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1、1,项目财务管理,*本课程材料中所述观点为作者观点,不一定代表亚洲开发银行、亚行理事会或其代表的政府的观点和政策。亚洲开发银行不担保本课件中所含数据的准确性,而且对使用这些数据所产生的后果不承担责任。使用术语“国别”不代表作者或亚洲开发银行对任何地域实体的合法性或其它法律地位的任何判断。,2,培训内容,亚行财务管理政策世亚行项目贷款核算办法及财务报表的编制亚行项目的审计和常见的审计问题,3,亚行财务管理政策,ADB Financial Management Policies and Guidelines 亚行财务管理政策和指南Preparing and Submitting Financial

2、 Reports准备和提交财务报告Auditor Reports and Opinions: ADB Requirements 审计报告和审计意见:亚行的要求Financial Covenants财务约文,4,亚行财务管理政策和指南,ADB CharterADB policy on AnticorruptionGovernanceGuidelines for Financial governance and management of investment projects Financed by the ADBHandbook for Borrowers on Financial Manag

3、ement,亚行章程亚行政策:反腐败治理亚行投资项目的财务治理与管理指南借款人手册:亚行资助项目的财务治理与管理,5,亚行的总体期望,执行机构的财务管理系统:提供及时可靠的信息,这些信息应当适用于监控项目和执行机构在实现亚行同意的目标方面的进展情况,还应能预警项目实施和管理中的问题执行机构还应具有一个有效的控制环境,包括内部控制制度,以保障:财务记录可靠完整管理政策得以贯彻执行有序高效地开展业务正确记录和保护资产和资源,6,ADB General Expectations (continued)亚行的总体期望(续),项目业务活动应当与政府的财务政策保持一致 项目目标应被明确界定 应制订出项目实

4、施计划 限期完成的实施任务;设定每个步骤目标日期的采购行动;为每个项目部分和开支类别设定的支付计划;筹资计划时间表;实现项目开发目标所需采取的行动;建立项目会计与财务管理制度(包括审计安排)所需采取的行动支付程序和资金流机制要适合特定的国家和项目环境,7,财务管理指南的目标是.,为财务分析和管理建立规范界定财务管理的要求向借款人解释这些要求提供知识资源为有兴趣的各方了解情况提供便利,8,FM Guidelines Structure财务管理指南的结构,1.简介,背景,目标,2.使用者须知,分步骤的要求,3.准备和评估投资项目,投资项目的准备、评估、实施和监督,4.项目执行机构的财务管理,确保可

5、持续性的财务管理安排,5.报告和审计,亚行财务审计和报告要求,6.金融机构,专家指南,7.知识管理,资源、核查单、贷款约文样本,等等,9,FM Handbook for Borrowers财务管理借款人手册,The Handbook for Borrowers on the Financial Governance and Management of Investment Projects financed by ADB:Summarizes relevant ADB FM requirements as set out in the Guidelines (from the Borrower

6、s perspective)Follows the structure of the GuidelinesReflects recent progress on harmonizing MDB policies and procedures亚行融资投资项目的财务治理与管理- 借款人手册:总结了指南中规定的财务管理要求 (从借款人的角度)采用了与指南相同的结构反映了多边开发银行在政策和程序协调方面的最新进展,10,项目分类,亚行将其项目和执行机构分为两类:术语“盈利性”适用于以下执行机构和项目:以商业为导向的;产生实质性收入的要么通过消费者付费;要么通过行业特定的地方税,如供水和排水税;并且有权

7、决定这些资金的使用不符合这些标准的执行机构和项目被定义为“非赢利性”,11,Project Types and Treatments项目类型和处理方法,12,准备和提交财务报告,13,Session Outline 本节概览,ADB reporting requirementsSubmission requirementsADB compliance categoriesADB policy on late or unacceptable reports亚行财务报告编制要求本节探讨亚行对按时提交所要求的财务报告的期望财务报告提交要求亚行的合规类别亚行对迟报或不合格财务报告的政策,14,Basi

8、c Principles 基本原则,The following basic principles apply to all interim and annual project financial statements issued by borrowers:English-language presentationDisclosure of full accountability for all funds of the borrower, other donors and lenders, and ADBCompliance with loan covenants and ADB requ

9、irements for project managementAdequate disclosure of all material information以下基本原则适用于所有借款人发布的期中和年度项目 财务报表:以英文出具全面披露和说明借款人、其他捐助人、其他贷款人和亚行的 资金使用情况符合贷款约文和亚行对项目管理的要求;充分披露所有的实质性信息,15,Annual Financial Statements年度财务报表,The following fundamental principles apply to annual financial statements:A clear stat

10、ement on the accounting policies and accounting standards adoptedThe results of an independent review of the financial accounts and financial management systems by an auditor acceptable to ADB下列基本原则适用于年度财务报表:明确说明所采用的会计政策和会计准则由亚行认可的审计员对财务帐目和财务管理系统进行独立审核的结果,16,Composition of Financial Statements财务报表的构

11、成,Annual financial statements relating to each project should show sufficient information to identify separately the transactions relating to the reporting year and the cumulative transactions from the start-up dateAnnual statements may combine financial transactions of a project with those of the E

12、A, where the EA was established solely to develop the projectWhere an EA is responsible for implementing defined subprojects, separate financial statements should be provided for each defined component together with a consolidated financial statement for the complete project. Where an EA is responsi

13、ble for developing more than one project, common or joint project financial transactions of the agency may be apportioned and allocated to each project on a basis defined in the Notes to the Financial Statements与每个项目有关的年度财务报表应该提供充足的信息,以区分本财务年度发生的交易和自项目开始之日起累积发生的交易如果执行机构成立的目的只是为了开发某个项目,则在期中和年度报表中可以把项

14、目的财务交易与执行机构的财务交易予以合并如果某个执行机构负责执行指定的子项目,则对应每个子项目都应编制独立的财务报表,并对整个项目编制合并财务报表如果某执行机构负责开发的项目多于一个,则属于共同性质的财务交易可根据财务报表附注中的规定分配给每个项目,17,Financial Reporting Requirements财务报告要求,Where audited financial statements are to be first submitted to a government legislaturewith the risk of delaying submission of the a

15、udited financial statements to ADBa draft (certified by the chief financial officer and the auditor) should be submitted to ADB within the required reporting timetable, with subsequent confirmation after they have been ratified by the legislature Financial statements should (normally) be presented i

16、n the local currencyFor non-revenue-earning projects, audited annual statements are required for each year of project development and implementationFor revenue-earning projects, audited annual statements are required for the period of the loan. The financial statements of revenue-earning projects ma

17、y be incorporated within the EAs financial statements如果已审计财务报表需首先提交给政府立法部门,则可能会延迟向亚行上报已审计财务报表。在这种情况下,财务报表的草本(由财务总管和审计人员审核无误)应在要求的时间范围内提交给亚行,并在财务报表被立法机构认可后向亚行确认财务报表一般应用当地货币表示非盈利性项目在项目开发和实施的每个财务年度都应该提交已审计的年度财务报表对盈利性项目,亚行要求在贷款期限内提交经审计的年度财务报表。盈利性项目的财务报表可以合并入执行机构的财务报表之中,18,Accounting Statements & Financi

18、al Reports会计报表和财务报告,19,Accounting Statements & Financial Reports会计报表和财务报告,20,Submission Requirements财务报告提交要求,ADB requires accurate and timely financial information from borrowers. EAs are required to submit Audited Project Accounts (APAs) regularly during project implementation and in some cases, un

19、til the loan has been fully repaid.EAs of revenue-earning entities are required to submit Audited Financial Statements (AFS), enabling ADB to monitor loan use and the EAs financial viability.亚行要求借款人提供准确及时的财务信息 执行机构应在项目实施阶段,并在某些情况下直到贷款全部偿还,定期提交已审计项目报表盈利性执行机构还应该提交已审计的财务报表(AFS)。以使亚行能够监督贷款的使用并了解执行机构的财务能

20、力,21,ADB Compliance Categories亚行的合规类别,Complied is when the sole EA submitted acceptable APA/ AFS in English by the due date; and where all EAs submitted acceptable APA/AFS in English by the due datePartly Complied is where several EAs are involved and only one or a few submitted acceptable APA/AFS e

21、ither by the due date or lateComplied Late is when APA/AFS meets the complied status but is submitted lateNot Yet Due is when APA/AFS is not yet due and is only applicable until the first APA/AFS for the project becomes due合规,指单一执行机构在到期日提交可接受的英文已审计项目报表和已审计财务报表;所有执行机构在到期日用英文提交合格的已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表部分合规,指

22、在有多个执行机构参与的情况下,仅有一个或者几个执行机构在到期日或其后提交了合格的已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表合规但拖延,指已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表达到合规要求,但提交日期拖延尚未到期,指已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表尚未到期,直到项目的第一份已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表到期才适用,22,ADB Compliance Categories (continued)亚行的合规类别(续),Not Required is if submission of APA/AFS is not included in the loan covenants, and is only applicable

23、to some exceptional program loansNot Complied is when:APA/AFS is submitted in the local languageAPA/AFS is submitted but has significant audit qualificationsthe sole EA submitted partial or incomplete APA/AFS; oronly unaudited project accounts and financial statements are submitted.未要求,指如果贷款协议未要求提交已

24、审计项目报表/已审计财务报表的情况,仅适用于部分例外的规划贷款 不合规指:已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表以当地语言提供;已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表已提交,但具有实质性审计保留意见; 单个执行机构提交部分的或者不完整的已审计项目报表/已审计财务报表;或仅提交了未经审计的项目报表和财务报表,23,ADB Policy on Late or Unacceptable Financial Reports亚行对迟报或不合格财务报告的政策,When acceptable APA/AFS are not received by due dates, ADB will write immediately

25、to EAs stating they are overdue and warning that, if they are not received within six months:imprest accounts will not be replenishedfurther reimbursement requests will not be processedcommitment letters will not be processed, andcontract awards will not be processed如果在到期日没有收到合格的已审计项目报表或者已审计财务报表,亚行将

26、立即书面通知执行机构报表已过期,并提醒如果在六个月内未能收到这些报表:周转金帐户将得不到回补不再受理新的偿付申请不再出具新的承诺函,并且不再批准授予新的合同,24,ADB Policy on Late or Unacceptable Financial Reports (continued) 亚行对迟报或不合格财务报告的政策(续),When acceptable APA/AFS are not received within 6 months after the due dates, ADB will hold :replenishment of imprest accountsprocess

27、ing reimbursement requestsprocessing commitment lettersprocessing contract awardsADB will then advise the EAs of ADBs actions and state if the situation does not improve within six months, loans may be suspendedWhen acceptable APA/AFS are not received within 12 months after the due dates, ADB may su

28、spend the loan.如果在到期日后六个月内没有收到合格的已审计项目报表或者已审计财务报表,亚行将:暂停回补周转金帐户暂停处理支付申请暂停处理承诺函暂停处理合同授予亚行然后将通知执行机构亚行采取的措施,并说明如果情况在六个月内没有改善,可能会中止贷款如果在到期日后十二个月内没有收到合格的已审计项目报表或者已审计财务报表,亚行可中止贷款,25,审计报告和审计意见:亚行的要求,26,ADB Expectations 亚行的期望,ADB expects auditor reports to consider:The adequacy of systems and record-keeping

29、The eligibility of expenditures Utilization of the imprest accountStatement of Expenditures including whether amount claimed is duly supported to the extent verifiedCompliance with financial covenants specified in the loan and project agreements. 亚行希望审计报告考虑到:内控制度和记录留存的充分性费用开支的合格性专用帐户的使用采用费用报表支付方式支出的

30、原始凭证是否得到验证贷款财务约文是否满足招标采购是否按照亚行指南进行,27,Classifications of Audit Opinions审计意见分类,28,Classifications of Audit Opinions审计意见分类,29,Audit Management Letters审计管理意见书,ADB requires a Management Letter on internal controls and operating proceduresManagement letters must be provided to ADB with the audited financ

31、ial statements亚行要求提供与内控和经营程序有关的管理意见书 管理意见书必须随审计财务报告一同提交亚行,30,Financial Covenants财务约文,31,Session Outline 本节概览,ADB seeks assurance that projects will be sustainable by agreeing financial loan covenants.Why does ADB seek to agree loan covenants? What are financial loan covenants?Common ADB covenantsADB

32、 approach to non-complianceCompliance Status亚行寻求就贷款财务约文达成协议以保证项目的可持续性。亚行为什么寻求就贷款约文达成协议什么是贷款财务约文常见的亚行贷款约文亚行对不遵守约文情况的处理方法执行情况,32,Financial Covenants are Designed to 财务约文的设计旨在 ,Support socioeconomic developmentPromote financial viability, financial performance and prudent financial management of the ex

33、ecuting agencyDevelop local capabilityAssist the executing agency to achieve a creditworthy status to facilitate acceptance in capital marketsProtect the borrowers and ADBs financial interestsProvide a basis for monitoring by government regulatory agencies, and ADB, of the EAs financial performance支

34、持宏观经济发展提高执行机构的财务生存能力、增加其财务业绩、加强审慎财务管理 培育当地的财务管理能力 协助执行机构获得信誉,以便其被资本市场所接纳 保护借款人和亚行的经济利益 为政府监管机构和亚行提供监控执行机构财务业绩的依据,33,Types of ADB Financial Covenants亚行财务约文的种类,Submission of audited financial statements Operating Covenants:Rate of Return (ROR)Self-financing Ratio (SFR)General Price LevelOperating Rati

35、oBreakevenCapital Structure Covenants:Debt Service CoverageDebt : Equity RatioDebt LimitationCapital AdequacyLiquidity Covenants:Current RatioQuick Ratio,提交已审计财务报表经营约文: 收益率 (ROR)自筹资金比率 (SFR)一般物价水平营业比率损益平衡资本结构约文 :偿债保证比借款 : 权益比率借贷限制资本充足率流动性约文 :流动比率速动比率,34,Financial Covenants: Common Issues财务约文方面的常见问题,

36、EA/IAs are not aware of or just ignore the financial covenants执行机构不熟悉财务约文EA/IAs are not calculating the covenanted ratios correctly 执行机构没有正确地计算财务指标Auditor didnt review the compliance status of financial covenants 审计师没有检查财务约文的执行情况EA/IAs are not able to conduct meaningful financial projections and tak

37、e actions accordingly 执行机构财务预测能力较弱,不能及时采取措施,35,Financial Covenants: Common Issues财务约文方面的常见问题,EA/IAs non/semi-autonomous status 执行机构没有应有的决策权Policy changes and sector reform 政策改变和行业改革EA/IA changes 执行机构变更,36,ADB Policy on Non-compliance亚行处理不合规情况的政策,不能满足按时提交可接受的已审计年度财务报表的情况另行处理如借款人/执行机构未能满足某条贷款财务约文的规定,亚行将确定不合规的程度亚行将找出不合规的原因亚行将协商如何纠正不合规情况在不合规情况严重危害项目生存能力的情况下,亚行将考虑,并可能会采取法律补救措施或进行制裁不合规可能会影响贷款支付当约文的合规情况不能令人满意时, 亚行可能会拒绝提供进一步的贷款,37,Financial Ratio Covenants in Selected Projects几个项目中出现的财务比率指标,


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