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1、英國名瓷 Royal Worcester,李常生 Eddie Lee Taipei 3/18/2011 ,1,2,3,收藏瓷器的樂趣,在於件件都是藝術品,而且可以保存上千年,濕度和溫度也不像其他藝術品需要特別設定,所以受到廣大的喜愛。 .英國的瓷器堅持傳統品味與設計,200多年來一直是世界的領導者。至於骨瓷,與一般瓷器成分不同,在於製作過程中加入了牛羊骨粉,可以增加瓷器的硬度和透光度,其質地輕薄,色澤優美,透光性好,以及典雅的設計款式,幾世紀以來兼顧著實用性與收藏性的功能。 .Royal Worcester為英國歷史最悠久的名窯,由Dr. John Wall和William Davis在西元1

2、751年所創立。Royal Worcester對於製作技術及出廠品質均堅持完美的原則,使其瓷器得以成為瓷器界的經典之選,並在西元1789年獲得英王喬治三世的喜愛,而正式獲得王室御用並授予冠上 Royal 的權利,這也是至今唯一有英國王室御用品質保證的瓷器公司。,4,Royal Worcester Porcelain Company,5,6,Royal Worcester的每件作品,除了手工精緻細描之外,金飾浮雕的部分,採用高品質的純22K金,與瓷器的純白部分互相輝映,格外奪目。至於杯盤底註記的符號,除象徵王室御用的英國王冠外,四個W分別代表公司所在地 Worcester、創辦人Dr. John

3、 Wall 的姓氏、古窯最早成立的地點 Warmstry House,以及創辦初期的公司名稱 Wigornia ,中央的數字51則是代表 Royal Worcester 成立的年份西元1751年。直到現在,Royal Worcester 瓷器仍然以獨特的手工描繪圖案所展現出的優雅品味而獲得世人的喜愛。在西元1957年,艾森豪將軍任職美國總統期間,英國女王伊莉莎白二世在訪問美國時,送給艾森豪總統一個極為精緻的陶瓷藝術品,而這正是女王向 Royal Worcester 訂製的私人禮品之一。我們可以確定唯有頂級瓷器,可以列入女王致贈貴賓的贈禮項目,也唯有頂級瓷器,可以成為女王每日所使用的瓷器品牌。直

4、至今日,每隔一段時間,Royal Worcester 會為王室提供全套餐具的更新款式。在今年的春天,女王才親自到 Royal Worcester 廠巡視,並且挑選最近要更新的餐具花色。Royal Worcester 對於瓷器設計及生產方面精湛的藝術文化背景,使其品牌成為藝術生活化的最佳典範。,7,8,9,除了女王之外,Royal Worcester 不乏全球知名的客戶,如 New YorkTiffany & Co. 也是其中之一。Tiffany 繫著白色精美緞帶的藍色盒子,在其一百多年的歷史中,一直是女孩的夢想;不管是在浪漫電影情節中,或是現實生活中,Tiffany 所展現的精緻成為世間美好事

5、物的代名詞,而 Tiffany 在 tableware 方面所要求的品質,唯有 Royal Worcester 能實現。自西元1997起,Royal Worcester開始為 New YorkTiffany & Co. 製作一系列 Tiffany & Co. China.。.瓷器的收藏具有歷史性和唯獨性,因為收藏價值會隨著其存在的年份而提高,且物以稀為貴,所以值得典藏的瓷器必須為百年以上的瓷器廠所生產,否則很多瓷器廠都是十年以內曇花一現,收藏的價值並不高。瓷器本身的歷史意義和藝術價值,是收藏家會考慮的方向。Royal Worcester 為英國最古老的名窯,百餘年來不斷生產出質感與藝術兼具的頂

6、級瓷器,不但馳名英國,更享譽全球,是你品味生活藝術化的最佳選擇。,10,11,12,Royal Worcester manufactures bone china and in particular porcelain.In 1783, the factory was purchased by Thomas Flight - the former London sales agent for the concern - for 3,000. He let his two sons run the concern, with John Flight taking the lead role ti

7、ll his fathers death in 1792. In 1788 George III, following a visit to the company, granted it a royal warrant, and it became known as the Royal Porcelain Works.3 Knowledge of this period is largely a result of the excellent diary that John Flight kept from 17851791. This is discussed in detail in A

8、ppendix III of Flight porcelains of this period are often identified by an incised capital B and, later, by more elaborate printed and impressed marks.Thomas Flight died in 1800, leaving the factory in the hands of his son Joseph Flight and Martin Barr. Barrs sons Martin Barr Jr. and George Barr wer

9、e being prepared at that time to run the factory.In addition to the warrant granted by George III, Royal Warrants were also issued by the Prince of Wales, in 1807,and the Princess of Wales, in 1808. The factory is still in service to the crown, by appointment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.,13,14

10、,15,Modern history,At its height, the firm employed nearly a thousand people, but after the 2006 merger with Spode, and heavy competition from overseas, the production was switched to factories in Stoke and abroad. 100 staff were made redundant in 2003 and another 100 went in 2005. Fifteen porcelain

11、 painters left the Severn Street factory on Friday 29 September 2006, together with 100 other workers. The last trading date for Royal Worcester was June 14 2009.The company went into administration on 6 November 2008.On 23 April 2009, Portmeirion Pottery purchased the rival Royal Worcester and Spod

12、e brands, together with some of the stock, after their parent company had been placed into administration the previous November. The purchase does not include Royal Worcester and Spodes manufacturing facilities. The Worcester site closed on June 14 2009 after the staff thanked all the customers for their loyalty over the 258 years of trade.,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,The end,56,


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