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1、 1 A ability blti n. the fact that somebody is able to do something 能力,才能 abroad brd adv. in or to a foreign country 在国外,到国外 absent bsnt adj. not in a place because of illness, etc 缺席的,不在的 accept ksept v. to agree to take something接受 access kses n. 入口,通道 accommodation kmden n. a place to live, work

2、or stay in 住处,办公处,停留处 accompany kmpni v. to travel or go somewhere with somebody 陪同,陪伴 according to kd 根据 account kant n. 账目;账户 accurate kjrt adj. correct, exact and without any mistakes 准确的,精确的 achieve tiv v. 完成,实现,达到 actual ktul adj. 实际的,事实上的 in addition dn 另外,此外 additional dnl adj. 附加的,额外的 admire

3、 dma vt. 钦佩 , 赞美 , 羡慕 admission dmn n. 承认 , 入会费 , 许可 admit dmt v. to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true 承认,允许进入 advanced dvnst adj. 先进的 , 高级的 advantage dvntd n. 优势 ,有利条件 advert dvt n. 广告 advice dvas n. 忠告 advise dvaz v. 劝告,忠告 afford fd v. 负担 得起 aim n. 目标 air conditioning kndn 空调 系统 air force

4、 fs 空军 alarm lm n. 警报 album lbm n. a book in which you keep photos, stamps, etc 唱片集 , 唱片 , 相册 , 集邮册 , 纪念册 allow la v. to let somebody/something do something 允许 alphabet lfbet n. 字母表 ambassador mbsd n. 大使,代表 ambition mbn n. 雄心,抱负 amusing mjuz adj. funny and enjoyable 有趣的,引人发笑的 ankle kl n. the joint c

5、onnecting the foot to the leg 踝,踝关节 anniversary nvsri n. 周年纪念,周年纪念日 announce nans v. 宣布;播报 annoy n v. to make somebody slightly 2 angry 使恼怒,使烦恼 annual njul adj. happening or done once every year 每年的,年度的,一年生的 antique ntik adj. old and often valuable 古代的,古老的,过时的 anxious ks adj. feeling worried or nerv

6、ous 渴望的,忧虑的 apart from 除 之外,且不说 apologise pldaz v. to say that you are sorry for doing something wrong or causing a problem 道歉,赎罪 appearance prns n. 出现;外表 application plken n.申请 apply pla v. 申请;应用 approach prt v. to come near to sb/sth in distance or time 靠近,接近 approve pruv v. 批准,赞成 architect ktekt

7、n. a person whose job is designing buildings, etc. 建筑师 argue ju v. to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them 争论,辩论 arrange rend v. to plan or organize something in advance 安排,整理,计划 arrest rest v. if the police arrest sb, the person is taken to a police station and kept there becaus

8、e the police believe they may be guilty of a crime 逮捕,拘留 arrival ravl n. when sb or sth arrives somewhere 到达 article tkl n. a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine 文章 at present 现在,目前 ( now) athlete lit n. a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especi

9、ally one who competes in organized events 运动员 athletics letks n. 体育运动,田径 atmosphere tmsf n.气氛;大气,空气 attach tt v. 附上,系上 attack tk v. 攻击,侵袭 attempt tempt n. a violent fight between groups of people 战役 bay bei n. a part of the sea, or of a large lake, partly surrounded by a wide curve of the land 海湾 be

10、ard bid n. hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of a mans face; similar hair that grows on some animals 胡须 beat bit v. to hit somebody/something many times, usually very hard/to defeat somebody in a game or competition 敲打 ;打败 behave biheiv v. 表现 believe biliv v. to feel certain that something is t

11、rue or that somebody is telling you the truth 相信 4 belong bil v. to be in the right or suitable place 应归入;属于 belongings bil:iz n. the things that a person owns, especially those which can be carried 财产;所有物 beneath bini: prep. in or to a lower position than, under 在 之下 benefit benifit n. 利益;好处 beyond

12、 bij nd prep. more than something; used to say that something is not possible 超出;远于;除 . 之外 biography bai rfi n. the story of a persons life written by somebody else; this type of writing 传记 biology bai ldi n. the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals 生物学 bitter bit(r) adj.

13、 angry; very unpleasant taste; very cold 苦的;痛苦的;心酸的 blame bleim v. to think or say that somebody/something is responsible for something bad 责备 blanket bl kit n. a large cover, often made of wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm 毛毯 bleed blid v. 流血 block blk n. 块,片(木、石等) 、大厦、街区 board bd n

14、. 木板 v. 登机 boarding pass 登机牌 bold bld adj. brave; not fearing danger 大胆的 boarder bd n. at a school who sleeps and eats there and only goes home during school holidays 寄宿者 brake breik n. device for slowing or stopping a vehicle 刹车;闸;制动器 branch brnt n. a part of a tree that grows out from the main ste

15、m and on which leaves, flowers and fruit grow 树枝;分支 break down 出故障 break in 闯入 break up 解散 breath bre n. the air that you take into your lungs and send out again 呼吸 brick brik n. 砖 C cloth kl n. (a type of) woven material 布 , 布料 , 一块布 collar kl n. the part around the neck of a piece of clothing 衣领 c

16、otton ktn n. 棉花 , 棉制品 , 棉布 calculator k lkjulet(r n.计算器 connect knekt v. to join or be joined with something else 连接 , 接通 , certificate stfkt n.执照 , 证 (明 )书 chemistry kemstri n.化学 college kld n.学院 composition kmpzn n. the act of 5 creating written works 作文 , corridor krd(r) n. an enclosed passageway

17、 走廊 curriculum krkjlm n. the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, 全部课程 , cassette kset n. 盒式磁带 channel t nl n. on television / radio 频道 , circus sks n.马戏团 , 马戏表演 , 竞技场 , 广场 comedy kmdi n. a play or film/movie that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending

18、; 喜剧 , 滑稽 , comedian kmidin n. an entertainer who makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories 喜剧演员 comic kmk n. 连环图画 , 喜剧演员 commercial kml adj. connected with the buying and selling of goods 商业的 concert knst n. 音乐会 costume kstjum n. 服装 , 剧装 climate klamt n. 气候 canteen kntin n. a place where

19、 food and drink are served in a factory, a school, etc. 食堂 , cauliflower klifla(r) n.花椰菜 celery selri n.芹菜 cocoa kk n. 可可粉 , 可可饮料 , 可可色 curry kri n. 咖哩饭菜 , 咖哩粉 chemist kemst n. 化学家 , 药剂师 campsite k mpsat n. 露营地 chess tes n.国际象棋 collector klekt(r) n. a person who collects things, either as a hobby, o

20、r as a job: an art / a stamp collector ticket / tax / debt collectors 收集家 , 收税员 cruise kruz n. a journey by sea, visiting different place 巡航 , 漫游 ceiling sil n.天花板; cellar sel(r) n. an underground room often used for storing things 地窖 , 地下室 central heating sentrl n. a system for heating a building f

21、rom one source which then pumps the hot water or hot air through pipes all around the building 中央暖气系统 cloakroom klkrum n. (剧场等 )衣帽间 , (车站等 )行李站暂存处 , cottage ktd n.小屋,村舍 curtain ktn n. 帘 ;窗帘 ;门帘 ;帷幔 cushion kn n. 垫子 ;坐垫 ;靠垫 chat / tt / v. to talk to someone in a friendly informal way 闲谈 , 谈天 communic

22、ate / kmjunket / v. to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and help other people to understand them 传达 , 沟通 , 交流 6 communication / kmjunken / n. 交流 , 通讯 , 传达 , 通信 , 沟通 calm / km /adj. peaceful and quiet; 平静的 , 冷静的 challenging / tlnd / adj. difficult, in a way that tests your ability 挑战性的 , 有吸引力的

23、cheerful / tfl / adj. happy and positive 高兴的 , 快乐的 confident / knfdnt / adj. having confidence: 自信的 , 有信心的 , 有把握的 cruel / krul / adj 残酷的 , 残忍的 , 引起痛苦的 curious / kjris / adj. strange and unusual; 好奇的 , 奇特的 cathedral kidrl n.大教堂 clinic klnk n.诊所 , 门诊部 , 科室 club klb n.俱乐部 , 棍棒 , (扑克牌中 )梅花 canal / kn l

24、/ n. 运河 , 沟渠 , 气管 ,食管 cliff klf n.悬崖 , 峭壁 crossroad krsrd n.交叉路 , 岔道 , 十字路口 change / tend / v. to make or become different 变化 , 零钱 cheque tek n. 支票 choose / tuz / v. chose, chosen to decide what you want from somethings 选择 , 决定 collect / klekt / v. bring together 集 , 聚集 , 募捐 , complain / kmplen / v.

25、 to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory: 抱怨 , 控诉 , 诉说 credit card kredit .k:d n.信用卡 customer / kstm(r) / n. a person who buys goods or a service: 顾客 , 主顾 champion t mpin n.拥护者 , 冠军 , 优胜者 , 勇士 compete / kmpit / v. to try to be more successful than someone or something else: 竞争 , 对抗 , 比赛 c

26、ourt kt n.法庭,法院;球场 cycling sakl n.骑自行车 cab k b n.出租汽车;司机室 cabin k bn n.船舱 , 机舱 , 小木屋 canal kn l n.运河 , 沟渠 , 气管 car alarm ph. 汽车防盗系统 charter tt(r) n.宪章;许可证; check in to show your ticket at an airport so that you can be told where you will be sitting and so that your bags can be put on the aircraft: 登

27、记 , 报到 , 记录 coach n. the cheapest type of seats on a plane or train: 教练 , 经济舱 , confirm / knfm / v. to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by telephone or writing 证实 , 批准 , 确定 consulate knsjlt n.领事 , 领事馆 crossing krs n.人行横道;交叉口 7 crossroads krsrudz n. 交叉路口 , 十字路 currency krnsi n.通货,货币;通行,流

28、行 customs kstmz n.海关 cyclist / saklst / n.someone who rides a bicycle 骑自行车的人 cave / kev / n.a large hole in the side of a hill, 洞穴 , 山洞 cliff klf n.悬崖,峭壁 气候 , 风气 continent kntnnt n. 大陆 , 洲 , (the Continent)欧洲大陆 centigrade sentreda.摄氏的 candidate k nddet n.申请求职者;投考者;候选人 canteen kntin n.食堂;小卖部;餐具箱;水壶 c

29、areer kr(r) n.生涯,职业 chef ef n.厨师 , 主厨 chemist kemst n.化学家;药剂师,药商 colleague kli n.同事,同僚 comedian kmidin n.喜剧演员 company kmpni;陪伴;同伴(们 ); conference knfrns n.(正式 )会议;讨论,商谈 consulate knsjlt n.领事 , 领事馆 contract kntr kt n.合同 , 婚约 , 合约 , 契约 crew kru n.全体船员 , 全体乘务员 , curriculum vitae krkjlm vita i n.简历

30、 D daily adj to take somebody somewhere. 运输,传输 demonstration demnstren n. a public meeting or march at which people show that they are protesting against or supporting somebody/something. 游行,宣言示威 depart dpt v. to leave a place, especially to start a trip 离开,出发 departure dpt(r) n. the act of leaving

31、a place 离开,出发 deposit dpzt n. a deposit (on something) a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment 存款,定金 depressed dprest adj. very sad and without hope 压抑的 绝望的 deserve dzv n. 应得 despite dspat conj.尽管。 destination destnen n. -目的地。 detective dtektv n. 侦探。 diagram darm n. a simp

32、le drawing using lines to explain where something is, how something works, etc 图表 a diagram of the wiring system dial dal n. the face of a clock or watch, or a similar control on a machine, piece of equipment or vehicle that shows a measurement of time, amount, speed, temperature, etc 仪表盘,刻度盘 differ

33、 df(r) v. to be different from somebody/something 不同于 directory drektri n. a book containing lists of information, usually in alphabetical order, for example peoples telephone numbers or the names and addresses of businesses in a particular area。 电话薄,入名地址录 dirt dt n. 污渍。 disabled dsebld adj. 残疾的。 di

34、sgusting dsst adj. extremely unpleasant。恶心的,另人厌恶的 distant dstnt adj. far away 遥远的 district dstrkt n. an area of a country or town, especially one that has particular features the City of Londons financial district 街区 disturb dstb v. to interrupt somebody when they are trying to work, sleep, etc 打搅 d

35、izzy dzi adj. 头晕目眩的。 document dkjumnt 文件。 drugstore drst(r) n. a shop/store that sells medicines and also other types of goods, for example cosmetics 药品店 due to dju: 由于 duvet duve n. a large cloth bag that is filled with feathers or other soft material and that you have on top of you in bed to keep

36、yourself warm 羽绒被 9 E economics iknmks n.经济学。 efficient fnt adj. doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or energy 高效的 election lekn n. the process of choosing a person or a group of people for a position, especially a political position, by voting. 选举 elementary elmentri a

37、dj. in or connected with the first stages of a course of studyan elementary English course. 首要的,初级的 embassy embsi n. a group of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country embassy officials 驻外大使团 emergency imdnsi n. a sudden serious and dangerous event or situa

38、tion which needs immediate action to deal with it 紧急事件 engaged nedd adj. busy doing something 全身心专注于,忙于 enquiry nkwari n. an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something 调查,询问 escalator esklet(r) n. moving stairs that carry people between different f

39、loors of a large building 电梯 essay ese n. a short piece of writing by a student as part of a course of study 论文 essential senl adj. completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity 首要的 exhibition eksbn n. a collection of things, for example works of ar

40、t, that are shown to the public 展览品 expedition ekspdn n. an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known 远行,探险,考察 expert ekspt n. a person with special knowledge, skill or training in something 专家 F facility fslti n.buildings, services, equ

41、ipment, etc. that are provided for a particular purpose 设备 , 设施 fail fel not be successful in achieving something 失败 , 没做成某事 failure felj(r) n. lack of success in doing or achieving something 失败 , 失败者 , 不及格 faint fent adj. that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt 微弱的 , 无力的 fair fe(r) adj. tr

42、eating everyone equally and according to the rules or law公平的 familiar fmli(r)adj. well known to you; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize 熟悉的 , 不拘礼节的 , 熟知的 famous fems adj.known about by many people 著名的 , 有名 的 10 fare fe(r) n.the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc 票

43、价 , 路费 fantastic fntstk adj.extremely good; excellent 极好的 , 巨大的 , 奇异的 fascinate f snet v. to attract or interest somebody very much 使 . 入迷 , 吸引 住 fashion f n n. a popular style of clothes, hair, etc. at a particular time or place; the state of being popular 时尚 , 风格 , 样 子 fasten fsn close or joi

44、n together the two parts of something; to become closed or joined together 拴紧 , 使固定 , 系 favour fev(r) n.a thing that you do to help somebody 偏爱 , 好意 , 特权 , 赞 成 fax f ks n./ v. a system for sending documents using a fax machine 传真 fee fi amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services 费用 , 酬金 feed fid give food to a person or an animal 喂养 , 饲养 , female fimel adj.being a woman or a girl 女性的 , 雌性 的 fence fens n.a structure made of wood or wire supported with posts that is put between two areas of land as a boundary, or ar


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