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1、Thought for the DayIf a butterfly flutters its wings, so chaos theory goes, it can cause the path of a tornado to change, and so the reverberations can be felt across the world. In retrospect, it looks as if what was happening to the cost of food in the Middle East a few years ago had just that impa

2、ct. The frustrations of Tunisian fruitsellers and the seething anger of Egyptians over the price of basic foodstuffs were ignored by the rest of the world then but analysts have since traced them as the roots of the Arab Spring upheavals. Food shortages and high prices have had consequences througho

3、ut the ages as the history of revolutions reminds us. No wonder that politicians and the United Nations are becoming increasingly concerned about rising prices leading to a global food crisis. Drought, the diversion of corn crops into the production of biofuels, the corruption and chaotic distributi

4、on of food in some developing nations, all these are shaping a complex global food economy. Add in certain speculators and food conglomerates aiming for higher profits, and many aid charities warn that this is a recipe for disaster for the poorest in the developing world. But whats it got to do with

5、 the ordinary individual? Isnt something as complex as a food crisis just for the politicians and the UN to sort out? Morality is surely personal, as is a relationship with God, and ones religious beliefs stretch as far as dealing with those immediately around us. Once in a while the face of a starv

6、ing child on the news might persuade us to make a donation to a charity but the individuals involvement goes no further. The usual reading of Christs parable of the Good Samaritan, for example, is that it is a call to respond to an individual in need, albeit that Christianity is a call to help the s

7、tranger as well as family and friends. But growing Christian thinking is that if we hunger and thirst for what is right then we cannot turn away when something has gone deeply wrong with how the world functions, causing the most vulnerable to suffer. Putting a few coins in a collecting tin is not en

8、ough. Instead the Christian has to combat what is called structural or social sin, the injustices of the world caused by its systems and institutions which lead people to live without dignity and the resources that they need. But structures of course dont have wills, and we do, and the challenge tod

9、ay is to ask do we have the will to speak up, get involved and change what is unjust? Or will we pass by on the other side of the road?混沌学理论提到,如果一只蝴蝶扇动翅膀,龙卷风的路线会因其改变,全世界都将感觉到随之而来的影响。回顾往昔,若干年前中东粮食价格的波动和此如出一辙。当时,其它国家并没有重视中东态势,突尼斯水果商因基本食品价格心情沮丧,埃及人则愤懑不已,然而,分析家们认定,当时的情形就是动荡不安的“阿拉伯之春”的根源。几年来,粮食短缺和高昂的物价带来


11、督精神就是让人们像对待家人和朋友那样对待陌生人。然而,越来越多的基督教徒认为如果我们渴求正义,那么当世界局势混乱,最脆弱的人民受苦受难时,我们不能视而不见。往募捐罐里丢几枚硬币是远远不够的。相反,基督教徒们必须与恶行斗争,与各制度、各组织产生的不公正现象斗争,它使人们失去了应有的尊严与智慧。当然,具有意愿的不是社会机构,而是我们。面临当今的挑战,我们是大声疾呼,踊跃参与,改变不公正的现象,还是熟视无睹地从旁边走过? By cherryxyrretrospect retrspekt n.回顾In retrospect, its easy to see why we were wrong. 回顾过

12、去就很容易明白我们的错处了。seethe si: vi.拥挤,云集;发怒,激动,骚动She was seething with rage at his remarks. 对于他的说法, 她气得火冒三丈。upheaval phi:vl n.剧变,动乱political, social upheavals 政治的、社会的动乱speculator spekjuleit n. 投机者(商)Speculators are thick on the ground. They buy up land, sit on it for a month or two and resell for twice wha

13、t they paid. 投机者多得很,他们买下土地,搁置一两个月后又以双倍的价格卖出去。conglomerate knglmrit n. (通过合并若干企业而组建的)大公司 , 企业集团a mining, chemical, etc conglomerate 矿业、化工等企业集团parable prbl n.寓言,比喻Good Samaritan 好心人,乐善好施的人My neighbour was a good Samaritan when I sprained my ankle. She did all my shopping and took the dog for a walk every day. 当我扭了脚脖子时,我的邻居不厌其烦地帮助我。她帮我购买所有的物品并每天帮我去遛狗。“阿拉伯之春”,又称“阿拉伯的觉醒”、“阿拉伯起义”,是指自 2010年年底在北非和西亚的阿拉伯国家和其它地区的一些国家发生的一系列以“民主”和“经济”等为主题的社会运动,这些运动多采取公开示威游行和网络串连的方式,其影响之深、范围之广、爆发之突然、来势之迅猛吸引了全世界的高度关注,从 2011年初开始至今尚未完全结束。


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