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1、定语从句 一、 语法填空 1 (2016全国, 65) My connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid 1980s, _ I was the first Western TV reporter. 2 (2016全国,阅读 D) Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic, was hired to make the images, most of _have never been

2、 published before. 3 (2016北京, 22) I live next door to a couple_children often make a lot of noise. 4 (2016四川,阅读 C) I prefer to work in black and white, _ allows me to show different specific words more clearly. 5 (2015江苏, 21) The number of smokers, _ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just on

3、e year. 6 (2015湖南, 29) It is a truly delightful place, _ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages. 7 (2015浙江, 19) Creating an atmosphere _ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge. 8 He made many friends in his life, nearly half of _ grad

4、uated from Oxford. 9 (2015四川, 3) The books on the desk, _ covers are shiny, are prizes for us. 10.Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon_school education depends. 11 (2014安徽, 22) The exact year _ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008. 12 (2014山东, 10) A company _ pr

5、ofits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad. 13 (2014重庆, 9) Well reach the sales targets in a month _ we set at the beginning of the year. 14 (2014江苏, 22) The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work _ a good impression is a must. 15 (2014浙江, 5

6、) I didnt become a serious climber until the fifth grade, _ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree. 16. (2016陕西西安市 83 中阶段考试改编 ) Recently, there have been many occasions _you have attended events on your own. 17. (2015四川乐清市二中月考改编 ) The science of computer, in _rapid progr

7、ess has been made in recent years, plays a very important role in our daily life. 18. _is announced in today s newspaper, we have launched another manmade satellite. 19 My laptop computer, _which I can t go on with my work, broke down the other day. 20 The house, _door often stays open until late at

8、 night, works as a home for the guards, some of _are from the countryside. 21 The school library is a resource_which you can take advantage to make progress. 22 She can always create an atmosphere for her students, _allows them to talk freely with each other. 23 There is no such man here_you mention

9、ed just now. 24 Fix a timer in some of your rooms _ turns lights on and off during different time of the day. 25 When times become difficult, remember a moment in your life _ was filled with joy and happiness. 二、 改错 1 (2016东北三省四校联考 ) Prince William took a visit to the Forbidden City on Feb.28, when

10、emperors once lived. 2 (2016安庆一中模拟 ) Water rafting, whose courage plays an important role, is a breathtaking outdoor sport. 3 (2016福建泉州三月质检 ) The stadium is very splendid and attractive in appearance, which you might imagine. 4 (2016广州六校联考 ) We are hoping for support from Mr.Webster, without whom su

11、pport we can t make it. 5 (2015衡阳八中一模 ) Jane paused in front of a counter which some attractive ties were on display. 6 (2015福州六校质检 ) However there are times that urgent things are most important as well,for example, helping a crying baby in the kitchen due to the fire stove. 7 (2015吉林一中月考 ) people

12、of Chu whom mourned Qu s death threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the day of his death. 8 (2015河北正定中学月考 ) The lazy boy is expecting a way which he can get through the exams without hard work. 9 (2015湖南衡阳八中月考 ) So I decided to leave home for New York, I might have a better chan

13、ce to find a good job. 10 (2015甘肃民乐一中诊断 ) All of a sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl. Whose smile just melted me. 11. It is on the morning of May 1st when I met Liang Wei at the airport. 12. She is such a kind and funny girl who all of us like to make friends with 1

14、3 (2016四川,短文改错 )The dishes what I cooked were Mom s favorite. 14. The factory where I am going to is the place where my mother used to work many years ago. 15. The news which they had won the match inspired us greatly 16. The artist was very proud of his creation and called it the best painting whic

15、h he had ever done. 17. We live in an age that more information is available with greater ease than ever before. 18. Shandong Normal University has developed a system on which students can choose whatever subject they like. 19. The old pictures bring them to the days when they spent together, when l

16、ife was hard but happy. 20 Tom s mother kept telling him that he should work hard, that didn t work. 三、 语 篇练习 Influenza, or flu, is 1_ common infection of the nose and throat, and sometimes the lungs. The cause is a virus that passes from one person to another. The virus spreads through the air 2_ a

17、n infected person expels air suddenly. Medical experts have identified three major kinds of influenza. They call them type A, B and C. Type C is 3_(little) serious. People may not even know they have it. But researchers study the 4_ two kinds very closely. Viruses changeto survive. This can make 5_

18、difficult for the body to recognize and fight an infection. A person 6_has suffered one kind of flu develops the same kind again. The bodys defense system produces antibodies. These substances stay in the blood and destroy the virus 7_ it appears again. 8_ the body may not recognize a flu virus 9_ h

19、as even a small change. Each year, researchers develop vaccines to prevent the spread of the flu virus. The WHO holds meetings in 10_ experts discuss what kinds of flu viruses to include in the next vaccine. 四、 短文改错 I went to England last summer as a exchange student, and stayed there for three mont

20、hs. I used to thinking we had pretty various afterschool activities. However, I was surprised to find their projects were even diverse. I made friend with the daughter of my homestay family, which was a college student. He was a member of different kinds of clubs, so I took the chance to join in som

21、e clubs, too. Can you believe I make a robot in the LEGO Club? I felt very proudly because I got first prize with my Lego robot. Time spending in England is so memorable that I will treasure it forever. 参考答案 填 词 1 when 2 which 3 whose 4 which 5.as 6 which7 where 8 whom 9 whose 10 which 11 which/that

22、/不填 12 whose 13 which that不 填 14 where 15 when16.when 17.which 18.As 19.without 20.whose, whom 21.of22.which 23.as24.thatwhich 25.that which 改错 1. when 改为 where 2. whose 改为 where 3. which 改为 as 4. whom 改为 whose 5. which 改为 where 6. that 改为 when 7. whom 改为 who 8. which 改为 that; 直接删掉 which; 在 which 前加

23、 in 9. I might 前加 where 10. Whose 改为 Her 11. when 改为 that 12. who 改为 as 13. what 改为 that 14. 第一个 where 改为 that 或 which 15. which 改为 that 16. which 改为 that 17.that 改成 when 18.on 改为 in 19.when 改为 which 或 that 20.第二个 that 改为 which 三 1. a 2. when 3. least 4. other 5. it 6. who 7. when 8. But 9. which/th

24、at 10. which 四、 I went to England last summer as a (an)exchange student, and stayed there for three months. I used to thinking(think) we had pretty various after school activities.However, I was surprised to find their projects were even more diverse.I made friend (friends) with the daughter of my h

25、ome stay family, which(who) was a college student.He (She) was a member of different kinds of clubs, so I took the chance to join in some clubs, too.Can you believe I make(made) a robot in the LEGO Club? I felt very proudly(proud) because I got first prize with my Lego robot. Time spending(spent) in England is so memorable that I will treasure it forever.


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