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1、大学英语 3(专升本)1. ( 单选题 ) Please _ the TV. Its time for the weather report. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 turn off B、 turn in C、 turn on D、 turn over 标准答案:C2. ( 单选题 ) If you dont want to _ weight, youd better go on a diet. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 put up B、 get up C、 get on D、 put on 标准答案:D3. ( 单选题 ) Tom _ to America with his

2、 parents. They_ back in two weeks.( )(本题1.0 分 )A、 have gone; will come B、 has gone; will come C、 have been; have come D、 have been; come 标准答案:B4. ( 单选题 ) -We havent heard from Jane for a long time.( )-What _ to her?(本题 1.0 分)A、 was happening B、 to happen C、 has happened D、 having happened 标准答案:C5. (

3、 单选题 ) He arrived_ London _ a cold winter night.( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 at; at B、 in; on C、 in; in D、 ; on 标准答案:B6. ( 单选题 ) Our new _ has three bedrooms and a sitting room. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 home B、 house C、 family D、 household 标准答案:B7. ( 单选题 ) She is my best friend, so I know her very _. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 good

4、 B、 fine C、 nice D、 well 标准答案:D8. ( 单选题 ) Here is a piece of advice on how to learn English well. _ it, please. ( )(本题1.0 分 )A、 Have B、 Get C、 Carry D、 Take 标准答案:D9. ( 单选题 ) How long have you_? ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 married B、 be married C、 got married D、 been married 标准答案:D10. ( 单选题 ) I dont understand _

5、 believe him.( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 why dont you B、 why you not C、 why you dont D、 why not you 标准答案:C11. ( 单选题 ) -Look, its going to rain.-Really ? _ , I dont take a raincoat with me. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 Im afraid not B、 I hope not. C、 Good idea D、 I hope so. 标准答案:B12. ( 单选题 ) It was too noisy, _ we couldnt he

6、ar _ he said at the meeting. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 so, that B、 so, what C、 that, what D、 to, that 标准答案:B13. ( 单选题 ) I think_ important to learn English well.( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 this B、 that C、 it D、 you are 标准答案:C14. ( 单选题 ) The fans were very excited_ David Beckham came to the show.( )(本题1.0 分 )A、 so B、 beca

7、use C、 but D、 and 标准答案:B15. ( 单选题 ) The mother tried to sing the baby to sleep, and her soft _ soon took effect. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 noise B、 shout C、 smell D、 voice 标准答案:D16. ( 单选题 ) Dont be discouraged. Youll _ all this before long. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 get on with B、 be fit for C、 get used to D、 pay atten

8、tion to 标准答案:C17. ( 单选题 ) You may take anything you like _ this bag. It doesnt belong to me. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 except B、 except for C、 except to D、 except that 标准答案:A18. ( 单选题 ) I hope my father_ ask me about my marks.( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 not B、 not to C、 wont D、 dont 标准答案:C19. ( 单选题 ) Project Hope is an o

9、rganization _ raises money to build schools and buy books for poor children. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 that B、 who C、 what D、 where 标准答案:A20. ( 单选题 ) Are you hungry now? ( )_. I have just had two bowls of rice.(本题 1.0 分)A、 Not a bit B、 It doesnt matter C、 Not a little D、 I dont mind. 标准答案:A21. ( 单选题 ) My coat

10、_ there behind the door. Cant you see it?( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 is hanged B、 is hanging C、 hangs D、 has hung 标准答案:B22. ( 单选题 ) I dont know _ a show. Can you tell me?( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 how organize B、 what organize C、 what to organize D、 how to organize 标准答案:D23. ( 单选题 ) Let Henry play with your toys as well,

11、Betty. You must learn to _. ( )(本题 1.0分)A、 support B、 care C、 share D、 check 标准答案:C24. ( 单选题 ) _ her illness, she cannot work long now. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 Instead of B、 In addition to C、 Because of D、 Thanks to 标准答案:C25. ( 单选题 ) A new school will be _ in the town next year. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 held up B、 brought up C、 looked up D、 set up 标准答案:D26. ( 单选题 ) -What time will you arrive?-I dont know. It _ the traffic. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A、 depends on B、 results from C、 asks for D、 puts off 标准答案:A


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