics塑性 plastic nature plasticity应力图 stress diagram 应力图: stress diagram|stress pattern 谷式应力图: Cremonas method 机身应力图: fuselage stress diagram压应力 crushing stress 压应力: compressive s

13、tress|compression stress 抗压应力: compressive stress|pressure load 内压应力: internal pressure stress配筋率 ratio of reinforcement reinforcement ratio reinforcement percentage 配筋率: reinforcement ratio 平均配筋率: balanced steel ratio 纵向配筋率: longitudinal steel ratio有限元分析 finite element analysis 有限元分析: FEA|finite el

14、ement analysis (FEA)|ABAQUS 反有限元分析: inverse finite element analysis 有限元分析软件: HKS ABAQUS|MSC/NASTRAN MSC/NASTRAN有限元法 finite element method 有限元法: FInite Element|finite element method 积有限元法: CVFEM 线性有限元法: Linear Finite Element Method裂缝控制 裂缝控制: crack control 控制裂缝钢筋: crack-control reinforcement 检查,核对,抑制,

15、控制,试验,裂缝,支票,账单,牌号,名牌: check应力集中 stress concentration 应力集中: stress concentration 应力集中点: hard spot|focal point of stress 应力集中器: stress concentrators主拉应力 principal tensile stress 主拉应力: principal tensile stress非线性 nonlinearity非线性振动 nonlinear oscillations nonlinear vibration 非线性振动: nonlinear vibration 非线

16、性振动理论: theory of non linear vibration 非线性随机振动: Nonlinear random vibration弯矩 flexural moment ment of flexion (moment of flexure) bending moment flexural torque 弯矩: bending moment|flexural moment|kN-m 弯矩图: bending moment diagram|moment curve 双弯矩: bimoment弯矩中心 center of moments moment center 弯矩中心: cent

17、er of moments|momentcenter弯矩分配法 moment distribution momentdistribution 弯矩分配法: hardy cross method|cross method弯矩图 bending moment diagram moment curve moment diagram 弯矩图: bending moment diagram|moment curve 最终弯矩图: final bending moment diagram 最大弯矩图: maximum bending moment diagram剪力 shearing force 剪力:

18、shearing force|shear force|shear 剪力墙: shear wall|shearing wall|shear panel 剪力钉: shear nails|SHEAR CONCRETE STUD弹性模量 elasticity modulus youngs modulus elastic modulus modulus of elasticity elastic ratio剪力图 shear diagram 剪力图: shear diagram|shearing force diagram 剪力和弯矩图: Shear and Moment Diagrams 绘制剪力和

19、弯矩图的图解法: Graphical Method for Constructing Shear and Moment Diagrams剪力墙 shear wall 剪力墙: shear wall|shearing wall|shear panel 抗剪力墙: shearwall 剪力墙结构: shear wall structure轴力 轴力: shaft force|axial force 螺栓轴力测试仪: Bolt shaft force tester 轴向力: axial force|normal force|beam框架结构 frame construction等参单元 等参数单元

20、等参元: isoparametricelement板单元 板单元: plate unit 托板单元: pallet unit 骨板骨单元: lamella/lamellaeosteon梁 (surname) beam of roof bridge桥梁 bridge曲率 curvature材料力学 mechanics of materials结构力学 structural mechanics 结构力学: Structural Mechanics|theory of structures 重结构力学: barodynamics 船舶结构力学: Structual Mechamics for Shi

21、ps弯曲刚度 flexural rigidity bending rigidity 弯曲刚度: bending stiffness|flexural rigidity 截面弯曲刚度: flexural rigidity of section 弯曲刚度,抗弯劲度: bending stiffness钢管混凝土结构 encased structures 钢管混凝土结构: encased structures极限荷载 ultimate load 极限荷载: ultimate load 极限荷载设计: limit load design|ultimate load design 设计极限荷载: des

22、ignlimitloadDLL|design ultimate load极限荷载设计 limit load design ultimate load analysis ultimate load design 极限荷载设计: limit load design|ultimate load design 设计极限荷载: designlimitloadDLL|design ultimate load板壳力学 mechanics of board shell 板壳力学: Plate Mechanics 板壳非线性力学: Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell本构

23、模型 本构模型: constitutive model 体积本构模型: bulk constitutive equation 本构模型屈服面: yield surface主钢筋 main reinforcing steel main reinforcement 主钢筋: main reinforcement|Main Reinforcing Steel 钢筋混凝土的主钢筋: mainbar悬臂梁 socle beam 悬臂梁: cantilever beam|cantilever|outrigger 悬臂梁长: length of cantilever 双悬臂梁: TDCB悬链线 catena

24、ry 悬链线: Catenary,|catenary wire|chainette 伪悬链线: pseudocatenary 悬链线长: catenary length加劲肋 ribbed stiffener 加劲肋: stiffening rib|stiffener|ribbed stiffener 短加劲肋: short stiffener 支承加劲肋: bearing stiffener技术标准 technology standard水文 水文: Hydrology 水文学: hydrology|hydroaraphy| 水文图: hydrograph|hydrological maps

25、招标 invite public bidding投标 (v) submit a bid bid for连续梁 through beam 连续梁: continuous beam|through beam 多跨连续梁: continuous beam on many supports 悬臂连续梁: gerber beam加劲梁 stiff girder 加劲梁: stiffening girder|buttress brace 加劲梁节点: stiff girder connection 支撑刚性梁,加劲梁,横撑: buttress brace水文学 hydrology 水文学: hydrolo

26、gy|hydroaraphy| 水文學: Hydrologie|水文学|? ? 古水文学: paleohydrology桥梁抗震 桥梁抗震加固: bridge aseismatic strengthening抗风 wind resistance 抗风: Withstand Wind|Wtstan Wn|wind resistance 抗风锚: weather anchor 抗风性: wind resistance基础的 basal桥梁控制测量 bridge construction control survey 桥梁控制测量: bridge construction control surve

27、y桥梁施工 桥梁施工控制综合程序系统: FWD 桥梁最佳施工指南: Bridge Best Practice Guidelines 桥梁工程施工技术咨询: Bridge Construction Engineering Service总体设计 overall design integrated design 总体设计: Global|overall design|general arrangement 总体设计概念: totaldesignconcept 工厂总体设计图: general layout scheme初步设计 predesign preliminary plan技术设计 tech

28、nical design 技术设计: technical design|technical project 技术设计员: Technical Designer|technician 技术设计图: technical drawing施工图设计 construction documents design 施工图设计: construction documents design 施工图设计阶段: construction documents design phase 基本建设项目施工图设计: design of working drawing of a capital construction pr

29、oject桥台 abutment bridge abutment基础 foundation base basis结构形式 structural style 结构形式: Type of construction|form of structure 表结构形式: list structure form 屋顶结构形式: roof form地震 earthquake地震活动 earthquake activity seismic activity seismic motion seismicity 地震活动: Seismic activity|seismic motion 地震活动性: seismicity|seismic 地震活动图: seismicity map支撑体系 支撑体系: bracing system|support system 物流企业安全平台支撑体系: SSOSP公路桥涵 公路施工手册-桥涵: Optimization of Road Traffic Organization-Abstract


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