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1、3A Chapter One Weather and seasons1. Words and phrases: (单词和短语)weather 天气foggy 有雾的 windy 刮风的 rainy 下雨的 cloudy 多云的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 (名词+y 结尾的表示天气的形容词)dry 干燥的 wet 潮湿的warm 温暖的 hot 热的 cool 凉的 cold 冷的season 季节 spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 favourite 最喜欢的a bit 有点儿 chat 聊天 strong 强壮的 feel 感觉 w

2、armly 温暖地 outside 在外面plant flowers 种花 go to the park 去公园 eat ice cream 吃冰淇琳go swimming 去游泳 fly kites 放风筝 go hiking 去远足 wear a scarf 带围巾 eat hotpot 吃火锅put on 穿上 take off 脱掉 give up 放弃 button up 扣上 blow off 吹掉 blow hard 大力吹 play in the rain 在雨中玩 wear a hat 戴帽子2. sentences: (句子)seasons are there in a y

3、ear?There are four seasons in a year.How manymonths are there in a year?There are twelve months in a year yea Its hot and spring? Its warm and foggy/ summer? Its hot and dry/sunny/ autumn? Its cool and dry/windy.Whats the weather likein winter? Its cold and dry/w

4、indy.spring? I plant flowers and go to the park in spring.summer? I eat ice cream and go swimming in summer.autumn? I fly kites and go hiking in autumn.What do you do inwinter? I wear a scarf and eat hotpot in winter.Whats your favourite season? I like spring best. /My favourite season is Spring.注:w

5、eather 天气、season 季节部分的单词和句子都要求学生能听说读写。其他、部分的单词和词组要求学生能认读。3A Chapter Two Festivals we like1. Words and phrases: (单词和短语)festival 节日 Christmas 圣诞节 Chinese New Year 春节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Easter 复活节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节send card 送卡片 give presents 送礼物 watch fireworks 看烟花 get lucky money 得压岁钱 eat

6、moon cakes 吃月饼 eat chocolate eggs 吃巧克力蛋watch dragon boat races 看龙舟赛Santa Claus 圣诞老人 already 已经 reindeer 驯鹿 find 找到 need 需要 person 人sick 生病 try to help 试着帮忙 start 开始 sink 下沉 worry 担心 idea 主意pull 拉 enjoy 享受 last year 去年poem 诗 fun 乐趣 fresh 新鲜 bright 明亮 cheer 欢呼 bloom 开花humid 潮湿 cookies 曲奇饼 soggy 潮乎乎 dr

7、um 鼓 shine 照耀inside 里面 lanterns 灯笼 wait for 等待 full moon 圆月hope 希望 soon 不久 excited 兴奋 end 结束2. Sentences: (句子) Which festival do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个节日?I like Mid-Autumn Festival best. 我最喜欢 中秋节。We eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival. 我们在中秋节吃月饼。 In spring, it is warm and foggy. 春天天气温暖多雾。Chinese Ne

8、w Year is in spring. 春节在春天。People watch fireworks at Chinese New Year. 人们在春节看烟花。 Dont worry. 别担心。Never mind. 没有关系。Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。Theyre racing. 他们在比赛。We need one more person. 我们还需要一个人。One of our friends is sick. 我们的一个朋友生病了。注: Words and phrases (单词和短语) 的单词和句子要求学生能听、说、读、写,必须掌握。3A Chap

9、ter Three Our school events一、Words 1. January 一月 February 二月 March 三 月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月2. Parents Day 家长日 Sports Day 运动会 Speech Day 结业典礼日 Open Day 开放日 the school concert 校园音乐会 school picnic 学校野餐 school events 校园事件3. first 1st

10、 second 2nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th sixth 6th seventh 7th eighth 8th ninth 9th tenth 10th eleventh 11th twelfth 12th thirteenth 13th fourteenth 14th fifteenth 15th sixteenth 16th seventeenth 17th eighteenth 18th nineteenth 19th twentieth 20th twenty-first 21st twenty-second 22nd twenty-third

11、23rd twenty-fourth 24th twenty-fifth 25th twenty-sixth 26th twenty-seventh 27th twenty-eighth 28th twenty-ninth 29th thirtieth 30th thirty-first 31st 4 invitation 邀请函 giveto 把什么东西给 stick 粘贴 two hours later 两小时之后 get to 到达 return 返回 both 两个都 二、 Sentences: (句子 )When is the school picnic? It is on the

12、seventh of November. When is Open Day? It is on the second of December. When is the school concert? Its on the twenty-third of April.When is Sports Day? Its on the second of May.When is Speech Day? Its on the tenth of October.三、 C 部分参考译文1 Let me give the cards to them. 让我把卡给他们。2 Here are our invitat

13、ion cards for Parents Day. 这是我们家长日的邀请函3 One month later. 一个月之后4 See you later. 回头见5 Mum and dad come back two hours later. 两个小时后爸爸妈妈回来了。6 It is on the twenty-first of December, from nine oclock in the morning to four oclock in the afternoon. 它是在 12 月 21 日,从早上 9 点到下午 4 点。 注: Words(1,2, 3)和 Sentences(

14、句子)为四会,必须掌握。3A Chapter 4 The school fair 学校拍卖会1. Words and phrases: (单词和短语)(1)A camera 相机 a watch 手表 a wallet 钱包 a purse 女用钱包A photo frame 相框 crayons 蜡笔 shoes 鞋 dollars 元Tickets 票 key ring 钥匙圈 money 钱 buy 买 sell 卖 (2)farewell party 欢送会 headmaster 校长 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十 h

15、undred 一百(3)raise money 募捐 homeless 无家可归的 market 市场 each 每个lovely 可爱的 congratulations 祝贺(4)spend 花费 get 得到 minute 分钟 price 价格 write down 写下remember 记住 winner 获胜者2. Sentences: (句子)1. How much is the wallet,Please? 这个钱包多少钱?Its sixty dollars. 六十元。2. How much are the crayons,please? 请问这些蜡笔多少钱?Theyre six

16、ty dollars. 六十元。3 . May I have two tickets,please? 我能买两张票吗?Here you are. Thank you. 给你,谢谢。4. Whens the farewell party for the headmaster?校长欢送会是什么时候?Its on the fifteenth of July. 在 7 月 15 日。Write down the prices you remember. 写下你记住的价格。You have one minute to look at the prices. 你有一分钟的时间来看价格。Well down!

17、很棒!Jenny is the winner! Jenny 是胜利者! 注:words and phrases (单词和短语)(1) (2)单词和句子要求学生能听,说,读,写,必须掌握。3A Chapter 5 Things at home一、单词:1、四会单词(必背单词)feel 感觉、触摸 oft 软的 hard 硬的 smooth 光滑的 rough 粗糙的 sure 当然可以 a cushion 软垫 sofa 沙发an armchair 扶手椅 a marble (玩具)弹球 a stone 石头 a key 钥匙a bear 小熊 a shell 贝壳 some tissues 薄

18、纸巾 paper 纸 2、 二会单词touch 触摸 像.一样 bubbles 气泡 bath 洗澡path 小路 find 找到 visit 参观 smile 微笑 surprised 惊讶 take out 拿出 pretty 漂亮的 clever 聪明surprised 惊讶的 show. around 带领.参观 braille (盲人用) 点字法二、句子1、That chair is hard. Dont sit on it. 椅子太硬,别坐在上面。2、Please sit in this armchair. Its soft. 请坐在扶手椅上,它很软。3、These m

19、arbles are smooth and round. 这些弹珠又圆又光滑。4、Can I feel them? Sure. 我可以摸它们吗?当然可以。5、Its hard and smooth. 它又硬又滑。6、They re soft / rough. 他们很软/ 粗糙。7、What would you like to do now?= What do you want to do? 现在你想干什么?8、I like the stone . I like it.我喜欢这块石头。我喜欢它。9、I like the marbles . I like them. 我喜欢这些弹珠。我喜欢它们。3

20、A Chapter 6 A Trip to the Beach1. 单词 (四会)collect 收集 shell 贝壳 swallow 呑咽 salty 咸的 barbecue 烧烤 sand 沙子 waves 海浪 fresh 新鲜的 gentle 柔和的 touch 触摸 smell 嗅/闻 sandcastle 沙堡垒 build 建造 bucket 桶子 trip 旅行 towel 毛巾 finish 完成 save 挽救 tide 潮水 competition 比赛 2. 词组(四会)at the beach 在海边 collect shells 收集贝壳 listen to th

21、e waves 听海浪 wallow salty water 吞咽咸水 walk on the sand 在沙滩上散步 touch the warm sand 触摸温暖的沙子 make a sandcastle 制作沙堡垒 win the competition 赢得竞赛 build a sandcastle 建造沙堡垒 hard work 艰难的工作 washaway 冲走 fresh air 新鲜空气3. Sentences: What do you like doing at the beach? 你喜欢在海边干什么? I like collecting shells. 我喜欢收集贝壳。 What dont you like doing at the beach? 你不喜欢在海边干什么? I dont like walking on the sand. 我不喜欢在沙滩上散步。 Im sure we can win the competition. 我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。 The children are worried about their father. 孩子们很担心爸爸。


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