1、BURNSLeaugeay Webre BS, CCEMT-P, NREMT-PScenarioParamedic is called to the scene of a structure fire. FD has removed a victim from the house. BSIScene safe1 patientA/C standbyFD/ PD on sceneNow what?General Impression33 yo male pt writhing in pain. Screams and begs for pain medication however poor h
2、istorian.S- blistering to back and chest, R upper ventral area leg exposed muscle; eyebrows singedA- PCN, codeineM- noneP- noneL- earlier todayE- woke up on fireA-B-C-Transport decision?% BSA burned?Tx?ObjectivesDescribe the structure and function of skinDiscuss the types of burns.Explain the degree
3、s of thermal burns.Discuss causes and treatments of inhalation injuries.Identify methods of approximating burn injuries.Describe and apply treatment modalities for the burn patient.Burns, thermal. Escharotomy to release chest wall and allow for ventilation of the patient.SkinLargest organ of the bodyAnatomyEpidermisDermisSubcutaneous tissueLayersl Epidermisl Dermisl Subcutaneosl Underlying Structuresl Fascial Nervesl Tendonsl Ligamentsl Musclesl OrgansAnatomy & Physiology of the SkinFunctionProtection Regulation Prevention Sensory