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1、2017 年秋外研版英语七年级上专题训练-语法专练(一)be 动词用系动词 be 的适当形式填空。1Wen Liang _ my cousin.2He _ ten years old and I _ twelve years old.3_ there a book on the desk? Yes, there _4Jim and I _ from England.5There _ some boys on the playground.6My friend _ 15 years old.7We _ not workers.8_ you from Shanghai? Yes, I _9Two

2、apples _ on the desk.10Tom _ my classmate and he _ from America.11Class _ not over.You cant go home.12I _ Chinese and I _ from China.13Where _ your sister? She is in the playground.14Xiaoming _ in Class One but Kate _ in Class Three.15They _ my friends.We _ in Class Two.(二)this, these, that, those一、

3、用 this, that, these 或 those 填空,每词限用一次1_ is my cousin.He is a teacher.2Are _ boy students over there? Yes, they are.3Whats _ ? It is a cap.4_ are good friends, Lily and Jane.二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词5那是王敏的书包。_ _ Wang Mins bag.6这不是我的英语书。_ _ my English book.7这是你的父母吗?是的。_ _ your parents? Yes, _ _8那是田冰的叔叔和婶婶。_ _

4、 Tian Bings uncle and aunt.(三)there be 句型)一、单项选择1There _ little milk in the fridge.Lets go and buy some.(中考绥化)Ahas Bis Care2There _ two dictionaries on the bookcase.You can use either of them.(中考长春)Ais Bwas Care Dwere3There _ some milk and apples in the fridge.(中考新疆)21 教育网Ahas Bhave Cis Dare4Police:

5、 Whats in your wallet? Owner: There_some money and two tickets for todays esports competition.(中考东营) Ais Bwas Care Dwere5There _ some beef in the fridge.Lets make some beef noodles.(中考 长春)Aam Bis Care Dbe6There _ many small things we can do to make the world a better place.(中考佛山)Aare Bis Chave7There

6、 _ some milk and two eggs on the table. (中考永州)Ais Bare Chas 8There _ a book and some pens in the bag.Pleas give them to the old man.(中考毕节)Abe Bare Cis Dhave二、用 there be 句式完成下列句子there is, there are, there isnt,there arent, is there, are there 9_ one red flower on the table.10_ any pencils on the desk

7、.11_ some boys in the classroom.12_ a hat in the room? 13_ any water in the glass.14_ any cats in the room? 三、按要求完成下列各题15Are there any labs in your school? (作肯定回答)Yes, _ _16There are some bags in the shop.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ bags in the shop?17There is some bread on the table.(改为否定句)_ _ _ bread on the ta

8、ble.18I have two books on my desk.(改为同义句)_ _ two books on my desk.19There are three balls on the desk.(对画线部分提问)_ _ balls _ _ on the desk?2-1-c-n-j-y(四)表示方位的介词及介词短语根据图片信息选择适当的介词或介词短语,每词或短语限用一次。1 题图 2 题图 3 题图4 题图 5 题图next to beside on the right of between in front of 21*cnjy*com语法专训1Miss Liu is _ the

9、blackboard.2The dog is _ the boy.3There is a cat _ the boy.4Wang Xue is _ Li Ming and Zhao Lei.5The boy is _ the girl.(五)have got )一、用 have 的正确形式完成句子1He _ got a pen and two pencils.2Tian Hong _ got some nice hats.3_ they got any orange juice? 4We _ got many apples and pears.5_ Lingling got one uncle

10、? Yes, she _二、根据汉语意思,用 have got, has got, havent got, hasnt got 完成下列句子6玛丽有一只白猫。Mary _ a white cat.7温爽,你有一个姐姐吗?_ you _ a sister, Wen Shuang? 8他们没有一个大的操场。They _ a big playground.9我的妈妈有一辆非常好看的汽车。My mother _ a nice car.10马丁没有一台手提电脑。Martin _ a laptop.(六) some, any用 some, any 完成下列句子1There are _ boys in th

11、e classroom.2Is there _ fruit in the box? 3Has Jane got _ brothers? Yes, she has got _4We havent got _ American friends. 5I can see _ beautiful flowers in the park.(七)可数名词及不可数名词一、单项选择1 What _ do you like? I like playing tennis and running.(中考齐齐哈尔)Asubjects Bmusic Csports 2After doi ng sports, youd b

12、etter have some _Many people consider it ahealthy drink.(中考 青海)Aorange juiceBoranges Cbananas3 Mum, Im hungry.May I have some _?Sure.But dont eat too much.(中考怀化)Ahamburgers Bmilks Ccake 4Lily often helps her mother do some cooking in the _(中考 淮安)Akitchen Bgarden Cbathroom Dbedroom5Why do people neve

13、r cut up the _on their birthdays?21cnjyBecause they are a symbol of long life.(中考 东营)Aeggs Bcakes Cnoodles Ddumplings6What do you prefer for lunch, darling?Id like_such as tomatoes, carrots or cabbages.(中考泰安)Ameat Beggs Cvegetables Dfruits7Yibin is one of the most beautiful _ in Sichuan.(中考宜宾)Acity

14、Bcities Ccitys8Its sports ti me.Most _ students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.(中考重庆 A 卷)Aboy Bboys Cboys Dboys9Dave really likes driving.I think being a _ is just right for him.(中考重庆 A 卷)Adoctor Bteacher Cfarmer Ddriver 10The _ of Chongqing is really hot, but we still like living

15、 here.(中考 重庆 B 卷)Aspring Bsummer Cautumn Dwinter 11I have an _ for breakfast every day.(中考齐齐哈尔 )21*cnjy*comAegg Bbanana Capples12What animals do you like best?I like _ best.(中考铜仁)Atigers Bapples Cvegetables Dtrees13Would you like some _for dinner? OK.(中考 娄底)Atomatos Btomato Ctomatoes14Tom, are you w

16、atching TV again? No.Im reading a _ (中考济南)Achess B ball Cgame Dbook15Do you know how many _ you have? (中考 永州)21cnjycomAtooths Btoothes Cteeth 16Health is important for us teenagers, so we should eat more vegetables such as _to keep healthy.(中考哈尔滨)Atomatoes and potatoes Btomatos and potatos Ctomatos

17、and potatoes 17Would you like some _?Oh, yes, just a little.(中考德阳)Arice Bcarrots Ceggs Dbananas 18Here are some_Do you like _?(中考安顺) Aoranges; them Borange; it Coranges; they Doranges; their二、用所给名词的正确形式填空19There are 30 _ (desk) in my class.20Look! These _ (bus) are big and new.21There are many nice

18、_ (photo) on the wall.22Do you know those _ (man) in front of the house? 21世纪*教育网23In China, there are lots of beautiful _ (city)24My grandma is interested in taking _ (photo) with her mobile phone.(中考长春)25Tonys f ather and uncle are both _(policeman)They help keep the city safe.(中考上海)26By the end o

19、f this month, people in Beijing will be able to brush their_ (tooth) with water from Hubei.(中考 临沂)27The _(monkey) are trained to do a lot of things like humans.(中考武威)28Miss Green advised us to decorate a card for each other with those _(leaf)(中考淮安)(八)一般现在时一、单项选择1Jill, who _ that in the white coat?It

20、s my brother, Joe.(中考济南)Adid Bdoes Care Dis2Whats your father?He is a doctor.He _ in a local hospital.(中考 绵阳 )www-2-1-cnjy-comAworked Bhas worked Cworks Dwill work3Is your mother a teacher?Yes, she is.She _ at a junior high school.(中考武汉)Ataught Bteaches Cwill teach Dis teaching4Peter, _ your cousin

21、good at science?Yes, he is.He often helps me with my science.(中考济南)Ado Bdoes Care Dis 5How often does your father exercise? He _ three times a week.(中考 德阳)Awill exercise Bexercise Cexercised Dexercises 二、用所给词的正确形式填空6I _ (like) swimming in summer.7Mary and Kate _ (have) lunch at school.8_ they _ (pla

22、y) football after school? 【来源:21世纪教育网】Yes, they _9They _ (not watch) TV every evening.10Mrs Li and her husband _ (go) to work on weekdays.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】11My brother _ (go) to work by car every day.【出处:21 教育名师】12Sometimes she _ (write) to me.13_ his father often _ (play) the piano? 21 教育名师原创作品Oh,

23、sorry, I dont know.14My mother _ (not speak) English very well.15When _ the students _ (have) lunch at school? At about twelve oclock.(九)现在进行时一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式1shop _ 2.have _3lie _ 4.talk _5say _ 6.get _7make _ 8.leave _9visit _ 10.sit _二、单项选择11Dont enter the area.The students _ an English exam.(中考 株

24、洲)Atakes Bare taking Chave taken12Pass the raincoat to me, please.It _ hard now.Here you are.(中考福州)Ais raining Brained Cwill rain13Cathy, can you answer the door? I _ the room.Im coming, Mum.(中考 安徽)Aclean Bcleaned Chave cleaned Dam cleaning14Listen! Someone _ the violin in the music room.(中考 威海)Apla

25、ys Bplayed Cis playing15Hey.Jenny.Lets go home together.Just a moment.I_an email.(中考武威) Asend Bsent Cam sending Dhave sent16Where is Joan?She_a novel in her study.(中考 苏州)Ahas read Breads Cwill read Dis reading17. Look! Simon _ in the playground.(中考 雅安)Arun Bruns Cis running Drunning18Hurry up, Betty

26、! Your father_ for you outside.(中考桂林) Await Bwailed Cis waiting三、用所给词的正确形式填空19Its nine oclock.She _ (read)20_ your sister _ (watch) TV at this moment? No, she isnt.21Its midday and people _ (not work)22My bro ther _ (not write) right now; he _ (dance)23What _ they _ (do) now?They _ (play) basketball

27、.四、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词24She often cleans the blackboard.(用 now 改为现在进行时)She _ _ the blackboard now.25They are doing housework.(改为否定句)They _ _ housework.26David is playing basketball in the playground.(对画线部分提问)_ _ playing basketball in the playground? 27The girls are looking_at_the_nice_clothes.(对画线部分提问)_

28、are the girls _ ? 参考答案(一)be 动词1is 2.is ;am 3.Is;is 4.are 5.are 6.is 7.are8Are; am 9.are 10.is;is 11.is 12.am;am 13.is14is;is 15.are;are (二)this, these, that, those一、1.This 2.those 3.that 4.These 二、5.That is 6.This isnt 7.Are these;they are8Those are (三)there be 句型一、1.B 2.C 3.C 4A 解析:there be 要遵循 “就近原则”,money 为不可数名词,所以谓语动词要用单数,又因为答语是描述的客观事实,所以句子要用一般现在时。 21 世纪教育网版权所有5B 6.A 7.A 8.C 二、9.There is 10.There arent 11.There are 12.Is there【版权所有:21 教育】13There isnt 14.Are there 三、15.there are 16.Are there any 17.There isnt any


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