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1、欧亚体育新闻台转播授权协议书(中华人民共和国涉外单位专用)合同号: 日期: 年 月 日授权方名称:APT EUROSPORTNEWS DISTRIBUTION Co./中国国际电视总公司联系电话: 86-10-6395-7076 传真:86-10-6395-7074被授权方名称:地址:邮政编码:联系人姓名: 职务:联系电话: 传真:授权期限:壹年起始日期: 年 月 日 终止日期: 年 月 日授权频道名称:欧亚体育新闻台 被授权用户种类:批准接收单位用户所在地区:中华人民共和国 节目言目:英语所用卫星名称:鑫诺卫星平台 传播方式:不间断地再转播完整无缺的欧亚体育新闻台频道被授权媒体:闭路电视系统

2、 授权性质:非独家性授权授权节目单价:0.42 元/天/终端被授权终端数: 年度协议金额: 元人民币附加条款:1. 本协议授权被授权方在本协议有效期内通过其闭路电视系统将欧亚体育新闻台节目传送给其用户。2. 被授权方应通过闭路电视系统在指定收视点播放完整的欧亚体育新闻台节目,包括但不限于节目原有的广告和推销材料“版权告示“ 协助和制作人名单。被授权方不得变动或修改欧亚体育新闻台节目。被授权方不得在指定收视点以外的任何地方或以非闭路电视方式播放或允许他方播放节目。3. 中国国际电视总公司/或欧亚体育新闻台有权了解被授权方对节目的收视情况并在被授权方的陪同下检查节目的收视范围和收看房间数。4. 授

3、权方保留未言明授予被授权方的有关欧亚体育新闻台的一切权利。被授权方确认欧亚体育台有限公司或第三者拥有一切欧亚体育新闻台中所有节目(及节目材料) 的所有知识产权(包括但不限于版权、标认、商标和商名)。欧亚体育台有限公司或第三者有权以任何形式 在全世界使用这些节目的权利。被授权方对上述并无任何权利。被授权方不得录制,复制和传播欧亚体育新闻台节目,用于本协议以外的目的。5. 如授权方确信欧亚体育新闻台中任何节目片段的播放可能或将会侵害他人权益,应有权临时撤消该节目或是通知被授权方采取措施,防止这类节目的转播。6. 欧亚体育新闻台是数字加扰频道,需要专用解码器以接收和转播。7. 被授权方签署本协议后,

4、应立即支付附件列出关于解码器的款项,不得扣除,预提或充抵任何金额。授权方在收到解码器款或见到付款凭证的传真件后,应在一周内将解码器送至当地的管理部门或接收单位。因本协议或播放而被中国政府或其任何部门征收的税费,以及其它有关费用,一概由被授权方负责支付。8. 被授权方保证:A. 被授权方持有当地政府有关管理部门的境外卫星节目的收看许可证;B. 严格执行国家及当地政府管理部门制定的有关卫星节目接收的管理规定;C. 不会将本节目发送给闭路电视系统以外的公共场合及闭路电视系统以外未经授权许可的区域;D. 不能录制或准许第三者录制本节目;及E. 在未征得欧亚体育台有限公司及授权方同意的情况下不可擅自更改

5、、附加或删除本节目。被授权方若发现有第三者在国内从事非法接收和转播或播放频道节目时,有责任通知授权方,并采取必要的措施以阻止其非法活动。9. 欧亚体育台有限公司和中国国际电视总公司不对欧亚体育新闻台的连续性、 内容或接收质量做出任何声明或保证。对于频道节目发生的延误,先占或其它故障,不由欧亚体育台有限公司或中国国际电视总公司负责。 被授权方违反本协议时,由此产生的任何索赔、责任、费用和支出一概由被授权方负责,并应使欧亚体育台有限公司和中国国际电视总公司不受任何损害。10. 本协议一经签署,在协议的有效期内,被授权方不得提出解除协议。协议到期时,被授权方如果决定不再续签协议,必须提前至少九十天通

6、知授权方。11. 授权方可在予被授权方三十天书面通知后随时终止本协议。如果被授权方违反本协议,并且在收到授权方之违约通知(通知应明确指出违约之处)后七天内未做出补救,授权方则可在提出该书面通知后七天随时终止本协议。欧亚体育台有限公司与中国国际电视总公司之间的协议届满 或终止时,本转播协议书即自动终止。12. 本协议及其附加条款及附件,是授权方和被授权方共同达成的具有法律效力的约定,一经正式签署,双方都应严格执行。13. 被授权方未经和授权方事先书面同意,不得转让其在本协议下的任何权利和义务。授权方签字:_ 被授权方签字:_职务:_ 职务:_日期:_ 日期:_Eurosportnews Auth

7、orization AgreementNo.: Date: Licensor: APT EUROSPORTNEWS Distribution Co./China International Television CorporationTelephone No.: 86-10-6395-7076 Fax No.: 86-10-6395-7074Licensee:Address:Zip Code:Attention:Telephone No.: Position:Authorization Term: One YearCommencement Date: Expiry Date:Authorize

8、d Channel: EUROSPORTNEWS Category of Licensee: Approved receiving unitTerritory of licensee: PRC Language: EnglishSatellite: SinoSat Platform Transmission method: Un-interrupted transmission in the entirety of APT EUROSPORTNEWSAuthorized medium: MATV Nature of authorization: Non-exclusiveUnit Price

9、per room per day : RMB0.42Number of recipient rooms: Subscription Fee:Additional terms:1. The licensee shall be authorized under this agreement during the term thereof to transmit the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS to its clients through its MATV system.2. The licensee shall broadcast in the designat

10、ed points the complete versions of the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS through its MATV system, including but not limited to the original advertising and promotional materials and the “copyright announcement”, the assistants and producers of the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS. The licensee may not chan

11、ge or modify the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS. Nor may the licensee broadcast the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS in any non-designated points or through any non-MATV system or allow any other party to broadcast the programs.3. China International Television Corporation and APT EUROSPORTNEWS shall be

12、 entitled to know about ratings of the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS by inspecting the scope of broadcasting and the number of recipient rooms with the presence of the licensee.4. The licensor reserves all the rights of the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS which have not been granted to the licensee un

13、der the agreement. The licensee hereby confirms that or any relevant third party own the intellectual property rights of all the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS and their materials (including but not limited to copyright, logo, trademark and goodwill). or any relevant third party shall be entitled to

14、utilize the rights of the programs in any form in any part of the world. The licensee shall have no rights thereto. The licensee may not record, reproduce or broadcast the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS for any purpose other than those stated in this agreement.5. In the event that licensor believes t

15、hat the broadcasting of any part of any program of APT EUROSPORTNEWS may or will infringe any third partys lawful rights and interests, the licensor shall be entitled to cancel the program or request the licensee to take proper measures to prevent the broadcasting of the program.6. APT EUROSPORTNEWS

16、 is a digitally encrypted channel, which can only be received and broadcast with the use of special decoders.7. The licensee shall pay for the decoders as listed in the schedule hereto upon the signature of the agreement without any deduction, withholding or offset. The licensor shall deliver the de

17、coders to the local administrative authorities or receiving units within one week of the receipt of the payment or faxed message of the payment receipts. Any taxable amount to be levied by PRC government or any authority thereof arising from the performance of the agreement or broadcasting of the pr

18、ograms and any other costs shall be borne by the licensee.8. The licensee warrants that:A. the licensee possesses the broadcasting permit issued by the relevant administrative authorities for oversea satellite television programs;B. the national or local administrative regulations for the reception

19、of satellite television programs will be strictly enforced;C. the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS will not be transmitted to any public place other than its MATV system or any other unauthorized area;D. the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS will not be recorded by itself or any third party; andE. without

20、the consent of and the licensor, the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS will not be amended, supplemented or deleted.In the event that any third party is found by the licensee illegally receiving and broadcasting or showing the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS within the territory of Mainland China, the lic

21、ensee shall notify the licensor of the same and take necessary measures to prevent such illegal activities.9. APT EUROSPORTNEWS and China International Television Corporation shall not make any representation or warranty relating to the continuity, contents and reception quality of the programs of A

22、PT EUROSPORTNEWS. Nor shall and China International Television Corporation be responsible for any delay, invasion and other defects of the programs of APT EUROSPORTNEWS. The licensee shall be responsible for any claim, liability, cost and expense arising from any breach of the agreement on its part,

23、 and hold APT EUROSPORTNEWS Distribution Co.and China International Television Corporation harmless.10. Once the agreement is duly executed, the licensee may not unilaterally terminate the agreement during the term thereof. The licensee shall notify the licensor at least 90 days prior to the expiry

24、date of the agreement if the licensee decides not to renew the agreement.11. The licensor may terminate the agreement unilaterally at any time by serving a 30-day written notice to the licensee. In the event the licensee breaches the agreement and fails to remedy such breach within seven days of the

25、 receipt of a notice issued by the licensor (specifying the breach), the licensor shall be entitled to terminate the agreement at any time seven days after the issue of the aforesaid written notice. The agreement shall be terminated simultaneously upon the termination or expiration of the agreement

26、between APT EUROSPORTNEWS and China International Television Corporation.12. This agreement together with its additional terms and schedules constitute the commitments legally binding on the licensor and licensee, which shall be strictly enforced upon execution.13. The licensee may not transfer any right or obligation on its part under the agreement without advance written consent of the licensor.The representative of licensor (Signature)Position:_Date:The representative of licensee(Signature)_Position:Date:


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