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1、請填寫講座前小測驗Please fill out the Pre-Test歡迎 Welcome乙型肝炎計畫 教育研討會Hepatitis B ProjectEducational SeminarExecutive Office BuildingJanuary 16, 2009Asian American Health InitiativeDepartment of Health and Human ServicesMontgomery County, Maryland概要 Overviewp 講座前小測驗 Pretestp 關於 AAHI About AAHIp 乙型肝炎計劃概要 Hepati

2、tis B Project Overviewp 什麼是乙型肝炎 ?What is Hepatitis B?p 你會得到什麼服務 ?What service will you receive?p 講座後小測驗 Posttestp 下一步 Next Steps關於 Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI)v AAHI 於 2004 年成立,是蒙哥馬利郡健康和人類服務部之下的組織。v 亞裔美國人健康促進協會 (AAHI)的任務是發展符合蒙郡各亞裔美國人族群需求的合適健康計畫。v AAHI was funded in 2004 and is a part of t

3、he Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.vThe mission is to develop appropriate health programs that meet the need of a diverse group of Asian Americans living in the County.AAHI Programsp 癌症 Cancerp 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B p 骨質疏鬆 Osteoporosis p 糖尿病 Diabetesp 戒煙 Tobacco Controlp 健康促進員計劃

4、 Health Promoters Programp 病人導航計劃 Patient Navigator Program乙型肝炎計畫背景Hepatitis B Project BackgroundvAsian American Health Initiative (AAHI)v美京華人活動中心 CCACCv乙型肝炎計畫 Projectv免費的乙型肝炎教育 ,篩檢 ,協助安排轉診以施打疫苗或接受進一步的治療 FREE Hepatitis B education, screening and referrals to vaccination or treatment v馬里 蘭州 蒙哥馬利郡年滿 1

5、8 歲 的居民 Adults over the age of 18 living in Montgomery County, Maryland v計畫開放給各種收入水準或保險狀態的成人參與,沒有門檻限制 Open to all adults regardless of income level or insurance status. 討論主題概覽An Overview of Hepatitis Bv什麼是乙型肝炎 ? What is Hepatitis B?v亞裔人口間的流行程度 Prevalence in Asian populationsv 乙 型肝炎對健康的威脅 How it thre

6、atens your healthv症狀 Symptomsv預防的方式 What you can do to prevent itv 乙 型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 的治療 Treatment for HBV什麼是乙 型肝炎 ?What is Hepatitis B?v 乙 型肝炎病毒很容易傳播,且可能導致肝臟疾病。 乙 型肝炎病毒的感染力比人類免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 高出百倍,因此,瞭解如何保護自己和家人遠離 乙 型肝炎病毒的威脅,重要性實在不可小覷。v 乙 型肝炎病毒是透過受到感染的血液及體液來傳佈,且可能導致慢性或急性 乙 型肝炎感染。 v急性感染是短期疾病,也是 乙 型肝炎最常見的型態。

7、曾經發生急性感染者就會 產 生免疫力,不會再遭到 乙 型肝炎病毒的感染。 v Hepatitis B is caused by the Hepatitis B Virus that is easily transmitted and may cause liver disease. The Hepatitis B Virus is over 100 times more infectious than HIV so it is important to learn how you can protect yourself and your family.vThe Hepatitis B Vir

8、us is passed through infected blood and bodily fluids and can cause “chronic” or “acute” Hepatitis B infection. vAcute Hepatitis B infection is a short term illness and the most common form of Hepatitis B. Individuals that previously had an acute infection are immune from being re-infected by the He

9、patitis B Virus. 什麼是乙 型肝炎 ?What is Hepatitis B?v慢性 乙 型肝炎感染是 乙 型肝炎的長期型態,也是一種嚴重的疾病,會提高發生肝癌、肝硬化 (肝臟的瘢痕 ) 及死亡的風險。v若未進行適當的監控與治療,有高達四分之一的慢性 乙 型肝炎患者會死於肝癌或肝硬化。v Chronic Hepatitis B infection is a long term form of Hepatitis B and is a serious illness that increases your risk for liver cancer, cirrhosis (sca

10、rring of the liver), and death.v When left unmonitored and untreated, up to one out of four individuals with Chronic Hepatitis B will die from liver cancer or cirrhosis.亞裔人口間的流行程度Prevalence in Asian Populationsv有十分之一的亞裔美國人罹患慢性 乙 型肝炎,而美國白人罹患同種疾病的比例只有千分之一。 v其中,華裔美國人發展成 乙 型肝炎相關肝癌的風險,比白人高出六倍。v疾病管制局建議在亞洲

11、出生者接受檢測,瞭解是否感染此高感染力的病毒。v 1 out of 10 Asian Americans has chronic Hepatitis B compared to 1 in 1000 Caucasian Americans.v Chinese Americans, in particular, have a 6 fold higher risk for developing Hepatitis B-related liver cancer than Caucasians.v The Centers for Disease Control recommends that individuals both in Asia be tested for this highly infectious virus.


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