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1、欢迎大家访问刘文勇的公共主页 http:/ 2011 年 9 月可能考到的全科机经乐闻携尔倾情奉献2008 年 08 月 23 日 .22009 年 04 月 03 日 .82009 年 8 月 22 日 .142009 年 9 月 11 日 .192009 年 10 月 31 日 .202009 年 11 月 21 日 .222010 年 01 月 16 号 .242010 年 2 月 7 日 .292010 年 2 月 13 日 .322010 年 2 月 21 日 .332010 年 3 月 6 日 .352010 年 3 月 12 日 .412010 年 3 月 20 日 .43201

2、0 年 5 月 08 日 .462010 年 5 月 16 日 .482010 年 5 月 22 日 .512010 年 6 月 12 日 .522010 年 6 月 19 日 .562010 年 6 月 26 日 .572010 年 8 月 13 日 .612010 年 8 月 21 日 .642010 年 8 月 28 日 .672010 年 9 月 11 日 .682010 年 9 月 18 日 .712010 年 9 月 24 日 .742010 年 9 月 25 日 .75欢迎大家访问刘文勇的公共主页 http:/ 2008 年 8 月 23 日阅读1.讲工业革命时期,交通还有提高农

3、业技术对农业的影响。技术提高亩产量。更多劳力去industry 工业发展与农业,人口,发展的关系。The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the times. It bega

4、n in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world.The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. Most notably, average income and population began to exhi

5、bit unprecedented sustained growth. In the two centuries following 1800, the worlds average per capita income increased over 10-fold, while the worlds population increased over 6-fold. In the words of Nobel Prize winner Robert E. Lucas, Jr., “For the first time in history, the living standards of th

6、e masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth. . Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before.“Starting in the later part of the 18th century, there began a transition in parts of Great Britains previously manual labour and draft-animalbased economy towards m

7、achine-based manufacturing. It started with the mechanisation of the textileindustries, the development of iron-making techniques and the increased use of refined coal.4 Trade expansion was enabled by the introduction of canals, improved roads and railways.The introduction of steam power fuelled pri

8、marily by coal, wider utilisation of water wheels and powered machinery (mainly in textile manufacturing) underpinned the dramatic increases in production capacity. The development of all-metal machine tools in the first two decades of the 19th century facilitated the manufacture of more production

9、machines for manufacturing in other industries. The effects spread throughout Western Europe and North America during the 19th century, eventually affecting most of the world, a process that continues as industrialisation. The impact of this change on society was enormous.2. 好像是南美牛奶的发展,有产奶的动物,但一直没有用

10、。一篇是说 milk animal 的发展过程。3. (好像是 OG 原题)好像是天文学的一篇,Jupiter moons mass 4 times than earth.yield/Invent /conquer/ambiguous /exit /explore/.(考过的单词)3.好像是讲早期人类的 ART。其中提到游牧(HUNTING),农业,CEREMONY 与 ART 之间的关系。阅读加试欢迎大家访问刘文勇的公共主页 http:/ 1.欧洲和美国的电报,通迅系统的发展和比较2.小鸟学唱歌.听力1、一女生是健康食品 club 的主席,去找 prof 要健康食谱,还说去年 prof 搞得

11、健康饮食营养讲座 event 一般,今年不想再这样,prof 说他也没时间再搞个 event 了。叫她去他的website 上自己找资料。女主席说我有您的 permit 去使用这些资料了。prof: go ahead.(听懂了,但题目难做)2、lecture: 说一种蝉 cicada 生命周期很长,有 13 年和 17 年两种。还有产卵温度是 17.2-20 度。绝大部分时间在 soil 地下,繁殖能力很强,大量繁殖,fly 不是很高,因为数量多,所以虽然 PREDATOR 捕食,但是也吃不完,总有 SURVIVE 的。然后讲为什么生命周期是 13 年和 17 年两种,好像意思是这两个数字不容

12、易重合(大概就是最小公倍数很大),所以不会给品种之间造成激烈竞争,对大家都有好处。A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha (which was formerly included in the now invalid order Homoptera), in the superfamily Cicadoidea, with large eyes wide apart on the head and usually transparent, well-veined wings. There ar

13、e about 2,500 species of cicada around the world, and many of them remain unclassified. Cicadas live in temperate to tropical climates where they are among the most widely recognized of all insects, mainly due to their large size and unique sound. Cicadas are often colloquially called locusts,1 alth

14、ough they are unrelated to true locusts, which are a kind of grasshopper. Cicadas are related to leafhoppers and spittlebugs.Cicadas are benign to humans under normal circumstances and do not bite or sting in a true sense, but may mistake a persons arm or other part of their body for a tree or plant

15、 limb and attempt to feed.2 Cicadas have a long proboscis under their head which they insert into plant stems in order to feed on sap. It can be painful if they attempt to pierce a persons skin with it, but it is unlikely to cause other harm. It is unlikely to be a defensive reaction and is a rare o

16、ccurrence. It usually only happens when they are allowed to rest on a persons body for an extended amount of time.Cicadas can cause damage to several cultivated crops, shrubs, and trees, mainly in the form of scarring left on tree branches while the females lay their eggs deep in branches. Many peop

17、le around the world regularly eat cicadas though the female is prized for being meatier. Cicadas have also been known to be eaten in Ancient Greece, China, Malaysia, Burma, Latin America, and the Congo. Shells of cicadas are employed in the traditional medicines of China.3、心理学:讲 creative people 的 br

18、ain。为什么他们 creative。brain wave。swiss 有个prof 提出 2 个 stage, first called xxx(inspire storm),second called xxx, creative people 转换的速度快,还能从周围的环境中得到提示。欢迎大家访问刘文勇的公共主页 http:/ 4、天文学:讲 Jupiter 的形成是不是和 solar system 形成有关联。讲它的大气构成和crust 还有 core 的组成材料。用地震波测和派人造飞船测 Jupiter 的 core 构成之类的Jupiter is the fifth planet f

19、rom the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System.13 It is a gas giant with a mass slightly less than one-thousandth of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined. Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn, Uranus and Nept

20、une. Together, these four planets are sometimes referred to as the Jovian or outer planets.The planet was known by astronomers of ancient times and was associated with the mythology and religious beliefs of many cultures. The Romans named the planet after the Roman god Jupiter.14 When viewed from Ea

21、rth, Jupiter can reach an apparent magnitude of 2.94, making it on average the third-brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus. (Mars can briefly match Jupiters brightness at certain points in its orbit.)Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen with a quarter of its mass being heli

22、um; it may also have a rocky core of heavier elements. Because of its rapid rotation, Jupiters shape is that of an oblate spheroid (it possesses a slight but noticeable bulge around the equator). The outer atmosphere is visibly segregated into several bands at different latitudes, resulting in turbu

23、lence and storms along their interacting boundaries. A prominent result is the Great Red Spot, a giant storm that is known to have existed since at least the 17th century when it was first seen by telescope. Surrounding the planet is a faint planetary ring system and a powerful magnetosphere. There

24、are also at least 64 moons, including the four large moons called the Galilean moons that were first discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Ganymede, the largest of these moons, has a diameter greater than that of the planet Mercury.Jupiter has been explored on several occasions by robotic spacecraf

25、t, most notably during the early Pioneer and Voyager flyby missions and later by the Galileo orbiter. The most recent probe to visit Jupiter was the Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft in late February 2007. The probe used the gravity from Jupiter to increase its speed. Future targets for exploratio

26、n in the Jovian system include the possible ice-covered liquid ocean on the moon Europa.5、dart deco: 工艺美术运动。art deco 最早是 France 提出的。还提了一种建筑材料叫terra-cotta.它还有个杂志(是女生提出来的)它能使建筑外立面呈现不同色泽。 NYC 等都用它。欧洲也用。讲一种艺术。与装饰,建筑有关。用石头做装饰。色彩与周围环境有关。还有一种就是在建筑上做广告,。Art Deco is an eclectic artistic and design style that

27、 began in Paris in the 1920s and flourished internationally throughout the 1930s, into the World War II era. The style influenced all areas of design, including architecture and interior design, industrial 欢迎大家访问刘文勇的公共主页 http:/ design, fashion and jewelry, as well as the visual arts such as painting

28、, graphic arts and film. The term “art deco“ was first used widely in 1966, after an exhibition in Paris, Les Annes 25 sub-titled Art Deco, celebrating the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Dcoratifs et Industriels Modernes (International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts) th

29、at was the culmination of style moderne in Paris. At its best, Art Deco represented elegance, glamour, functionality and modernity.Art Decos linear symmetry was a distinct departure from the flowing asymmetrical organic curves of its predecessor style Art Nouveau; it embraced influences from many di

30、fferent styles of the early 20th century, including Neoclassical, Constructivism,Cubism, Modernism and Futurism5 and drew inspiration from ancient Egyptian and Aztec forms. Although many design movements have political or philosophical beginnings or intentions, Art Deco was purely decorative.Art Dec

31、o experienced a decline in popularity during the late 1930s and early 1940s, but had a resurgence during the 1960s with the first book on the subject by Bevis Hillier in 1968 and later an exhibition organised by him in Minneapolis in 1971. It continued with the popularization of graphic design durin

32、g the 1980s. Art Deco had a profound influence on many later artistic styles, such as Memphis and Pop art.Architectural examples survive in many different locations worldwide, in countries as diverse as China (Shanghai), the UK, Latvia, Spain, Cuba, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Argentina, Pol

33、and, Austria, Germany, Russia, Romania, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, Brazil, Colombia and the United States. In New York, the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building andRockefeller Center are among the largest and best-known examples of the style. Riga, Latvia, has the largest collect

34、ion of Art Deco buildings in Europe.Shanghai, China has the largest collection of Art deco buildings of a single city in the whole world. The Bund is famous for its well preserved buildings, such as the Peace Hotel.6.天文学:moonquake.(+) 讲跟 earthquake 的不同还有方法。7.女生选课:一女生跟 professor 对话。女生从外校转来,今年已是大四。学建筑

35、。想选prof 的一门结构课程。但是这个课只有 20 个名额。她担心会注册不上,于是提前来找prof 注册他的课程。prof 说,你要按正常手续上网注册。而且这个课程主要是给即将毕业的大 4 学生准备的。1。女生学要 MISS 选课,因为有个 PROJECT 在回原来的学校去做,找教授要EXCEPTION。因为这门课只让 20 来人选,怕选不上。 她是后转学来的学生,所以教授欢迎大家访问刘文勇的公共主页 http:/ 不让识她。最后说了半天 ,教授答应帮她 HOLD 一个名额。加试是标准的男学生 PAPER 做鸟迁徙/ 大花/那个讲 JAZZ口语Task 1Describe an old pe

36、rson (such as your grandparent or neighbor) that you respect. Explain why you admire this person, and how this person influenced you.Task 22. Some people think that attending team sports may develop childrens sense of competition. Others think that attending team sports will help children to develop

37、 their sense of cooperation. Whats your opinion?Task 3来自 school newspaper 上的通知说学校计划 cancel 取消 school bus to downtown。理由1、去 downtown 的学生太少,空载率高,很浪费资源。理由 2、学生可以坐公交。男生反对此计划 ridiculer。理由 1、平时大家课业很重 students study at day time,都没有时间去 downtown,所以白天车上很空 its empty at day time。但是到周末,都会去 shopping, cultural eve

38、nts, entertainment。但 its busy at night and weekend。理由 2、如果取消了,虽然还 still can take public city bus to downtown。Task 4.outcome bias,教授举例说他的朋友,husband there are thought to be 150,000 to 250,000 different species of moth (about ten times the number of species of butterfly), with 欢迎大家访问刘文勇的公共主页 http:/ tho

39、usands of species yet to be described. Most species of moth are nocturnal, but there are crepuscular and diurnal species.第二篇1. 生物多样性。从赤道到极低多样性渐渐减弱。里面谈到海洋里的对比不强烈,因为温差只是在上面几十米,下面都是一个样的黑和冷,所以作者认为海洋多样性不是由光照和温度产生的。另外一个问题是多食动物 generalist 和专食动物 specilist 的区别。作者是通过季节周期性变化带来食物供应量的变化,然后食物的限制造成两种动物的不同这个方面来谈的。B

40、iodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet. Biodiversity is a measure of the health of ecosystems. Biodiversity is in part a function of climate. In terrestrial habitats, tropical regions are typically rich whereas polar regions support fewer species.Rapid environmental changes typically cause mass extinctions. One estimate is that less than 1% of the species th


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