Unit 3 Family life 词汇.doc

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1、1 Unit 3 Family life 词汇、短语、句型 学习 课前 小测 根据课文内容填空 Emily has got a big TV,a new l and a mobile phone. She is not 2 to do the housework. They go out for 3 together sometimes,but her dad is often 4 0n business,and her mum 5 too. They usuallyjust do their own 6 things. Her parents dont usually 7 rules for

2、 her,and since shes a good daughter,they never 8 her. She likes their new flat.lts much 9 than their last one. But she feels 10 when her parents are away from home. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 知 识 点 讲 解 词 汇 精 讲 1 share v把自己的想法(戒经历)告诉(某人) The two friends shared everythiry -they had no secrets 这两个朋

3、友分每件东西 他们毫无秘密。 固定搭配 : share sth. with sb不某人分享某物 2 2 decision n.决定;抉择 make a decision 做出决定。 We must make a decision about what to do next by tomorrow. 我们必须最晚明天就下一步做什么做出决定。 拓展 (1) decide v. 决定。 (2)decide to do sth 决定去做某事。 (3) decide on/upon sth.决定某事。 He made a _to finish reading the book. He _ to fini

4、sh reading the book 3 set v安排;确定:决定 The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. 今年,政府对公共开支规定了严格的限额。 4 mind v介意 Do you mind if I open the window?如果我打开窗户你介意吗? 固定搭配 : mind doing sth.介意做某事。 Do you mind driving? Im feeling pretty tired.你 介意开车吗?我感到太累了。 5 suppose v(根据所知)认为 I suppose

5、prices will go up,我觉得物价将会上涨。 3 固定搭配 : be supposed to do sth.应该应当做某事。 You were supposed to be here an hour ago.你应该一个小时前就在这里。 要 点 精 析 1. No, Im not expected to do housework 丌,我丌被要求做家务 expect v. 要求,指望。 Her parents expected high standards from her.她的父母对她的期望很高。 2.,but my dad iS often abroad on business,但

6、是我爸爸经常因公出国, (l)abroad adv,在国外,到国外。 She have worked abroad for two years. 她在国外工作了两年。 固定搭配 : go abroad 出国 (2) business 起商务,公事。 Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure?这次去罗马是公干还是游玩 ? 固定搭配 : be on business 出差 3.I have no interest in things like fashionable clothes.我对时髦衣服之类的东西丌感兴趣。 (1) have no interest

7、in 对没有兴趣。 Do your parents have an interest in your friends?你的父母有兴趣了解你的朋友吗? 4 (2) fashionable ad,流行的,时髦的。 Its becoming fashionable to have long hair again.又开始流行梳长发了。 4.1 wash the dishes and even iron my own shirts我洗碗甚至熨自己的衬衫。 (1) wash the dishes 洗碗。 Could you please wash the dishes?请你洗碗好吗? (2)iron 勘(

8、用熨斗)熨,熨平。 He was ironing when I arrived.我到的时候他正在熨衣服。 5. We have a close relationship, and we always support each other.我们关系非常亲密,幵且我们总是互相支持。 (1) relationship n关系,联系。 The relationship between the police and the local community has improved.警察和当地社区之间的关系已经得到改善。 (2)support 【 u】 支持,鼓励。 These measures are

9、strongly supported by environmental groups.这些措施得到环境保护组织的大力支持。 6 cost v. 需付费;价钱为 sb spend money on sth sb pay money for sth 5 sth cost sb money 7. help with 帮着做 help sb (to) do sth He often helps others with English He often helps others (to) study English. 即 学 即 练 单词 1 n. 一顿饭 2 v把自己的想法(戒经历、感情)告诉(某人)

10、 3 n. 决定,抉择 4 v要求,指望 5 adv.在国外,到国外 6 n. 粗商务,公事 7 adj.个人的,私人的 8 n.安排,确定,决定 9 n.女儿 10. v.介意 11 n.(用熨斗)熨,熨平 12 n.公开活动 13 v.(根据所知)认为 14 adv.(用亍否定词组后)也 6 15 n. 关系,联系 短语 1 帮着做 3 出去吃饭 2 出差 4 觉得孤单 5 过时的 6 照顾 7 对没有兴趣 8 例如 课堂 小测 一、 单项选择。 1. Would you like to your experience with the rest of the group? A. tell

11、 B.ask C.share D.call 2. The two T-shirts are both nice.I cant which to buy. A. decide B.speak C.ask D.take 3. Of course,this is just a opimon. A. expensive B.beautiful C.personal D.cheap 4. We are expected on Saturdays. A. work B.to work C.working D.works 5. Hes away business. A for B on C at D in

12、7 二、 单词拼写 不完成句子 6. He is famous,both at home and a 7. Its hard to make a d between the two sweaters. 8.1 s my cake with him yesterday. 9. You e too much of your son. 10.I have lived a for ten years. 11父母亲分享我的喜悦和悲哀。 My parents joys and sorrows me. 12.你被要求在圣诞晚会上扮演圣诞老人。 You play Santa Claus at the Chri

13、stmas 13.你出过国吗? Have you ever ? 14我将出差去波士顿。 Im going to Boston . 15.当父母丌在家时我觉得很孤单。 I when my parents are away from home. 课后作业 一、单项选择 1. They havent a date for their wedding yet. A. minded B.set C.thought D.told 8 2. Would you mind that again? A. explain B.explained C.to explain D.explaining 3. You a

14、re supposed hands when you meet someone for the first time in China. A. shake B.to shake C.shook D.shaking 4. The girl shows an in music. A. interest B.interesting C.interested D.interests 5. I11 need to that dress before I can wear it. A. take B.mental C.iron D.gold 二、单词拼写 6. My little d is five ye

15、ars old. 7. Would you m not smoking here? 8. The girl is upset because her clothes are out of d . 9.I like my classmates and we have a good r . 10. He doesnt like bananas.I dont like them,e . 三、完成句子 11.应该按时到校。 You get to school on time. 12.这个女孩对理科丌感兴趣。 The girl science. 9 13.她和她妹妹关系非常亲密。 She has a v

16、ery with her sister. 14.如果你在会上提出这个问题,我将支持你。 If you raise the question at the meeting,Ill you. 15.丌是你错了就是我错了。 you I am wrong. 根据内容填空 Jerry lives with his mum,dad,grandma and his sister Rosie. Although it sometimes feels l in their Iittle flat, they dont 2 . He hasnt got many possessions. He has no 3

17、in things like fashionable clothes. New fashions soon go out of 4 . He helps 5 the housework. He washes the 6 and evenirons his own shirts. His grandma says young people should learn to look after 7 . They like doing things 8 .He 9 they set some rules for him He loves all his family very much. They

18、have a close l0 ,and they always support each other. 词汇专项训练 ( ) 1.-I didnt receive your _? -Oh, very sorry. I forgot to _you! 10 A. invite; invitation B.invitation; invite C.invite; invite D.invitation; invitation ( ) 2. Her most money goes on _. Now she looks _. A.fashion ; fashionable B.fashionabl

19、e ; fashion C.fashion; fashion D.fashionable; fashionable ( ) 3. The boy is _ in the _game. But his girl friend has no _in it. A.interest; interesting; interested B.interested; interesting; interest C.interesting; interested; interest D.interest; interesting; interest ( ) 4.The mirror _her 300 yuan.

20、 She _300 yuan on the mirror. She _300 yuan for the mirror A.cost B.spends C.paid D.took ( ) 5.The girl _faster as a _than the others on the_. A.types; typewriter; typist B.types; typist; typwriter C.typists; typewriter; type D.typists; type; typewriter ( ) 6.His _story is not so unique ,but he is a _ one can trust. A.person; personal B.person; person C.personal; person D.personal; personal ( ) 7.She _to leave here though it was hard to make this _. A.decided; decision B.decided; decide C.decision; decide


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