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1、Unit 2 Numbers1. 许下/违背诺言_ 2. the rest of_3. 开始意识到_ 4. A long time ago_5. 从那以后_ 6. play chess_7. copy down_ 8. follow ones advice_9. 发生_ 10. 想要做某事_11. 不但而且_ 12. make sb do sth_13. 禁不住做某事_ 14. make good use of_15. 命令某人做某事_ 16. all year around_Step One Reading will he B. will be; will be C. is; is D. w

2、ill be; is( ) 2. _, Ill go shopping alone. A. If she comes B. If she wont come C. If she doesnt come ( ) 3. The students _ have a sports meeting this weekend if it _. A. wont; rains B. will; rains C. wont; will rain D. are going to; is going to rain( ) 4. If you _ to the party, youll have a great ti

3、me A. will go B. went C. go D. going ( ) 5. What are you going to do tomorrow? -Well go to the library tomorrow if it _. A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain( ) 6. What will you do if you _ to the old folks home visit? A. go B. went C. going D. will go ( ) 7. If I eat _ food, Ill be very

4、 fat. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too ( ) 8. Ill give the book to him if he _ here next Sunday. A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came 5. And then double the amount for each of the rest of the squares. rest 此处用作名词, “剩余部分”,the rest 作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要视作具体情况而定,如果所指代的为可数名词,则视为复数;如果所指代的为不

5、可数名词,则视为单数。the rest of. “. 的剩余部分”,作主语时谓语动词的单复数取决于 of 后面的名词形式。One of the books _written in Chinese, and the rest _in English. The rest of the money_ donated to charities. 6. Wouldt you like gold or silver instead?难道你不想要金子或银子代替?instead 副词,意为 “代替;顶替”。She is very busy. Lets go_. Ill read newspapers _see

6、ing a film. 辨析:instead 与 instead ofinstead 副词,代替,顶替,相反 ,位于名首或句末instead of 介词短语, “代替,而不是”,后接名词,代词或动名词 instead of doing sth. 代替做某事7. he would still not have enough rice to put on all the squares!(1)enough 此处用作形容词,意为 “_”。可接可数名词或不可数名词。它放到名词前面或后面都可以。常用结构为:be(not)+形容词+enough to do sth 意为“_” 。 He doesnt ha

7、ve_ to finish the work. 他没有足够的时间去完成这项工作。(2)enough 做副词时,意为 “足够地,十分”,通常用于所修饰的形容词或副词之后。E.g. The boy is _to lift the box. 这个男孩很强壮,能举起这个箱子。8. I can teach you how to make more money if you promise to follow my advice, (1)advice 不可数名词,意为“ 建议”。表示“一条建议 ”用 a/one piece of advice, 表示一些建议用_E.g. Ill give you _on

8、how to look after your pet dog. 【拓展】:(1)advice 的常用搭配:Give sb. Some advice=_给某人一些建议ask for advice 征求意见 _接受某人的建议(2)advise 动词,意为“建议”,后接名词. 代词或 v. -ing 形式作宾语,也可用于 advice sb. (not)to do sth. 结构,意为“建议某人不要做某事” 。She advice us to wait (for) one more day. 例题1. ( ) If our government_ pay attention to the safet

9、y of food, our health_ in danger. A. isnt; is B. doesnt; will be C. wont; is D. isnt; will be2. ( ) My brother want to_ his classmate to a computer game. A. Is challenge B. challenge to C. challenge with D. challenge3. ( ) Would you _some bread?A. likes B. like to C likes to D. like4. ( ) I will rea

10、d newspapers _ _ seeing a film. A. instead B. instead of C. no only D. not to5. ( ) The dining hall is_ to hold 300 people. A. enough B. enough small C. small enough D. big enough6. ( ) I dont know how to keep healthy, can you give me_?A. an advice B. lots of advices C. a few advices D. some advice9

11、. From then on he was not lazy any more. Not. Any more 相当于_, “不再”,但两者位置不同,not. any more 中 not 常与助动词或情态动词连用,any more 位于句末;no more 则位于助动词后,实义动词前辨析:not. any more / no more 与 not. any longer/ no longernot. any more / no more 多表示数量或程度上“不再 ”,修饰的动词一般为非延续性动词,表示动作不再发生not .any longer/ no longer 多表示在时间或距离上“不再”

12、 ,修饰的动词一般为延续性动词,表示动作不再延续I wont play computer games any more. = I _computer games. She _live here_. = She no longer lives here. 10. Where the story took place. 辨析:take place 与 happen 均表“发生” ,_ 语态。take place 表示 “发生,举行”,一般指非偶然性事件的发生,即这种事件的发生有某种原因或事先的安排 happen 表示“发生,碰巧”,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,没有预见性An accident _in

13、 that street. When will the basketball game_?一. 首字母填空1 Whats your telephone n_?2 I am a boy. I am my parents s_. 3 Mary isnt in the classroom. Lets ask Jenny i_. 4 He seldom r_ to the e mails his friends send him. 5 Can you play c_?6 Yesterday, he _(挑战 )me to play that game. 7 Tommy _(承诺) that he wo

14、uld go to school earlier the next day. 8 My teacher told me that we used g_ to make flour. 9 Xuhaifeng won a g_ medal in shooting in the 1984 Olympics. 10 Mr. Wu_(命令) Simon to close the windows before the storm came. 二. 单项选择1. ( ) 8, 730, 326_ a large (大的)number. A. am B. is C. are D. be2. ( ) The n

15、umber 366 writes _. A. three hundreds and sixty six B. three hundred and sixty sixC. three hundred and sixty-sux D. three hundred and sixty-six3. ( ) My father and I like to _ very much. A. playing the chess B. play chessC. playing chess D. play the chess4. ( ) “I cant write the words in an hour, ”

16、he replied _ me. A. / B. to C. for D. of 5. ( ) He ordered the soldier _ outside. A. to stand B. standing C. to standing D. stand三. 完成句子1. 你比大部分孩子都幸运些,我希望你意识到这一点。You are luckier than most children, and I hope _ _ _. 2. 当我们打网球时,你们其余的人做什么呢?While we are playing tennis, what will _ _ _you do ?3. 我喜欢读书而不

17、是跳舞。I enjoy reading _ _ _. 4. 我去过很多地方,如上海. 北京. 杭州等等。I have been to many places, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou _ _ _. 11. They used them to count things like the days of the month, the amount of food and the number of animals they had. the number of:. 的数量 (强调数目) ,其后接_the amount of:的数量( 强调总量),其后

18、多接_名词e.g.: the amount of snow 降雪量 the amount of money 钱的数量the number of boys 男孩的数量 the number of chairs 椅子的数量12. However, the could only count small numbers in this way. in this way 用这种方法,这样 Only in this way can we do better in English. in the way 挡道,妨碍 Look, a car is in the way. on the way 在路上,在途中

19、I met my uncle on the way to school. by the way 顺便说一下 By the way, what time is it?13. They often put the tokens on pieces of string so that they could carry them around easily. so that 此处引导目的状语从句, “为的是,以便”,从句中常有 can, could, may, might 等情态动词。 so that 从句可以转换成 in order +that 从句 或 in order to do sth. 结构

20、I work hard so that I could finish my work on time. = I work hard _that I could finish my work on time. = I work hard_ finish my work on time. 【拓展】so that 也可以引导结果状语从句, “结果,因此” ,该从句前常用逗号与主句隔开。It rained heavily, so that we had to stay at home. so that 可引导目的状语从句, “以便,为了 ”;也可引导结果状语从句, “结果,因此”The little

21、boy saved money so that he could buy his mother a present. so. that 引导结果状语从句, “如此 . 以至于. ” The football fams were so excited that they cried out. Youd better take the map with you _ you wont get lost. A. as long as B. as soon as C. now that D. so that例题一. 用方框所给短语的适当形式完成句子。different ways, at first, a

22、fter that, begin to, count things, so that, develp into, lead to, carry around, made from1. Some of them still live in _. 2. What _ you _ change your mind?3. You _ all the _ to find how many there are. 4. I _ memories of my homeland _ with me. 5. _, the words didnt mean anything to Helen. 6. Their a

23、ffair did not _ a lasting relationship. 7. She often has breakfast at six fifty, _ she goes to the factory by bus. 8. The glass is _ sand. 9. It _ snow when he came out of the warm office. 10. Miss Wang speaks aloud _ all the students can hear her. 二. 单项选择1. ( ) I didnt go out on Sunday. I stayed at

24、 home _. A. however B. but C. instead D. instead of2. ( ) Long ago, people wrote numbers _ many different ways. A. at B. in C. with D. by3. ( ) I found it difficult to communicate with him _. A. at first B. first C. on first D. to first4. ( ) Everything begins _ in spring. A. to grow B. grow C. grow

25、s D. grew5. ( ) Whats your sweater _ ?A. made of B. make of C. make from D. made in6. ( ) Please open the window _ we can breathe fresh air. A. if B. and C. so that D. such that7. ( ) Working hard _ English can lead _ have a good job. A. at; in B. in; at C. in; for D. at; to8. ( ) I phoned again and

26、 again, but there was no _. A. answer B. question C. telephone D. man三. 句型转换1. Jenny doesnt agree to the plan. (改为同义句)Jenny _ with the plan. 2. He is too excited to do it. (改为同义句)He is _ excited _ he _ do it. 3. Return my money, please. (改为否定句)Please _ return my money. Grammar一. 基数词(一)基数词的构成最基本的基数词如

27、下表(1)1-12 的构成是独立的单词,无规律(2)13-19 的构成都是以-teen 结尾(3)20-90 之间整十数的构成都是以-ty 结尾(4)21 99 的两位数,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符构成。如: 53 fifty-three(5)101999 的三位数,由 hundred 加 and 再加两位数或末位数。如:325 three hundred and twenty-five(6)100 可以表示为: a/one hundred 1, 000 可以表示为: a/one thousand 1, 000, 000 a/one million 1, 000, 000, 000 a/ o

28、ne billion(二)基数词的用法(1)当 hundred, thousand, million, billion 等和 of 连用,表示粗略的数目时,须用复数。如: hundreds of people 数以百计的人但如果 hundred, thousand, million, billion 等词前有具体数词或 several 时,须用单数: six hundred people 600 人(2)表示“几十年代 ”或“几十岁”时,用逢十的基数词的复数。如:in the thirties 在 30 年代 in his fifties 在他 50 多岁时(3)与基数词合成的复合形容词,其中

29、的名词用单数。如:a three-month-old baby 三个月大的婴儿 a five-year plan 一个五年计划(4)基数词可以表示年份. 时间. 电话号码和年龄等。Her telephone number is 6840530二. 序数词序数词一般以与之相应的基数词加词尾-th 构成,但要注意一些特殊形式。(一)阿拉伯数字基数词序数词序数词缩略式1 one first 1st 2 two second 2nd 3 three third 3rd5 five fifth 5th 8 eight eighth 8th 9 nine ninth 9th12 twelve twelft

30、h 12th 20 twenty twentieth 20th21 twenty-one twenty-first 21st 22 twenty-two twenty-second 22nd23 twenty-three twenty-third 23 rd(二)序数词的用法作主语 e. g. The third of the month was a holiday. 作表语 e. g. Who was the third?作定语 e. g. We live on the fifth floor. 作宾语 e. g. I was among the first to learn of this

31、. 作同位语 e. g. Who is that man, the first in the front row?作状语 e. g. When did you first meet him?You can do it a second time. 你可以再做一次。National Day is on October the first(三)特别提示以 y 结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把 y 变为 i, 再加 -eth。其他序数词的构成(1)几十几及以上的序数词,其中十位数或百位数. 千位数等用基数词,只有个位数才用序数词。如:128th: one hundred and twenty-eigh

32、th 752nd: seven hundred and fifty-second(2)hundred, thousand, million 的序数词均在基数词后加-th 构成,hundredth, thousandth, millionth三. 数词的应用(一)倍数表示法1. 一倍用 once 两倍用 twice 或 double。This year we have produced twice as much corn as we did last year. She is double my age. 2. 三倍或三倍以上用数词+times ,可以译为“是. 的几倍“;“ 比. 大/高/

33、长. 几倍“等等。 用“A is N times the size(length) of B“表示:The size of your room is five times the size of mine. 用“A is N times + 形容词或副词的比较级 + than B“表示Your bag is twice bigger than mine. 用“A is N times as + 形容词或副词的原级+ as B“表示Your book is three times as thick as mine. (二)分数表示法(1)分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于 1 时,分母用复数。

34、如:one-fourth(a quarter)四分之一 two-fifths 五分之二(2)分子与分母之间加 in, 分子在前,分母在后,分子. 分母都用基数词。如:one in ten 十分之一 four in five 五分之四(3)分子与分母之间加 out of, 分子在前,分母在后,分子 . 分母都用基数词,如:one out of ten 十分之一 four out of five 五分之四(三)小数表示法小数的表示法,小数点前的部分同其他数词一样,小数点用 point, 小数点后面的数都把它读成个位数, 21. 25 表示为 twenty-one point two five 13

35、6. 45 表示为 one hundred and thirty-six point four five(四)百分数表示法注:(1)序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词 the ;但是如果序数词前出现不定冠词 a 或 an 时,则表示“再“, “又“ 。 (2)序数词前有名词所有格或形容词性物主代词时,不能加the表示百分数直接将数词放在单词 percent 前面。如:twenty percent 百分之二十 seventy-five percent 百分之七十五特别提示分数和百分数后面不能直接跟名词或代词,而应是“分数或百分数 + of + 冠词或限定词 + 名词或代词”,其谓语动词与 of

36、后面的名词在人称和数上保持一致。如:Two-fifths of the money was spent on books. 五分之二的钱用在买书上。(五)时刻表示法1. 表示整点 用基数词加 oclock 构成,oclock 也可省略,介词用 at. 8: 00 读作:eight oclock (或 eight)2. 表示“几点过几分 ” 用 past, 但分数必须在半小时以内(包括半小时) 。8: 05 读作:five past eight (或 eight five 或 eight o five)8: 15 读作:fifteen past eight(或 a quarter past ei

37、ght 或 eight fifteen)8: 30 读作:half past eight (或 eight thirty)3. 表示“几点差几分 ” 用介词 to, 但分数必须在半小时以上(不包括半小时)8: 40 读作:twenty to nine(或 eight forty)8: 45 读作:fifteen to nine(或 a quarter to nine 或 eight forty-five)8: 55 读作:five to nine (或 eight fifty-five)(六)编号表示法1. 基数词和序数词可以表示事物的编号。着重编号,用“ 名词 + 基数词”;着重顺序,用“序

38、数词 + 名词”。如:Lesson One = the first lesson 第一课 Chapter Four = the fourth chapter 第四章2. 电话号码读法。如: Tel. No. 797-7936 或 Telephone number797-7936 读作:Telephone number seven nine seven seven nine three six3. 其他号码读法。如: Room 111 111 房间(读作:room one one one)Bus (No. ) 102 102 路车(读作:bus (number ) one o two)page

39、176 第 176 页(读作: page one hundred and seventy-six 或 page one seventy-six 或 page one seven six)(七)基数词可以表示算式。加法 “加”用 plus, and 或 add 表示;“等于”用 is, make, equal 等词表示. One plus two is three1+2=3 One and two is equal to three. One added to two equals three. 减法 “减“用 minus 或 take from 表示。Nine minus three is six. 9-3=6 Take three from nine and the remainder is six. Three(taken) from nine is six. 乘法 “乘”用 time(动词)或 multiply 表示。Two times three is/are six. 23=6 Multiply two by three, we get six.


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