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1、Concierge Useful Words&SentencesUseful Words礼宾部 Concierge 行李生 Bell man / Bell boy 门童 Doorman 行李 Luggage / Baggage行李架 Luggage rack 行李存放处 Luggage Depository 行李车 Baggage trolley(小)/Cart (大)司机 Driver 导游 Tour guide 电梯 Elevator 洗手间 Toilet 机场 Airport 火车站 Railway station商场 Shopping center 超市 Super market 小费

2、 Tip 雨伞 Umbrella 接机服务 Pick-up service 租车服务 Limousine service 行李寄存 Check baggage 叫早服务 Morning call贵重物品 Valuables 易碎物品 Fragile objects 自助早餐 Buffet breakfast往前直走 Straight on 五星级酒店 Five-star hotel 前厅部 Front office department总台 Reception / Front desk 总机 Operator /One Touch Service Center商务中心 Business cen

3、tre 票务 Ticket service 游泳池 Swimming pool西餐厅 Western restaurant/Fresh Caf 中餐厅 Chinese restaurant大堂吧 The Stream Lobby lounge / 医务室 Clinic Room 瑜伽室 Yoga Room 桑拿 Sauna / 按摩 Massage / 美容厅 Beauty salon “融” 水疗 Rong Spa 健身中心 Health Center会议室 Meeting room 宴会厅 Ballroom 经纬宴会厅 Jingwei Hall停车场 Parking lot 总经理 Gen

4、eral manager / 经理 Manager值班经理 Duty Manager 大堂迎宾员 lobby hostess主管 Supervisor / 领班 Captain 楼层服务员 Room attendant总台接待 Receptionist /Guest Service Representative 维修人员 Repairman换钱 change money 明信片 postcard 洗衣袋 Laundry bag 小心轻放 Handle with Care 请勿倒立 Keep Top Side Up Useful Sentences1、Is this everything, si

5、r? 这是全部东西吗,先生?2、Heres the light switch 这是电灯开关。3、Heres the closet and theres the bathroom 这儿是壁柜。这儿是洗澡间。4、Its very kind of you to do so 你这样做使我很感激。5、And by the way, could I have a look at your room card? 顺便问一句,我可以看一下您的房卡吗?6、How do you like this room? 您觉得这个房间怎么样?7、Its also quite spacious 房间也很宽敞。8、Please

6、 sign your name here 请您在这里签名。9、By the way,Id like to tell you that the check-out time is 1200 noon,sir 先生,顺便告诉您,结账后离开旅馆时间是 12 点。10、 Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room,Mr. Green? 格林先生,今天早晨您是否用过旅馆服务设施,或在旅馆餐厅用过早餐?11、 At what time would you like us to

7、 call you tomorrow morning?您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您?12、 That means that Ill have to be on the road by 7 oclock at the latest 就是说我明天早晨最迟也要 7 点钟上路。13、 Will you pay by cash? 您准备用现金支付吗?14、 No, if there is, Ill take it to you in time.没有。如果有的话,我会及时给你送来的。15、 Here is a fax for you. 这儿有一封你的传真。16、 I want to borrow Ch

8、ina Daily of these days. 我要看这几天的中国日报 。Please get some copies of China Pictorial for me. 请拿几份 中国日报给我。17、 All right, Ill get it for you right away. 好的,我就去拿。18、 Pardon me for interrupting. 对不起打扰你们了。19、 Please excuse me for coming so late. 请原谅我来迟了。20、 Im sorry I was so careless. 很抱歉我太粗心了。21、 May I know

9、who Im talking with?(打电话时用) 请问您是哪位?22、 Is there anything else I can do for you, madam? 这儿需要我帮忙吗?23、 Dont worry, madam. Well see to it. 夫人,别担心。我们会照顾它的。24、 Ill report it to my manager. 我将向我的经理汇报。25、 Yes, certainly, just leave it to us, sir.当然。您就将这件事留给我们去做吧。26、 Glad to be of service. Please feel free t

10、o contact us anytime.很高兴为您服务。有需要请随时通知我们。27、 Im sorry I cannot guarantee, but Ill do my best.对不起,我不能保证,但我一定会尽我全力去做。28、 My pleasure, Im happy everything was to your satisfaction.这是我的荣幸,我很高兴一切都能令您满意。29、 Sorry, I have to go. Nice talking with you.对不起,我不得不走了。很您谈话很开心。30、 There is no hurry, sir. Take your

11、time. 先生,时间充足,请您慢慢 31、 What kind of rooms(foods) would you like to have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)?32、 How do you like Chinese food? 您喜欢中国菜吗?33、 Ill look into the mater right away. 我马上去处理这件事情。34、 Ill send someone up to your room right away. 我马上派人到你的房间去。35、 You may pay in cash or with credit card. 您可以付现金也可以用信

12、用卡。36、 The room is too hot. Is there any air-conditioning in this hotel?房里太热,饭店有空调设备吗?37、 Why isnt cool air turned on in such a hot day? I cant stand the heat. 那在这样热的天气里为什么不开放冷气呢?我热得受不了。38、 The room is very hot, and besides there are some mosquitos. Can you do anything to it?房间里很热,还有蚊子,请想想办法。常用句子Are

13、 these your baggage?这些是您的行李吗?May I take them for you? / Let me help you with your luggage.我来帮您拿好吗? / 让我来帮您拿吧。I hope Im not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰您。Just a moment, madam. Ill bring them to you right away.等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。The bellboy will show you to your room, sir.先生,行李生会送您到房间的。Here is your room key.给您房间

14、钥匙。You maycan leave your luggage in the Concierge.您可以把行李放在礼宾部。Would you like to check your luggage here?您要寄存行李吗?Dont worry, your luggage will be sent up at once.别担心,您的行李很快就会送上去的。When you check out, please call NO.11and well help you with your luggage immediately.如果您要退房,请致电 11,我们将马上帮您运送行李。May I know

15、your room number? / Whats your room number, please?您能告诉我您的房间号吗?Do you mind if I put your luggage at here?我把您的行李放在这里好吗?Would you like me to call a taxi for you? / Would you want a taxi?你需要我为你叫一辆出租车吗? / 需要出租车吗?About 30 minutes by taxi from here to Airport.从这里到机场大概需要 30 分钟。Im sorry to have kept you wai

16、ting ./Sorry to have kept you waiting对不起让你久等了。Would you tell me your phone number? 您能告诉我您的电话号码吗?After you, please/ You first, please.你先请。This way, please这边请。I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。Ill send the luggage up by another lift.我乘另一部电梯把行李送上去。1、 Bellboy 行李生 A. Greeting the guest at the door 迎接客人1) Wel

17、come to Radisson blu hotel Chongqing Shapingba. 欢迎光临重庆融汇丽笙酒店。2) May I help you with your bags/luggage, sir? 我来帮您提包吧,先生?3) How many pieces of luggage do you have? 您有多少件行李?4) Ill show you to the Front Desk/ Lobby. 我来带您去前台/大堂。5) This way, please.这边请。6) There are too many people here, could you wait in

18、line for registration, please? 人挺多的,您请排队等候登记,行吗?7) Please enjoy your stay/Have a nice stay with us.祝您愉快。B. Showing guest to the room 带客进房1)Ill show you to room 1201. 我带您去 1201 房。2)Let me take your luggage, are these all yours? 我来替您提行李,这都是您的吗?3)Just a moment, please. I will bring a luggage cart. 请稍等,

19、我去推辆行李车来。4)Are these your luggage? 这些是您的行李,对吗?5)Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag/briefcase/suitcase?您的包/手提箱/皮箱里有什么贵重或易碎物品吗?6)Could you take care this bag by yourself, sir? Im afraid the contents might break. 您能提着这个包吗,先生?我怕里面的东西会摔破。C. Taking the elevator 搭乘电梯1)Here we go to the ele

20、vator. 电梯在这边。2)After you, sir. 您先请。3)This way, please. 这边请。4)Watch your step, sir. 请慢走,先生。5)Which floor, sir? 去哪一层,先生?6)Just a moment, please. The elevator will be here soon. 请稍等,电梯马上就下来了。D. Inside the room 在房内1)This is your room, after you, sir. 这是您的房间,您先请,先生。2)Where do I put your bags?/ May I put

21、your luggage here?您的包放哪?/我可以把您的包放这吗?3)Here is your room key. Is this the correct number of your bags?给您房间钥匙,您的行李件数对吗?4)Shall I open the curtains for you, sir? 我替您打开窗帘,好吗?5)Here is a brochure explaining hotel services. 这里有个小册子介绍饭店各项服务。6)If you have any question, you can dial “35”, it is Housekeeping

22、service center. 假如您有任何问题,请拨客房服务中心电话“35”。7)And if you require anything, you can call Housekeeping or the Assistant Manager. 如有问题请打电话给客房或大堂副理。8)For all inquiries just lift your telephone receiver and ask for Housekeeping service center/ Reception. 有问题的话请打电话给客房服务中心/接待处。9)Is there anything else I can do

23、 for you, sir?先生,还有什么需要服务的吗?E. Take the luggage for check-out guests 为离店客人拿行李1)Ive come for your luggage. 我来取替您取行李的。2)How many pieces of luggage do you have, sir? 先生,您有几件行李?3)May I have your room number? 能告诉我您房间号码吗?4)Ill come up to collect your bags./ Ill have somebody to collect it right away.我马上派人

24、来替您取行李。5)Could you wait a moment in your room, please? Well come at once.您能在房间里稍等会吗?我们马上来。F.Deposit the luggage 寄存行李1)What time will you pick up your luggage?您什么时候来取行李呢?2)One suitcases and two bags, right? 一个皮箱,两个包,对吗?3)Is there any valuable thing need to declare?有什么贵重物品您需要说明的吗?4)Please sign your na

25、me on the luggage tag. 请在行李牌上签上名。G.Mail service 邮寄服务1)The Mail is charged according to post offices standard.邮寄按邮局标准收费。2)Here is your in-coming fax, sir. 您的传真,先生。 (收进的传真)3)Your friend has already receive your out-going fax. 您的朋友已经收到您发出的传真了。 (发出的传真)H.Transfer the call 转接电话1)If you need outside call,

26、please dial “9” first, and then the number.要打外线的话,请先拨“9”,然后拨电话号码。2)One moment, please. 请稍等。3)Ill switch you to room 1501. 我给您转到 1501 房。4)Ill transfer your call, You hold the line, please. 我给您转,请别挂机。5)Just a moment, sir. Ill put you through. 稍等会,我替您接过去。情景对话1,客人在门口时A car stop at the gate of hotel and

27、a doorman goes forward to meet the Mr Steven,opening the door of the car for them.汽车停在了酒店门口,门童上前为 Steven 先生开车门。场景一:DoormanD:Good evening, sir and madamWelcome to Radisson blu门童D:晚上好。欢迎光临!Mr StevenS: Good eveningSteven 先生S:晚上好。D Excuse me, sir So you have got altogether four pieces of luggage?D:对不起先生

28、,您一共带了 4 件行李是吗?S Yes.D OkLeave it to me, sir. Ill take care of your luggage.D:好的,让我帮您拿吧,我会照看好行李的。S Thank youS:谢谢。D Not at all. The Reception Desk is straight aheadThis way, pleaseD:不客气先生。总台就在前面,这边请。场景二:S:Excuse me,where is the restaurant?S:对不起,请问餐厅在哪里?D:We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style

29、 restaurantWhich one do you prefer?D:我们这里有中餐厅和西餐厅,您更喜欢哪个呢?S:Id like to try some Chinese food todayS:今天我想来点中国菜。D:Is on the First floorThis way, please.D:那在一楼,这边请。S: What are the hours at the restaurant?S:几点有饭吃呢?D:Lunch 1030 amto200 pm;Dinner 500 to 900 pm D:午餐是上午 10 点半到下午 2 点,晚餐是下午 5 点到晚上 9 点。S:Thank

30、 youD: Youre welcome2,带领客人到房间BellboyB: Is this everything, sir?B:这是全部的行李吗,先生?Mr StevenS:Yes, thats everythingS:是的。B:Ok, May I have a look at your room card?B:能不能让我看下您的房卡?S:Oh, yesis 1005S:噢,好的。我住 1005 房。B:I seeNow please follow meIll show you to your room.B:好的。现在我带您去您的房间。S:Where is the Western resta

31、urant?S:西餐厅在哪呢?B:Oh, its on the Second floor. B:在二楼,先生。S:When will it open?S:什么时候开呢?B:The service time is 9:00am. To 10:00pm. B:营业时间是早上 9 点到晚上 11 点。S:OK。B:Here we are, sir. Room 1005.Let me help you to open the door.B:我们到了先生,1 005 房。让我帮您开门吧。门开后B:You first, sir. Do you mind if I put your luggage at h

32、ere?B:您先请先生,我把您的行李放在这里好吗?S:Its OK, Thank you many much,S:好的,非常感谢。B:Thats my job.How do you like this room?B:这是我们工作。房间如何呢先生?S:Its very cozyI like it very much.S:非常舒适,我很喜欢。B:Right, is there anything else I can do for you?B:还有其他需要吗?S:No, Thank you.B:OK, Good night.3,客人寄存行李Mr StevenS:I want to check my

33、luggage.S:我想要寄存我的行李。BellmanB:Certainly, sir. You can check luggage here. Please go through the formalities.B:当然可以,先生。你可以把行李寄存在这里。请您办一下寄存手续。S:No problem.S:没问题。B:May I know your room number?B:您是几号房的?S:My room number is 1005.S:1005。B:When will you take them back? Sir.B:您什么时候来取呢?S:About 30 minutes later

34、.S:大约半小时以后。B:OK, please sign your name here. B:好的,请在这里签个名。B:Keep the luggage check card, and for drawing, please show the second half of this card.B:请保存好行李寄存卡,当您来取回行李时,请出示这张卡的下半联。S:OK, thank you very much. Bye bye.B:See you. Sir.4,客人要出租车DoormanD:Would you like me to call a taxi for you?D:需要一辆的士吗?Mr

35、StevenS:Yes, thanks.S:是的。D:Where to? Sir.D:到哪里呢,先生。S:To the airport.S:到机场.D:OK, Just moment, please. D:好的,请稍等。的士叫来后D:Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. Are there four pieces in all? D:不好意思让您久等了,先生。您一共是四件行李对吗?S:Yes.S:是的。D:Let me take them to the trunk.D:让我把他们放到后备箱吧。S:OK, thank you very much.S:非常感谢。D:You are welcome.Sir.Hope to see you again.Wish you good luck.D:不客气先生.希望能再次见到您.祝您好运.


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