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1、1船员实用英语会话PRACTICAL ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS FOR SEAMEN目录CONTENTSLESSON 1. ENTERING PORT 进港1. Calling for a pilot by VHF 使用 VHF 呼叫引水员2. Conversation with Agent through radio station 通过岸台与代理通话3. Waiting for the pilot in the roadstead 在锚地等待引水员4. Planning a passage through the Canal 通过运河5. Entering Port 进港

2、6. Sending Ropes out 带缆7. Alongside the Dock(A) 靠码头 (A)8. Alongside the Dock(B) 靠码头 (B)9. Enquiring about port information 询问港口情况10. Preparing the Gangway 准备舷梯LESSON 2. QUARANTINE 检疫1. Quarantine(A) 检疫 (A)2. Calling an Ambulance 叫救护车3. Quarantine (B) 检疫 (B)LESSON 3. CUSTOMS INSPECTION 海关检查1. Customs

3、 officer asking Questions(A) 海关官员询问情况 (A)2. Customs officer asking Questions(B) 海关官员询问情况 (B)3. Crews Personal Effects list and store list(A) 船员私人物品清单和物料清单 (A)4. Crews Personal Effects list and store list(B) 船员私人物品清单和物料清单 (B)5. Crews Personal Effects list and store list(C) 船员私人物品清单和物料清单 (C)6. Sealing

4、 封关 27. After sealing 封关之后LESSON 4 IMMIGRATION INSPECTION 移民局检查1. Immigration officer asking question (A) 移民局官员询问情况 (A)2. Immigration officer asking question (B) 移民局官员询问情况 (B)3. Muster 集合LESSON 5 AGENT 代理1. Agent comes aboard 代理登船2. Agent meets Chief officer 代理和大副3. Agents arrangements for cargo unl

5、oading 代理安排卸货4. Preparations for loading the container ship Attended to by Agent 代理协助集装箱船的装货准备工作5. Ships requirements 船方要求6. Be always on the alert while on time charter 时刻关注期租合同LESSON 6 CARGO WORK 管理货物1. Loading Coal 装煤2. Discussing the stowage (A) 讨论配载 (A)3. Discussing the stowage (B) 讨论配载 (B)4. C

6、hanging the stowage 变更配载5. Rigging the derricks 准备吊杆6. repairing the derrick 修理吊杆7. laying dunnage 铺设垫舱物料8. Giving directions about the stowage (A) 有关堆装的指示 (A)9. Giving directions about the stowage (B) 有关堆装的指示 (B)10. Making separation 隔票11. Securing heavy lifts 重货绑扎12. Securing cargo 货物绑扎13. Dischar

7、ging operations in progress 卸货在进行中14. Dispute about cargo 有关货物的争执15. Working cargo in the rain 冒雨装货16. Winch trouble 起货机故障17. Pilferage (A) 偷窃 (A)18. Pilferage (B) 偷窃 (B)319. Stevedores going on strike 装卸工罢工LESSON 7 TALLYING CARGO 理货LESSON 8 CARGO SURVEY 商检1. Cargo Survey (A ) 商检 (A)2. Cargo Survey

8、(B ) 商检 (B)LESSON 9 TANKER 油船1. Hose connection 软管连接2. Safety Precautions 安全措施3. Checking safety precautions (A) 安全措施检查 (A)4. Checking safety precautions (B) 安全措施检查 (B)5. Arrangements with the loading master 安全装油6. Survey of the Tanks 检查油舱7. Determination of the cargo amount 确定载油量LESSON 10 SAFETY IN

9、SPECTION 安全检查1. Safety Inspection (A) 安全检查 (A)2. Safety Inspection (B) 安全检查 (B)3. Safety Inspection (C) 安全检查 (C)4. Safety Inspection (D) 安全检查 (D)LESSON 11 DECLARING PORT REGULATIONS 宣布港章1. Declaring port regulations (A) 宣布港章 (A)2. Declaring port regulations (B) 宣布港章 (B)LESSON 12 VIOLATIING PORT REGU

10、LATIONS 违反港章1. Violating port regulations (A) 违反港章 (A)2. Violating port regulations (B) 违反港章 (B)LESSON 13 COLLISION ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 碰撞事故调查LESSON 14 SHIP CHANDLER 船舶供应商1. Order (A) 定单 (A)2. Order (B) 定单 (B)LESSON 15 LAUNDRYMAN 洗衣工人LESSON 16 AGENTS BUSINESS 代理业务1. Cash advance 借款2. Ships papers

11、 船舶证书3. Luggage 行李44. Miscellaneous 其他5. Before sailing 开航前LESSON 17 SEA PILOT 海上引水1. Guiding to cabin 接到客房2. Pilots request 引航员要求LESSON 18 SUPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 补充材料1. Visiting 参观2. Foreman 工头、领班3. Boarding officer 登轮官员4. Customs searching party 海关抄关队5. Searching of the ship 抄关6. Asking for unsealin

12、g (by phone) 请求开封(打电话)LESSON 1 ENTERING PORT1. Calling for a pilot by VHF On Channel 16在 16 频道上呼叫引航员(SShip PPort control)S: Port control. Port control. This is Chinese motor ship “HAIHE” Calling. Over 港口控制台,这是中国船“海河”呼叫。请回答P: Port control answering. Please spell your name and call sign. Over.港口控制台听到。

13、请拼你的船名和呼号。回答S: Port control. This is Chinese motor ship “HAIHE” spelling the shipsname: HOTEL ALFA INDIA HOTEL ECHO “HAIHE”. My call Sign BMOR BRAVO MIKE OSCAR ROMEO Over港口控制台,这是中国船“海河”呼叫,船名拼写为:HAIHE, 呼叫拼写为:BMORP: “HAIHE” , This is port control, channel 12 Over“海河” ,这是港口控制台,转到 12 频道ON CHANNEL 12S: P

14、ort control, this is “HAIHE” on channel 12. my ETA at the designatedWestern anchorage is 1600hours GMT. Ready to take pilot by that time.港口调度,这是海河在 12 频道呼叫。我轮预计抵达指定的西锚地的时间 GMT1600 时,请于这一时间为我们安排引航员。请回答。5P: “Haihe”, this is Port control, Your message is well understood. Your ship will pick up the pilo

15、t at No.21 entrance buoy on arrival. Please prepare a secure ladder. stand by on channel 16, and call me back half an hour before arrival. Over“海河” ,这是港口调度,我已明白你的要求。你轮将在 21 号进口浮处上引航员,请准备好安全的梯子,在 16 频道保持守,并在到达前半小时呼叫我们一次,请回答。S: All right, Thank you. We shall keep a listening watch on channel 16 when i

16、n the harbour area. Out好的,谢谢。在港区内我们将在 16 频道守听。通话完毕ON CHANNEL 16(SShip WWest Port Radio)S: West Port Radio, This is “Haihe” on channel 16. How do you read me?西港台,海河在 16 频道呼叫,您能听到我吗?W: “Haihe”, I read you with signal strength 5. Can I do anything for you?海河,我听的非常清楚,我能为您做点什么?S: I would like to get a te

17、lephone link call to my agent in west port, His telephone number is 157488. Would you put me through to this number?我想给在西港的代理打电话,他的电话号码是 157488,您可以替我接通这个号码吗?W: All right, Just a moment. Hold on for a few minutes. Please好的,请稍侯,先别挂。2 Conversation With Agent Through Radio Station(AAgent CCaptain)通过岸台与代

18、理对话A: Good morning, Captain, Jackson speaking.早上好, 我是杰克逊C: Good morning, Mr. Jackson. I expect you have received my radiogram about the respects of discharge and the radiogram joint inspection. I hope youll make quick arrangements to order fuel oil and fresh provisions, according to my previous radi

19、ogram.早上好,杰克逊先生,我想您已经收到了我的关于卸货安排和电报联检的电报,我希望您尽快依据我上次的电报,预定所需的燃油和新鲜食品。A: Yes, Ill do that. And Ive fulfilled all necessary formalities in connection 6with your arrival, and the radiogram joint inspection has been arranged.是的,我会的,我已办好与你轮抵达有关的一切手续,电报联检也已办妥。C: I appreciate ever so much what you have don

20、e for my ship. So long!十分感谢您为我们做的一切。再见!3. Waiting For The Pilot In The Roadstead(CCaptain PPort Operation)在锚地等候引航员C: New Port operation. This is Chinese ship “Haihe” calling. This is Chinese ship “Haihe” calling, over.NEWPORT 港务当局。这是中国船“海河”呼叫,请回答。P: This is New port operation, Answering. Your name a

21、nd Call sign, please. Over.这是 NEWPORT 港务当局回答。你船的名字和呼号,请回答。C: My ships name is “Haihe”, HOTEL-ALFA-INDIA-HOTEL-ECHO. Call sign BMOR BRAVO-MIKE-OSKAR- ROEO. Over我船名字是“海河” 。呼号 BMOR P: “Haihe”, HOTEL-ALFA-INDIA-HOTEL-ECHO. Call sign BMOR, BRAVO-MIKE-OSKAR-ROMEO. Is that all correct? Over“海河 ” 呼号 BMOR,是正

22、确的吗?请回答C: Yes, thank you. 是的,谢谢P: Please come in. whats your port of registry? Over请讲,你的船籍港是哪里,请回答C: My port of registry is Dalian我的船籍港是大连。P: Your last port of call and destination? Over请告你的上一港和目的港?请回答C: My last port of call was HongKong and my destination is London. Over. 我的上一港是香港,目的港是香港。请回答P: Plea

23、se give your ships particulars and your intention of calling at this port. Over.请给你船的船舶规范特性表和你靠这个港的打算。请回答C: 165metres long and 21.8metres wide, maximum draught 8.5metres and gross tonnage 9605 tons, we are calling at your port for replenishment of fuel oil and fresh water. Over.7船 165 米长,21.8 米宽,最大吃

24、水 8.5 米,总吨 9605,我船靠挂在你港是补充燃油和淡水,请回答P: Is your ship underway now? 你船现在在航吗?C: Yes, She has cleared the East cape lighthouse. My ETA at the Eastern Anchorage will be 1530 hours. Could you send a pilot to boar the ship there? Over.是的,他已经离开了西角灯塔。我们预计抵达东锚地的时间是 1530。您能派一名引水登轮吗?回答。P: We are sorry, No pilot

25、is available at present. Please anchor there and wait for the pilot After anchoring advise me of your anchoring position and stand by on Channel 12, Awaiting further notice. Over非常抱歉,现在没有引水员。请抛锚并在那里等候引航员,抛锚后,请告诉你们的锚泊位置,并在 12 频道守听,等候下一步的通知,请回答。C: OK. Ill do that. Thank you. Out. (After anchoring at t

26、he anchorage)好的。我将按您的指示做。谢谢。通话完毕。 (在锚地抛锚后)C: New port operation. New port operation. “HAIHE” Calling, Over.New port 港务当局。海河呼叫。请回答。P: “HAIHE” New port operation. Over.海河。New Port 港务当局。请回答。C: Ive dropped anchor at 1415 hours position 070 degrees 1.5 N miles from the south island lighthouse. When can I

27、 expect the pilot to come? Over.我轮已在 1415 时抛锚,位置 070 度,距离南岛灯塔 1.5 海里,引航员何时能登我轮?P: The pilot will board your ship at 0800 hours tomorrow morning. Please stand by on channel 12. Over.引航员将在明早 0800 时登轮,请在 12 频道守听。请回答。C: Ill stand by on channel 12. On which is the pilot ladder to be rigged? Over.我们将在 12

28、频道守听,引水梯装在哪一舷?P: It is all right to rig the pilot ladder on either side and stand by there.哪一舷都可以,不过要在引水梯旁等候。C: Thank you. Good-bye.谢谢。再见。4 Planning a Passage through the canal计划通过运河(CCAPTAIN PPILOT STATION)C: Canal pilot station. This is Chinese ship “HAIHE” Calling. Over8运河引水站。这是中国船海河呼叫。P: “HAIHE”

29、 This is canal pilot station speaking. Please change over to frequency channel 11. over海河这是运河引水站,请转到 11 频道。C: OK.好的。P: “HAIHE” Over.海河请回答。C: This is Chinese ship “HAIHE” Im now proceeding to the quarantine anchorage and expect to be there in half an hour. I want to join the convoy and proceed throug

30、h the canal. Will you please arrange for a pilot to meet me there? Over.这是中国船海河,我正驶向检疫锚地,预计半小时后到达。我希望加入船队过运河,请安排一名引航员在那里与我会合好吗?请回答。P: What are your port of departure and port of destination? Over你们的出发港和目的港是哪里?C: My port of departure Hamburg. Destination shanghai. Over我船的出发港是汉堡,目的港是上海。P: Your ships p

31、articulars? Over.你船的船舶规范呢?C: 135 meters long. 28.5 meters wide. Gross tonnage 12500. drafts 7 meters forward and 7.6 meters aft. Over船长 135 米,船宽 28.5 米,总吨 12500,前吃水 7 米,后吃水 7.6 米。P: What kind of ship are you? Over.你船的船型是什么?C: Im a cargo ship and I have 8000 tons of steel. Over我船是一条杂货船并且有 8000 吨钢材。P:

32、 Will you discharge or load any cargo at this port? Over你在本港装卸货物吗?C: No. Im a southbound ship. I want to transit the canal. Over不,我船是向南航行的船,我船想通过运河。P: How is you rudder indicator? Over你船的舵角指示器如何?C: My rudder indicator is in good working order. Over我船的舵角指示器工作良好。P: Do you have any canal projector on b

33、oard?你船有运河探照灯吗?9C: Yes, Ive got one on board. Over有,我船有一个。P: OK. Please proceed to the western quarantine anchorage and drop anchor 180 degrees 2 n miles from the entrance buoy. Your should change to channel 6 and standby. I will call you again in a few minutes.好的,请驶向西检疫锚地并在距离进口浮标 180 度,2 海里处抛锚。请转至

34、6 频道守听。我将在短时间内呼叫你轮。C: Ill standby on channel 6,. Thank you. Out我转至 6 频道。谢谢。P: “HAIHE” Canal pilot station calling, over海河,运河引水站呼叫。C: Pilot station. This is “:HAIHE” answering, over运河引水站,这是海河回答。P: You will join the convoy of 16 ships tomorrow and your station in the convoy is number 8, the transit wi

35、ll begin at 0700, please proceed directly to buoy No.4 at 0530. the pilot will board your ship there. Please stand by the gangway on your starboard side. Over你轮将于明天加入一支 16 艘船组成的船队,你船在船队中的编号是 8号,通过运河将从 0700 开始,请于 0530 驶到第 4 号浮标处,引航员将在那里登船,请在右舷放下舷梯,请回答。C: OK. My station in the convoy is number 8. the

36、pilot will meet us at buoy No.4, gangway starboard side is that all correct? Good-bye. Over好的,我轮在船队中是 8 号,引航员将在第 4 号浮标处上我轮,舷梯放在右舷。都正确吗?P: Yes, thats all correct. Good-bye. Over是的,完全正确。再见。C: Thank you. Good-bye, out谢谢。再见。5 Entering port进港1. Sea Pilot Comes Aboard海上引航员登轮(P-PILOT D-DECK HAND T-3rd OFFI

37、CER)P: Lower the pilot ladder on the port side, please请放低左舷的引水梯。D: All right, is it all right at this height?这个高度行吗?10P: Lower it some more.再放低点。D: Now how is it?现在这样行吗?P: Yes, thats good. Drop the heaving line to left my bag.好的,扔下撇缆,将我的包吊上船。D: OK, watch you head. Im throwing it好的,当心头,我把撇缆扔下去了。P: Go

38、od morning, isnt it beautiful weather?早上好,天气不错,对吗?T: Good morning, sir yes, it certainly is. Will you please come this way? The captain is expecting you in his room. Write down your name in block letters, please.早上好,先生,是的,天气很好。请走这儿,船长正在他的房间等您。请您把名字用正楷大写字母写下。D: How long did it take you to reach here.

39、到这里你船走了多久。T: Well, just 16 days.刚好 16 天。P: How many knots at service speed?常用的船速多少节?T: She gets eighteen knots at service speed. This way, please. Captain, the pilot has boarded.常用船速 18 节,请走这里,船长,引航员已经来了。2 CALLING THE PILOT呼叫引航员(P-Pilot S-2ND Officer Q-Quarter master)P: (To the officer on duty) Im g

40、oing below for a little rest. Will you call me at half past three?(对值班驾驶员) 我现在下去休息一下,请在三点半叫我好吗?S: OK. Sir好的,先生。S: Quartermaster, will you go below and call the pilot? Tell him its getting pretty cold so hed better come up with his coat on.舵工,您下去叫引航员好吗?告诉他天气变的相当冷,最好穿上外衣再上来。Q: Yes, sir. (at the door of the room provided for pilot) Pilot, its half past three,


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