1、F. Some thoughts on Japans IPR strategies and Japanese companies IPR cases in China 1 政府重视:向企业提供中国和世界其他国家的最新的经济信息:为了帮助企业分析、了解中国的司法动态,几乎把所有的中国重要法院的判决书都翻译成日文,供企业检索。 此外,还把各个案件的法官、代理人的情况都向日本企业作详尽的介绍。 1 The government pay more attention to protect the Japanese companies IPR, providing the more detailed i
2、nformation of the latest judicial development of China, interpreting the judicial cases,2 商会积极频频出动,帮助企业在中国保护知识产权。 充分利用中国的知识产权行政保护的特点,走行政投诉的路,如,2002年,日本摩托车协会代表团来华,拜见了国家经贸委、国家质检总局、国家工商局等部门,递交了大量指控中国同行所谓的“侵权”的材料。2 The commercial association to help the company to protect the IPR, by making good use of
3、the Chinese administrative agencies.,3 日本企业直接诉讼,积极在中国申请专利和商标注册 3 The Japanese company actively apply the patent and register trademark, and then launch the lawsuits again the infringement 形成维一体的知权防御体系,日本企业诉讼的特点:The characteristics of the lawsuits launched by the Janpanese companies (1)以中日摩托车知权诉讼为例,以
4、外观设计、商标和实用新型等方面的侵权诉讼案件最多,比例高达80%-90%; (1)Take the motor cases happened in China as example, There are a lot of cases mainly concerned industrial design/applied model and trademark.,(2)前期证据收集的相当充分 Before launch the infringement lawsuit, they make well good preparation of the evidences,(3)诉讼管辖地特定,多在北京
5、、上海等地诉讼;诉讼代理律师有一定的稳定性Always launch the lawsuits in Beijing and Shanghai,(4)诉讼时机的把握上,“放水养育”,你刚开始弱小时,不打你;一旦企业规模做大,开始起诉专利法修改,有专门的规定,这样不行 To take a good time to launch the lawsuit against the infringer. At the beginning, or when the infringer company is not so bigger, or the compensation is not so good,
6、 the Japanese company dont launch the lawsuit. But as soon as the company become bigger enough, in order to control the whole market, at that time he launch the lawsuit against those company.,(5)充分利用媒体,炒作案件,制造声势,间接地扩大企业影响。Make good use of the media/internet to propaganda the case, and indirectly to
7、enlarge the influence of the companies.,The special limitations for the ongoing infringement actions,The day of application,20 years,six years,Started,Launch a law suit,Two years,In ongoing infringement actions, ruling of the court concerning the damages will therefore be computed from two years bef
8、ore the date the right holder instituted legal proceedings. stop the infringement.,2 years,5 years,第三次专利法修改的专利诉讼时效(对放水养鱼的限制)Prescription for Instituting Legal ProceedingsUnder Article 62, the prescription for instituting legal proceedings concerning the infringement of patent right is two years coun
9、ted from the date on which the patentee or any interested party obtains or should have obtained knowledge of the infringing act.,Newly added Article A13: Any patentee or interested party, when instituting legal proceedings against others concerning the infringement of patent right beyond prescriptio
10、n for instituting legal proceedings, shall not request the compensation for the damages caused by the infringement which took place beyond the two years retroactively from the date of instituting legal proceedings. Where the infringement act still continues when legal proceedings are instituted, any
11、 patentee or interested party may request the peoples court or the Patent Administrative Authority to order the infringer to stop the infringement act.,Where any infringement act has been continuing for more than 5 consecutive years counted from the date on which the patentee or the interested party
12、 obtains or should have obtainedknowledge of the infringement, and the patentee or the interested party has not stood for the right without any justified reason, if the infringer is willing to pay a fee for exploitation in the amount agreed by both parties through consultation or decided by the peoples court, he may not stop the act of exploiting the patent.,