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1、set out,set off, set about, set apart, set aside 1.set out 出发 (旅程 )+介词 +n.;to do sth.着手做 =set about doing sth. a.They set out on the last stage of their journey. 他们开始了旅行的最后一程 . Kate set out for the house on the other side of the bay.凯蒂出发去海湾另一边的房子 She set out at dawn. 她天一亮就动身了 . b. He set out to pain

2、t the whole house.他开始着手粉刷整幢房子 c. 开启(新事物、困难、重要的事物等) My nephew is just setting out on a career in journalism.我侄子刚刚开始了他记者的事业 所以, “开始一场表演 ”中的 “开始 ”不用 set out,简单用 start/begin就可以: start a show / let the show begin/start 2.set about: 开始 ,着手 +sth./doing sth. a. You must set about your work at once. 你必须立即开始工

3、作。 b. Do you know how to set about going on this work? 你知道怎样着手进行这项工作吗? 3.set off=set out出发 ;引起,使发生;爆炸 a.If you want to catch that train wed better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。 b.What time are you planning to set off tomorrow? 你打算明天几点钟启程 ? c.What he said set off a he

4、ated discussion.他所说的话引起了热烈的讨论。 4.set down前四种常用 a. 放下,搁下: 例句 : to set down ones bag 放下包 b. 写下,记下;登记: 例句 : The police sest down my car number. 警察记下了我的汽车号码 c. 使 (飞机 )着陆;使降落: 例句 : My plane was set down in a heavy fog. 我乘坐的飞机在浓雾中着陆。 d. 让 (乘客 )下车: 例句 : to set down the passengers 让乘客下车 e. 把 (货物 )从车上卸下: 例句

5、: The train stopped at the station to set down lots of waste. 火车进站停车,卸下了许多废物。 f. 把 看做,把 认作 (as): 例句 : He was set down as a fool. 他被看成是个傻瓜。 g. 把 解释为 ,把 归因于 (to) : 例句 : to set ones silence down to his diffidence 把沉默归因于羞怯 h. 制定;规定: 例句 : The rules for service have been set down. 有关修理业的规章已经出台。 i. 确定;决定 的

6、日期: 例句 : the plan to be set down 业已确定的计划 j. 使坐下 k. (马赛中 )暂停 参赛 l. 口语 申斥,谴责: 例句 : I was set down by my father. 我爸骂了我一顿。 5.set apart(for)留出专用 The room is set apart for smoking/smokers.这屋子是为了专为人们抽烟/吸烟者而准备的。 6.set aside留出 ,拨出 ;把 置于一旁 ;不顾 ;不理会 ;驳回 ;取消 set sth.aside for sth./sb.为某人或某物预留 a. Maybe I should

7、set aside just a minute a day to count my blessings and say “thank you“. 或许,我应该每天留出一分钟时间,细数一下拥有的幸福,然后,真诚地说一声: “谢谢! ” b.She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.她把书放在一旁,点着一根香烟。 C.The car has been set aside and is out of use.那辆车已被搁置一旁不再使用了。 d.I set aside my overcoat and took out the summer clothes.我把大衣放起来,拿出夏天衣服。 分享:


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