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1、网络是让我们近了还是远了世界有了网络,让我们方便了沟通,无论我的同学在哪里,只要连接到网络中,通过 QQ,MSN,微薄,博客,都能及时了解他们的动态,好像他们都在身边。若是同时在线好可以聊一会儿!网络,拉近了我们的距离,让我们感到远方的朋友就像在隔壁宿舍里上网。网络中,让我们结识了许多志同道合的网友让我们收获的也不仅仅是知识。网络也让我们之间的距离变远了,远的遥不可及。远到我们每天都只是面对着冰冷的机器。从早上被“fire in zhe hole”的叫喊伴随着雷爆炸的声惊醒。他们也全然不知我的离开与到来。看着他们的忙碌,我也不好意思在打扰。我觉得我们之间的距离远了,也没有什么共同语言了。每一天

2、早晨,起来就去自习室,或者是图书馆,累了就在那里睡下。快要熄灯了才回去!网络把人和人之间的距离拉近了,却让彼此间的感情越来越远了。我知道自己是离不开电脑了,因此,接下来要做的是:合理使用网络。whether the Internet is making people closer to each other ormaking them farther away from each other?The world of the Internet, let us convenient communication, both my classmates in where, as long as th

3、e connection to the network, through the QQ, MSN, thin, blog, can timely understanding of their dynamics, as if they were all around. If online at the same time can be a good chat for a while!Network, narrowing the distance between us, let us be friends from afar like the Internet in the dormitory n

4、ext door.In the network, let us know many like-minded friends let us harvest is not only knowledge.网络也让我们之间的距离变远了,远的遥不可及。The network also makes the distance between us is far, far far away.远到我们每天都只是面对着冰冷的机器。从早上被“fire in zhe hole”的叫喊伴随着雷爆炸的声惊醒。他们也全然不知我的离开与到来。看着他们的忙碌,我也不好意思在打扰。Every day we are only th

5、e face as far as cold machine. From the morning was “fire in zhe hole“ shouting with explosive sound awakened by thunder. They didnt know to leave with my arrival. Watching them busy, I also feel shy to bother.I feel the distance between us is, nor what the common language. Every day in the morning,

6、 up to the study room, or library, tired to sleep there under. The lights come back soon!The internet makes the world getting smaller, but makes the people becoming estranged. I know Im cannot do without computer, therefore, the next thing to do is: the reasonable use of network.What are the strengt

7、hs and weaknesses of the Internet in our interpersonal communication?One possible versionWhat are the strengths and weaknesses of the Internet in our interpersonal communication?The Internet has made it possible for us to keep in touch with our friends conveniently. We can rapidly access information

8、 about others through their blog, QQ, or email, even without calling them or talking face to face.However, the Internet threatens to change our interpersonal communication and relationships. The idea that it is no longer necessary to communicate face to face has reduced the effectiveness and efficie

9、ncy of communication. Misunderstandings among people and the absence of feelings are increasingly common.Therefore, we should take care not to depend too much on the Internet and ignore the importance of face-to-face communication. Only so can we make full use of the Internet while avoiding its nega

10、tive effects.本篇文章来源于 爱英语吧(http:/) 转载请以链接形式注明出处 网址:http:/ the Internet is making people closer to each other or making them farther away from each other?The Internet has made it possible for us to keep in touch with our friends conveniently. We can rapidly access information about others through thei

11、r blog, QQ, or email, even without calling them or talking face to face.However, the Internet threatens to change our interpersonal communication and relationships. The idea that it is no longer necessary to communicate face to face has reduced the effectiveness and efficiency of communication. Misu

12、nderstandings among people and the absence of feelings are increasingly common.The internet makes the world getting smaller, but makes the people becoming estranged.For avoiding its negative effects, should we take care not to depend too much on the Internet and ignore the importance of face-to-face communication.


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