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1、小学英语阅读理解的解题技巧:(一) 、阅读理解一般分为故事幽默类、说明、科普类等。1 故事幽默类一般前面都在为幽默做铺垫,只有读到最后才能显现出幽默之出来。这类短文一般难度不大,认真阅读,仔细选择,问题都可以解决,如 Write a Letter to Mary, A Dirty Boy, On the Bus 等2 小学的说明,科普类短文都十分浅显,只要具备一点科普常识都会读懂的,如,Time, the Spring Festival .等,即使文章较长,问题也十分明显,从文中都能找到答案.同学可动手做做下题:根据短文内容选择答案.1.Sam is very good at school,

2、but he is not clean. His face and hands are often dirty. He washes them with water only. He does not use soap(肥皂).Sam has an uncle. One day his uncle goes to see him. He looks at him and says, “Sam, I know what you ate for breakfast this morning.”“What?” Sam looks at his uncle and says.“Eggs” says h

3、is uncle, “Your face and mouth tell me that.”“You are wrong, uncle!”says Sam, “Not today or yesterday,but the day before yesterday(前天)!”( )(1).Who is Sam?A. He is English. B. He is a student. C He is a young pioneer. D He is a teacher.( )(2) Whats the Chinese for “dirty”?A. Its “ 脏的“. B Its “干净的” C

4、Its “坏的 “ D Its “好的”( )(3) Whats on Sams face and mouth?A Eggs. B Soap C Water D Bread( )(4) Which of these is not wrong?A Sam doesnt wash his face and hands every day.B. The uncle thinks the boy ate eggs last morning.C Sam doesnt like eggs at all.D. Sam doesnt know his uncle.(二) 、解题时有以下几种方法:(1)略读法:


6、采用同义互释法。(4)判断推理法:有时 4 个题项中不止一个可以作为答案项,这时就应该意识到该题是一个判断推理题。要根据文章的主旨和作者的意图,选择比较,去伪存真,选出切合文章主旨和作者意图的最佳答案。(三) 、同学们在做阅读理解时应注意的问题有哪些?、弄清文章体裁,快速理解文章。对不同体裁的文章,要根据其体裁特点,运用不同的方法快速阅读,正确理解。记叙文一开始交待人物、时间、地点、事件,然后详细叙述原因。议论文中,作者先提论点,再加以分析,或举例论证,得出结论。说明文中,作者先提出说明对象,然后从时间、空间、用途、方法、步骤等不同侧面加以说明。、仔细研读首尾句,预测文中细节。小学升学考试英语

7、文章往往隐去了标题,这给抓文章中心带来了困难。然而,英语的写作特点一般是按“总-分-总“这一思路来写的。因此,研读首、尾句,不但可以帮助考生抓住文章的内容,还可以揣测作者的态度、意图,从而进一步猜出作者着重要写的细节。、略读选答,带问阅读。做英语阅读理解题时,首先应浏览一遍所提问题及选项,然后带着这些问题有目的、有针对性地阅读文章。、联系生活常识,及早排除错误选项。阅读理解中四个选项,有时有一个或两个与常识或其他学科中所学的知识不相符。我们可先将其排队在阅读中对所剩下的选项进行筛选就容易多了。5、解题前要仔细通读全文,遇到难解的词组和句子不要急躁,尽量根据上下文悟出其义,解题时要“ 带着问题读

8、查短文“ 分析判断,整题解完后要认真复查。6、注意不要改变自己的阅读习惯。有的考生先看题目后看文章,有的先看文章再看题目,你平时怎么练,考试就怎么做。临时改变自己的习惯效果往往不好。其次,看清楚题目是概括中心型还是推理判断性。概括某一段的中心时注意这一段的首句和尾句;推理判断题要注意题目问的是作者的态度,不是你的态度。(四) 、判断正误。对于阅读试题中的判断正误题,相对比较简单,但学生的出错率仍然较大,究其原因,学生不懂判断的方法,通常是读完试题之后,凭着自己对阅读文章的大致印象判断。事实上判断试题与选择、填空的做题方法基本一致,仍需找出试题中的关键词,带着关键词,在文中寻找所需信息,然后仔细

9、判断是否与文中信息一致,如一致则正确, ,反之错误。试题:Mary is sick, Mother takes her to the doctor. 首先在试题中寻找关键词:Mary,sick, Mother,doctor.带着这些关键词,在文章中寻找。由于这是阅读文章的第一个试题,所以我们将答案定位于文章的首段,文中:Mother says: “Mary, Lets go to the doctor for a check.” “Doctor?” says Mary, “Im not sick, Why do I need to see the doctor?”此题与文中 not sick

10、信息不一致,所以不正确。最后一题:The doctor gives Mary a shot, It does not hurt at all.由于是最后一题,信息基本在文章的末断,我们只需将信息定位于文章的末断或上一试题信息之后,同样带着关键词 shot 寻找。文中 Mary takes a shot, It does not hurt much.试题中: not hurt at all 与 not hurt much不相符,所以错误。练习阅读理解:根据短文内容选择合适的答案,将编号填在括号里(1)It is a sunny day this Sunday. I usually go shop

11、ping with my mother on Sunday. Sometimes I climb mountains. Thats fun. But not this Sunday. Because the weather report says its going to rain next Sunday. I cant climb mountains in the rain. I cant go shopping either. So I want to read books at home.( ) 1 What is the weather like this Sunday? A .It

12、is Sunday. B .It is fine. C .It is rainy.( ) 2 What do you do on Sunday? A .I climb hills. B .I go hiking. C .I read books.( ) 3 Can you climb mountains this Sunday? A .Yes, I can. B .No, I cant. C .No, Im not.( ) 4 Do you go shopping on Sunday? A .Yes, I am. B .Yes, I do. C .No, Im not.( ) 5 What d

13、o you want to do next Sunday? A I want to read books. B I want to watch TV. C I want to go shopping.(2)Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden b

14、eside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown. ( )1. Mr Brown lives in _with his wife. A. a city B. a small town C. a big town ( )2. He works_ days a wee

15、k in his office.A. four B. five C. six ( )3. He isnt _on Saturdays and Sundays.A. free B. busy C. happy ( )4. He likes _ on Saturdays and Sundays. A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden ( )5. Mrs Brown _ the flowers.A. like B. doesnt like C. often helps (3)One day

16、 Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and

17、shouts: “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. A. fishing B. shopping C. business( ) 2. They stop their car _. A. at the parking spot B. near the sea C. near the store( )

18、3. They want to put the things _. A. in a big bag B. in their car C. in others car( ) 4. Mr. White cant open the car, so _.A. they walk home B. they ask a policeman to help C. they call a taxi阅读理解:判断下列句子意思与短文意思是否相符,用“T”或“F ”表示(1)Today is February 3rd. The weather is windy and cold. I get many cards

19、today. Theyre birthday cards. Theyre from my friends. Can you guess why? I wear my new red coat and blue jeans. Theyre very pretty. My mother take me to the zoo.I can see many animals. Im very happy today.( ) 1.My birthday is February 3rd.( ) 2.Its windy and snowy today.( ) 3.I can see many trees at

20、 the zoo.( ) 4.I have a new coat. Its blue.( ) 5.I have many birthday cards.(2)My name is Tom. My birthday is June 2nd. The weather is sunny and hot. Its my favourite season. On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party. Sometimes we have a picnic. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am cleaning the room

21、now. My mom is making a birthday cake for me. ( )1.Toms birthday is on Childrens Day. ( )2.Its warm and sunny in summer. ( )3. Today is June 1st. ( )4. Toms mother can make a birthday cake. ( )5.Usually there is a birthday party on Toms birthday. (3)Hello. My name is Millie. Im thirteen years old. I

22、m a good boy. I often play volleyball so .Im fit and healthy. For breakfast, I always have some bread and an egg and I drink a glass of orange juice. I sometimes have rice with fish and an apple for lunch. I really love apples, because “An apple a day keeps the doctor away(离开)”. In the evening, I so

23、metimes have a glass of milk or a cup of green tea and some biscuits. For dinner, I often have soup, meat and vegetables. I like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy. They are good for me. Look at me! How tall and strong I am now! ( )1.Millie is 14 this year. ( )2.Millie likes football very much. ( )3.Millie often drinks orange juice for breakfast. ( )4.Millie likes apples because theyre healthy. ( )5.I often have vegetables for dinner.


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