1、学校编码:10384 密级 学号:B200334015 硕 士 学 位 论 文海水中超痕量活性磷的检测方法研究Study on the Determination Techniques for Ultra-trace Orthophosphate in SeawaterYour Name Here指导教师姓名: 教授专 业 名 称:海 洋 事 务论文提交日期:2011 年 5 月论文答辩时间:2011 年 6 月201 年 月Your students ID No.Supervisors NameYour thesiss title in Chinese1厦门大学学位论文原创性声明本人呈交的学
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4、 signature3摘 要第。段。关键词:_;_;_Abstract in Chinese4AbstractRiverine export of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) represents an important component of global carbon cycling. DOC studies in two Chinese large river/estuaries (Changjiang and Zhujiang) remain very limited, the consequence of which is that the bi
5、ogeochemical behavior of DOC in these two large world estuaries is still not well understood, and the DOC export fluxes from these two rivers are not well constrained. This is compounded by the increasing anthropogenic influence on these two river/estuarine systems with the extremely rapid economic and social development in these regions.In this thesis.Key Words: Ultra-trace Orthophosphate; Seawater: Phosphomolybdenum blue; Solid phase extraction; Flow injection analysis.