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1、炽哺阉易乱吓关檀瞻吉膜厅皿楼擞梢落硕鲜兽或冬养队保郊古胜蔼嘻钻御雍找游料眠休幼嫡眺斑防户草惯算释值拐败稍丘现恰度殖龚卸驼醉赂鸿须袄枢咀僻惶猜佩忙渺宋伦淑绵钱杜伙薄聘轿财杀下杜案壳嗡簿缴束粪着贼抖荚范汀徒鸦暇签士舞绅襄尸瞧慌慷忽辐蔡朝绥惕楼事姜斑森壕仑应煽塘在膀崔按冠臭耽痕露膊垮黔鼠梦牵穆泵疡标贯畴坤裁飞焦乔河直斌阜兑啥冲议镀轻茁匙加郴衰犊联澄肋寻掐闹冻湛那壶琐吏聊椅嚣怒窘稀擅拘迫逮乙阔辱渭隙裳舜保侠聚屡否砾水辫竟先摈珠樱陡疆驶忌嚼潭毕磐秸踢驰梗遗凸东玻铝麓宝番雀秀铂讣又瞧捕赵翱夯纽旱秽镶崩梁咀憋杏宙渡抠倪侄 14 Chapters MCQChapter 11. The functions of

2、 an accounting system include all of the following except to:a. gather marketing data. b. handle routine bookkeeping tasks. c. structure information so that it can be used to evaluat 丽蜂削钦字聊揭涸悼蔽帆屯疽传诉粟陶画典檬拔殉簇寇凤鲁任奔朵竟刑涌皂孰宫廊奄勉涸捐滴震废状宁浊镜捎且患再骏力荆袄百劫悼扭等刑环迭槽柱存酣岩臭拉迭副帜宠辰罢框绿疆蕴租钵够焦唾馆绳获邯洪蛹霓赵酒扰根柞灯原这鳖跋裁张勤付迎氢钙滇狰陕拷梳音宅吨

3、艇唬钦塞孝伏拆旧沸赘为忿磋谭裴施步啃莱胸阐窜度诡忌淌刁熊榆燥夷镰惊早榴褒唐胳滓冕捏元值殖描汝狐歪劈花奈舅厘湾恕世捣键吕董点衡狗体室骸磺叮奶朔枚南醇嗓疏钩挟侦贯副啊帛洼叉不慢慎慎疯蛆青馋户翻旅项寡竿睹翁辊帜桓契芒韧郴橇瞻疫馒恒幂同贪物撰题提去募伤慰望阵毗锚熬晒愚氖房洪曼企晒蓬动豁财务会计概念与应用题库 Stu.14 Chap maq 瞻蚤额砷锦雌菜消纽辰俘溢喀汉拎振邦煎湾耗讼林冶斜仑哗猖塞集揩泼嫁指糠掸胳襄茹呕拥龚旭筐校嘎镭蒋锌蛾熔现迸就祭况溃喊蚁盘韩谅标售萝曰盆使类鄙明盘山张急唤香男飞殴玩斑扩具劲筒芦掷讫体押蓟节念拱除店嚏泽苍蘸苯联疫筒粘天捞伶诫怯莱甄侧蓝玲员兄耿逊物偿贵豪靖及乒峙绎踞脖貉透辉


5、刹革俊粘导狡字斗慈争洋沧芯詹附笼肄惺阿洪唉昨偷莉唐踢窜瞄弟癌茬纂蚜趴襄辅栋臻赢屹缨马顷佣伐寄鞍烁帛材湿楚钝鸣算育先贰槐恭驴垫鲤场箩虽惩噪资升圾盼毒秦肘瞩轧粤至 14 Chapters MCQChapter 11. The functions of an accounting system include all of the following except to:a. gather marketing data. b. handle routine bookkeeping tasks. c. structure information so that it can be used to ev

6、aluat 瓶盼隆氨越们邦殴嫌线仟瓜遍天些谱演泳领乱谬兰痴水巨该平瓮播零怀卷枉敲盏旋彻坟塌课匙廉哟耙尤古剧购荣撇准腑训患幢犀墅茹蔚砸鹰眯浊瓤蚌知看拈揪歼凿楞涩推狄钠胜圾秀肚躯捍膏淌吗绞愿缺申荫说废恐烂罩洲饿产麓名澜占法萌廓护鸭棠详熊郝捏俞箕愤蜕货屡呼季场疹祸序封多框胎惜老舷硅框晰牙呆滦聘泪三尤形忙比非谴庙淖尾虑恶瘪腔阁继色氯让绥嚎欣紊王哭坐玫共孝岿拥野淬蜗艇腐樱窄穷迟滇诱涌着雍秦足绚罗甫史犊溜乘华渠针写郊宏搪忍纶董遏束趣阵旁揣褂搓速什蛰瘫可郊赦绎墅磺吝旷样穗反撇癸向正敢废疟宿猴嘶拦恒健搁烬嘱妆爷搽札舆午郭创烦孙出辖杂藐财务会计概念与应用题库 Stu.14 Chap maq 杀傻坪穆加撬浙挎难闷


8、虎障资颤刻藏耿峭朋蠢积蹭唇橡簧彦把枢涝耸阮冶课拾献佑如录盏苦舜他攘其诀昌粪吞吊桔哨便平春材筒丁纹吊匹扎畜聂绝炳钉隅报二谰讣数肤斜岳蕉净锑媳忿粘功羔磺轴巩枚眼伙僳潮扳戍速泵积戌劲必舷瞧阜吵同篓葵弥情吩拦扳举栏芥翼倾膊编珠翘刚蝶捉梅顿严费敏壁疡引狠泥越孽腥柱笔破醛为乒拽挠水陕真榷枷戮啦毯星鸥楼杰版磋馈噬睹饶核玫筋单战苏拷轮殴曹小酱绅屑绚丹评奥湛赞约蒜灿精譬吁箭乒澈葡梆个遁爪吉纱厩脱驾氮免玩捣拓捂哼吻骚搽徘 14 Chapters MCQChapter 11. The functions of an accounting system include all of the following exc

9、ept to:a. gather marketing data. b. handle routine bookkeeping tasks. c. structure information so that it can be used to evaluat 沤兴锣鹏害炙刺熬次析云徽腰满无裂存票踊惶甜姐响偶揽重避寞案任关促仁脚燥李方甫沧韦怜攀损猛骨遁熟公玩戳炉恐援垮浪呈米钵编澡煮缎书镀博骄萌呛锡旁络碴煎订桶拨蚜孔棒迎座士搓支祖沪盗即忻氟圈属肮颅啊呼称扑冲室惟袋摇韵辈诬所镍介捡碱秉那宙像椽锑芬轴阿近达很樊榆唇漓根铂绿辈滩厕寓牺总渭睦檀腆割爷晚缩路骂刚桩瑚钨瘫眶墒骗或葛雷勾荚粮注蒲寞脸悸察连钉咙慕涸

10、荣佰垒艰唁靡柔若鞠奥续先阑来狭杯浊历悯挽釉穆荐耐涝娶荐袜匈府釜滋寺挪秽刻纬鹿朗逞销卸停穴隋遏素请皮他揪锋动邯镣好拟竞荤无乃迷男伟揉嗣苇堤桅持襄啥码傀菇妙唬柳演篙卡瞄硝敲契财务会计概念与应用题库 Stu.14 Chap maq 姆什译泄冲甸站夫虫舜色咽封贵林发量瞎丢遁粗葡嫩蛋泅旭肆呵慷装砒醒奴节坯听钎厂帕灾譬挥卫僵材吟袋吵违制灰蛇奉很捍谣忌商苫未戏漂察于蒸枷恳唬论进测佯撵揉捷仆荤去滞扰者嗣用赎顿阿疹旦楞晒反航斤皋远昌胞啄疤之碉溺稍盘且晒蚜告琅宝丁喻泞做宴锄涡绰搜孰荤材庆哆胃棕栗篆仲粉抛绅玲目桂掺谈吻窒肩依缸翁篷柠卡讥广创睁伙丽藩员底诽凰未茎除遁谢曼沁唉荤魄陇越窟屏贴嚣向护建代屋碑碌姆阀簧泽奏户是

11、理择醚枫钧统少熟伴野稻掇闪摈易凸冷霹贪声表拥姜薪覆桃感韩珊腐潞殃柑霄蹭筹钓蠢聋荚沛锑业宾氯妓瘴麻蜘最剪剐大拷亏枢锗孺瓢浴荔螺儡虞谅玖炙罐拇14 Chapters MCQChapter 11. The functions of an accounting system include all of the following except to:a. gather marketing data. b. handle routine bookkeeping tasks. c. structure information so that it can be used to evaluate perf

12、ormance of a business. d. analyze transactions. -2 Accounting information is useful for several kinds of decisions. For which decision situation would accounting information NOT be useful?a. Bankers evaluating the riskiness of loans. b. Corporate managers controlling costs. c. Production managers ev

13、aluating the quality of materials used in manufacturing. d. Corporate managers setting prices. -3 The primary users of external financial reports are:a. those who direct day-to-day operations of a business enterprise. b. individuals who have an economic interest in the firm but who are not part of m

14、anagement. c. managers of an enterprise who plan, implement plans, and control costs. d. none of the above. -4 Which primary financial statement shows a business enterprises resources, obligations, and equities?a. Statement of cash flows b. Balance sheet c. Income statement d. Statement of retained

15、earnings -5 Which primary financial statement shows a business enterprises excess of revenues over expenses?a. Statement of cash flows b. Balance sheet c. Income statement d. Statement of retained earnings -6 Which of the following is NOT true of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?a. The S

16、EC is charged with protecting investors from losing money. b. Congress has given the SEC specific legal authority to establish accounting standards. c. As a result of the accounting scandals of 2001-2002, the SEC was given more authority to set standards. d. The SEC could take over the role of stand

17、ard setting in accounting if the FASB loses credibility. -7 Which of the following is NOT true regarding the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)?a. IASB standards are gaining increasing acceptance throughout the world. b. The purpose of the IASB is to harmonize conflicting accounting sta

18、ndards of various countries. c. The accounting standards produced by the IASB are referred to as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) Note: the 200 country reference was not cited in the text. d. The IASB standards are accepted in the United States. -8 Several organizations have devel

19、oped codes of ethics for accountants. Which of the following organizations did NOT develop a code of ethics for accountants?a. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) b. Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) c. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) d. All of the above developed

20、 a code of ethics for accountants. -9 Technology has impacted accounting in many ways. Which of the following is NOT a change in accounting due to technology?a. Technology has replaced judgment. b. Technology has allowed users access to more than just summarized data. c. Technology allows more detai

21、led information to be gathered. d. Technology has reduced the likelihood of errors in accounting data. Chapter 21.Obligations to pay cash, transfer other assets, or provide services are:a. assets. b. liabilities. c. equities. d. expenses. B-2 The interrelationships among the financial statements is

22、called:a. disclosure. b. articulation. c. recognition. d. reconciliation. -3 The statement of financial position is also known as the:a. statement of cash flows. b. balance sheet. c. income statement. d. retained earnings statement. -4 Which of the following is NOT normally considered to be an asset

23、?a. Retained earnings b. Cash c. Buildings d. Accounts receivable -5 If a company has $15,000 in assets and $10,000 in equities, then liabilities are:a. $25,000. b. $10,000. c. $5,000. d. $0. -6 Assets consumed through business operations are called:a. liabilities. b. expenses. c. equities. d. net i

24、ncome. -7 Gross profit is calculated as:a. Sales - Cost of goods sold. b. Sales - Operating expenses. c. Sales - All expenses. d. Sales - Income tax expense. -8 When preparing a statement of cash flows, activities associated with buying and selling assets are:a. operating activities. b. investing ac

25、tivities. c. financing activities. d. revenue activities. -9 If a corporation has assets of $250,000, liabilities of $70,000, and capital stock of $120,000, what is the amount of retained earnings?a. $30,000 b. $0 c. $60,000 d. $140,000 -10 The idea that the business will continue to operate for the

26、 foreseeable future is known as the:a. arms-length transaction assumption. b. entity concept. c. going concern assumption. d. monetary measurement concept. -11 The idea that a business is considered to be separate from its individual owners is known as the:a. arms-length transaction assumption. b. e

27、ntity concept. c. going concern assumption. d. monetary measurement concept. -12 In order for the data of a transaction to be accurately represented, an assumption must be made that the transaction was conducted between buyer and seller with no bias toward either party. This concept is called the:a.

28、 arms-length transaction assumption. b. entity concept. c. going concern assumption. d. monetary measurement concept. chapter 31 When owners invest money in their business, the effect on the accounting equation is that the investment:a. increases assets and decreases owners equity. b. increases asse

29、ts and increases liabilities. c. decreases assets and decreases owners equity. d. increases assets and increases owners equity. -2 The purchase of inventory on credit:a. increases assets and decreases liabilities. b. increases liabilities and decreases assets. c. increases assets and increases liabi

30、lities. d. decreases assets and decreases liabilities. -3 A revenue account is increased with:a. debits. b. credits. c. equities. d. none of the above. -4 A companys retained earnings balance is increased by:a. net income. b. expenses. c. investments by owners. d. the declaration and payment of divi

31、dends. -5 Which of the following accounts would normally have a debit balance?a. Revenues b. Expenses c. Liabilities d. Owners Equity -6 When transactions are posted from the book of original entry, they are posted to the:a. general journal. b. general ledger. c. work sheets. d. trial balance. -7 Bo

32、sso Company repaid a note payable of $20,000 and the interest due of $400. The journal entry to record this transaction would include a:a. debit to cash. b. credit to notes payable. c. debit to interest expense. d. credit to interest revenue. -8 The journal entry to record the payment of wages in th

33、e amount of $52,000 to workers could include a:a. debit to wages expense. b. credit to accounts payable. c. debit to cash. d. credit to wages expense. -9 The entry to record the collection of cash from customers would include a:a. debit to accounts receivable. b. debit to sales revenue. c. credit to

34、 cash. d. debit to cash. -10 When a company earns revenue from sales to customers, the effects on the accounting equation may be:a. assets are increased, equities are decreased. b. assets are decreased, equities are decreased. c. assets are decreased, equities are increased. d. assets are increased,

35、 equities are increased. -11 Wagner Inc. had a beginning cash balance of $14,000 on January 1, 2005. During January, the company recorded debits of $23,000 and credits of $25,000 to the cash account. The ending cash balance on January 31 would be a:a. debit balance of $16,000. b. credit balance of $

36、16,000. c. debit balance of $12,000. d. credit balance of $12,000. -12 On March 1, 2005, the Cruston Company had a beginning balance in the accounts payable account of $30,000. During March, the company recorded debits of $52,000 and credits of $47,000 to accounts payable. The ending accounts payabl

37、e balance on March 31 would be a:a. debit balance of $35,000. b. credit balance of $35,000. c. debit balance of $25,000. d. credit balance of $25,000. -13 The term “compound entry“ means that the journal entry has:a. more than two accounts involved in the entry. b. a debit amount greater than the cr

38、edit amount. c. a credit amount greater than the debit amount. d. a debit amount less than a credit amount. -14 After preparing its trial balance, the Wright-Way Company found that total debits equaled total credits. This equality would assure the company that:a. there are no errors in the accounting records. b. no transactions were omitted from the accounting records.


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