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1、PAMF-30 螺旋给料机PAMF-30Screw Feeder使用说明书Instruction一、 结构及工作原理:PAMF 型螺旋给料机的结构见总图,由交流调速电动机、蜗轮减速机、给料槽、给料螺旋、底座组成。工作时,由调速电动机通过联轴器带动减速机运转,并通过装在蜗轮减速机输出轴上的联轴器使给料螺旋转动,从而把上部料筒中的物料均匀送到下个工序。1. Structure the screw feeding is uniformly continuous, which solves the quantity adjustment difficulty when adding mechanica

2、l materials traditionally and the problem of nonuniform feeding quantity, reduces the content of the remained materials, saves the cost, and improves the technical effect; and the area of the exposed materials is small, which reduces oxidation of materials during using and improves the using effect.

3、四、润滑:蜗轮减速机采用飞溅方法润滑,使用时,该减速机内的油量应在油尺刻度线中间位置(蜗杆吃油深 1/41/2)。一般情况下,3-4 个月换一次机油,但可根据实际情况提前或延后。润滑油夏季采用 50#机油,冬季采用 20-30#机油。4. Lubrication: The worm-gear speed reducer adopts splashing method for lubrication. When it is used, the oil mass within the reducer shall be in the middle place of the dipstick scal

4、e (worm oil depth: 1/41/2). In general, the engine oil shall be changed every 3-4 months, with permission to move forward or put off as the case may be. In summer, 50# engine oil is used for lubrication and in winter 20-30# engine oil is used. 五、安装试运行和使用:5. Installation, Trail Run & Use1、该机安装安装时尽量做到

5、水平和垂直。5.1 Keep it horizontal and vertical when installing this equipment as far as possible.2、该机在安装试运行前,应用手盘动联轴器,检查各部运转是否灵活。5.2 Before this equipment is installed and conducted trail run, check whether each part revolves flexibly by moving the coupling manually. 3、空运转试车 2 小时,检查以下情况:检查螺旋运转方向,以确定电机接线是

6、否正确。检查有无周期性噪音、震动,检查有无漏油现象。5.3 Conduct idle test run for 2 hours and check the following:5.3.1 Check the moving direction of the screw to determine whether the wire of the motor is connected right.5.3.2 Check whether there is cyclical noise and shake and whether it has oil leakage. 4、空负荷试车完毕后,应进行负荷试车

7、 8 小时,检查有无异常现象,同时检查各部是否灵活可靠。待一切都正常,方可投入运行。5.4 After the idle test run is completed, conduct loaded test run for 8 hours. Check whether there is abnormal phenomenon and whether each part is flexible and reliable. After everything is proper, put it into operation.六、操作与维护:6. Operation & Maintenance1、开车

8、前应详细检查给矿机各部情况及位置是否符合给矿量的要求。6.1 Carefully check each part of the feeder and whether the position meets the requirements of the feeding quantity before starting the equipment.2、开车时,待给矿机运行平稳后,再向给料筒内加入物料。停车时,应先停止加料再停车。6.2 When starting the equipment, add materials to the feeding cylinder after the feede

9、r operates stably. When stopping the equipment, stop feeding firstly.3、检修和更换磨损零件的期限根据现场使用情况决定。6.3 The time to check and change the worn-out parts is subject to the field service condition.七、订货须知 7. Ordering Instruction订货时,应根据需要注明螺旋直径等参数。本设备不带备件,如需要另行订货。When ordering the equipment, remark the diameter of screw and other parameters as required.This equipment doesnt include spare parts. If needed, please order the spare parts separately.


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