1、Chapter 9&10Motor SystemMuscular-skeletal systemP062Contents to be covered Common combining forms Muscles classified by functions (to be explained by the student) Fractures (to be explained by the student) Conditions involving muscles and bones Procedures involving muscles and bonesP062dactyl/o-vP07
2、1vGr. DaktylosvfingerP071dactyl/o-vdactylolysisv7dAkti5lClisisv 指 (趾 )脱落P071dactyl/o-vadactyliaveidAk5tiliEv=adactylismveidAk5tilismv 无指 趾 (畸形 )P071rachi/o-vGr. rachisvspine P033rachi/o-vrachicentesisv7reikisen5ti:sisvlumbar puncturev 腰椎穿刺 P033-porosisvpassage, porevosteoporosis v 7CstiEupE5rEusisv 骨质疏松(症) P033osteoporosisvWhat is it?vWho is most likely affected?vWhat are the risk factors?vHow can it be prevented?vWhat is the treatment?P033Osteoporosis vReduction in the amount of bone mass, leading to fractures after minimal trauma. - Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary 30th Edition