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1、以色列技术创新成果资料汇编制造业特拉维夫大学希伯来大学目 录一、 特拉维夫大学 .11. 9-2011-239 柔性叶片流变仪 .12. 3-2009-26 |采用纳米压印光刻产品认证(NIL) .23. 9-2014-767 | 静电束形成的纳米晶体管(MSET) .44. 9-2014-742:4.5 吨马达主动流动技术 .75. 9-2014-738 动物监控传感器 .96. 9-2011-239 柔性叶片流变仪 .107. 9-2012-279 | 微通道散热器发明 .12二、 希伯来大学 .141. 9-2013-2904 | 可调节/可固定的混合纳米晶/纳米碳管印刷传感器 .142

2、. 9-2013-2893 | 应用于 3D 印刷传导结构的油墨和加工过程 .153. 14-2013-2965 | 使用闪烁材料进行 3D 打印 .164. 14-2010-2453 | 新型径向偏振干涉仪(RPI) .175. 14-2013-2954 | 3D 打印的光学板 .181一、 特拉维夫大学1. 9-2011-239 | 柔性叶片流变仪9-2011-239 | Flexible Blade RheometerThe Invention 发明The innovation is a low-cost flexible extension to the standard off-th

3、e-shelf rotational blade rheometer. State of the art rotational rheometers use fixed and rigid blades, which rotate against a fluid and have limited accuracy at extremely high or low viscosities. Our inventions replaces the rigid blades with flexible blades work by utilizing fluid mechanics and flui

4、d-blade interaction principles and allow to detect small changes of viscosity. The very small viscosity changes are amplified through the interaction of the thin boundary layers on the sidewalls, the high shear in the small gap between the wall and the blade and on the rotating flexible blade itself

5、. 该项创新成本低廉,将标准的旋转叶片流变仪改进为可以柔性拓展型。旋转流变仪的叶片固定,材质坚硬,对流体粘度的要求很高。我们利用流体力学和流体叶片相互作用的原理,将坚硬的叶片替换为柔性叶片,可以检测出极小的粘度变化。通过侧壁薄边层之间的相互作用,侧壁与叶片之间的小缝隙以及高速旋转的叶片自身产生的高速剪切力的作用,可以将微小的粘度变化放大。Advantages 优势Diluteness of solutions or small concentration of particulate/hazardous add-on causes slight changes in viscosity. As

6、 of now, there are no high accuracy cost-effective solutions available for highly viscous fluids and/or at the lower accuracy range of tools. State-of-the-art viscosity measurement principles are i) torque measurement, ii) flow through small vessels and iii) optical assessment of drop formations. Th

7、ese require high precision mechanics, optics and/or electronics which are the main causes of the high cost of these devices. 稀释、颗粒物的添加都会带来粘度的变化,到目前为止,没有成本低廉,精度高的手段来测量粘度。最先进的粘度测量原理是:1)扭矩测量;2)流动测量(通过小管);3)滴液光学分析。这些需要高精度的仪器,光学,电子器材,成本很高。Potential Applications 潜在应用Accurate and real-time viscosity measur

8、ement of dilute solutions of polymers/dyes/mixtures is one of the applications in processing industries (chemical, food, pharmaceutical, etc.). Rather than purchasing a high cost unit, the existing blade may simply be replaced by the flexible blade on the existing unit (with proper calibration and s

9、oftware).In the medical applications, the viscosities of blood and urine have long been used as an indicator in understanding and treatment of disease. The advent of modern rheometers allows 2viscosity measurement with everimproving clinical convenience. A change in blood rheology and flow propertie

10、s is often associated with hematological diseases or disorders (e.g., sickle-cell anemia, malaria). Changes in urine viscosity are used to evaluate homeostasis in heart surgery patients and also in tracking renal disorders.In water/wastewater treatment, multiphase flows and fuels viscosity is a simp

11、le indicator of changes. A change of viscosity can be detected in a stream in real-time as well as in a tank. 对聚合物、染料、混合溶液进行精确而实时的粘度测量是加工行业(化学、视频、制药工业等)中的一个应用。并不需要购买高成本的设备,可以把现有流变仪中的固定叶片更换成柔性叶片(需要进行校准,添加软件)。医学中,血液和尿液的粘度一直作为治疗和判定疾病的重要指标。流变仪的出现带来了极大的便利。血液流动特性通常反应出血液系统疾病(如贫血,疟疾等),尿液粘度通常用来评估心脏手术病人的状态平衡或

12、肾功能监控。水处理中,粘度是一个简单的指标。可以检测到河流或者罐子内的粘度变化。Patent StatusA US provisional patent was filed in 20112011 年美国临时专利2. 3-2009-26 | 采用纳米压印光刻产品认证( NIL)3-2009-26 | Product Authentication using Nanoimprinting Lithography (NIL)A unique Nano Imprinting Lithography (NIL) technology, based on a polymeric replication

13、method, to battle counterfeiting Extremely difficult to copy or forge Inexpensive implementation (tag printing)Tag printing: Imprint on the brand product a set of nanometer scale patterns that are invisible to the naked eye (and most microscopes). Authentication: “Read” and analyze the tag using an

14、appropriate device. Such tag can be unique per product or even per item (similar to serial number); A simple hand-held scanner is used for reading and verifying the pattern. A single mold supports imprinting pf many patterns, making the system robust, cost-effective and reliable.独特的纳米压印光刻(NIL)技术,基于聚

15、合物复制方法,以打击盗版。 极难复制或伪造 低成本(标记 印刷)标记印刷:印在产品品牌的一组纳米级图案,对人类肉是看不见(甚至显微镜)。3身份验证:“ 读” ,只有用适当的设备才能读或分析吊牌。这种标签可以为标识每个产品,确保每件唯一性(类似于序列号),一个简单的手持式扫描仪可用于读取和验证该图案。一个单一的模具支持多种图案的印记,使得系统功能强大、低成本及可靠性。The Need Current anti-counterfeiting measures employ solutions that are based on technologies such as holograms, RFI

16、D, special inks, watermarks, etc. These measures employ either low resolution structures that can be relatively easily replicated and counterfeited, or are costly and difficult to use.The market requires an inexpensive and simple solution that implements a nearly impossible replication. The desired

17、security tagging requirements include: Extremely difficult to forge Simple detection Technology realization is relatively inexpensiveCurrently available technologies do not adequately fill these needs.需求当前的防伪措施采用了基于全息图,RFID,特殊油墨,水印等技术。这些措施低分辨率低,相对很容易被复制和伪造,或成本高和使用困难。而市场需要一种廉价、简单、不可能复制的解决方案。 极其难以伪造 简

18、单的检测 技术实现相对 便宜Potential Applications Tagging products such as auto parts, electronic parts, and medicines to prevent forging and copying are all examples of the need for sophisticated security and authentication measures that are difficult to imitate or forge.应用前景标记的产品,如汽车配件,电子配件和药品,防止伪造和复制是需要先进的安全和

19、认证措施,是很难模仿或伪造的实例。Advantages Nano-imprinting presents a huge barrier for the potential forger, while the production and authentication process remain cost-effective. The stamping is compatible with a large variety of substrates (metal, plastic, glass, fabric) and is conducive to mass production. The

20、technology is up/down-gradable depending on the desired level of security. Customers will include pharmaceuticals manufacturers, brand-name manufacturers and possibly scrip or currency printers among others.优势4纳米压印为潜在伪造者提供一个巨大的障碍,而生产和认证过程中保持有成本效益。冲压适用于各种型材(金属,塑料,玻璃,织物),有利于大规模生产。该技术所达到的安全水平高低依赖于客户需求。

21、客户将包括:药品生产企业,名牌厂家,凭证或货币打印机等。Stage of DevelopmentPrototype sample stamps have been prepared with nano-scale dimensions and have been tested on a lab scale. Hundreds of stamping cycles were performed, with no degradation seen in the stamp quality.发展阶段已用纳米尺寸准备样品邮票与并进行实验室规模检验。进行数百次冲压循环,该印模质量得以保证。Patents

22、US patent granted No. 8,678,284;A continuation application in the US is being filed US2014-0175171-A1专利美国专利 8678284 号继续提交申请号 US2014-0175171-A13. 9-2014-767 | 静电束形成的纳米晶体管 (MSET)9-2014-767 | Multiple Stated Electrostatically Formed Nanowire Transistors (MSET)TECHNOLOGY 技术Electrostatically Formed Nanow

23、ires (EFN) based transistors have been recently suggested as robust sensing (Shalev et al. 2013) and memory devices (Shalev et al. 2012). The EFN device resembles the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) four gate field-effect transistor (G4-FET) developed in 2002 (Blalock et al. 2002) which emerged from the

24、volume inversion SOI MOSFET. The G4-FET combines MOSFET and junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET) principles as it consists of a top MOS gate, a bottom substrate gate, and is located between by two lateral junction gates. The four gate transistor can be naturally adapted to CMOS technology sc

25、aling and manufactured in conventional silicon-on-insulator (SOI) processes with a low cost and high volume manufacturing. If a specific bias is applied to the side gates, the conduction band electrons between them are confined to a well-defined area forming a narrow conduction channel, the electros

26、tatically-formed nanowire. Figure 1 (a) shows a schematic design of such a transistor. Figure 1 (b) illustrates the formation of the EFN in a cross section view.静电束形成的纳米晶体管(EFN)2013 年开始用于鲁棒传感技术, 2012 年用于存储设备。EFN 与 2002 年的绝缘硅(SOI)四栅场效应晶体管 (G4 FET)类似,G4FET 结合了 MOSFET5和场效应晶体管。原理是它有 MOS 顶栅和底栅组成,位于两个横向连接

27、的栅之间。四栅晶体管可以自然适应 CMOS 技术的缩放,还可以用传统的绝缘硅(SOI)工艺大规模低成本的生产。如果侧栅采用特定的栅,他们之间的电子束被限制在特定的区域,从而形成一个狭窄的传导通道静电束形成的纳米线。图 1(a)为示意图,图 1(b)为剖面图,显示了静电束纳米线的形成。By applying non-symmetric bias on the side gates, the position of the EFN can be moved towards one of the gates (Shalev et al. 2013). We propose a novel Multi

28、ple State EFN Transistor (MSET) that exploits the EFN lateral movement in order to form a single transistor, multiple valued, multiplexer. In this device, the drain is split into several isolated individual drains and the MSET output is defined by a thin conduction channel between a specific drain a

29、nd the source. Having a multiplexer functionality, this device can implement any logical operation within its inputs and outputs range. Since this device is based on simple SOI concepts, it can be integrated into current technology relatively easily. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first C

30、MOS compatible transistor for MVL large-scale circuits to be suggested. A schematic illustration of an MSET device with two gates and two drains can be seen in Figure 1(c).利用侧栅的非对称性,可以将纳米线的位置进行偏移。我们研究了一种新的静电束纳米晶体管(MSET ),利用静电束的横向运动,形成单晶体管、多值、多路晶体管。该装置的主束可以分成几个独立的束,MSET 的输出被定义为一个极细的传输通道。由于多路性,该装置可以在输

31、入输出范围之内实现任何逻辑操作。由于该装置基于 SOI 原理,很容易将其集成到当前的相关技术中。据我们所知,这是 MVL 大规模电路中第一个 CMOS 兼容晶体管。图 1(c)为两栅两束的 MSET 装置。THE NEED 需求As CMOS technology is expected to reach its fundamental limits in the near future, new logic and memory design concepts are subject of utmost importance. Multiple Valued Logic (MVL) can

32、perform complex operations with a reduced number of transistors making it a natural candidate for replacing the current technology. Research on ternary logic (three-value logic) based on standard MOSFETs has been conducted in the 1980s. However, this technology was never been widely implemented. Res

33、onant-Tunneling Bipolar Transistor (RTBT) and similar resonant-tunneling 6devices, particularly such with multiple negative differential resistance (MNDR) were also proposed as building blocks for MVL circuits. RTBT are three terminal heterojunction bipolar transistors and hence fundamentally differ

34、ent and not compatible with current CMOS technology. Furthermore, such devices are typically made of non-conventional elements, limiting their ability for wide spread implementation. Other MVL components have been realized with combined single electron and MOS transistors, bottom up grown nano-wires

35、 and Carbon Nano Tubes. However, to date it is unclear whether those can be integrated into large-scale circuit production.不久的将来,CMOS 技术的发展就会达到极限。因此新的逻辑和存储器的设计成为重要的课题。多值逻辑 MVL 晶体管数量少,可以进行复杂的操作,成为新技术的发展重点。上世纪 80 年代已经基于 MOSFET 技术进行了三逻辑研究。然而,该技术从未被广泛应用。谐振隧穿双极晶体管和类似的谐振隧穿装置(RTBT),尤其是带有多重负微分电阻(MNDR)的装置,也被

36、作为模块用于多值 MVL 电路中。RTBT 是三端异质结双极晶体管,从根本是不同的,不能用于 CMOS 技术。此外,这些设备是由非传统的元件构成,大规模使用受限。 其他的 MVL 部件通过结合单电子和 MOS 晶体管,在技术上已经实现,自下而上生成纳米线和碳纳米管。然而,至今尚不清楚这些是否可以大规模进行生产。POTENTIAL APPLICATION 潜在应用The suggested device can be used as a basic building block for analog and digital circuits in Application Specific Int

37、egrated Circuits (ASIC) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). The combination of well defined conduction states and continuous gates voltages may make MSET based circuits attractive for mix signals (analog and digital) circuits such as digital to analog and analog to digital converters. If prov

38、ed to have significant advantages over the common technologies in the three main criteria: Silicon area, Power consumption and Speed, the MSET technology can be used by all companies in the semiconductor industry. If MSETs are shown to have superior performance in part of the three parameters, they

39、should be designated for use in specific products. For example, MSET based circuits that show superior low power consumption can be used in mobile applications.在专用集成电路(ASIC)和现场可编程门阵列 FPGA 中,该装置可作为数字、模拟电路的基础模块。良好的导通状态以及连续的门电压,可以使 MEST 在电路引力的作用下,实现数字信号到模拟或者模拟到数字的转换。和传统技术相比,可以从下面三个标准来衡量MEST 技术的优势:芯片面积、

40、功率和速度,MSET 技术在半导体行业中的通用性。MSET技术可以用于特定的产品,主要因为它的优越性能。如,使用 MSET 能耗低,因此可以用于移动设备STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT 发展现状The functionality of the devices was demonstrated with a semiconductor devices simulator. First prototypes were fabricated by Tower Jazz and have demonstrated the basic MEST functionality. Optimized

41、devices are currently being fabricated.7该设备的功能已通过半导体模拟器进行演示,Tower Jazz 制作了第一个模型,并演示了MEST 的基本功能。目前正在进行优化改进。专利:美国 8,007,727 B2 虚拟半导体纳米线及其使用方法2011-8-30 基本设备相似;不建议应用。美国 8,241,913 B2 虚拟半导体纳米线及其使用方法2012-8-14 基本设备相似;不建议应用。美国 8,318,505 B2 虚拟半导体纳米线及其使用方法2012-11-27 基本设备相似;不建议应用。美国 8010591 B2 四栅极晶体管模拟乘法器电路2011

42、-8-30 结合 4 栅晶体管,实现基本模拟功能美国 2015/0017740 A1 虚拟纳米线分子传感器2015-1-15 基本设备相似;不建议应用WO2015181674A1 静电束纳米晶体管4. 9-2014-742 | 4.5 吨马达主动流动技术9-2014-742 | Active Flow Technology for Motor Vehicles up to 4,500 kilogramsThe Invention 发明Miniature Air Vehicles (MAVs) with Active Flow Control (AFC) is an aviation inven

43、tion in which the means for thrust generation, flight control and lift augmentation are created by the same fluidic actuators, located within the MAV. This can solve many of the problems that inhibit further development of the field. The most compelling reason for using AFC for MAVs, is that traditi

44、onal control surfaces, as well as external motor-driven propellers, are eliminated and the only physically detectable evidence of the actuators is the streaming jet flow (with zero-mass flux) issuing from slots on the surface of the vehicle. Linkages, push-rods, propellers, hinges and moving surface

45、s are also eliminated. This brings with it the potential for robustness and field-worthiness, hitherto considered unattainable within the context of MAVs as well as radical improvements in the performance of low Reynolds numbers air vehicles.带有主动流动驱动器(AFC)的微型飞机是一项航空发明,其推力产生、飞行控制和升举力都是由安装在微型飞机内的流体驱动器产生。解决了制约该领域进一步发展的许多问题。


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