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1、船舶代理-班轮及总代理协议中英对照STANDARD LINER AND GENERAL AGENCY AGREEMENT班轮及总代理标准协议It is hereby agreed between:.of.(hereinafter referred to as the Principal) and .of.(hereinafter referred to as the Agent) on the .day of .20.that: 现双方同意:. 的 . (以下简称委托人)和.的. (以下简称代理人).日.月.20. 1.0 The Principal hereby appoints the A

2、gent as its Liner Agent for all its owned and/or chartered vessels including any space or slot charter agreement serving the trade between .and . 1.0 委托人兹任命该代理作为其全部拥有和/或租赁的船只 (含.,. 和.之间签订租赁协议的任何船舱或箱位)的班轮代理。 1.01 This Agreement shall come into effect on .and shall continue until. Thereafter it shall

3、continue until terminated by either party giving to the other notice in writing, in which event the Agreement shall terminate upon the expiration of a period of .months from the date upon which such notice was given. 1.01 本协议自.年.月. 日生效,并延期至 .年.月. 日。其后本协议将继续生效,直至任何一方向另一方发出书面终止协议的通知,通知中应给出自发出通知日起.月内将期

4、满。 1.02 The territory in which the Agent shall perform its duties under the Agreement shall be. hereinafter referred to as the “Territory”.1.02 在本协议中代理人行使其职责的业务范围是指 .1.03 This Agreement covers the activities described in section 3. 1.03 本协议涵盖的委托事项如第 3 条所述. 1.04 The Agent undertakes not to accept the

5、 representation of other shipping companies nor to engage in NVOCC or such freight forwarding activities in the Territory, which are in direct competition to any of the Principal ransportation activities, without prior written consent, which shall not unreasonably be withheld. 1.04 代理人承诺不接受其他船公司的委托代

6、理,也不从事无船承运人业务或货运代理等活动,这些活动对委托人的任何运输业务构成直接竞争,未经事先书面同意,不得无故停止。 1.05 The Principal undertakes not to appoint any other party in the Agents Territory for the services defined in this Agreement.1.05 委托人承诺在本协议的代理业务范围内不任命任何其他的代理人。1.06 The established custom of the trade and/or port shall apply and form par

7、t of this Agreement. 1.06 口岸商贸中现有的通关惯例适用,并作为本协议的一部分。 1.07 In countries where the position of the agent is in any way legally protected or regulated, the Agent shall have the benefit of such protection or regulation. 1.07 在代理人的法律地位以任何形式受到合法保护或规范的国家中,代理人应当享有这种保护或规范。 1.08 All aspects of the Principals

8、business are to be treated confidentially and all files and records pertaining to this business are the property of the Principal. 1.08 委托人所有的商业信息将得到保密,并且与该业务有关的所有文件和记录归委托人所有。2.0 Duties of the Agent2.0 代理责任2.01 To represent the Principal in the Territory, using his best endeavours to comply at all t

9、imes with any reasonable specific instructions which the Principal may give, including the use of Principals documentation, terms and conditions. 2.01 作为委托人业务范围内的代表,代理人应尽最大努力服从委托人可能提出的合理、具体的指示,包括委托人的文件材料、条款和条件的使用。2.02 In consultation with the Principal to recommend and/or appoint on the Principals b

10、ehalf and account, Sub-Agents. 2.02 与委托人协商,为其推荐并/或代为指定分代理。 2.03 In consultation with the Principal to recommend and/or to appoint on the Principals behalf and account, Stevedores, Watchmen, Tallymen, Terminal Operators, Hauliers and all kinds of suppliers. 2.03 与委托人协商,为其推荐并/或代为指定码头装卸工,警卫员,理货员,站点经营人,

11、承运人以及各种供应商。 2.04 The Agent will not be responsible for the negligent acts or defaults of the Sub-Agent or Sub-Contractor unless the Agent fails to exercise due care in the appointment and supervision of such Sub-Agent or Sub- Contractor. 2.04 代理人不对分代理或分包人的疏忽或违约行为负责,除非代理人在被委派监督分代理或分包人的情况下没有做到应尽的关注。 N

12、otwithstanding the foregoing the Agent shall be responsible for the acts of his subsidiary companies appointed within the context of this Clause. 尽管有以上规定,代理人必须在本条款规定范围内对其附属公司负责。 2.05 The Agent will always strictly observe the shipping laws and regulations of the country and will indemnify the Princi

13、pal for fines, penalties, expenses or restrictions that may arise due to the failure of the Agent to comply herewith. 2.05 代理人应严格遵守国家的航运法律法规,如果代理人违反国家的航运法律法规,并因此产生罚金、费用支出或约束,代理人应一一赔偿给委托人。3.0 Activities of Agent (Delete those which do not apply) 3.0 代理委托事项(删除那些没有使用的)3.1 Marketing and Sales 3.1 市场营销 3

14、.11 To provide marketing and sales activities in the Territory, in accordance with general guidelines laid down by the Principal, to canvass and book cargo, to publicise the services and to maintain contact with Shippers, Consignees, Forwarding Agents, Port and other Authorities and Trade Organisati

15、ons. 3.11 根据委托人所规定的所有指导规则,在服务范围内,提供市场和销售活动,包括揽货,宣传服务内容以及与托运人,收货人,货代,港口,其他当局和贸易组织保持联系。 3.12 To provide statistics and information and to report on cargo bookings and use of space allotments. To announce sailing and/or arrivals, and to quote freight rates and announce freight tariffs and amendments. 3

16、.12 提供统计信息和记录货物订舱和舱位的分配事宜。宣布船舶航行和到达时间,报价运费和宣布运费价目表和附件。 3.13 To arrange for public relations work (including advertising, press releases, sailing schedules and general promotional material) in accordance with the budget agreed with the Principal and for his account. 3.13 根据委托人的预算及其利益,去安排一些公共事务(包括广告,新

17、闻报道,船期表和一般宣传资料) 3.14 To attend to conference, consortia and /or alliance matters on behalf of the Principal and for the Principals account. 3.14 代表委托人及其利益参加会议、公会和特别联盟。3.15 To issue on behalf of the Principal Bills of Landing and Manifests, delivery orders, certificates and such other documents. 3.15

18、 代表委托人签发提单、舱单、提货单、证书等单据。3.2 Port Agency 3.2 进出港业务代理 3.21 To arrange for berthing of vessels, loading and discharging of the cargo, in accordance with the local custom and conditions. 3.21 根据当地惯例和条件,安排船舶和货物的装卸。 3.22 To arrange and co-ordinate all activities of the Terminal Operators, Stevedores, Tall

19、ymen and all other Contractors, in the interest of obtaining the best possible operation and despatch of the Principal?s vessel. 3.22 以委托方的最佳运营和最佳船只派遣为利益原则,安排和协调码头经营人、搬运工、理货员及其他承包商的所有活动。 3.23 To arrange for calling forward, reception and loading of outward cargo and discharge and release of inward c

20、argo and to attend to the transhipment of through cargo. 3.23 安排交货通知,接收和装载出港货物,卸放进港货物,安排好过港货物的到港装运。 3.24 To arrange for bunkering, repairs, husbandry, crew changes, passengers, ships stores, spare parts, technical and nautical assistance and medical assistance. 3.24 安排燃料补给、船舶修理、管理、船员变更、游览参观、船舶储备补给、备

21、用品补给,提供技术与航海方面的支持及医疗服务。3.25 To carry out the Principals requirements concerning claims handling, P I matters, General Average and/or insurance, and the appointment of Surveyors. 3.25 执行委托人索赔要求的相关处理,船东保赔协会的事项,共同海损或保险,预约验船师。 3.26 To attend to all necessary documentation and to attend to consular requirements.


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